Avatar of Drache


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6 mos ago
Current One of my D&D campaigns turns 25 years old this month.


It took me 10 years to finally fill one of these out, but I finally did it. Welcome, stranger.

I'm Drache. I'm a millenial leftist living in the US deep south. I'm a queer polyamorous kinkster. You can find me at PRIDE, at Ren Fair, at the local farmer's market, and the monthly dark party. I play D&D, I play Skyrim, and I play with gags and blindfolds. I'm your elder femdom, even though my bones hurt.

During the day I'm an emergency animal medical professional with 20 years in the field. On my off time I'm a dog show enthusiast, a karaoke singer, a baker, and a volunteer wildlife rehabilitator. I'm a collector of rare houseplants, of rescued exotic birds, of books, of tattoos. I'm the most feral spouse with the most domestic skills. I'm perpetually exhausted but endlessly impulsive.

If you're looking for a partner to share in your high fantasy, in your dark themes, in your deranged kinky monsterfucking, send me a PM.

What else is there to say?

Most Recent Posts

Curious about the status of mine since it's been a minute. Hope you had a wonderful holiday!
This is the best part, where Odin bitches about me "making assumptions" and then assumes he knows not only my gender but my spouse's gender also. Golden. Hypocrisy at it's finest!
I don't think Odin gets "triggered". I think he likes to debate things.

You mean "dictate" things. Because those are the same.

Edit: Well, as much as I love this debate, no one has actually given a reason why selecting a partner strictly on gender isn't either sexist or at least the mark of a poor RPer or some kind of suspect motives.

Thanks, @DeadDrop for starting a lovely debate. It was nice. But now I get to go walk my new puppy!

Bye everyone!


No, unless you feel personally attacked. I think we triggered Odin. XD
So I'd see it more as a pre-warning about who these people really are.

At the end of the day, this is the real point. It does say a lot about who those people really are, and if this thread is any indication then I think it's really telling that those people don't like to be called out. You kind of proved my point for me, actually.

And please, I never said I wanted or intended to dictate how this forum handles RP or what the forum rules are. In fact, I have said the opposite several times, in case you missed it. This thread is long and I know it's probably hard to keep up but you're going over things that have already been said by others.

Also, without actually linking you to the women's shelter I donate to and volunteer at in my hometown, let me just say that it's a proven fact that jealousy and restricting a person from who they talk to online is a huge indication of a partner that is likely to end up becoming even more controlling and violent in the future and my recommendation will ALWAYS be for someone to leave a person like that because jealousy doesn't go away. But this is a separate issue and I spend a good deal of time in real life working with domestic abuse survivors, so feel free to PM me if you want to talk about that. <3
<Snipped quote by Drache>

I didn't say it was smart, but there's nothing wrong with it. The fact that the site is broken into sections based on writing skill already proves that you can and should discriminate with who you roleplay with.

Sorry but discriminating someone because their writing style doesn't match yours is not even close to the same as discriminating based one gender and nothing you say is going to change that.

Still waiting for an actual reason. Probably be waiting forever.

<Snipped quote by Drache>

Nobody has any obligation, neither morally nor legally, to associate with anyone else. I have no obligation to like everyone, you have no obligation to interact with everyone, the guy down the street has no obligation to talk to everyone. It's not sexist, its an observation. People can, and will, do what they want.

Once again, I'm not saying people CAN'T, I'm saying they SHOULDN'T.

Please explain to me how putting "I lack confidence in my sexuality so I only want to RP with girls" actually guarantees that all your partners will be girls. You can't claim that this is a method of reducing your obligation when you can't actually stop dudes from messaging you and pretending they are girls. It doesn't work like that, friend.
<Snipped quote by Drache>

Doesn't mean certain folks won't try, and even come close to success on the romantic part. Haven't heard any success stories. Have heard of ongoing romances on the guild based on 1x1 threads.

And you don't see anything creepy with using RP to bait people into relationships? I mean, there's absolutely no problem with forming a genuine relationship with your partner. I met my spouse on a RP forum 15 years ago and we've been living together ever since and still RP almost daily, but we didn't find each other's genders out until 6 months into the RP.

This kind of bait-and-switch that you're suggesting is really fucked up.
@Inkarnate Same deal.

Then you're being sexist. I guess that's okay.
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