Avatar of DarkwolfX37


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3 mos ago
Current "I've spent a lot of time thinking about my past... My mistakes... And I've come to the conclusion that I was right about everything."
7 mos ago
"What you know will kill you but you will die laughing."
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12 mos ago
Hey, you know what's annoying? Being self-centered. Getting mad at people for doing something instead of something else when they're just having fun sucks. Gotta love self-loathing, too.
1 yr ago
"You were last seen the day you disappeared."
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1 yr ago
"There will always be shitheads. That's why they'll always try to out-shit them." - yourMoonstone | Reminder that all fanart is illegal. |
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Oh no now there's two.
<Snipped quote by Webmaster>

Cool, cool. What is even going on in the story?
I looked and the first thing I saw was dark being inquisitive and you giving ellipses

Really she was just humming to herself and I was waiting for Storm to say something to her.

<Snipped quote by Araby264>

Unity (the complete version, as Tier Five intended to create) was finished by Data and Fourth and is now on a mission to purge Existence of evil. Techi just told Shinji that she's going to have to effectively neuter his government, and Ma'at is fighting Accelerator/Seth. Ma'at wants to defeat Baphumet without killing anyone else, but Seth is content with destroying Path universes to gain enough influence to be able to fight her. Baphumet has caused problems for all of the Codex for a while and is watching the fight. Abel (Seth's previous spokesperson) is dying and probably has a day before he bleeds out—nobody cares to save him. The base has been transported out of Existence but is still linked to where it originally was. A new villain is creating a tournament with the group and a set of old villains that have been resurrected.

<Snipped quote by Host>

I can tell how long I've been gone because I recognised two of those names.

Yeah it's crazy how long you've been gone. Also, Shinji's... mom? Girlfriend? Some relation, is a big bad and has a grey goo android who's supposed to be really strong, and they're being helped by David Prime who's not the David we know and is maybe evilish? They're trying to remake the weapon the Nobles were beat by to kill Unity or the group or some such thing.
On my end Sayaka Miki, Hero to All and Badass of Unmatched Proportions, is her equivalent of smashed to hell and is on the verge of bugging and/or sexually harassing a time controller of Soul's. There are now quintillions of Ashes, one of which is passively observing Isis, and a mystery woman has been silently hanging around the base with her back against a wall and her eyes closed in a stylish fashion before and after getting Liz to make a bunch of lovecraftian horror-esque items that Liz is now the only one with access to. Also big plot shit is coming once I tie up some stuff and fuckin Whizz does his color magic shit with Yami so I can have her grow up some.
<Snipped quote by Host>

I have to get my separation paperwork finished and then I can apply

Where are you planning for?
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

No she has a choice. She can stay in or get out.

<Snipped quote by Host>

I thought I posted that part?

Odd. I'd assume there would at least be a forced leave during pregnancy. I'd say get out but that's cause the military is bullshit anyway rather than because it would be helpful.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

But regardless, if you want to argue politics, let's do it in private.

>Is not a socialist
>Socialists aren't wrong about actual socialism never being done
>Literally the only successful "government system" in history was anarchy
>Capitalism has led to the downfall of every government to ever have it and yet we made it the world system
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

Just because you're on the opposite side of the political spectrum doesn't mean I don't understand politics. I may be a memelord, but I do know what to take and what to spit out.

You're right, the two things are totally unrelated.
No, no you don't.

<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

The command already knows about the pregnancy

Then she'll probably be out soon.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

It's the easiest way to be woke.

<Snipped quote by Araby264>

Wow. Sounds like it was pretty sudden.

What went on that caused the military exit?

Yeah that's exactly the shit I'm talking about. It explains literally everything about your grasp of politics.

<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>
I've always been into women who are older than me.
As in I have one of three pieces of information i need for my plan. I know what I can do in terms of a job, but I don't know when my paperwork comes in for me to get out and I don't know if mygierlfriend is going to stay in the navy because I'm going to have to move depending on whether or not she is

Oh she's in too. Damn.
She'll probably get out once her pregnancy gets found out.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

She's 25
It is run around bullshit
And I've got, like, one third of a plan. And I know this is a big responsibility. This is another LIFE we're talking about. One I helped create. And Im not going to let this child down even if it kills me.
Also thanks for the well wishes.

Holy shit. Good thing girls live longer than guys. Didn't know you were into older women though.
Mm. At least it got you out.
Define one third.
<Snipped quote by Host>

And my girlfriend found out she was pregnant by going to the hospital for a bipolar breakdown and the doctor said, and I quote,

<Snipped quote by Some Doctor Guy>

That is legitimately how we found out. And we both find that hilarious. Also apparently she is only bipolar while she is pregnant because something about latent genes and the increased hormones

Like... You know this might be found, right? You really shouldn't have said that online.
Oh damn. Yeah that would probably get you kicked out.

<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>
I'm 20
Yeah, it's definitely mine.
About 12 weeks
I'm listed as "adjustive disorder with depressive mood" in my file
Dunno what to do now

You're too young dude. Always use protection.
How old is your girlfriend then?
Well I mean, depression could be grounds but "adjustive disorder" sounds like typical runaround bullshit.
Dude make a plan. Hopefully you'll still get some sort of stipend now that you're out to help out.
Like this is the one thing that I'm not just gonna say momentai for like you really do need to plan things out so you can handle this. A kid is no easy thing.
But I'm glad you're out of that shit and hopefully back here. Hope that the pregnancy goes well and easy, too.
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