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Zazar Palus V

Zazar was making sure his comrades were not horribly maimed or burnt, Using healing spells on the others using his sword to protect Flavia and Tulvar. Striking down the incoming scamps stabbing them in the heads as blood gushed out onto his robes, Although he did not mind getting his hands dirty the blood could be easily washed off. And it was not his concern at the moment as he was more focused on dealing with the Deadra.

"It's all well and good staying here but we're gunna get picked off one by one with those archers, anybody got any ideas how to take them out?" Zazar heard Adrian yell out his concern about the archers. "Zazar may have a solution dealing with the archers, However it will seem unconventional" He spoke out loud for Adrian to hear him.

Using a chameleon spell to make himself invisible as he started making his way towards the archers, Making sure he was not seen by the Deadra. Summoning some skeletons as distraction for the incoming Deadra, Soon he was close enough to the archers that he could attack them by hitting them with large looking fire balls hopefully killing them.

Thank you, Where would a good place to start?
I will try to post something hopefully by this evening.

So i changed my profile, Let me know if i need to change anything else.

My apologies, Perhaps I could just make him Rambo like instead of drunk or unpredictable.

Oh I will give him more detail in his bio and connecting to the group. And I will change him up to be more of a drunken master Rambo swordsmen.

I would be interested in joining.

Hayato Nijimura


James "Duckie" Markham

Hayato could smell the fear or rather the person's fear moving, Starting to move walking before jogging lightly towards the back way of the apartment buildings. He was hoping that he would be able to caught the girl before she would get away form him, The only real problem would be carrying her back to the car. He would have to do it quick because he did not want her to make a scene, And the fact that he was wondering if he should cut a deal with her.

Make her help him find the two that killed his friend, Then after the deed was done he would let her go. Not like he gave a shit about about her crimes, He just wanted the two bastards that killed his partner. Hayato was at the back of one of the apartment buildings hiding behind a wall waiting for his target to appear


James meanwhile was walking around the city wanting to clear his head, Smoking a cigarette taking deep drags form it. Walking down the street finding himself in front of a cemetery. Usually he would avoid cemeteries since it gave him the creep and it gave him bad memories. But he could not help but help and stand in front of the graves thinking about the dead that were buried.

Standing in front of one that he would usually visit, The grave of a woman named "Laura Barnes" he did not know her but would image himself being best friends with her. Taking another big drag from his cigarette trying to shake off the idea of that siren killing and eating children.

"Hi Laura, How ya doing? Long time no see eh. I've been doing good just having a walk. You would not believe how many sicko's their are in this town" He said rubbing the back of his boney head.
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