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Hayato Nijimura


James "Duckie" Markham

"I will agree to those terms if you are still willing to help me?" Hayato was now watching him intensely with his eyes, He was going head on with the Yazuka working with the city's boy scout. He was sure the other Yazuka members would laugh at him, But he didn't care if a Yazuka member was killed it was the Yazuka's way to deal with it personally.

"So where do we start then?" He then asked Lucifer as a news report on the tv talking about some police disappearances and also the local governor pardoning Yazuka members. And his group helping him deal with his trouble with the police but that was not going to be reported for sometime so he didn't worry.


Duckie watched the guy writing the strange symbols on a piece of paper using the charcoal pen, At first wondering what he was getting at with what he was doing with that spider. Watching the dead spider beside Haddie slowly coming back to live, Duckie was both amused and worried. "You know this doesn't really answer my question, However this does give me a idea. Perhaps their is some sorta spell or something that you can use so i can find the guy that brought me back?" He asked the strange hoping their was something he could do to help him.

I've been getting into it recently, I'm on season 3 right now and I'm loving Babylon 5.

Fair enough I didn't not think of that as I thought it would be the normal royal court affair. Then perhaps he could be a assassin dressed as a jester, Like Ciscero form Skyrim? I was also thinking of making him a Satyr or a Shaladorian. I will have my sheet finished hopefully today in the evening or night or tomorrow evening.
I would very much be interested in joining this rp, If that is alright? Reading the OC gave me a idea of a fun loving and mad court jester.

Hayato Nijimura


James "Duckie" Markham

Hayato was nodding his head taking in everything Lucifer said to him, If he could he would have gone with Josuke and been their to protect him. And further more he would have told the kid about the supernatural, He thought he failed Josuke easing him into ins and outs of the supernatural. However he thought he did a damn good job as a mentor in the world of the Yazuka, "I was unsure if you would help me deal with this issue before it becomes out of hand, I still am unsure if you will help me considering this seems like a Yazuka matter" He spoke motioning for the waiter to come give him a glass of water.

"However i would cooperate with you from this becoming more the a Yazuka problem, So what do i have to swear to get this information" His eyes looking dead into Lucifer's. All the old Yazuka was the head of the people that killed Josuke.


The skeleton was looking at the picture shown to him closely, "Yeah that looks like the tattoo the guy had, So can you lead me to perhaps where someone might know the guy? Or do you got some sorta spell so i can find the guy to talk to him" Duckie was getting a little annoyed by the necromancy not answering his questions and just doing quite strange things. Duckie was just thinking of ditching this guy if he didn't have the answers and looking elsewhere.

Yuya was surprised by the arrow that was fired towards him, Luckily it missed and did not hit any of his vital organs and limbs. Listening to what Fujimaru said nodding his head knowing what to do to help the group. Gripping the handle of his sword thinking one way to ride of the furniture blockade was to cut it down, Or moving it quick enough for the others to move though. Moving forward towards the blockade trying to avoid the incoming arrows, Using his sword to cut up the furniture and the men that were attacking him.

That's okay, although I don't think i am qualified to lead this rp.

Hayato Nijimura


James "Duckie" Markham

"And i know you don't care much for people like me, Which is understandable and the rest i brought you here was to talk about the growing danger" His right hand tapping gently on the table collecting his thoughts, "Josuke was a good kid, Just ignorant to the supernatural world. I felt it was my fault for not introducing him and learn the ropes of this place" Hayato stopped tapping his fingers on table before speaking again.

"I am not sure you know the whole situation of his death, But he was i presume the first in a long time a victim of this woman. I estimate that he will not be her last victim, The Yazuka as you know is looking for her but perhaps we can work together to stop her for killing a innocent" He said stopping his tapping on the table.


"Well maybe you know someone that could have information on this guy?" James asked him not really sure he should trust this guy, This guy seemed quite strange to him. However he had seen quite stranger things as a undead, The skeleton was watching the man wondering why he wrote and erase the markings on his arms.

Well i'm still interested in this rp.
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