Avatar of Drache


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6 mos ago
Current One of my D&D campaigns turns 25 years old this month.


It took me 10 years to finally fill one of these out, but I finally did it. Welcome, stranger.

I'm Drache. I'm a millenial leftist living in the US deep south. I'm a queer polyamorous kinkster. You can find me at PRIDE, at Ren Fair, at the local farmer's market, and the monthly dark party. I play D&D, I play Skyrim, and I play with gags and blindfolds. I'm your elder femdom, even though my bones hurt.

During the day I'm an emergency animal medical professional with 20 years in the field. On my off time I'm a dog show enthusiast, a karaoke singer, a baker, and a volunteer wildlife rehabilitator. I'm a collector of rare houseplants, of rescued exotic birds, of books, of tattoos. I'm the most feral spouse with the most domestic skills. I'm perpetually exhausted but endlessly impulsive.

If you're looking for a partner to share in your high fantasy, in your dark themes, in your deranged kinky monsterfucking, send me a PM.

What else is there to say?

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<Snipped quote by Drache>

I didn't say it was smart, but there's nothing wrong with it. The fact that the site is broken into sections based on writing skill already proves that you can and should discriminate with who you roleplay with.

Sorry but discriminating someone because their writing style doesn't match yours is not even close to the same as discriminating based one gender and nothing you say is going to change that.

Still waiting for an actual reason. Probably be waiting forever.

<Snipped quote by Drache>

Nobody has any obligation, neither morally nor legally, to associate with anyone else. I have no obligation to like everyone, you have no obligation to interact with everyone, the guy down the street has no obligation to talk to everyone. It's not sexist, its an observation. People can, and will, do what they want.

Once again, I'm not saying people CAN'T, I'm saying they SHOULDN'T.

Please explain to me how putting "I lack confidence in my sexuality so I only want to RP with girls" actually guarantees that all your partners will be girls. You can't claim that this is a method of reducing your obligation when you can't actually stop dudes from messaging you and pretending they are girls. It doesn't work like that, friend.
<Snipped quote by Drache>

Doesn't mean certain folks won't try, and even come close to success on the romantic part. Haven't heard any success stories. Have heard of ongoing romances on the guild based on 1x1 threads.

And you don't see anything creepy with using RP to bait people into relationships? I mean, there's absolutely no problem with forming a genuine relationship with your partner. I met my spouse on a RP forum 15 years ago and we've been living together ever since and still RP almost daily, but we didn't find each other's genders out until 6 months into the RP.

This kind of bait-and-switch that you're suggesting is really fucked up.
@Inkarnate Same deal.

Then you're being sexist. I guess that's okay.

I think in that case instead of discriminating against others the adult and responsible thing to do would be to just not RP smut at all. To be honest, the fact that people are getting MORE bent out of shape about being gender-selective for smut RPs is actually proof to my point that there is something very skeevy and creepy about it. It goes right back to the "treating RPs as a dating service" thing. People should be able to RP with someone without conflating the IC and OOC relationships. The fact that some people can't is a problem. It leads to drama and worse. Sexism is the obvious main issue here, but even if it's not sexism exactly, it's still problematic. If you're playing your male character as being balls-deep in a female character and the RP is going well, why should it ruin it for anyone to find out that your partner is a guy instead of a girl? There is literally no logical or reasonable excuse for being uncomfortable. You're never going to be in a romantic or sexual relationship with your RP partner.

The real question here is "can we all be adults" and the answer I am getting is "no, no we can't."
I'll admit, there have been times I approached people who were looking for a partner that did not match my actual gender. A lot of the time they don't even actually ask to confirm. I guess they just assumed I read their rules and agreed to follow them to the letter. Joke's on them though, we had fantastic RPs and they never knew the truth. Which just kind of drives home the fact that even if you do have some sort of hang-up and only want to RP with a certain gender partner, you should get over it because there is no way to verify anyways so it's pointless to even put that in your interest check. Hah.
@Inkarnate Way to cut out half of my message.

Never did I once say that it was "okay" for said people to "discriminate" against other genders/sexes. All I was saying(and am continuing to do so) is that people are free to choose which gender/sex they write with.

In other words "I'm not saying it's okay to discriminate, I'm just saying it's okay to discriminate".

At the risk of being the one who sounds like a broken record "being uncomfortable" with RPing with a certain gender is NOT an excuse. "Being uncomfortable" is a reason people give that sounds better than the real reason they don't want a certain gender partner. I think my favourite part about this conversation so far is the steadfast inability of people to volunteer a real reason.

You're uncomfortable because...why? Because you're a dude and you don't like the idea of doing sexy RPs with another dude? This is some subtle way of adding #NOHOMO to your list of rules? Or is it because you genuinely don't think a female is capable of playing a male character (or vice versa)? That's not an excuse either, because now you're making assumptions about my abilities without even knowing me.

Would it be okay to add these to my preferences:

-No black or brown people, I'm only "comfortable" writing with white people. (Read: I'm racist and if you Skype call me my Nazi flag will be on the wall behind me.)
-No fags/lesbos. (Read: Sorry, I can't risk sexy times with characters played by non-straights because I need to know there's a possibility your jollies are getting off on our RP.)
- No Muslims or Jews. (Read: Once again, I'm racist and also a bigot.)
- No cripples or spazoid autistics. (Read: I'm an ableist fuck who can't handle the thought of my RP partner being neuro-divergent or blind or in a wheelchair or something.)
- No fatties. (Read: This actually matters somehow because I just hate fat people.)

Did you like all of those? Then why is "Male partners only" or "No dudes" okay?

-No dudes. (Read: Because I'm a dude and I don't want to think that my dick is smaller than yours.) <- This is pretty much what I put in the blank when I see people say "I'm uncomfortable with writing with other men."

((This also brings up an interesting point. Why is it only straight people who do this? I have never met a gay guy on here who was like 'No, I don't want to write with chicks for my MxM plot' or a lesbian who was all 'No, a guy can't write a F for my FxF'. Straight people, get your shit together.))

@Altered Tundra
I think you're being deliberately obtuse here. This argument isn't about whether people are breaking the rules of the forum by listing these restrictions in their Interest Checks. This isn't about whether or not people are physically able to be sexist on the forum. Of course they CAN do that. This argument is about whether or not that's morally acceptable. "Freedom of Speech" does not equal "freedom from consequences". Lol

You sound like one of those people who apologizes for and excuses Nazis who start spouting their hateful bile in crowded parks or street corners. This isn't about "freedom of speech". This isn't a request for the Mods to start banning these assholes. This is hopefully a wake-up call for the people who have been doing it so that they realize that they are inflicting their personal hangups onto others. This is hopefully a moment where people can do some soul-searching that will end up with them being better RPers/writers over all.

"People are uncomfortable with writing with certain genders because _______________________ "

I think Nemaisaire is the only one who gave a somewhat halfway reasonable excuse in that maybe someone who is a chick who has a real life dude partner might not want to RP with other dudes because their real life partner would get jealous, which isn't sexism on the RPers part, just some enabling of sexism in their real life partner. (And they should totally get out of that relationship because WTF!)

Fill in the blank. This is your homework assignment.
@Altered TundraAs evidenced by this very thread, some people change their minds and are willing to let go of these kinds of restrictions. It's not like the discussion isn't worth having just because most people aren't going to flip sides.
I'm starting to wonder if being pan/poly is making it impossible for me to relate to this insane fixation people have. I basically entertain all offers and nothing really resonates more than anything else because I literally have no preference. Aha.
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