Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
7 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

I find catching up on the posts you haven't read yet is a good start...

If that hasn't inspired me, then for this RP in particular, I like to consider a few things:

1 - how far away THE TRIAL OF BLADE AND PAIN is for Lana and if I should make it closer... (you'll all find out about that eventually...)

2 - What everyone is up to and what their end goals are (Lycaon is currently my main speculation point there. I keep feeling there is more to him than there seems...).

and 3 - How Lana or people under her influence can get involved with other peoples plots to either further them, twist them to LAna's ends or derail them in as fun a possible way...

Aka, 3- Being evil as possibly tolerable. :P
@Fallenreaper Well candy works for me. If I am having difficulty I put some candy on my desk and tell myself "once you have finished your post you can have the candy". Then I close my eyes and wait for inspiration to hit me...and when I open it I find out I have already eaten the candy...hmmm maybe I should think of a better idea.

Likely XD. In my case, however, I get inspiration and motivation from talking with others over plots, ideas and talking about our characters. It's odd but effective really.
@Fallenreaper Hmm...any idea's of motivation, maybe Candy :D?

Lol, I wish it that was that easy. XD I have yet to find the actual best method for Ellri yet. He's a tricky individual... And very complicated!
@Ellri Can you give a rough estimation at all

<Snipped quote> sorry but I am unsure what this means?

His muse isn't cooperating.
It occurs to me that, if Dyril is here to trade magical things, it is Lana's job to meet with her fairly quickly so she can advise the king about the magical goings on in the land...

You act like she's going to do something bad... :P
Anyone who considers themselves new to this style of RP and wants to learn more should join, anyone who feels reasonably confident should probably advise.

The reason I stated is the classification varies. At one point I was considered a noob because of lacking experience, but that was a while ago and likely has changed. I don't know for sure. I mean, I've got some experience, but still don't feel confident or actually feel like I know how to apply it at all well.

<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

Yea, I mean... do I get to qualify?

I don't remember the last fight I had, it's been so long ago. Lol.

*points to above*
@Rilla: Side note, if you're doing a noob tournament, you might want to define what makes someone eligible for that classification.
If you can make an arena post an interesting read, you've got talent. Most of us are here for the competition mainly though, so if people are leaving without the fight brought to an end, it's probably on them.

Oddly enough, considering my track record, I think I'm lacking that talent.
As I say, I'm not posting in any RP until I finish my exams on May 25th, so @Fallenreaper feel free to take as long as you want with ArisenMoon xP torture your characters, have getting to the city turn into any Odyssey... >.>

We can still plot and talk it out in a pm, even if you can't post it? It just won't happen until your make your IC post meeting Dyril and Kiseo in a local Inn or something? Then during the wait, Dyril and Kiseo could likely attract other attention, interact with other characters and sort of explore it.

I wasn't being upset or angry - just cheeky and the slightest bit irked at the falsely percived notion of HtH being easier to perform than powered combat - so no need to apologize, the amount of jimmies rustled on my side is negligible. But yeah, i follow your logic.

Nor was I as I said, I didn't make myself clear. However, my second part of my reply was made because honestly I've not seen many just H2H. Most the time it seems we all want magic (myself included) and so eventually, in the arena you have to learn that second layer if you want to expand your partners or challenges. I've tried arena myself and still don't quite know the basic in H2H, though part of the reason of that is because only about 1 of my matches have ever finished really. I'm actually thinking I'm too boring of a read and that's why my partners always stop replying to me after about the 7th one or so reply.
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