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5 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's I'm Apart Of:

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Most Recent Posts

Demetria Clarke and Andrew Rossi

Location: Mojo's Lab -> Hallway
Skills: Medical Knowledge, Cryokinesis, Projectile Weapons

"If you actually listened to what I said Watts you'd know that there isn't anything we can do about it here!" Sapphire snapped back at him, clearly annoyed with him at this point. Since now it was getting to the point where Watts seemed to be twisting her words around, since in their current situation, they couldn't do anything to help Andrew out and she had said that only a few minutes before! However it might be in her best interest to stop arguing considering the fact that Watts then proceeded to rip out the hearts of the remaining guards. Uh oh, this is starting to look bad, she couldn't help but think to herself before she turned her attention towards Arthur.

"Don't worry about it, now hold still," she said simply to Arthur as she walked over and put her hand over his injury (damn the guy had abs) and proceeded to ice it over. It wasn't the best treatment method, but considering the fact that they didn't have anything better and it was a blaster injury of sorts so it was more of a serious burn then anything else, it was better then nothing. She then walked over and did the same for Evelyn's injuries, before glancing down the hallway somewhat. "Alright, now can we move on already?"

As if right on cue, 3 more soldiers came around the corner, and instantly started firing off shots. Before Sapphire had a chance to throw up a shield, one of the shots slammed into her shoulder knocking her backwards, another shot slammed into Belladonna's arm, and one more just barely grazed by Watts. The other shots went majorly wide (maybe they are really Storm Troopers, Mojo likes TV shows and movies, so maybe they are? It would explain how they look and their weapons. Before Sapphire could throw ice towards them, someone from behind them fired off a blaster, knocking down all 3 of them. Whirling around, she was surprised to see that Andrew had picked up one of the blasters from the dead Storm Troopers and had fired it off.

"You do realize that I can understand you right?" he responded, his words were a bit slow though, as he spoke, as if he had to somewhat think about every word to ensure that it wasn't complete and total gibberish. "...So stop acting like I can't exactly do anything... That would be somewhat appreciated..."

"Yeah well sorry when you were just talking gibberish for the past who knows how long, I honestly lost track of time."

"...Not my fault..."

There was the sound of footsteps farther down the hallway, but this time they were accompanied by voices, and the voices were easily recognizable as the footsteps rounded around the corner. "Well now, isn't this a lovely surprise. Thought you all would have gotten yourselves killed by now," Madelyne Pryor said, as she looked at the group with a smirk as the others rounded the corner, and they'd be able to see the Mastermind Sisters as well as Lady Deathstrike.

"Well I mean... At least if they are still alive we can deal with them personally you know," the woman who they had known as Rae Gardner spoke with a bit of a laugh.

"That, you are correct Regan," Pryor said, before the group ended up getting thrown backwards down the hallway a bit. Watts being towards the front of the group got thrown backwards and end up being knocked into Evelyn, and they both ended up on the ground from the collision. Belladonna just got thrown backwards with enough force to just slam into the floor, as did both Casey and Andrew. Sapphire meanwhile ended up getting thrown backwards into Arthur, and they both fell to the ground in a bit of a heap.

"Oops, sorry," Sapphire said, before she instantly scrambled back to her feet and offered her hand to help Arthur up. "That was seriously annoying..." she said, wincing slightly, as she had yet to fix her own shoulder injury even remotely, the collision had sent a shot of pain through her shoulder. Arthur's injury from before would still be hurting, but luckily the ice that Sapphire had put over it seemed to be helping somewhat, so it could have been worse.

"How about we see about dealing with them quickly and getting out of here yes?" Lady Deathstrike said as she held up her hands and they extended into the adamantium claws that she has.

Location: The Galley - the Atrium
Skills: N/A

"...Eh, killing people doesn't seem like such a bad thing if needed," Zari said with a shrug, looking over at the others as they talked about it. She wasn't entirely sure why she seemed to be perfectly fine with the idea, but the idea of being able to watch a body decompose or something like that sounded like an interesting idea. Or maybe she'd be able to see what their internal organs looked like? She wasn't sure, but just thinking about that sort of thing made her even more comfortable with the idea of killing someone.

"...Maybe, who knows? You'd be surprised what sort of uses you can find for things," she said with a shrug as she got up and headed out of the Galley and to the Atrium, as she heard people going on about needing a screwdriver or something as she walked over and looked at what it was that they wanted to open. "I'll be right back," she said to the others, before she took off out of the room at a run and went back to the Galley and the machine. "Okay... Let's see what we can do here..." she muttered as she started messing with the machine again, making two items from the machine. One was a tool that they'd need to open the thingy up, and the other was something else that might be useful, a flashlight. "I now dub thee as Glowstick," she said, talking to the flashlight for a moment before she raced back to the Atrium.

Heading back to where the grate was, she pulled out the specialized tool that she had made and went to see about opening up the grate. "Righty tighty lefty loosey..." she muttered to herself as she turned it to the left, trying to open it up, but it didn't seem to be working very well at the moment, even though she knew that the tool was right for the job, "Damn it why isn't this working?" she said out loud, looking at the tool in her hand.

Jack Gold

Location: Maleficent's Apartment
Skills: N/A

"Not sure if it would be a good idea to keep that book Meg... Especially if Maleficent does keep track of stuff? For all we know she could have a tracker or something on that book, but eh, it's your choice," he said to his sister, mainly because of the fact that Tinker Bell and Isabella were there. However if she did leave the book behind he would share the book that he had swiped from her massive collection of books. Since he figured that more then a few people might frown upon stealing from a crazy murderous witch who clearly wants them all dead no matter what.

He followed after the others, saying nothing else until Isabella asked about him hating Tinker Bell. "Well she talks to us for the most part like we're children, and is a bit of a stuck up bitch if you ask me, so why should I like her again?" he whispered back to her as they walked along towards the elevator. The plans quickly changed however as they soon ended up towards the stairwell instead as someone was coming to the top floor right now or something. He ducked into the stairway, waiting for the others, but he was somewhat curious as to who was there and if it was Maleficent herself or perhaps someone else.

Rosalia Rider

Location: Merlin's Warehouse
Skills: N/A

She listened as the others in the room continued to talk about the craziness that was that day. Of course one girl was being a bit of a prick or something, she was mentally trying to find the right word for her but was having a hard time with it. Was a know it all suck up bitch too much? Eh, maybe, but she didn't really care at the moment regarding her. All she knew was that she wanted to beat the crap out of her and wanted her to stay far faaaaar away from her. That seemed simple enough, just ignore her existence and everything would go well right? However she did feel the need to actually let her know exactly why she was there.

"Well if you must know why I came here it's because someone came after me at my apartment or whatever. Of course there is this nifty thing called a fire escape that apparently the guy had never used one before as he was worse at a chase sequence then the Three freaking Stooges. But that's the main reason I came, since someone seemed to be after me, but not like you care in your happy little world that is your small brain. Oh, did I just say that out loud? I'm sooooooo sorry," Rosa said to Cassiopeia, adding the last part with a key hint of sarcasm.

Location: George Washington University
Skills Cryokinesis, Ice Attacks, Hand to Hand Combat

Her hair started to shift to be completely white at this point and she just shook her head at Watts, "Sounds like you're getting slow in your old age old man," Sapphire said with a smirk, though it was clear that she was joking. When Leda popped up, she was more then a bit surprised to see that the girl had super powers apparently, and that she just took off into the air. "...This can't be good... Nope not at all..." she said, before her attention was drawn by Watts going on a bit of a rant before telling her that they needed to get out of there.

"Come along Mercury, we've got to see about saving the day, just like old times," Sapphire said with bit of a smile as she grabbed his arm and created an ice slide, dragging him along with her, even though she figured he'd want her to bring him along with her. "Hey listen, once this chaos is over I need to talk to you, okay?" she added as she directed the slide out the door and towards the carnage.

"If we get my kid out of here in one piece, I'll buy you a fucking steak dinner," Watts growled. "She went through terrigenesis and thinks she's invincible, the stubborn little shit."

"Wow Watts... So nice... But I am being serious about it, it's kind of important, but you know I'll do the best that I can to get Leda out of there right? This area is not the place for anyone with powers, you have not seen some of the things that go on around here, and like hell I'd let a kid deal with that!"

"Of course I know, damn it! If the serum wouldn't kill me, I'd be using it right now and ripping the hearts out of everyone here... Things are different in England, better there, but Leda wanted to come and I can't say no to my little princess."

"Yeah well... Things are a bit worse then you might think, try to be with the group I'm with where you see the worst of it every day... You remember when OMEN was still around? Try getting caught and end up stuck in one of their labs, things have majorly changed since I last saw you," she responded softly as the slide touched down on the ground near the chaos, and Sapphire instantly had a rush of cold air surround her as she charged right into the fray and managed to at least somewhat Popsicle the Purifiers surrounding Waverly and Leda, and pulled Leda to her feet, freeing her as she put a hand to her injury and managed to more or less stop the bleeding.

"Hey Leda, remember me? We've met once or twice, I'm a friend of your dad's, listen do you want to help out or what? I need you to get her," she said, nodding towards Waverly, "Out of here, and find your dad okay? That injury needs to be treated better then my sloppy patch up job, okay?'

"My dad doesn't have friends," Leda said quietly. Unlike her father, she had a British accent.

"He thinks that, but trust me, he does whether he wants to accept it or not is up to him."

Location: George Washington University
Skills Technopathy, Sword Fighting

Zari was a bit surprised when her plan seemed to work or something, and the fact that someone had somehow gotten in front of her and protected her from Mr. Stabby Stabberson's attacks. "Who are you?" Zarina asked Veil, really confused as to who the hell she was. Her mind went to Mr. Jaws, as she picked up the head again, and then threw him at a nearby Purifier, missing, but with her abilities she managed to curve the robotic head around as it's mouth opened up, and managed to bite the guy in a not so nice spot, in the crotch. She then proceeded to charge at the guy and whirled her sword around, disarming the guy and knocking him down, before she simply stabbed the guy with the sword, twisted it, and pulled it out again, killing the Purifier as blood dripped from her sword.

"...The Valkyrie don't back down from fights... Especially not when others who are innocent could end up hurting if I didn't. Nope, I'm not going to back down, this place is really weird, and people were attacking me first, so who am I to back down from a challenge?" she mused, before she picked up the robotic head again. "What do you say Mr. Jaws? Should we teach these guys to not mess with us?" she said, before she threw the robotic head once more, and this time the head ripped open the throat of another Purifier.

Location: Mutant Friendly Clinic
Skills N/A

"Woooooooow Rookie you are so nice to meeeeeeeeeee," Jack said, the way he sort of was sounding was a bit weird, since he was more then a little bit loopy because of his illness. He wasn't doing the best from the disease, but that didn't seem to matter, since he still was wanting to protect everyone that he could no matter what, even if he was coughing up blood or something like that. Nothing made much sense as a few people seemed interested in talking about Casper having to have something removed while at this clinic.

He glanced over at the doctor who came into the room and spoke to the group, and he let most of the others do the talking, since knowing his luck he'd puke up blood or something if he opened his mouth again, but he didn't care at this point. "Anything you can do would be appreciated, and helpful..." he managed to say her direction as the doctor left the room to try and get some meds or whatever it was to help them out. "Of course Casper can't have the good stuff... Not even sure I want any of that, but anything would be better then this crappy feeling..."

Location: Hanger
Skills: N/A

"Look, I know what I'm doing whether you think I do or not okay?" Sparky said, calming down slightly as she looked over at Doctor Strange. She for the first time in what felt like forever at this point was starting to feel incredibly better, maybe it was from her finding the dagger? Who knew, she certainly didn't, since she didn't even understand how the disease even worked out. Right now Sparky really just wanted to hit something, or someone, and if Strange didn't shut up about her having the dagger it would make him seem like a viable target.

Glancing over towards the others as they spoke about the plan and what they were going to do, and she nodded her head again at Cass as she spoke about her coming along. "I'm coming along whether you wanted me to or not, I want to hit something, so directing that desire to beat someone up towards a good cause sounds like a fantastic idea to me, so what are we waiting for?" she said instantly, but she was really wanting to go mess with the LMD. That sort of tech was incredible in her mind, and the fact that she only had been told if she was up to it she could still tag along did not make her feel any better. It started making her question her own qualifications on the team, sure, she was sick, but that hadn't stopped Cass from doing anything, and now she was more or less being pushed to the side almost regarding it. Robotics were her thing, so why wasn't she asked to go deal with it? At the moment she was more or less hiding what was going through her head, but it was getting to be a little bit difficult.

Location: Hangar
Skills: N/A

Flynn was just listening to the ideas that were more or less bouncing around the group about what they could do with the entire situation, especially considering the fact that Oliver had apparently major daddy issues and had a guy who was probably the worst person who could be a father, for a father. This coming from the guy who had a mutant terrorist for a father, which was saying something. Bonnie's idea was sound, using an android of some sort to stand in for Oliver and make Thanos believe that he had won and had managed to kill off his son. That would keep Oliver not dead and maybe get Thanos to go away!

"Sounds like a plan to me, and blowing something up to leave no trace won't be that hard, a few explosive arrows, maybe the robot gets caught in a fireball or something, who knows. Considering what all we saw from Thanos and his group, it shouldn't be that hard to get the thing to blow up without a trace. Hard part is going to get Thanos to believe it... It's a small gamble, but hey, not like we haven't done crazy things before," Flynn spoke up, giving Bonnie a slight smile as Cass started directing people to do things, and the only order really given towards him was the whole gear up thing. He just shrugged, saying nothing else really to what was going on.

Klara Blake

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Floor Twenty-One -> Floor Five
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, figuring out a weapon for you definitely would be the best, weapons are always fun to look through, and some of the stuff that they have there is amazing!" Klara said with a giggle as she followed the other two off to the elevator, and down to the fifth floor where the shop area was located. There were a whole bunch of weapons to choose from, and Klara went to glance over towards the swords and other blades before she noticed Runa picking up a staff and started whirling around. That sort of caught her attention as she turned to look fully at Runa and she clapped her hands happily.

"That was so cool Runa! You'll definitely fit in here if you already know how to use a weapon of some kind. When I first got here I had no idea how to use a weapon properly, not even the knife that I used when I was killed I only had used to help my mother with cutting up foods, I had no idea how to use it correctly. But that is so cool!" she said with a smile as she looked over at Elizabeth. "Yeah, I'm with Nadia on that one Elizabeth, you should probably be a bit more careful with that. But wow that looks cool, it's amazing!" she said to her with a smile.

Janelle Gauger

Location: On the road
Skills: N/A

Janelle was glad that the remaining centaurs were gone, and she shifted her bo staff back into her standard cane to allow her more easily move about. She turned her head towards the direction of the voices of the others, and just shrugged slightly. "I mean, you 'ave to learn to do de best dat you can wit what you 'ave. I can't see, so I 'ave to trust my other senses to deal wit movin around, it's nothin special really, joehst a standard din for me," she said simply as the others complimented what she had managed to do. To her it wasn't a big deal, after all, it was just something she dealt with normally.

When she heard that they could get back on the bus, she spoke up again, "Let's get goin den, no time like de present to get back ahn track fahr de quest. it's gonna be a bet o' a long ride stell if we 'ave to swetch to a different bus," Janelle said to them before she headed back onto the bus and took a seat by Kristin. "So... That was fun to deal with wasn't it?" she said towards her, not really too sure what else to really say regarding the situation and just hoping that they could get on with the quest and move on from the centaur attack.

Marygold Isley

Location: Flying Ship - Wheelhouse
Skills: N/A

"Honestly at this point Leda I'd probably prefer Zeke's company to this idiot," Mary called after her friend as she left the wheelhouse to go see about sparring with Kiera. The fact that Leda clearly had a thing for Kiera definitely made everything even more hilarious as she watched them go off. Turning towards Demetri and his comments about redheads, she rolled her eyes at him, "As for the red head comment you would definitely be surprised, and if you want to make that comment again I'll see about knocking you out cold without a care in the world, so how about you stop being a bit rude about it?"

"Yeah, you need to have some sort of rainbow or whatever in order to pull that off, though I can understand the wanting to know how they're doing. But I mean, we can't exactly do anything right now and interrupting Kiera and Leda right now I doubt would be a good idea," Mary said, shaking her head slightly as Demetri also made a comment about everyone being related. "Yeah, please don't mention all of that, since otherwise there would be a lot of incest or something like that," she added to what Alannah said making a bit of a face as she took to Alannah's suggestion and headed outside to keep watch out there.

Jason Gauger

Location: Flying Ship - The Galley
Skills: N/A

He was somewhat glad that Lauryn agreed with his thoughts relating to the entire thing that Rebecca had mentioned about altering the memories of the kids. It was nice that someone had flat out agreed with him on the subject, since there were so many things that could go wrong regarding that, not just Arthur and Andy getting their memories back later on, but they'd probably ask about Mona the instant they got back to camp, and then having them find out the truth then. It just was not going to work out at all, no matter what people thought about it. At least Rebecca seemed to be understanding the issue of sorts with that whole idea.

After Lauryn left he listened to Rebecca's words as she more or less somewhat explained things about her mother Hecate and how things sort of worked regarding Camp Half-Blood in relation to the more minor gods. "I'll be 'onest... Dat kind o' sounds weird, dat de minor gods don't get de same recognition as de main ahnes. Or at least dedn't as you said. Dat whole din wit wantin people to fahrge their own paths makes sense too, boeht den again if dat was de case she prahbably wouldn't quite just kell someone right ahff de bat like dat, though I totally get de whole din dat dat girl kend o' insulted a goddess to 'er face. Dat's kind o' just suicide," he said, before he glanced over at Andy and Arthur as the pair came back into the Galley, falling silent.

Lance shrugged slightly at Carolina's question, "I mean Guin's the one who always got into trouble. Her first day in public school she managed to get herself a detention in about 5 minutes, so that's something," he responded to her, before his attention was drawn away by what was going on. "And to think that we all thought we'd probably get one day without problems or anything, that's fun," he commented, walking over towards Guin a bit.

Mary perked up somewhat hearing the chaos that seemed to be ensuing relating to the whole Magneto might have shown up to crash the wedding thing. "Of course he's going to make an appearance, what sort of lives do we have if there wasn't essentially one moment where Magneto didn't really decide to show his face, nope. That would be way too simple and the world wouldn't be laughing at us..." Mary muttered as she turned to look in the direction of the chaos.

"Yeah, putting the game on hold since we have to deal with someone whose uninvited..." Mira said softly to the others, setting her cards face down as she stood up from the table, glancing over at what was going on. This wasn't going to be an easy thing to deal with, at all. Then again, she supposed that Magneto was pretty dumb to show up here, since you had the entire Avengers roster as well as the X-Men, so why would he decide that he could just show up like that was beyond her.

"To be fair I didn't bring him along, pretty sure he followed me," a voice spoke up from somewhere near where Tony and Rhodey were, and it seemed to be coming from a table.

Tony glanced around the area by him, before he eventually just spoke up, glancing over at a seemingly empty chair, "Does that really surprise you Mandy?"

"No it doesn't," her voice said before she appeared sitting in a chair with a glass of wine in her hand, "I mean it is sort of what he does a little bit isn't it?"

"Just a little bit."

"Yeah well I still didn't expect him to see about tagging along Tony!"

Lance was a bit confused as to what was going on with Tony and the random woman who popped up, but that didn't really matter since most of the normal people around couldn't actually see too well to notice who it was that was the shadowy figure in the darkness. Instead of doing nothing, a ball of light appeared in his hand and he flicked it in that direction, and soon everyone would be able to see that it was indeed Magneto who was there.

Wanda stared at the shadowy figure, her expression hardening. She still loved her father - yet she could see his character more clearly now than before. He was proud, a champion of mutant kind, a leader; he was cruel, an abusive parent, a villain. He never really cared for her or her siblings - he only wanted to use them to further his own goals. She felt now that if asked to pick between a world ruled by mutants and the lives of her and her brother, he would not hesitate to favor the former. "If you came here for a fight, I won't hold back... Father."

"I'm with Wanda on this one, get out of here," Pierto spoke up somewhat, though to Guin at the least would notice that he was kind of panicking and likely was working hard to keep his voice steady.

"Oh please, there is no need for that. I am not here for fighting. Can't I just come to my own son's wedding?" Magneto said simply as he walked calmly towards the group.

"...I mean you kind of have never cared in the past so yeah, bit surprising," Pietro muttered under his breath to Guin.

Location: The Great Hall - Ravenclaw Table
Magic: N/A

When the time came, Zelda went down to the Great Hall with the rest of her house, though she did somewhat stick by her Quidditch team, since really they were the only friends she actually had in Ravenclaw House. Though that was perfectly fine with her, she couldn't stand anyone who really resembled her sister's personality or mind set at all, and unfortunately Ravenclaw house was full of them it seemed like. Take Mary for example, she had actually called her a name that she used quite a bit to refer to April, Little Ms. Perfect. It was something that bugged her a lot and definitely one of the reasons she would never be friends with Mary.

Once in the Great Hall, she took a seat with the rest of her Quidditch team, finding a spot next to Andre as the sorting took place, and she was fairly glad that she wasn't a prefect having to deal with teaching the first years where everything was. That sort of thing just wasn't what she wanted to do with her time, she just preferred to be by herself, either that or out on the Quidditch Pitch with the rest of the team. Dumbledore introduced the new DADA teacher before the food appeared. "Huh, wandless magic? Sounds like it'll be fun..." she said, not really talking to anyone in particular. She didn't know all too much about it aside from the fact that it was incredibly difficult and most European witches and wizards couldn't do it, her parents included. It also meant that her sister April couldn't do it, so that definitely piqued her interest, as it would mean that she would learn something that her sister didn't know.

She fell silent (as usual) as she put some food on her plate and started eating, glad that for the moment things seemed to be going back to normal around Hogwarts. Of course her mind started to wander a bit towards the meeting with Dumbledore, and she kind of wanted to talk to Paige about it more, but here lied the problem of having a friend in a different house, it made it difficult to talk to them about something somewhat secretive.

Location: George Washington University: Lisner Auditorium
Skills N/A

"Oh please, anyone who has been within 10 feet of Watts could tell you that. He's got a major ego, but unfortunately he's got a brilliant mind to back it up..." she whispered to Veil. She was in her more or less standard "disguise" of sorts, her normal brown hair and hazel eyes as opposed to the bright white and blue. Hearing the conversation and what was going on, Sapphire had a bit of a crazy idea. It would let Watts know that she was there (and probably wanted to talk to him) and would help her to blend in somewhat anyway. "I'll be right back..." she said to the others as she got up from her seat and hurried along out to the main staircase, and headed down to where the microphone was, as well as the line of 10 people ahead of her. She decided to try and get the attention as she didn't really care about whether or not there was a line. "Excuse me Dr. Watts! I have a question!" she called out as she ended up getting the microphone so that she could address the pair.

"Can I first start off by saying it is totally an honor to be here in front of you, your work is amazing. I also agree with you on what you said regarding what Dr. Hansen said, and might I point out Dr. Hansen that things that work on normal humans from my understanding don't always work on mutants, it depends on the person, and trying to just throw something out there that you are advertising as a sort cure almost without having any sort of real hard evidence for the group it's meant to help, that kind of goes against the way science typically is done if I remember correctly... Oh, I'm Marissa Clarkson by the way," she said, sort of rambling a little bit, slipping in a compliment to Watts while also somewhat going against what Hansen was saying. She hoped that Watts would go along with her little lie regarding her name. "So Dr. Watts I was wondering, what do you think needs to happen in order to effectively fight against M-Pox? What sort of solution do you propose if you don't mind me asking."

"Marissa, at AIM we have been conducting tests of Extremis on mutants. The results are unpublished, but we have been successful in regrowing limbs and repairing scar tissue. There's no reason the science couldn't work for M-Pox or the elimination of the X-gene," Dr. Hansen butted in. It was, after all, her panel.

"I'm sorry, are you Dr. Watts? No? I didn't think so. What we need to fight M-Pox is to understand M-Pox. This disease is less than a week old. We need to have rigorous experiments and tests to characterize it first, to understand how M-Pox is operating before we can even begin to think of a cure. The longer we put off running these simple, important tests, the more lives will be lost."

"That does make some sense I suppose," she started to say, before there was suddenly the loud blaring of the fire and emergency alarms blasting throughout the auditorium. She glanced back towards the others in the audience, and then thought to hell with it. If there was actually a fire or something her powers would probably be fairly useful, and she knew someone else who could be helpful. Instead of heading to the exit doors instead Sapphire went right up to the stage and looked right at Watts, her eyes shifting to the familiar ice blue. "Hey Watts, I know you're retired and all, but mind helping out a little it, superspeed would be so helpful right now, so please tell me you actually still carry your damn fancy serum around. Since don't you find it a bit odd that you all are having this talk about M-Pox and mutants and whatever and suddenly the alarm starts blaring? Or is it just me. So you gonna help out or not?"

Location: George Washington University
Skills Technopathy, Hacking

Zari was startled when the guy with a knife throw had managed to disarm her, knocking her sword Glowstick off to the side. Now this was definitely not a good thing. Never losing your weapon in a fight was practically rule number one when it came to how the world worked, which didn't really help out all too much that she seemed to be breaking it. Glancing over at the guy, and over at her sword she instantly darted for it, when suddenly she heard the sounds of knives being thrown at her, and she barely managed to roll out of the way and avoided them, snatching her sword back up in her hand as she reached into her pocket and pulled out the cell phone that she had with her.

She knew it was a bad idea to take her eyes off of her opponent, but she also was seriously starting to wonder if she truly could win this fight. Her next best option was to try and blast the alarms and get as many people in the area as possible and maybe slip off into the crowd if she was lucky. Tapping away rather quickly, as well as aided by her powers, she managed to pull it off, as the sounds started blaring throughout the university. The noise was rather loud, and not really something she was entirely used to. Hopefully more people would enter the area to let her slip away maybe.

That's when she noticed the cops show up and have their guns pointed at Mr. Stabby Stabberson, and she had more then a bit confused look on her face. Who were they? And why were they here? Where she grew up, there wasn't a semblance of law enforcement, you just had to be the person who punched harder. "...Uh, who are you? I'm confused..." she said softly towards them.

Location: Mutant Friendly Clinic
Skills N/A

Things were like hell it seemed like, at least when it came to dealing with M-Pox. The past few months hadn't been too eventful, aside from him giving Sunshine a set of bow and arrows for Christmas, and Max deciding to rejoin the Underground. "Purifiers could be anywhere you know, but why should that stop us from living Rookie," Jack said towards her, his head was pounding and he was fairly dizzy as they reached the Mutant Friendly Clinic. Of course, it was no surprise to him that Casper had been here before, since his brother was (at least hopefully it was past tense) a drug addict, so it probably was pretty frequently.

He went with them to the back area of the clinic and he took a seat in a chair, managing to do so without falling to the ground, just barely though. Unfortunately he had one of the more severe cases, and that made it difficult to walk around or even really move. "You know this place isn't so bad you know, could be worse, could have people not even willing to help us out at all," his words were a bit slurred as he wasn't exactly thinking straight, hopefully the doctors at the clinic would be able to help out. Otherwise hopefully things wouldn't take a drastic turn for the worst. "Be nice Sunshine, insulting people never ends well you know..."
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