Avatar of Balthazar007


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2 yrs ago
Current New beginnings mean an end to old starts, and that is never a bad thing.
5 yrs ago
Finger Nails or Toe Nails???
5 yrs ago


This is my second profile on here, and I have been Play-By-Post RPing for about nine years now. I do my best to see every RP to the end or at least let my character come to his/her own dramatic conclusion when I feel like signing off. Just like novel writing in real life, I tend to find myself on long hiatuses. Since writing is a great way to work out your brain, I try stay engaged as much as possible.

My favorite genres include futuristic worlds, mysteries, and super powers. Any mixture of these three elements will peek my interest.

Most Recent Posts

Not all posts have to be descriptive masterpieces right?
Knoxville, TN
December 29th, 2099

"I see ya picked Fennekin," Myra chatted to break the silence. "They're a starter Pokemon in my neck of the woods, too. Do ya have any more Pokemon?"

Reno was relieved when Myra broke the silence. He was thinking of something to say too, but luckily she beat him to it. He answered her question right away. "No, I literally became a trainer an hour ago. That was my first Pokemon battle."

Up ahead, Reno could see his bike in the parking lot. Myra's car was there too... not that he knew that yet. "I was actually headed back to my parents house for the new year when your Litwick hitched a ride. You spending New Year's with family too?"

@Zanavy Don't force yourself. Post or no post, you're good. 🙂👍
<Snipped quote by Balthazar007>

I'll have time to settle in to write an intro post tonight.

No rush, but that sounds good.
<Snipped quote by Balthazar007>

I'm settling on making Alex 35, and a year or so out of college; in essence, she'd be starting her journey as a trainer a later than would be the standard in the RP's world (mostly because she never really considered it).

Cool. So she would look around 12-13 years old and have the mental maturity of at least an 18 year old.
So, within the world of the RP, if I were to keep with my current theme of a post-graduate trainer, I'd be looking at a 35-36 year old?

School ages are a little more flexible, depending on if you started college early or not. Also, people can start college later in life, so the upper age is really up to you. That said, I'd say age 34 would be about the earliest someone would already be a college graduate (at a normal college at least, not a quick technical program). Which would be looking around 11 with the mental maturity of a 17 year old.

@Zanavy I was thinking that we can have a real conversation, in the safety of the city streets, away from this Spinarak/Ariados stomping ground.
Knoxville, TN
December 29th, 2099

The Hitchhiker Returned

The Spinarak on the left to a direct hit from both fire attacks. The damage knocked the little bug pokemon off it's webbing and onto the grass bellow. Seeing this, the other Spinarak lowered himself down to check on his friend (or sibling?). The Pokemon on the ground didn't faint, but it definitely looked scared. They both looked a little spooked in fact. Bug Pokemon really didn't like fire. And so, the two Pokemon ran away, as fast as they could.

Reno considered, for all of two seconds, trying to catch one of the Spinarak. Somehow it didn't feel right however. They seemed perfectly content with one another, and besides he could easily find another Spinarak, if he wanted. They were indigenous to forests in this area.

Then a thought hit him, and he turned to the new arrival. "Hey there, thanks for the help. I assume you're this Litwick's trainer?"

Reno listened to Myra's answer, then continued with what was on his mind, "Nice to meet you, but I think we need to get out of here, before those Spinarak come back with Ariados parents or something. How about we regroup at the Pokemon Lab? It's not far."

Sorry, just got back from a family vacation. Didn't mean too take so long.

@Darkmoon Angel Hey, I took time off, too. No worries.

Sorry that I havent posted yet, had been dealing with covid and have been out of it, but I'll try to get something together

I understand completely. Nobody needs to feel rushed. But @BladeSS4 and @Darkmoon Angel, would one of you like to claim the next go, to summarize your character's point of view for the first week of training?
@FalloutJack Nice post! You're up @Double!

@Stuzzie@Darkmoon Angel@BladeSS4
As for you three, you all still have one more post before I skip time forward. OR we can use your posts to skip the time forward??? Kill two birds with one stone... Yeah, I like that idea! It will work better for the pace at which we're posting.

So there are three weeks until the big bad shows up. Your training will be split into three phases:

Week 1: This will be the general conditioning and assessment week. You will all be doing things like climbing the mountains of the islands (These are big islands with big volcanic mountains that are inactive). And you will be sparing against one another as well.

Week 2: This will be the flight training and technique mastery week. This is where you will be introduced to basic ki control that allows you to fly (not hi-speed traveling kind of flying, but still flying). You will also use this week to improve your current special technique and/or develop a new one.

Week 3: This will be teamwork and cram week. You will all be using what you learned to fight against Lazuli and Krillin. Krillin will be wearing his (much heavier) version of the Master Roshi turtle shell, and he will be refraining from using any techniques beyond basic ki blasts. Otherwise, they won't be taking it easy on you.

Whoever wants to go first can summarize Week 1 from their character's point of view. Whoever goes second, does Week 2, and so forth. After everyone has posted, it will be my turn... and I have a special surprise in store for you all.
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