Avatar of Cu Chulainn


Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
Current its been a week and i still dont feel 24...
10 mos ago
born today, dead tomorrow
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11 mos ago
Barbie: a provocative piece that shows the disparity in gender roles in today's society using the representation and marketing schemes of children's toys as a medium. Oppenheimer: bomb bad ☢️ 👎
11 mos ago
Watched the Barbie movie in all black and guyliner. Watching Oppenheimer in a pink polo tomorrow.
12 mos ago
I hate clocking out early because the power went out. I want muh hours ffs
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Most Recent Posts

It's been ages since I've read Homestuck and now there's Hiveswap and everything :U

Knight of Rage get?
Cesar Lorenzo Tidesong Bolivar

The Hall of Heroes, Saying Our Goodbyes

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Gordian Nought@JBRam2002@Hekazu

”If what the Green Man says is true, this war we’re fighting was forced upon the people of this realm, huh? Well, we shouldn’t be leaving the messes of a war these people didn’t want to have in their hands, then... Causality and all that, heh...” Cesar had rambled as he continued moving things ‘round. He was happy that he had a bit of help in cleaning this mess up and all. It reminded him of the old days, where he and his crew would visit the local tavern of wherever it was they were docked at the time, have a good old fashioned tavern brawl, and clean it all up the next day when they’re sobered up and in regret. He chuckled to himself as the memories filled his head, the effort of the work seemingly at the back of his mind...

Just as Cesar had finished making the crypt look as arranged as it was likely before this whole mess started, he overheard the conversation of splitting the crew, more or less. From what he’s hearing, half of the party plans to stay and find any more lingering sources of the Darkness here, while the rest set out to these other realms and bring balance to all the rest... Cesar had been reminded that these aren’t the old days any longer.

Conflicting ran through the sailor’s head as this sudden split hit him like a howling gale in the middle of the seas. This land of endless battle, this Ysgard... it was a land rife with stories of battle, and yet Cesar, himself, won’t be able to record or at least hear the best of them. At the same time, however, this was an opportunity to make his own story. His own adventure...

Staying silent during their ascent, Cesar ran these thoughts quite a few times. A drink would be nice, he’d thought to himself, as they were easily accessible, but Cesar had felt like he needed his head clear.

It wasn’t until the bard felt the familarly warm sting of the sun that he’d have his answer.

”... Eheh, of course you’ll need the guidance of your old Capitan in restoring the balance with you all, huh? I was the one who had instinctively bore the Light that saved us all, wasn’t I?” Cesar boasted, in good humor, before letting out a hearty laugh. Saying his goodbyes to his friends, some new, and some old, was hard for the bard. Of course, like all bards, Cesar could only jest and laugh at situations like these...

@0 Azzy 0@Guardian Angel Haruki

The Bandit Captain continued to make his escape, and Mirdas continued to give chase, almost single-minded in his pursuit as he ignored both the spirits of nature that apparently tended to his wounds as well as the rain of bolts bouncing off his armor. Drawing one of his harpoons, Mirdas threw it once he was in range of a good shot, straight for the brigand’s center mass. Much to his surprise, the knight’s hook actually flew straight for the bandit’s head, grazing its side and slicing at his ear with the throw. Motivated by the strike, Mirdas continued pressing on, hoping his allies would follow.

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Judging by the attack roll result and the damage from the attack, would grazing the cap'n's ear be a suitable hit for Mirdas's javelin?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Mirdas will move his full 30 feet before throwing a harpoon at the Bandit Captain, most likely hitting him with a 22!

Too bad it would deal only a pitiful 4 piercing damage.
This looks like a place where I can ironically and unironically be a Stand User. Sure.
Rolled a 13 for an opportunity attack! I... don't think that hits.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
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