Avatar of BlueSky44


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's I'm Apart Of:

Other Places of Interest

Most Recent Posts

Marygold Isley

Marygold was kind of getting annoyed. Nina didn't trust Pietro, saying stuff about only knowing him for a month, and Guin probably wanting to argue about why he could be trusted. As usual, she was stuck in the middle of two people, and she has about had it. Unlike Nina, everyone else seemed to trust Pietro somewhat, at least no one has made a complaint about him yet, though that might be because he did save everyone's lives before he joined the X-Men. From what she knew, Nina didn't trust anyone though.

"Alright, we should strike Magneto before he completes the virus, that part is obvious," she said, and turned to look at Nina,"You may not trust Pietro, but several of us do. He saved our lives before he joined us, not after, and I don't like your lack of faith in the Professor's judgement at all. He accepted Pietro here, so he is fine with me". The fact that Nina seemed to be the only one who voiced her opinions out loud was still a little annoying. The least she could do was to just address the issue now and be done with it.

"So, with that out of the way, we need to gather everyone together. Looks like we've got work to do. We need to stop Magneto, before this virus of his is released. I'll let the Professor know though," she said as she turned her back and walked out of the lab. She was headed to his office, since she didn't know whether or not he would be talking with anyone, making her not want to bug him via his telepathy.

"Come in Allison, don't be shy," Professor Xavier said with a smile as the door opened. "Now, what seems to be the trouble?" He was fine with anyone entering, they hardly ever had to knock. He rolled his chair back behind his desk as he said this last statement, and motioned for Allison to take the other chair.

Everyone Else
You are free to continue with your current interactions, since several of you seem to all be in the same area except for those interacting with Professor X or Marygold.

Elissa Isley

Location: The Faithful Bride

Elissa liked hearing about the captain. She sounded like an interesting woman, and this would also be the first time that she had served on a ship with a woman for a captain. She was interested in the idea, and she really wanted to meet the woman. This was an interesting conversation, as Aravis' question was going to be the next one that she asked. The fact that her friend beat her to the punch made her smile a little. Clearly her friend knew what type of questions that she should ask, even though she wasn't used to sailing on a ship.

She smiled as Anastasia answered their questions. Spending several years with the captain made it so that if anyone knew about her, it would be Anastasia. That was the real reason she had asked that question, since she wondered just how much this woman knew about the captain that she worked under. Experience was key in these types of things, if people had worked for a while with one person, they would have a decent idea of who the captain was.
Lydia Weaver

Location: Outside of the Cafe

She laughed a little as she held the kitten in her arms. Lydia loved animals, and this little kitten seemed to have stolen her heart. Stroking the animal, she thought that she should probably get some food or something for the little guy. He was cute, and she kind of wanted to keep him. Lydia stood up, with the kitten, and stretched out her legs as she went. She had been sitting there for a while, and her foot seemed to have fallen asleep a little bit. When she looked up after packing up her guitar, she saw the other cat. It had something in its mouth.

"Hey, what's that you've got there little guy," she said, as she reached for it. It bolted, and she hurried a little ways after it. This cat had something that looked like an envelope of some kind, and she was interested to find out what that it was about. The red on it clearly was not a good sign, so she hurried a little bit to catch it, being careful to not hurt the small kitten, and not to startle the other cat.

I'm going to post tonight, thought I'd let you know since my counter is going to switch to Day 7 sometime this afternoon or something like that.
Daphne Pender

Location: Docks

Daphne just stood off to the side, wishing that everyone would be heading back there soon. She was getting a little bored, and she was fighting back the urge to wander off again. The docks weren't exactly the most entertaining of places, especially when all you were doing was sitting there, looking over at the ship that was now empty. She wasn't too sure as to where everyone had gone, except for Harper and Anisa anyway, and it was annoying. Though she was just going to have to deal with it.

She looked up to see a guy walking over to them, and he started asking about the ship. This probably was the guy that bought it from the looks of it, and so Daphne stood back and let Atticus deal with it. He was in charge after all, though Atticus' statement as the ship took off made her worry a little. Something made her think that if this wasn't the plan, Anisa was going to be even more pissed off. This was not going to be a great day at all if that happened, even though she herself was already going to have a hell of a time, which was going to be worse if that wasn't supposed to happen. "If they weren't supposed to take off like that, then there's going to be problems when the captain gets back," she said as she watched the ship fly away.

She looked to see a new ship landing in the spot. Daphne figured that it was probably the new ship. It was nice ship, and she was eager to get inside. The doors opened to the cargo bay, and she looked at it with a smile. Daphne just could not wait to see what this ship could do. Though she held herself back, waiting to see if Harper and Anisa came out, or if someone told her to start loading things up on the ship.
Thalia Maehers

Location: Circus
Interacting With: People in circus tent

Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse. These people were arguing, and then the one woman collapsed to the ground. Thalia had no idea what had happened. She was still new to the whole supernatural thing, and it was confusing her. Of course, her "friend" decided to remove the gag he had placed on himself. She couldn't have one thing work for her clearly. "Well, this is an interesting turn of events. Looks like you have more problems than just being stuck frozen in time," he said, she was pretty sure he was smiling, but couldn't be sure since his mask was in the way.

She ignored him and looked over at the group. Andromeda was on the ground, with a few of the others crowding around her. This was an interesting thing, but there wasn't anything that pointed to what was going on with her. Thalia was confused, or still confused anyway. She still had no idea what was going on, and it was annoying. "Hmm, maybe should I should fix what I just said. You don't have just more problems, you just have bigger problems," he said, and she looked over, glaring at him, but knew that he was probably right.

Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Circus
Interacting With: People

Things just kept on happening. First, she was ripped away from where she belonged and thrown in with the circus. Then she was told that she had not only been ripped away from that place, but that she also had been ripped from her own place in time, which she still didn't fully believe. Finally, everyone started yelling and the one woman collapsed to the ground. That was messed up, and a few people rushed over to her. Kat walked over too, though she stayed back a little ways.

She looked over at them, and thought that this was crazy. The old woman was talking about unholy power, and she started thinking of anything that could cause that. Unfortunately, there were way too many to narrow down without more information, and this revelation frustrated her. She felt like she should know this easily, but did not like how she was unable to come up with the answer. It was annoying, but she was just going to have to deal with it.

I'm not going to be able to get the post up tonight, and since you guys are on day 6 or 7, you will have an extra 2 days to get your post out. So don't worry too much about it right now.
Lydia Weaver

Location: Outside of the Cafe

She looked down and laughed a little at the kitten by her leg. It was so small, it looked like just moving her leg could hurt it. She has always had a soft spot for animals, small baby ones in particular. Lydia was looking at it, and moved her guitar slightly to the side so she could see it better. It was tiny, and so young, it made her wonder where its mother was, or whether it had been abandoned. She like the little thing, and started to wonder if she might be able to get someone to take care of it, since she wasn't sure how her family would react if she brought it home.

Lydia looked up in time to see the biker guy leaving the cafe. It was obvious that he was not happy, and she had to suppress a giggle as she noticed the stain on his pants. That probably had an interesting story to go along with it, but she knew better than to ask. When the kitten started freaking out, she reached down to it."Hey there, don't worry. The big mean guy is leaving, don't be afraid. He probably won't bother you again," she said to it, not sure if it could understand her.

Elissa Isley

Location: The Faithful Bride

Elissa smiled again and gave a little wave to the two women as she followed Anastasia out of the room. She started to wonder just who the Captain of the ship. After all her time at sea, Elissa had learned that each ship Captain was different, and to constantly be prepared to interact with any personality. They each ran their ship using different techniques, some were a lot harsher, while others were more forgiving and could be trusted upon with secrets.

The walk to the docks gave Elissa a chance to talk to Anastasia about it, but she decided to lead into her other questions with a more simple one."How long haffe you zerffed vith zee Cabtain? she asked as they walked out down the street. Thought that she might as well ask that, since some Captains have crews that have been together for years, while others had just formed. Her curiosity was hard to contain, but she managed to keep herself calm as she asked her question.
Daphne Pender

Location: Docks

She moved the last of the crates when she saw Atticus come back. She got out cargo area so that he could lock up the ship entirely. That was the last thing she wanted, to be locked on that ship when it was hauled away by its new owner. That would be an interesting experience, but she couldn't leave the crew behind. She preferred them over random stranger, even though she disliked a few of them and Anisa was not a woman that you wanted to have mad at you. Of course, Anisa was mad at her, so she could say that definitely from experience.

She just stood off to the side, choosing to ignore Atticus and Jahosafat, since she didn't really care for the two, and she didn't want to really talk to them. All there was to do was to wait until everyone got back. Daphne was curious as to what the new ship would be like, and she started to imagine what type of ship it would be. She was pretty sure it probably wasn't going to be like Vengeance, she kind of missed the old bucket of bolts, but she was fine with any ship. It didn't matter to her, as long as it could get airborne and survive a possible crash landing.
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