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Current its been a week and i still dont feel 24...
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Barbie: a provocative piece that shows the disparity in gender roles in today's society using the representation and marketing schemes of children's toys as a medium. Oppenheimer: bomb bad ☢️ 👎
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Watched the Barbie movie in all black and guyliner. Watching Oppenheimer in a pink polo tomorrow.
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I hate clocking out early because the power went out. I want muh hours ffs
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Gin Yoshiyaki

Rule #1, Purpose

@Paradox Witch

Sitting with his legs crossed, Gin's eyes were closed as he meditated upon Chiron's first question. Purpose. The one thing that has alluded him throughout most of his life. Indeed, Gin had spent much of his life as a ronin, roving from place to place and using his skills when needed. He never really found a purpose for himself. Or, at least, not until he found Fuyuki.

To save Fuyuki echoed in his mind. Indeed, that's why he joined this war, after all. To save my boys also rung through his head. There was some sort of thing... some sort of freak killing his men, one by one. It was something Gin saw as his responsibility, his duty, to take care of it, knowing that the reason why his men are targeted is because of him.

And yet... he hesitated on speaking up. It made him angry that he did, but he just couldn't find that to be a proper purpose. Sure, he would be given the power to save his men, but what then? What would happen after that? Gin was aware that whatever he would choose, it would not only encompass this training, but the rest of his life to accomplish.

And if he saved Fuyuki, if he kicked out all these foreign intrusions, if he finally found that Holy Grail and kicked it right in its shiny blessed ass, what then? What will happen of him after? Will he just waste away, once again, without purpose? Will he continue doing the same thing day after day without really progressing anywhere from it? Will he continue living a life that he has since regret?

No, no he won't.

"Alright, listen up, Ite, 'cause you know I don't like repeating myself!" Gin stood up, his thumb pointing at himself aggressively, and with a fierce expression on his face. "Now, you've trained the fastest and the strongest heroes, have ya? Well, I have'ta ask you this, then! Have ya ever trained the coolest? I want 'ya to make me the coolest hero to ever walk Fuyuki! That's what my purpose is! That's what'll drive me to greatness! Gin is a juice and I'm a man, so let's get on with this training so I can finally kick some whitey ass!"

Kage Kurokawa

Fuyuki Park, Miyama


Walking toward Riyu with an almost burnt-out cigarette in his mouth, Kage had a look of approval on his face. He was watching the whole event go down from afar through the pair of binoculars hanging from his neck. He eagerly made his way to his temporary employee, as if he couldn't wait to give her the good news.

"Looks like a job well done. Glad your friend took care of everything," Kage started, with a wink from his one good eye, "you made a couple of bright flashes at that church over there, but don't worry, my boys will cover it." Taking a long puff of smoke from his cigarette, Kage looked down to the ground, staying silent for a moment before exhaling the smoke out from his lungs. His expression had shifted, the cigarette but falling to the ground as his mouth moved to a frown.

"Don't worry about my wife, by the way. I... took care of her, and my boy."

After a moment of awkward silence, Kage cleared his throat, crossing his arms and looking back up at the pink-haired girl. "Ah, right, your reward...

"Just stop by one of the houses we've got at the Native District for your full reward. Tell 'em Kage sent ya, and ask for some... heh, green tea. And feel free to choose one of those safe houses there, as well. It's as good as yours, with all the man stationed in there under your control for as long as this... war between you foreigners last. Oh, yeah, I know what you all are doing here, an acquaintance of mine, Gin, told us enough about it to look out for you all. Personally, I don't care about it so long as you don't cross the Fujimuras, specifically. As far as I'm certain, you've got our protection. Maybe I can set a line between you and my boss, if you want any more support from us.

"... Ah, and before I forget, our turf might be facing a bit of trouble. Riots are starting because some of you other foreigners just like messing with our city, huh? I'd try and avoid 'em, but if you can help with them I'm sure you'll be properly rewarded. As a matter of fact..."

Kage digged in his jacket pocket, pulling out a stack of yen fat enough to barely wrap one's hand around. "Here's a gift for staying on our good side, so far. It's just a small fraction of how much you've earned helping us. If you make it to the Native District before it's too late, maybe even help my boys out around there, you'll find the rest of your reward over there.

"Ah, and that reminds me... if you catch any, uh... other gangs around there capitalizing on the chaos, feel free to kill 'em. That friend of yours with the sword can kill pretty fast, can't he? I've seen it with my own eye, after all... Heck, I'll throw you an offer; for every one of those invaders you kill, consider it another stack just like this. It'll come out of my wallet, this time."

With a vicious stomp on his burnt-out cigarette, Kage gave one more nod to Riyu before turning around and waving.

Fujimura Syndicate

Native District, Miyama

@Seirei no Hai

The Native District was a disaster.

The riots raged on across the streets as peace was failed to be kept. From the countless disasters that have occurred within the span of a few days, of course, the people of Fuyuki would be upset, especially those living in Miyama. Losing their homes from the fire and the cataclysm that came soon after was more than enough to drive them to a panic, but losing more of their loved ones from the attack on the train was the last straw. The people of Miyama were filled with rage that nobody was doing anything to stop these disasters from happening.

The Yakuza, however, were working their hardest to ensure that their properties remain defended. Firstly, they have refugee families in their care, those who had lost their homes to the many disasters that have occurred the other day. Another factor is the possibility of raiders popping up, taking advantage of the chaos to widen their pockets. Lastly, the appearance of many foreigners, especially after the Foreigner District went ablaze, has had the somewhat xenophobic Yakuza into high alert.

"Ah, damn... those foreign gangsters have made their way here!" One Yakuza thug had shouted out, perched up on a small tower near one of their many safe houses and owned businesses in the area. "They've got cars and everything! It looks like they're looking to start a war!" The thug seemed to be talking to another man, superior to him, seated on a desk, a glass of Whiskey in his hands. He was an older man who, as well, had a penchant for dressing up in Western suits.

"Hell no we aren't letting any of these stinkin' crackerjack sons of bitches on our land! Get our marksman up and tell 'em to grab the Dutch and American guns! Have them dress up like those foreigners do, as well. If they try anything against us, we'll make it look like it's them that's to blame! Make sure we've got some of our hype-men marching out there, as well, and have 'em start shouting shit about how all this is those foreigner's fault! Make sure that they've dug their own grave coming here..."

The grizzled gangster took another sip of his drink before slamming the cup down on his desk. The whole situation bothered him. He couldn't send any more of his men to help control the chaos. All the manpower he had was focused on defending his own territory, specifically. There weren't any more room for refugees in their buildings, either. He couldn't help but feel cornered, but at the same time, he wasn't going to let some Yankees take his turf. Not while he has a fighting chance.

Resting his elbows on his desk while rubbing his temples in frustration, the Yakuza boss sighed.

"Where the fuck is Gin when you need 'im?"

Gin Yoshiyaki

Pellion's Pub, Gates of Troy, Edge of Shinto

@Paradox Witch@Sageage

Gin rolled around on the ground, laughing. I mean, who can blame him? From his own Servant's eyes, he had seen Achilles, one of the greatest heroes of Greek myth, run from Chiron with his tail between his legs. It was an entertaining spectacle, to be sure, especially considering the differences in stature, given Chiron's current form. And Gin was able to see clearly why Achilles is considered the fastest of the heroes.

While the rest of Fuyuki slowly burned to the ground, Gin spent a lot of that time getting drunk at his Servant's bar. He couldn't be as much help as he wanted to be, during these events, anyway. Even most of his boys were sent out earlier this morning to help rebuild. Was it rebuild? Gin's mind was too hazy to even recall. At this point, he's just drinking away all his worries. Even if he wanted to act, he was forced to stay at the bar and practice his magecraft, anyway. Cradling his head into his arms, Gin decide to go for another nap, on the cold, hard flo-

"Boss! There's a riot in our turf! You gotta do something 'bout it!"

Black Rider

’NEMETON’, Miyama Town


"... What the hell?"

Rider stood there, dumbfounded, his hand still clutching at the spear that had already left his hand. Rider was already disappointed that his opponent didn't have what he was looking for, and yet, that's just the beginning of it all. His opponent, Percival, Knight of the Round Table, has fled. Rider was left there, in the middle of nowhere, as the grove fell apart around him. All that was left was himself and Percival's Master, in the middle of nowhere, as everything around them began to die. And with that, Rider's mood had turned afoul.

"... You should run. Now." Growling at Hamel before giving him a glare that could kill, Rider clenched his now empty hands into fists. While he still didn't feel like killing a human at the moment, there may be other Servants out in the open looking for an easy Master kill, and Rider was in no mood to save his life. If anything, Rider decided to find a better place to let off steam at. Somewhere more... immediate. Astralizing away, Rider figured he would find just what he was looking for from the tip his opponent had given him before running off...

Rider had made it just in time to see the aftermath of yet another battle. His rival, Achilles, has already defeated his own adversary. It was some sort of woman, locked into his arms. It seems that she had made the same mistake Rider had in the past, deciding that it would be best to grapple him, except it may have been that she wasn't strong enough to break out of his hold. It's more than enough evidence to Rider that this Lancer is meant to be his opponent. During this time, however, Rider was in no mood to fight his destined opponent again. He didn't want to fight someone already exhausted from another fight, and he especially didn't want his rival to see him in the enraged state he was in. Grunting to himself, Rider turned away, deciding that it would be best that he made his way back ho-...


Something had caught Rider's eyes. Another great presence, one alike to Achilles, but more similar to Rider, himself. More beast than human. More man than monster. It was something that was, while easily missed, was too great to ignore, especially to Rider. Indeed, he had caught sight of a presence he was all too familiar with; that of a terrible dragon.

And the dragon, it seems, was someone Rider himself had known from the past, in some way...

... and he had his trophy wife with him, too...

... yes, this was more than perfect.


Sending a burst of prana through his legs, Rider leaped up into the sky, leaving deep crater where he once stood. Crossing his arms in front of him, he took a deep breath as he made his way skywards. As he started plummeting down, however, he directed his body straight for that knight, letting out the air in his lungs into a burst of flames! They intensified, greatly, not only because of Rider's anger, but because they were eager to scorch the skin of yet another dragon.

Breath of the Dragon: B++

As Rider plummeted down, breathing flames on his armored arms, the heat began to surround his entire body. Because of the nature of his armor, however, it only resulted in the fires exploding out from Rider while leaving him unharmed. And because he was surrounded by his own flames, they all started bursting out from every direction. To all the onlookers catching sight of Rider, they would see a great comet of dragon's fire falling to the Earth, growing more intense as it made its way closer to its target...

...And from within that great ball of fire, a scream that could only be described as inhuman.

@rocketrobie2 Don't forget to share your sheet on the top right corner!

world's best dad coming right up.

Black Rider

’NEMETON’, Miyama Town


Seeing as Lancer anticipated his own attack, Rider felt as if this boy had the similar intuition of a warrior that he, himself, was blessed with. No, it’s even better… While Rider’s comes from his keen senses in battle heightened to a sort of future sight, his opponent’s can be likened to that of an outside force guiding him on exactly what to do. While Lancer’s gift is far more versatile, they essentially both amount to the same thing in combat. In any case, this was just going to end in a battle of attrition that will likely end in Rider’s favor; something Rider wasn’t too keen on happening so easily.

Digging his feet into the ground, Rider allowed Lancer’s punch to land, sending a burst of prana through his entire body to soften the blow. This, however, doesn’t stop Rider’s boots from skidding through the ground as he is pushed back from the force of the punch, dirt flying up into the air. Rider had underestimated this Lancer’s strength the first time, and he does not plan on doing the same thing again even if he’s allowing his opponent to strike him.

The kick to the face, however? No. Nobody gets that honor.

As soon as Lancer’s leg flew for him, Rider’s weapons disappeared from his grasp, fading away and leaving both his hands free. He instinctively ducked his head down slightly before launching his arms up and grabbing Lancer’s leg. With a quick spin in the same direction as the kick, Rider used his opponent’s momentum to toss him away, helping Lancer disengage from the melee. Rider wouldn’t dare allow some lowly peasant hero to strike him on his face, especially not with their feet. Not even if they happened to be a Paladin of Charlemagne or a Knight of the Round Ta-

That armor!

Rider’s mood has changed. His impression of the opponent he is facing has changed almost opposite to how he felt just moments before. Now, he was excited that he was fighting another opponent in the same league as the Achaean. Indeed, to a prospective Master, all Knights of the Round Table are considered to be the “cream of the crop” when it comes to choosing a Servant. And to fight one that has been so near to the Grail, itself, in life…

”Percival…” Rider growled, his expression shifting into some sort of grinning beast. Feeling something flying over his head, Rider threw an arm up to catch it, his body not turning away from his opponent. Once it was in his hand, however, he had to look down at the spear in his hand, raising an eyebrow. ”What the hell… ?

“What’s with this piece of trash?! If you are truly Sir Percival, Knight of the Round, then show me your true Noble Phantasm! Show me that fucking spear!”

The piece of trash in question, however, seemed to glow rather ominously in Rider’s hand. As he looked over the spear, again, Rider could have sworn it was just a bit shorter than what it was moments before...

… And yet, it still continued growing.

'Father Whiskey'

'Starting Location', Priestella

@Letter Bee@FamishedPants

Jameson was sure as soon as he took that weird kid's hand, it'd be all over. While he isn't a fan of being under the influence of things like pot, he was sure that God would guide him to the right direction in the end, even when on a bender. He was sure he'd have a night he'd either forget to remember, or remember to forget. Jameson was prepared to go with the flow for the night just so it could be over and he could get back to his quiet life. The quiet, boring life he had submitted himself to...

... Except, it happened way too fast for his liking.

As Jameson woke up in the room he was in, he looked around, scratching his head at the strange sights and sounds that filled the new room he was in along with two of its other occupants, looking both confused and a bit concerned. The first thing the priest did when he finally got his bearing was take an opened box of cigarettes out of his shirt pocket. He picked through each individual cigarette, giving each a sniff. When he got to the last, however, he started calming down, taking a moment to self-reflect. Doesn't smell like pot... and no pounding headache, either. God damn it, what happened last night?

As he slid the box back into his pocket, leaving a cigarette in his mouth, the younger looking boy began to approach him. Before he made it obvious that he was just as lost as them, however, he adjusted himself in order to appear more level-headed. Flame, from Maine. That's who he said he was. And when he mentioned seeing an 'inky blackness,' Jameson couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Father? Heh, you can just call me..." Jameson started to debate with himself in his head whether his first or last name sounded cooler. The kid's obviously never met him, before, so he had to make a good impression. As both his names began to repeat in his head, it was then and there that the realization hit him.

"How about you just call me... Whiskey. The 'Father' is optional."

Grabbing the Zippo lighter from his pocket, he started to light his cigarette, listening as this Flame kid began to explain his thoughts on where they are. Taking a long draw of smoke, Jameson held back from chuckling as Flame started to rationalize an alternate reality. Heh, these kids are smarter than I realized... first they talk about love, and then they're starting to justify that we're in another world. Lord knows what would happen if I had an imagination so vivid.

Exhaling a puff of smoke away from the others, Jameson turned to the 'rich guy', a man who looked old enough to be fresh out of college. He seemed to be in a bad mood as he kicked his chair away, not that Jameson really mind, so long as that violence isn't directed toward any particular person. Like Flame, however, he wished to find out just where the group is. As the man named Alistair opened the door, Jameson shielded his eyes as the light began to flood the room.

Huh, so it's daytime, already.

"You two go on ahead," the priest began, as he leaned back on his chair, resting his feet on the table while throwing his shades on, "this old man'll probably relax for a bit before he starts heading out. Make sure to close the door on your way out, and God bless you both." With another puff from his cigarette, Jameson sighed as he began to get into a more relaxed state. Whether the kids are playing a game on him, he's high off his balls, or they actually are in another world is unknown to the man known as Jameson Walker. Either way, he felt it was more important that he got his bearing before his head started spinning...

Black Rider

’NEMETON’, Miyama Town


Rider, like his previous battle, had his shield ready. While he wasn’t exactly in a defensive stance at this moment, he had still expected an attack, nonetheless. He was in enemy territory, after all, not knowing exactly what he may be facing. His opponent, Lancer, was at a more advantageous position than Rider could have been at this particular scenario, so it would make perfect sense that Lancer would take advantage of his own knowledge of their surroundings while he still can. It is something that Rider would do when faced with an opponent who may outclass him.

However, it doesn’t seem like Lancer was following the same thought process. What Rider saw wasn’t his opponent capitalizing on the current edge he has, but instead that of a child who had just wanted to go on with things, already. As soon as Rider caught sight of this particular Servant, he knew that his opponent was some sort of kid; from his choice of words to how he conducts himself. Seeing that Lancer will foolishly charge forward, Rider knew this fight would be over rather quickly. It truly was as if he, a seasoned warrior and slayer of beasts, was challenged by just some boy…

… But if that were the case, why was Rider still caught by surprise?

Rider quickly raised his shield, almost clumsily so, as Lancer made his dash. That speed… ! Rider thought as the wooden spear smashed into his shield. While this Lancer wasn’t nearly as fast as the first one he faced, he still appeared to move faster than his appearance would otherwise denote. What had really caught Rider’s attention, however, was the strength behind the blow, as it was nearly to the level of his own. What had caught him off guard wasn’t either of these factors, however, seeing as he’s facing off against a Servant belonging to one of the Knight Classes, but the fact that this boy Lancer’s parameters appeared to be a step down from what they actually are.

So that’s why he’s wearing those robes…

Before he made his own attack, Rider had began to notice that Lancer’s Master had started using his magecraft on his own Servant. While Rider did expect as much, seeing just a glimpse of the nature of what appears to be this Magus’s territory, but still felt the need to issue a warning in advance, as well as some words of reassurement. It looks as if it were the first time this Master has come this close to a Servant that isn’t his own.

”Master of Lancer!” Rider had shouted as he chopped Mimung down on Lancer’s spear with the intent of breaking it, proceeding forward with his shield still raised. ”If you intend to use your magic on me, know now that my Magic Resistance is high enough to protect against any sort of magecraft of this age! If anything, you should continue to focus on supporting your Servant… he surely won’t win without your help!

“... And don’t be so afraid! I don’t intend to kill any Masters if they don’t get in my way!”

Kage Kurokawa

Yakuza Hideout (Ruins), Native District


As the two swindlers went to look for others along the way, they would soon come across the ramshackled building that used to be a fine establishment. Unlike the other Masters of the war, they weren’t very hard to find, even if they hadn’t chosen the same spot to hang out at after the disaster that was last night. All one needed to do was find where a bunch of scary Japanese guys in robes were congregating. As they approached, however, they got a mix of looks...

"If you two foreigners are planning on leavin' with a price on your 'ead now, maybe I can help you out."

Walking over to greet the two was a slender-looking Japanese man with a rolled cigarette in his mouth. An apparent senior member of the Yakuza, the most notable features of his were his eyepatch as well as the Murata rifle slung over his shoulder. Kage Kurokawa was his name. He served the Yakuza faithfully for twenty years as a kuromaku, or a "fixer", working in the shadows and taking care of issues the Yakuza, themselves, don't want to be associated with. Formerly called the One-Eyed Snake before a couple of foreigners politely informed him of what connotations that name was attached to, Kage had developed a reputation of being cold but honorable with his dealings. After his twenty years of service, however, he has since retired from his role as a kuromaku for the most surprising of reasons; to take care of his wife and newborn son. Nowadays, he spends his time trying to find honest work, although he can't help but say yes when his former associates ask for his help from time to time... Just like last night, when there was word of a foreigner playing tricks at one of their gambling rings.

"After I came down to the ring, the great fire started to spread all across Miyama. My family wasn't in the blaze, but was close enough for me to be worried. When I rushed on over to pick them up, however, I saw another foreigner, just like you, who had his own weird tricks. He was leading my family, along with other citizens near the blaze, away from the fire. I knew I couldn't trust that white-haired rat, though, because the way the citizens were following him just seemed unnatural. I couldn't check on her because the fire grew too intense where I was, so I rushed out of Miyama with my boys before shit turned sour. After all that's said and done, though... I couldn't find my wife or my son where my home used to be."

Kage pulled the cigarette out of his mouth after one last toke, flicking it away before putting a hand out to the two. "Tell ya what... that man seems like a person of interest to you, huh? We help each other look for this bastard and I'll see to it that you're both paid handsomely, with room and board, if you wish. I've got a bit of... influence, you can say, around here. Maybe we can also protect you from that bounty on your heads? Not like we care about what those other foreigners want, anyway... And all I ask for return is that I see my wife and kid safe..."

"... Oh, and I want my hands on that white-haired rat's throat."

Black Rider

’NEMETON’, Miyama Town


Rider raised an eyebrow at the young Lancer's response, having rushed on over so quickly. So there's more than one Lancer in this war, then, Rider thought, to himself, as he observed his opponent carefully. The first thing that Rider noted, aside from his apparent age, was that his opponent looked like some sort of simpleton. Lancer's lance was just some stick that didn't look like anything special, and his attire was just a set of simple robes, a far cry from the exquisite arms of the previous Lancer that he faced. In other words, Rider deducted that his opponent definitely wasn't anyone special. As a matter of fact, Rider was actually annoyed that he was facing a child. His expectations for this war began to sour.

"Very well, then, Lancer. I will 'play' with you, then." Grunting, Rider crossed his arms, not hiding the annoyance on his face. Rider didn't do well with kids. Throughout his adventures, he's had to deal with the children of his allies before, and he hated it. He even threatened to eat them, at one point. Rider's hatred of children has gone so far and beyond that he even avoided having an heir of his own, allowing his dynasty and blood to die with him. The fact that he had been challenged by a child, especially one that looked like a commoner, filled him with anger.

"I came here because I expected a true challenge between heroes, not some trivial nonsense," Rider noted, uncrossing his arms and allowing his shield to manifest in his off-hand, "so unless you'd like to set your own terms for the challenge, Boy Lancer, then I'd rather get this over with so I can be on my way." The next thing to manifest in Rider's hand was an expertly crafted blade, a blade that could be considered as the finest to be ever crafted from a certain bladesmith. Crafted for this particular smith's son to become a knight, if it weren't for its shortened edge, it would indeed be fitting to call this sword worthy of a knight's hands. To Rider, however, he found it quite ironic that he would be using this weapon against this particular Lancer. A commoner challenger deserves to be felled by a commoner's blade, after all.
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