Avatar of DarkwolfX37


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4 mos ago
Current "I've spent a lot of time thinking about my past... My mistakes... And I've come to the conclusion that I was right about everything."
7 mos ago
"What you know will kill you but you will die laughing."
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1 yr ago
Hey, you know what's annoying? Being self-centered. Getting mad at people for doing something instead of something else when they're just having fun sucks. Gotta love self-loathing, too.
1 yr ago
"You were last seen the day you disappeared."
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1 yr ago
"There will always be shitheads. That's why they'll always try to out-shit them." - yourMoonstone | Reminder that all fanart is illegal. |
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Fucking emuparadise is dead apparently.
<Snipped quote by CuttleFish>

I'm saying that while she's physically strong, I'm mostly talking about the physics of levers.

Levers allow you to reduce the total amount of force you have to carry by multiplying the distance. Here, the ground acts as the fulcrum, the torso as the downward force in the middle (the load), and Eirene as the upward force, holding the legs. If the deer were perfectly rigid (i.e. can't move), it would act as an ideal lever. But because corpses are really pretty floppy, it's not an ideal lever. But it's pretty close.

He's not used to our casual mention of physics things in normal conversation :P
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

The idea was there and correct.

No, it wasn't.
You don't summon them, you collect them in your hand.
It's fucking Exodia not Exodius.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

I'll win by summoning the five pieces of Exodius and winning instantly.

You even fucked up the one thing literally everyone knows :/
<Snipped quote by CuttleFish>

Pseudo-levers make things lighter. But either way, things may be more complex than they seem ;)

<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

I don't know how to play YuGiOh.

Was mostly talking to the two who do
Have built a deck on that custom yugioh thing, if any here want to help me test it at some point.
Shion glanced at a distant hill from her now usual spot on the highest building in Penrose. Her recent additions to the roof included a camping tent and a spyglass which she grabbed and raised to her eye. According to one of her copies, there was a new magical... something going on near her. Through the telescope she saw a group of monsters split at an alarming speed, but without seeing anything resembling a magical girl, she lacked interest in it. If they were a big problem then Ko would probably have them on her list of 'Things that need to be dealt with,' but without that incentive she'd leave them alone if they didn't cause any trouble for her personally.

\\\Visual lost on magical entities< Loud howling heard before disappearance< Group or sponsor likely canine in nature< Suggest commencing monthly sweep early< Thoughts?<

Once again the main Shion looked at her phone. Canine? They had looked more insectoid than mammalian. She wished that her copy had managed to get a picture, but she took the advice her other self gave and sent out a message to meet up with the rest of her. She'd reabsorb them then send them back out to scout the city again, the second time she's done so since moving to Penrose.

Summer North finally arrived at Penrose's train station, several bags of luggage and a particularly special handbag her only possessions. Her 'parents' would be arriving three days later and she had instructions to stay at a specific hotel until they arrived and could rent something for the three of them. She wrapped a small jeweled pendant around her right wrist, a simple and minor catalyst for her divination, and went to drop off her things at the hotel.

\\\Everyone in position? Start with a regular sweep then check all abandoned buildings in your area. I want full coverage now that we're set up here.

Shion sent the message from her laptop, a new acquisition that she'd managed to get by dipping into the savings she had been keeping. Luckily for her she'd found the perfect program for building maps, which combined with world maps and her own hand-made map of Penrose she now knew about most locations in the city, if only superficially. Public records gave her access to a few blueprints of some buildings and simply exploring public buildings and businesses to the extent that her copies could resulted in a rather full folder of internal maps as well, often including important information such as security camera placement. She'd avoided condemned areas until now for fear of coming across other magical entities that may be hostile, but she figured she'd have to check eventually anyway.

Slowly, her copies spread out over Penrose, making sure to check every building they had legal access to and some they didn't. Rather quickly one reported back.

\\\Likely base detected at scrapyard$ Tripwire found$

The copy in question sent the message and stepped over the tripwire only to accidently step on one she didn't see, causing a pile of sharp metal to fall on her and destroy her. Luckily for Shion, no body or items were left behind.

Shortly after, a new message appeared.

\\\Sigil of some sort detected at the old school@ Half(?) is visible through top floor window@ Picture attached@ Suggest asking Ko when she next visits@ Avoiding entry and continuing sweep@

A sigil, now that was interesting. The implications of a Horror of some sort living nearby were unfortunate, but not necessarily horrid, ironically. Perhaps it would be willing to part with some coins for help with its goals... She'd weigh her options once she learned what it was.

Luckily Summer's superiors had told her the way to the new HQ before she left, so she quickly left the hotel and began on her way to meet her new allies. Finally, she arrived at the entrance to Beacon HQ and met with the guards. A wave of the pendant on her wrist was enough to trigger her divination, confirming that they were in fact magical and therefor this was likely to be the right place.

"Hello~" she said as she got their attention. "I'm new in town but I'm supposed to be here." She then addressed the guards by their names, asking "can you tell me where to go to get introductions and all that taken care of? I also need to contact my Beckoner once I've met with one here."

\\\Attack on civilians& Appears to be the work of a spirit-based sponsor& Ghost-like monsters& Picture attached& Will send video then proceed with sweep once attack is dealt with& Video incoming&

Shion clicked on the video stream her copy was sending, ready to watch and wait for some magical girl to show herself on the scene. A much better decision in her mind than trying to rush over to help by herself.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

Would you like to go down and see what's going on more closely?

<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

You're close. Actually, we are using every single photon that hits the roof--and when an object reflects no light back at you, you see it as black. We use light's inherent electromagnetic nature to convert it to electricity as efficiently as possible.

<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

<Snipped quote by Efficacy>

*We come to a stop above the tip of the mountain and we flip back over so we can see normally* Look at the roofs, and notice that they're all pitch black. Can you figure out why?

Because black abhors more light which can be used for other stuff?
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