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7 yrs ago
dissertation done. can actually post again. yay.


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This time the toad attacked in the manner she expected it too, its long young lashing out at her, but before the goblin could try and leap to the side she was dragged by her hammer instead. The red ring fortunately made her strong enough to hold on to the shaft, if she hadn’t had it she would surely have been gobbled up. The fact that she was dragged in the opposite direction to the one she was in the middle of trying to leap to was very confusing and so she was promptly plunged into the water again.

She rose from the water and stared bemused at her weapon for a moment. It was a piece of crap that should not suddenly be trying to magically save her life and Rita was not familiar enough with magic to think that someone else might have tried to pull it. Confused and rather worried about her weapons assistance she turned her attention by necessity back to the ugly toad that was already lining up another shot. It was little rough around the edges with that pike sticking out of it, but unfortunately her hammer seemed to have done little to the beast with her initial attempt, but she managed to see a way that she could do much more this time.

After all, when all you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look like a nail, and she saw a great big nail ripe for smacking.

Sprinting through the water as fast as her little legs could carry her and deftly hopping over a second tong grab she passed the beast’s side and leaped up in the air, swinging her tiny hammer full force into the end of the extruding pike’s shaft, driving it deeper into the beast, before landing behind the toad and driving a second strike towards the closest leg, aiming to hit a slightly more vulnerable area than the creatures thick skull. She’d like to see it try and jump and squash her with a broken leg.

As was traditional, she was screaming her little lungs out in a wordless and rather high pitched battle cry while doing all this.
I'll post tomorrow I think. then it will be time for the slums to suffer a zombie apocalypse and mutant meltdown.
Sister Sophia

Location: the Park - ravine near the Hidden Settlement -> the Sky
interactions: drone @Lugubrious, also possibly visible to anyone looking up at the moment


She gives the drone the flattest of looks (not that it can be seen with her helmet in the way) as she stares at what the box has in it.


She threw her arms up in exasperation.

"your lucky I think spying on those bugs is a good idea! The fuck is that supposed to be, ugly jewelry?"

She said in a rage, possibly only to herself, before stomping off in a huff down to the cache to resupply. 5 minutes of reloading and careful refueling later she approached the drone once more, which was still hovering there holding the weird egg. On closer inspection it seemed to consist of a red material which had all the parts of a face in all the wrong places. With nowhere presently available to put it (the remaining pill was now squashed under a clip on her ammo belt) she tossed it over her shoulder to Gromory.

"I’ll deal with whatever that is when I get back. Every moment wasted is another that the Xenos get to make their vile plans unseen."

With the weird artifact unknowingly left in the lucky hands of her Emperor’s puppet, she ignited the jetpack’s thrusters and tried to take off. She immediately veered to the left as her tentacle arm throw of her learned center of mass, causing the woman to ram tendril first into the nearest tree.

After a string of curse words and 3 more attempts she managed to get herself stabilized in her flight again. Well, somewhat stabilized, she was still a wee bit wobbly. It was good enough and so she grabbed hold of the drone and rocketed skywards, up, up, past the treetops and into the sky. The pack wasn’t really made for this kind of maneuver, but the Adeptus Mechanicus’s creations still performed remarkably well. That is to say, she did not plummet to her anticlimactic death. They rose veer higher till they were level, though somewhat far away from, that giant bird like thing that hovered ominously above the city.

"Alright you Xenos scum, lets see what you're up too"

She engaged the binocular setting on her helmet's visor and zoomed in. Presumably the drone, whose camera was facing the great avian, did the same.


I quoted the wrong post. my bad.
Are tactical nukes an option? Turn the planet into scorched glass and then land?

considering that that is godzilla, your basically just feeding him with all that radioactive fallout. I recommend summoning a bigger fish, like Cthulhu, to stop him.

I have no idea why goggle docs did not catch that spelling mistake, seeing as PRGuild goes.

Also yeah at 100M your only going to hit stuff like super-heavy tanks reliably and even then only if there's no other prominent conducting surfaces in the way. basically 100M is in lab conditions, in the field there's probably going to be stuff in the way or stress induced miss aiming.


the date thing was me being indecisive about her age and forgetting to update the date to the latest one. thanks for pointing it out.

I imagine if they both charge with her at the font suppressing the tank they might be able to improve the odds of getting his payload there with them both in one piece. will probably need a bunch of training and practice to make sure he doesn't get zapped and she doesn't get exploded.

<Snipped quote by ReusableSword>

Great, I'll accept that.

Only concern is the range. I'd imagine at 100m it would be nearly impossible to hit anyone, but as long as you can balance it, we'll be fit as a fiddle.

Also in your background you said "Natzis", it's actually Nazis. That's more of a nit-pick though. Move it into the Character Tab when you are ready!

@Dynamo Frokane

I assumed the above was really met to be directed at me.

so here is my kind of WIP submission. sorry that it's taken a while.

I like giant monsters and horrendous beasts that I can kill by shooting at their bright yellow spots. And I guess the whole group shares this feeling or we wouldn't be here

I going to be stabbing the spots and maybe end up getting dragged after the beasts by a poorly timed harpoon, but on the whole, yes.
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