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3 yrs ago
How much wood WOULD a woodchuck chuck? If a woodchuck could chuck wood? Maybe that dork Sally selling seashells down by the sea shore knows...
4 yrs ago
Can everybody do me a huge solid and like this post: roleplayerguild.com/posts/5…
5 yrs ago
Because asking the mods "gib power" is a much better bid than demonstrating a groundswell of supporters, right? #Wraith4Mod2K19
5 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
@KingOfTheSkies but could you fix it with Flex Tape? I say nay-nay


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Can we have our first mission dictated over a munchie filled showing of Big Trouble in Little China?

Well, if movie night's on the table...
Really urgently important question!!

What is your characters favourite meal?

@DocTachyon Hayden is probably the youngest human Dandelion has ever met, and they're still wrapping their head around the idea of "maturity" so they treat him about the same as anyone else: new best friend!

Cool! I was actually thinking that Hayden and Dandy would probably be particularly good friends. They're both non-binary and both outsiders to a degree. I think Hayden has something of a fascination with space (second only to dinosaurs) and likely bombards Dandy with questions about what its like out there, and what its like on their homeworld. Also, since Dandy is also a shapeshifter type, Hayden is ecstatic to teach them as much as he can about dinosaurs. Presumably Dandy would be able to assume most dino forms that they've seen Hayden use?
Hayden is another one of those that I think reasonably could have joined at any time. @Hillan what do you think Julian's thought process was for letting someone so young onto the team?

One angle that I thought of was that Hayden's been around since the early days, but was never technically considered for formal membership. Just kind of turned up on the doorstep and has stuck around since, always finding a way to break back into the compound/base/whatever any time they're kicked out or encouraged to leave.

But I'm totally open to suggestions, don't really have any hard and fast plans.

Here's a question for everyone: how does your character feel about someone so comparatively young being on/adjacent to the team?
So... Who wants a pet dinosaur?
So who's everyones favourite characters (other than their own, bonus points on why)?

@Bork Lazer 's Platypus steals the show. Somehow Bork can make me laugh like no one else on this site, like he did with this drunken masterpiece (also, for funny sheets, I have to mention this from @rocketrobie2). Playtpus is so cool because it takes a genuinely funny joke concept and then goes on to elevate it into a real character that's got a lot of heart to him. This is the sheet that inspired me to join the game. The idea of taking a shitpost idea like that and weaving it into something cool is really appealing to me. If Bork can maintain that mix of comedy and genuine character development in the game (as I'm sure he can), we'll be in for a helluva time.

If I had to pick a character that cannot lay eggs, I'm going with @ML 's Boxbender. The stranger the power the more I tend to like a concept, and this guy's power is certainly out of the box. Add to that the fact that he's more or less a normal joe in a world of cyborgs, aliens, and alien-cyborgs, does a lot to sell the concept for me, he's positioned to be a wonderful straight man.
The below character started as a shitpost. I'm not really sure how much of a shitpost it is anymore.
So many character submissions. I am feeling disheartened.

Sounds like quitter talk to me. If Bork can submit a freakin' Platypus, I'm sure you're chillin.

I probably don't have the time to join this one, but wanted to pop in and say I enjoy all the character concepts we've seen so far. Will probably be reading along with the thread, this looks like it'll be one hell of a time.
So, I post this sheet here knowing it probably should be rejected on the basis of being too anime for this sort of a thing, but I've always had the urge to at least try to submit a character from this universe to one of these comic book games. All I hope for is an honest consideration, even if it ends in a no. I can whip up another sheet for another character in no time, no problem.

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