Avatar of BrokenPromise


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1 yr ago
The virgin "My post was so bad it killed the RP!" VS the chad "My post was so good it concluded the RP."



Did you know that Dante's inferno is called a divine comedy because things work out for the protagonist? Back in the day, the only two genres were comedy and drama. The only difference was that in a comedy, the protagonist is better off at the end, and a drama is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.

Broken Promise, BP, Boss

Old enough to know better, too young to care. (that is to say 30's)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to make my own, but will occasionally join something if it looks interesting. I'll join just about anything so long as it isn’t overly edgy/sweet, though it's rare for me to do. I don't do 1x1s too often either.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to befriend or proper assholes everyone wants to stay away from. I try not to play moral paragons or prime evils.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the off topic sections has seen me find an excuse to talk about Danganronpa: Tower of Carnage. It's a project that took over 4 years to complete and I feel pride not only for myself but all the wonderful people who helped make it enjoyable during its run. Re: Zero: The High Council Is technically my first, but it was just something I kind of took over and ended up ending the story after just six months. It finished, but eh...

Last RP I finished was Symphony of Espers which turned out pretty good.

RP's in progress:
For some reason I can't seem to stay away from Ari's magical girl RP, even if I'm not sure why I'm still in it.

As for my own projects, I'm doing Symphony on High to continue the gigachad adventures of the espers in Pax Septimus.

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are a few 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences.

And then there's that london magical girl RP, and that dark magical girl RP. I think I'm done joining magical girl RPs for a while.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me. I like channels like Tier Zoo and Daryl Talks Games, and I’ll also watch things like Critical Drinker or Literature Devil to deepen my understanding of story telling. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching stuff like Sseth, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

Painting Minis
I do this in moderation. Otherwise, it's a pretty expensive hobby to start...

I listen to everything, save most country/rap songs. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about writing well and having a good time.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts

In Contest Mod. 4 yrs ago Forum: News

Make the contest section swole again.

@Majoras End So something I've started doing on the discord is commenting on people's posts after I read them. And it felt silly to leave you out of it, so when I read one of yours, I'll post my thoughts here.

I like Anaya's bit. Even though "casts buff on allies" isn't much on its own, it actually feels like we're building to something with all the puppets and spirits dancing around. I wonder if Celia will be able to keep up with viper. She was invisible at the time, but who knows what absolute direction can do?

Also oof for Elvira. Eliza just lost part of her coven. I don't envy what's going to happen to that girl.

Also [@everyone at the Cindy/Beacon/Hilaria/Aighorost Fiesta] If it's not an inconvenience, I would like to be the first person to post after Ari's update. :)
@FamishedPants@Mateotis@Majoras End woooweeeee, last of the tower climbing posts is up! Boo ya! Fuck yea! etc etc.

Alright children, we're pretty close to the end now. Since everyone like collaborating so much, here's how things will progress from here...

I'm going to make one more post, then we're going to do an investigation. Since you guys liked collabing so much, you'll each tackle your part of the investigation in a collab with me. After that, we'll do the final class trial where the secrets of the tower are uncovered. Part of me wants to do it play by post style, but I think we could easily do it as one big collab, straight from trial beginning to the end of the RP.

Hard to believe isn't it? We're 5 posts away from the end. You can count that on one hand. I'm actually really excited! But it will take me a moment to compile everything. I've laid out some pretty subtle hints over the past 3 years, and I don't expect everyone to remember them.

Keep an eye out for the conclusion to the tower clime. I'd like to get it up before the weekend.

@MyCatGinger Stop invading the collab and would you PLEASE finish the story about the time you were thrown out of a strip club in Thailand? I'm still curious about that.



— Su Fang & Mika Sarraf


The cat girl let out a triumphant sigh at her victory. Something she had learned after provoking a troll was that while hitting first is good, hitting last was more so. She was fortunate that she got both this time.

Mika was snapped out of her thoughts when Helga pulled her off of Christine. “What was I doing?” Mika tipped her head. It was a simple question, but Mika wasn’t sure she could begin to explain it. Certainly not with Rina and Alicia present.

Then came a bunch of events that confused Mika. A report on the loudspeakers, though she thought it was a psychic message because she didn’t notice them. There was a lot of panicked talking, and apparently they were in a VOID ROOM, whatever that was. Though she noticed once her body reverted back to normal, she couldn’t change anymore. There was also another person in a metal shell. She couldn’t see them, but she could hear them coughing. That looked kind of dangerous. Mika wouldn’t want to be in a metal dome with dragons so close.

Rina shrugged at Alicia's apology. "Hey, at least you tried. Not like anyone else did better."

Su fret her brow. “I would Helga, if I could.” Su gestured to the walls. “This box, area, it’s blocking my magic. It’s like I’m not a magical girl anymore.” She pointed at the wall. “Except I can sense an empty room on the other side of the wall. Break it down!” It was possible the void room didn’t extend past the wall, which would mean they’d get their magic back. “Now Mika…”

But Mika was not nearby. She was too busy being a madlad hero.

"I can’t believe I’m doing this!"

Mika was strong and swift, but Rina was more so. She held Mika in her arms and ran head long towards Fanfan’s metal barrier. She was carrying Mika bridal style, with the cat girl content to lounge in her arms.

“We’re gunna save everyone!” Mika punched the air.

Rina chuckled. "Pffft, you’re still going on a diet after this."

Mika looked at Rina with squint eyes. “You can still carry me, right?”

"But how far can I launch you?"

Mika tucked her knees against her chest as Rina held the her up to her shoulder. The cat girl placed her feet on Rina’s arm and launched herself towards the metal dome. Magic was out of the question, but her adamantium claws were perfectly capable of cutting through inferior metals.

“Berserker Barrage!”

“Tch!” Helga had already broken down the wall. Much like Su had suspected, the lightning was flowing past the void room and didn’t enter the room behind it. “I’ll get us out of here, see if you can help them.” Su hovered into the air as she wound up her shift.

Fanfan’s giant metal arms made her a bit cumbersome to carry. Though together, Rina and Mika were able to each take an arm and run towards Helga at a decent clip. The void room was starting to fail, and they’d have blessed lightning dragons nipping at their heels soon. Though that changed when Helga got to them. Her superior strength made carrying Fanfan by herself a cinch. Rina and Mika ran on either side of Helga as they closed in on Su. As they ran, Mika’s eyes drifted to Christine, who was propped up on the wall.

Mika didn’t really hate Christine. She empathized with her a bit. Up until a moment ago, she too thought Alicia was a bad girl. In that sense Mika shared a sort of kinship, in that she could understand where she was coming from. As she ran past her, she pulled the girl onto her back.

As they neared Su, the void room spell faltered and flickered out. A lightning dragon opened it’s maws wide and zoomed towards the magical girls in its path. They would never reach Su before the lightning consumed them.

But the Void wall failing was good for Su too. She had already locked onto another girl’s shift and would be able to bring everyone nearby with her. She threw out her arms and a vacuum bubble expanded, ensnaring all in side and taking them to the overcity.


Once the shift was done, Su breathed a sigh of relief. Her surroundings were alien to her, but that was fine. Mushrooms and garbage bins were better than getting swallowed by an electric dragon.

Su turned to look at everyone. Helga had Fanfan across her back, Mika had Christine, And Rina was thumping her foot on the ground.

"I knew something like this was going to happen." Rina shook her head, but didn’t say anything else.

“I didn’t.” At least, not this bad. Su looked at everyone else. “Everyone alright?”

“Yup!” Mika said, and a swirling portal opened up behind her.

Su raised an eyebrow. “You’re going to the beach dimension?”

“And you’re not?” Mika laughed.

“You didn’t come when Helga called you.”

“I uh.” Mika lowered her head, but only long enough to think of a response. “I’m sorry mommy. I’ve just been feeling a little down by everything recently. The only reason why I didn’t come back was because I needed to see something.” She gave Christine a shake. “I think I might have saved someone, so I don’t think it’s bad.”

Su sighed. It was true, what Mika did was heroic. She found it hard to justify punishing such an action. “I think what you did was very brave, but it scares me when you do dangerous things without Helga or I. Just take one of us with you next time.” She turned to Rina. “Thank you for everything Rina, would you mind keeping her company a bit longer? I need to clear up a few things here.”

"Yea, I don’t mind, it would be my pleasure." Rina examined Christine. "Who is that, anyway?"

“Lets find out! Our date has just begun!” Mika and Rina entered the portal along with Christine. “See you guys back at the hotel!” she said before it shut.

“Alright Helga, I think you can put her down now.” After Fanfan was on her feet, Su presented her with a tissue that she kept in her hammerspace handbag. She was prepared to ask her what happened when a burning light was thrown against her back. “Right, I’m going to see what that was.” It wasn’t typical for Su to display affection openly, but she kissed Helga on the cheek and patted her shoulder. “I’ll be right back. See if she knows what happened.” Su turned to Askefye and Vivi They were in shouting distance so Su didn’t have to take many steps to approach the two. She coughed in an attempt to get their attention.

“I take it you two just left the rave?”

”Ya think I’m scareda some puke covered in tentacles and eyeballs?”

— Nuncio


”I ain’t afraid of nobody taking me.” Nuncio folded his arms. ”Besides, Nu can pull me out if things get hairy.” Nuncio looked around, patting Sammy a bit before leaning in to Eli. ”Also I’d kinda just like to see where you guys live.” He leaned backwards and ajusted his hat. ”And I told ya, I don’t trust any of my hiding spots. Gotta be a place unaffiliated with me. ”
@Majoras End Well, I don't want to spoil it for anyone. But let's just say it's a combination of Mate really enjoying using NPCs and George being a really cool guy to hang out with. C :
@Majoras End Sorry it's taking so long mayjay, but it's 6k words, so it's not like we've been slacking.

“Well slap my ass and call me Susan.”

“Sil and Amaryllis also exist I guess.”

— Veronica


Justine escaped, Cindy was dead, and Vi/The Penrose Independent had ensured tensions would be high between Beacon and the corrupted for a while. Everything that Veronica had set out to do failed. Regrettable but not unlikely. The Mint made the event chaotic enough that it was impossible to tell what was going on. Beacon’s incompetence and Cindy’s headstrong nature were also factors that Veronica had severely underestimated. It was not an ideal situation, and she wasn’t sure if anyone could have changed the outcome.

That didn’t mean she wasn’t disappointed in her agents.

But there was no point in sulking about it. Something called to her attention. “Hmmm?” Veronica looked at Amaryllis. Though her attention returned to Dolly when she suddenly turned into dust. “Interesting.” She approached Amaryllis with her hands behind her back. 

“It is difficult to say for sure. Too many things going on at once. Vi played a song that enraged the corrupts, Cindy Ford is dead and the cardinal will soon follow, and the Penrose independent has declared war on Beacon.” Veronica allowed her head to tip back. “That’s not even mentioning the emergence of a horror, a monster queen, and Justine’s brief appearance.” She rubbed the bridge of her nose. “I was expecting the Mint to orchestrate something. But this has fully subverted my expectations.”

“The Independent?” Amaryllis frowned. “Thought they did news.”

“I did too, but perhaps they’ve decided to make the news instead of tell it.” Veronica placed her fingers beside her head. It was a moment before she spoke again. “They sent a transmission out to everyone they could. They want a war between Beacon and monsters. Rather uncouth, really.” She used her other hand to rub her forehead. “Since you’re in the area, did you want to help?”

Her frown deepened. She had reached out to them once, hoping that they were an organization that was neutral, if not aligned with the law. Now though...Amaryllis sighed. No point in overthinking it. “My Sword calls for war, and my heart works towards salvation,” the Knight of Rose spoke, twirling her beloved blade in her hand. “Elaborate on the situation inside that warehouse, please. And...”

She paused, briefly, almost as if contemplating something. But Amaryllis was a Swordwielder, not a schemer.

“I have only recently returned from a raid upon the Mint’s dastardly dens. Doubtlessly, they too are involved in what has transpired within that congregation of phantasmal revellers. When so many noteworthy factions begin to wage bloody battle against one another, it’s the supplier of arms, those watching off from the side, who benefit most. So says, the philosophers of war.”

Veronica looked to where Dolly had been and scratched her chin. “I have come to the same conclusion. Yet standing down while girls slaughter each other does not feel like a good long term solution. Nor does leaving the Mint to its devices.” Her left hand never left the side of her head. “As for the warehouse, there is a rave in the basement. Vi played some music, it seemed to have an effect on the corrupted girls. I could even feel its effects. Fighting broke out, the ascendancy arrived to put down the corrupt girls, and then I sensed a psychic blast rip through the rave. I have no agents to report what happened, but going by the PI’s report, they killed all the beacon girls present. Something else must have happened because even more minds have blinked out. The rave is practically vacant.” Veronica snorted. “Fortunately, I have a mental lock on the monster queen. Another psychic user was trying to block my interference, They appear to be in the same room. They might be the one who orchestrated that attack.”

Killed them all?

Amaryllis had faced death before, enough death that this shouldn’t have been all that shocking, but still, she was stunned silent. All those who participated in the rave raid, no doubt the strongest of Beacon’s available forces, dead? Just like that? She swallowed, naked concern on her face. “What,” she began, swallowing, “what about Alicia? Penny?”

Had she saved one of her friends, just to lose two others?

Veronica fret her brow. “I do still sense their presence. Odd, since the PI reported to have killed all of them.” Veronica folded her arms behind her back. “Amaryllis, I have successfully provoked the monster queen. While I am sure she will be tied up fighting her captors at the moment, we need to stop her from escaping into Penrose and do something about the PI members present. Will you accompany agent Silhouette with such a task?”

At the mention of Silhouette's name, Amaryllis would notice a strange, inky substance taking the form of a young woman almost right behind her. In the span of about a second or two, the tar-like individual regained the colors and textures of a human being, until what was left was a girl wearing a raven-black coat and an odd, white mask reminiscent of the kind used at masquerades. 

One could assume that the girl had been there for a while as although she had manifested she didn't bother to speak. She merely eyed Amaryllis with an unreadable expression, apparently waiting for her answer.

Some of the tension left Amaryllis as it was confirmed that the two Beacon members that she knew personally were still alive. Right, if things got dangerous, Penny could just straight up drop Earth Bastion on everything and squash ‘em flat, yeah? And Alicia…

Alicia existed, probably?

“I’ll take on this quest even if I were not accompanied,” she spoke. “Considering that this is a congregation of the monstrous, however, does this Queen of Monsters have any obvious physical traits? Or perhaps a name she responds to?”

“I’ve never seen her. I can just see that her mind is further gone than most girls. Here.” Much like Veronica had done before, she painted the location of Eden and the monster queen in Amaryllis and Silhouette’s minds. “That’s where your objective is. Now…” Veronica turned around and walked towards the tower. “Hurry to your destination. I will do what I can from out here.”

“Affirmative.” Sil finally said.

“I’m in…” Amaryllis paused, then turned away from Veronica. “Thanks.”

With that, she picked up the pace once more, sprinting into the madness of the warehouse’s basement with Silhouette silently trailing her.

@Majoras End

The rave wasn’t a dead loss to Veronica. Yet, at least. With her agents failing her left and right, it was Eliza, her newest permanent recruit, who seemed to catch up to Evira.

“Interrogate her, if you would. If you need a torturer I can make an appearance.” A sick grin crossed Veronica’s face. With everything going to hell, you needed to take pleasure in the little things.



— Lotus & Faith

@ Cindy/Beacon fiesco

Lotus instinctively floated upwards after getting grapple-shot, only to discover that she was tethered to Sylvia now. Normally Lotus would teleport away, but she had used that to jump in for a quick decisive blow. She couldn’t tear off Sylvia’s jacket, or if she could, the durable fibers of a magical girl uniform were too strong to break. It was an unfortunate turn of events. Lotus had only acted in Faith’s defense, and hadn’t expected her cannon to cause such damage to her opponent. She had overestimated her opponents power while underestimating their madness. Only the religious zealots at Beacon would find it acceptable to use suicide bombs.


Dying wasn’t something that scared Lotus. When you constantly search for stronger foes, the day will come when you find one stronger than yourself. Though in an odd twist of fate Lotus was denied that pleasure and would die to a swarm of weak meddlers. If Lotus had a single regret, it was that she hadn’t faced her fear. She was unable to beat Connie’s creature, and thus was unable to reconcile with the darkest part of herself.

But, that wasn’t entirely true.

The only thing that scared Lotus was something happening to Faith. Even when Connie made her “fear” appear before her, it was only frightening because of who it was going to attack. Perhaps that was what Connie’s magic had picked up on. In which case, that was not a fear that Lotus would ever slay. She didn’t want to slay it, for that matter.

If Lotus was going to die, she was going to do so on her own terms. She didn’t hear the suicide bomber rambling about their friend. She didn’t care either. Hers were the last words of some lunatic hell bent on harming Faith. Instead, she smothered them with her tentacles. The adrenaline along with her building hatred for this coward triggered her metamorphosis. Her pale skin turned brown, her tentacles bulged, And thorns shot out of her skin. She grew more eyes, more teeth, bigger, less human. There was nothing human about her left. The other girls always said she was ugly, phallic. Faith was the only one who could look past her monstrous nature. Before Sylvia could trigger the explosive, Lotus bellowed into the heavens…

”I end my life protecting Faith, the TRUE Queen of Penrose! LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!”

— Lotus

The explosion vaporized Sylvia, but Lotus’s durable monster form was split into burning chunks. Most of her sizzled away into nothing, but her massive eye found its way on the other side of the battlefield.

Faith had looked away from Reaver entirely when Lotus took to the sky. After her deceleration, Faith’s eyes have become transfixed on Lotus’s form once it detonated. Her eye flew clean over the hedge and rolled to Faith’s feet, looking up at her with an unblinking stare.

Her mind went blank, her face went pale.

Faith wanted to do a lot of things in that moment. Cry, hug someone, call Connie again, but she couldn’t do any of those things. Not now that she was surrounded by strangers. She had no options left to her. She could feel a pain race through her chest, but she made no move to quell it.

”Alright… Alright.” Faith placed her hand on her harp. ”Beacon has made their intent known. Those won’t let us leave without a fight.” A tear rolled down her cheek, but Faith forced a smile regardless. ”So let’s give them what for everyone ~ !” She attempted to coax the remaining monster trope before moving to get around the giant hedge.

The druid hornets went in to attack. Normally they would be far too weak to do any real damage to a magical girl, but between Faith’s song and her encouraging words, they had been frenzied to the point where they were a threat. The wasps descended upon Hilaria and Isthar in droves, attempting to finish off the weakened cardinal.

But they weren’t the only target. Anyone with a spark would find themselves assaulted by the giant hornets. They flew through the air before diving stinger first. Their movements were predictable, but their stingers were filled with a potent acid, and would burn a hole through a normal man in seconds.

Aighorost continued to stir in the sky, it’s stationary leg doing nothing but releasing more hornets. It stretched out a giant talon, but remained stationary.

”Neener neener neener!”

— Tonya “Mac” Murphy

Wow, punching out an octopus was hard.

Kinda sucked that Faith was so traumatized, but hey, this deception was required to ensure that things continued to move the way her patron willed it. She'd make sure Faith and Lotus met up eventually. For now, she'd just wait for her next big moment. The cardinal was safe, so Mac was free to terrorize Beacon as much as she wanted. Time to make a paycheck.

“How come I can’t meet any nice guys?”

"Hey! I use to be a guy!"

— Tetrad & Trixy

@ Cindy/Beacon fiesco

“Son of a BITCH!”

Try as she might, there was little Tetrad could do to stop Reaver from eating Cindy’s head. A split second distraction was enough to compromise her mission. No sunrises there.

"What happened?" Trixy had been so busy trying to keep everyone safe, she hadn't been paying much attention to her objective. When reaver healed Cindy, he was sure he was on her side. but now...

"He ate a cute girl!"

“He ate our paycheck!”

“Miserable failures, the lot of you.” The irritation in Veronica’s voice didn’t go unnoticed. “New objective, you’re fighting a monster queen. Try to keep up with agent Silhouette.”

"My girlfriend!"

“My Idol!”

As a dark shadow swirled around them, the two prepared to leave. Tetrad kicked the bush Tetrad was rolling causing it to collapse. It dropped Janet, Anaya , Shane, and Ronin on the ground. “Done sleeping? We’re gunna kick a monster queen’s ass and save the world. If you want to stay here, that’s fine too.” She grabbed Shane by the wrist and smiled. “Cept you, you’re coming with me!” She couldn’t dance with that fancy bastard back at the rave, but this was the second magical boy she saw today and Tetrad wasn’t about to let him escape.

Trixy wasn’t about to let Reaver off the hook. She understood that everyone had their objectives. But duplicitous people that worm their way into someone’s heart and rip it apart from the inside were the worst kind of people. She fret her brow and raised her gun to fire.

Trixy fired a gaebolg shot straight at Reaver’s chest. The bullet was armed with a small acorn that would grow once the bullet penetrated as deep as it could. From there it would grow into a ball of roots inside the wound. It wouldn’t stop growing either, not as long as the the tree was still alive.

Trixy, Tetrad, and Shane all stepped into the black portal and emerged elsewhere. The portal would stay open just a moment longer before closing.


While Silhouette and Amaryllis were running to their destination, three more people came out of the shadows beside them.

"Hi Sam." Trixy paced herself with her girlfriend. She was still agitated with what happened a moment ago, but wasn’t going to let that cloud her mind. "This is going to be our first big thing together, huh?"

“Amaryllis!” Tetrad wore a smile on her face as she pointed at Shane. “Look look! It’s a magical boy! B-O-Y! Pretty cool huh?”

"Dun, dun, dun, pah, another one greets the dust!"

— Dusty


"They aren’t going to know any of this took place. So if you’d please, get on Glimr and drop Trixn’Traps a message. I’m sure she’d enjoy that."

Dusty was already steeling herself to do what had to be done, what must be done to save a magical girl’s life. When all you wanted to do was live, you needed a moment to surrender those impulses so that you could make a sacrifice. Once Dusty’s focus was maximized, she stepped into the room.

Only for her concentration to be broken when Ren yanked on her arm.

"Let go of me!" Dusty protested. It didn’t help that Ren was making vague remarks about her intelligence. She was tempted to break free and fling herself into the room. But she decided against it because that would be one hell of a retcon. I mean can you imagine? Flame would get cucked out of half a Ren post, and then Erode would be fully cucked out of a Liss one. It would be like arena battle memes where 40 posts later we’d still be trying to resolve the fate of Dusty while the RP is at it’s conclusion she suspected he had a good reason for it. And as it turned out, he did.

"What kind of bull crap is this?!" Dusty threw her arms around in the hallway. No heat, no smoke, no problems. "Hur dur ‘always so hasty without thinking’ like magic is ever a rational thing! And before you run off gimmie my damn boots back ya perv!" Dusty yanked her boots out of his arms. While he turned away to get Liss, Dusty fell onto her but and did her best to put her shoes on. Such tight shoes were already a pain to put on, but when you were depressed on top of that, it was infuriating. With a sigh, she kicked the boots off to the side.

She almost killed herself for nothing. What was worse was that it all could have been cleared up a lot faster if Ren bothered to explain how the door trick worked in the first place. But Dusty wasn’t really upset with Ren, it was this situation. She should have known the rave was going to be bad. It was just a shame she was powerless to do anything about it. Ren had a magical dimension, Liss was strong and fast, and Dusty just kind of existed. That was probably enough. It wasn’t like Dusty came to the rave to do anything more than steak out an area or two. It was just unfortunate that the only people they could save were themselves.

While Dusty sat there sulking, Liss approached and introduced herself. "Liss the flash fist?" Man, Dusty (and by extension, Trixy) had a weakness for girls like this. It was pretty easy to get Dusty to check the cutie box on a girl, but some of them went above and beyond. These high energy types with bubbly personalities just melted away any sadness Dusty was feeling. That was probably why Dusty liked Shade so much. Though unfortunately she was tethered to Silhouette, who fed on things like happiness and good vibes. Maybe if she worked with her enough she’d open up and be more like Shade, but she really had her work cut out for her. But Liss didn’t seem to have those hangups. Dusty felt a little guilty being locked in another dimension with a girl that wasn’t Shade or Samantha, but like Shade had said, it wasn’t like Sam had the capacity to get jealous. Not like she was going to date her or anything.

"Well!" Dusty stood up and dusted herself off. "I’m Dusty Brooklyn. Duplicate of Tr-" She froze. "W-wait. The contender? You mean that guy that beats up teenage girls for fun?" This was Dusty’s break. She had slayed the Contender. Well, Trixy had, but Dusty had all of Trixy’s memories, and anything Trixy did without her counted as the two of them doing it. Thus, she had slain the contender. And in doing so, they had protected Liss the flash fist. She would live until the contender rose again a year later. At which point Dusty would just have to kick his ass again. But this was a wonderful feeling. Sure, Dusty hadn’t done much during the rave, but she still had worth to the people here. But it would be insensitive to rain on miss Liss’s parade with that. Right now wasn’t about celebrating Dusty’s accomplishment, but Liss’s life.

"He’s dead for a whole year, isn’t he? You’re invincible!" Dusty’s eyes were practically glowing as she said this. She wanted to hug Liss, so very badly wanted to give her a fist bump, or a pat on the back, but also knew 99% of woman were put off by her sickly pale skin, shark teeth, and yellow eyes, All Trixy could do to keep calm was fold her hands over her chest.

She hopped over to Ren before her urges overtook her. "I’m all for alien booze! Mommy needs a drink right now!" She kissed Ren’s cheek. "Though I’ll take a pizza or a BLT if you’ve got one."

”Whatever you do Sammy, don’t scry my older posts.”

— Nuncio


Once the portal closed behind them, Nuncio climbed off of Rossa. He still held Sammy in his arms like a child might hold a lost kitten.

Nuncio snapped his fingers, and his magic left Rosa’s body in static sparks. Her muscles shrank, her posture lowered, and her eyes crossed. With a huff, the great tiger laid down in the snow.

”Alright.” He said with a sigh. ”Thanks again Amaryllis. Sammy’s a lil’ quiet, but I think she’s tired.” Nuncio turned to look at the slime harpy. ”Thinkin’ I’d like to lay low with Sammy for a while. I’m sure they got all of our hidin’ places nailed down. Think your mistress would mind havin’ us for company for a while? Just till we think of somethin’. I’ve also got another surprise for her.” Nuncio pulled a red coin out of his shirt pocket to show Eli before stashing it back in his vest.

“I’d like to speak to the manager.”

— Su Fang

Su had heeded Lei Zi’s nod and stood back, fully intent on joining her in combat again once her attack landed. But with a crack of lightning, Su was snapped out of her trance. Her mind was her own again. But while Su’s dark impulses had faded, her memories hadn’t.

She was shocked. Su could have spent the rest of the evening fighting beside Lei Zi. That wasn’t bad, but her motivation had been to get back at Helga. Su released a deep sigh and averted her eyes.

Now that her mind was clear, it was evident what had to be done. The ascendancy had arrived, and bodies were falling every second. She could not wait around. Su needed to get Helga, Mika, and then shift out of here with as many people as she could save.

Su prepared to sprint off to the back room before turning to the woman who had freed her. “Lei Zi.” She fret her brow. “I have one more to locate, should I come back for you?”

Lei Zi considered the situation for a moment, her gaze turning upwards, to the cracks in the ceiling that showed a stormy sky.

"No. It's uncertain how much longer I will remain here anyways."

“If you need a safe place to rest, do not hesitate to come to the hotel.” And with that, Su ran for the back room.

Once Su was out of the smoke, she could fly as fast as she wanted. Though it was just a matter of time before the flames and smoke permeated the rest of the rave. Time was of the essence. Su came across Helga and landed beside her.

“Have you seen Mika?”

Before Helga could answer, Rina stepped out of a doorway. She had fully transformed, and was brandishing her bow. "I saw her run this way." She didn’t stop to talk. The archer was running as fast she could. "Alicia came this way too."

“Ngh!” Su was not oblivious to Mika’s hatred of everything Beacon. Specifically Alicia. She had never specified why she hated that particular girl so much. Strange, seeing as she enjoyed competing against her in the Keijo tournament.

Su didn’t have to say anything to Helga. The two sprinted after Rina as fast as they could. They turned the corner and heard the sound of fighting taking place, and were just in time to see Rina run past Fanfan. As they approached, they could see her take a defensive stance. Su sighed. It was probably just as well that Rina ran ahead without them. Forcing her to stick around and convince this girl to let two corrupts through would waste time. But that didn’t mean Su was going to simply wait around.

“I don’t want to fight you.” Su folded her arms. “But my daughter is in there somewhere, and I’m not leaving without her.”

“Common sense, tingling!”

— Mika Sarraf


Since no one had followed Mika, she could act with impunity. The collapsing ice pillers and yelling made it easy to move undetected. It was even easier to find a room that lead directly to the conflict. Mika’s feral instincts were top notch. She could practically “see” Alicia through the wall. She would strike soon, right when her target least expected it. Even if Mika couldn’t see it, she knew Alicia was fighting Christine now. They hadn’t been friends like she originally expected.

It was an odd feeling for Mika. She had never gone out of her way to kill someone before. Humans weren’t the same thing as monsters, and while she hadn’t gotten to know Alicia especially well, she knew some things about her. Mika had heard Kimble’s glowing descriptions of Alicia. She witnessed Leena step in to defend her. Even if it was brainwashing, Mika was going to kill someone who was beloved by others. She steeled herself for the encounter.

Her adamantium claws glistened in the dim light. All she had to do was extend her arms and she would blow through the door. If she overclocked the jets on her fists, there would be virtually no time to react before she made contact. In the time it took to snap your fingers, Mika would rid herself of the one thing that was ruining her life. She drew back her claws and honed in on Alicia’s sounds. Her voice, her bow, the sound of her spells. It would all help her land a clean kill.

"I’ve got your back, Alicia!"

Mika’s ears shot up. She knew that was Rina’s voice, but she couldn’t understand why she was here.

"There’s a lot of them, watch out!" Mika could hear the sound of Rina’s swords cutting through Christine’s clones. "Ice Pillars?! Mika,where are you?"

The feline magical girl stood up. She had no idea what was going on here. All of Alicia’s friends were people she had brainwashed, so naturally that meant that Rina was brainwashed too. But that was impossible. Rina helped Mika clean up her bedroom. They went shopping together. They ate donuts together. She agreed to come to this horrible rave and danced with her, even though Mika’s dance game was really bad. They even enjoyed a grown up kiss on the pillow planet.

Mika grabbed the sides of her head. She was forced to reconsider everything she knew about Alicia. The possibility that people genuinely liked her. That maybe brainwashing wasn’t involved and even Kimble genuinely felt that way about her. But that didn’t make Alicia guiltless either. They wanted to hurt her family. She was there when they held weapons to Su, Silly, and Tit rad. She had heard tales of their cruelty, seen it first hand. Her parents would talk about them in hushed whispers, and lived in fear of them arriving at the hotel every day. She wasn’t sure what to do.

The cat girl stood back up. She heard the light spell go off. A decisive blow would be dealt soon, and Mika would be the one to deal it. Her body flooded with mana, fueling her beastly reflexes. Her body was covered in black armadillo scales, making her tough and durable. She held her claws in front of her face. A quick cross cut, a leap.

It was go time.

Rather than going through the door, Mika opted to blow her way through the wall. instead. Her claws cut through the concrete like butter, making it relatively easy to burst through. Her pool fists were jetting her as fast as she could go. All the water spilled into the hallway, swirling around her like a maelstrom. This was to help divert some of the projectiles away from her body. If she was fortunate, her armor would take what her water barrier couldn’t.

She cruised towards Christine, both fists extended. But she did not remain that way. As she got closer, Mika allowed her arms to drift apart. Her claws would miss, but Mika’s open hands would clasp around Christine’s shoulders, guiding the two of them to the wall. There Christine would be crushed between a high velocity armadillo-armored-Mika and a concrete wall.

“Nobody talks like that to Rina’s friends!”

The archer blinked. "Mika? What are you doing here?"

The cat girl looked at Alicia and shot her a glare. “I’m letting you and Kimble off the hook. Go save the world, or whatever you were going to do.” She squinted her eyes.

Of course, it was unlikely that Christine was out of fight just yet. Mika’s tail grew a stiletto tip, which she would attempt to ram into Christine’s jugular. Scorpions have a reputation for having lethal venom, but the truth is that out of the thousand or so species of scorpions, only a dozen or so have lethal venom. Most scorpions prefer to tear their prey apart, and only use their venom to slow down tougher opponents.
One collab left for the "get to the top" gang, and it's half done.

Just thought you'd like to know, @Majoras End.
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