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  • Old Guild Username: Floodtalon
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The Director audibly calmed down after Kiara made her observations known, a clacking of keyboard keys coming in through the connection as Yuna worked away at the controls. "The ritual shouldn't have done this, we did so many stress tests to ensure nothing like this would ever happen in a minor singularity like this... Unless..." She trailed off in silence as the Servants handled the minor skeletons. "It's not even worth mentioning. It's a complete impossibility, we would have detected it if it was the case. The only way a malfunction of this caliber could occur is if... Well, if the Singularity was so severe that it could result in the complete shift of human history." There was no brevity in her tone, none of the playfulness that she had displayed beforehand. Her features were completely serious, that was the absolute worst case scenario.

"But that's impossible! Anyways, let's focus on what we know to be true. You're memories are gone, last thing you remember is from a few hours ago? That might just be a case of short term memory loss, it was something we expected might happen to people new to Rayshifting. This wouldn't be nearly so serious if it weren't for the fact that you all got separated honestly, it might have even been a little funny!" And just like that, all was normal. "So uhhh, I'm technically your boss I guess but like... I can't really tell you what to do there! I'm not there! So, I'm just gonna hand off field command to you! Try and look around for everyone else, I kinda want to reconnect them to Chaldea so we can figure out just what happened. They should have Servants with them judging by the readings I'm getting, so don't worry about them too much. And don't split up to try and find them faster! That's just asking for trouble, it happens in all the movies." The holographic form of Yuna pouted as she said this, before looking around. "Ah jeez, I gotta reintroduce Raph to you guys now huh. Raph! Get your butt over here and introduce yourself to everyone! I know you already introduced yourself, you gotta do it again! They had the short term memory thingie you talked about!"

As the mismatched squadron introduced themselves to each other, Bellerophon quickly ascended a building to scout out the area around them. What he would find was a dead city, the streets empty, the buildings darkened, a few collapsed buildings around. But not a single breathing soul inhabiting this ghost town.

Save for one.

A young man, either in his early twenties or late teens. He was out of breath, backed up against a wall in a dead end alley way as several men dressed in ancient armor (somewhat similar to Roman centurions, yet seeming somewhat off) slowly approached him. Only their backs were visible from this angle, but everything about their posture promised violence or worse. Having swords drawn was also a large hint as they took yet another step forward. "S-stay back! I might not have my Servant anymore, but I can d-defend myself! I'm warning you!" His stuttering and shaking betrayed his true feelings. If nobody came in to save this boy, he was surely dead.

Yuna nodded with a smile, looking over the assorted Masters in a new light. "Mari, Rosa, Will, and Lili! i'll make sure to remember those names! Those are the names of the people who will save the world! Oh, but no smoking inside! It makes the place smell bad, you have to take it outside if you wanna smoke!" The wind seemingly howled even louder in response to the Director's declaration. Holly shook her head in an exasperated manner, putting her hand on the Director's shoulder to try and ground her.

"Director, you never introduced yourself." The smile quickly faded from her face as she blinked owlishly. Then she rubbed the back of her head as she giggled with a sheepish grin and closed eyes.

"Oh yeah, I guess so huh." She shook her head and put her hands on her hips, legs spread in some sort of superhero pose as she pointed at the Masters with a resolute stare. "I am the Director of Chaldea, The Starchild, The Super Awesome Best Magus Ever! But you may call me..." A dramatic pose as she did a twirl, then another in the opposite direction as she did a little hop. She landed and pointed at the stars, staring straight at the ceiling as if it were the sky itself. "Yuna Hoshiyumi! But my friends just call me Yuna, so you can call me that too."

"We have a schedule to keep Director, important people to introduce..." Holly tapped the tablet impatiently, shivering once more. "When I get my hands on him, I'm going wring his neck for moving the furnace again..." She muttered as she began to walk away.

"Ok ok, fine! Now then friends, let me guide you to the most important room in Chaldea! The Summoning Center!" Yuna looked at a spot on the wall and waved at seemingly nothing, before calling out to seemingly nobody. "Hey Raph! We're heading to the Summoning Center, do the thing!"

They quickly moved towards a door, towards the kitchen actually if their week in Chaldea had taught them anything, but as they stepped through the door

-are you reading me? Please respond, something went wrong-

The brick wall behind her was cold, as she opened her eyes it would strike her that her cigarette was lit and in her mouth already despite having just stepped through the door leading to the cafeteria. It was also readily apparent that this was not the cafeteria or even Chaldea in general for that matter. Her head was also beating like a drum, a dull pain pounding right behind her eyes as her eyes adjusted to the darkness around her.

Another thing that was unusual was the three strangers around her all dressed in strange robes and garments from far off lands, along with the feeling of something itching on her left hand... "Rosa! What's the sitrep, you all Rayshifted in and then the sensors went mad as you got scattered all over the city!" Yuna was correct, Rosa and the three Servants were in fact in a city. Now that time had passed, she could maybe even realize that one of the strangers surrounding her was in fact her own Servant judging by the connection she was getting from her Command Seals. And would you look at that, she has Command Seals on her left hand. Hopefully she read the dossier talking about all this stuff, or she would be much more confused then she already is.

William would find himself in similar circumstances in another part of the city, however he had no familiar voice to offer even a sense of comfort as he looked at the strangers surrounding him. Only flashes of memories, a blinding light as Heroes of old appeared, the Director explaining how the Coffins work, the grin of a child as she pushed the button-

Pain lanced through his head. It would appear as if the first Rayshift had not gone according to plan at all.

A shadow flashed over the Servants and Master, paper raining from the sky as someone leapt across the rooftops. Accompanying the shadow was a laugh, filled with joy and arrogance as it's owner absconded into the night. Upon closer inspection, the papers were revealed to be flyers, each one decorated with a picture of a masked figure and an accompanying message.

"Rejoice people of Fuyuki! I, the Great Phantom Thief, am declaring that I will steal the city! I will not be signing autographs, instead all you will have to remember me by is the absence of your most valued possessions! Let us make this a night to remember!
-Signed, Arsene Lupin, The King of Thieves

Lilliana and her group would find themselves standing amongst the ruins of a long destroyed building, the Caster of the group immediately able to sense the presence of a Leyline beneath them. More importantly, was the man staring at them with a wide eyed expression, a very handsome man if Lilliana had anything to say about it...

There was no warning, no explanation, one second he was staring at them with a panicked expression, the next he was full on running away from them like his life depended on it. A decision would have to be made quickly, would they choose to pursue the man in hopes of explaining just where they were, or would they take the opportunity to claim the Leyline beneath them and let him get away?

The painter had quite the sight to behold before her. Broken buildings all around, bodies strewn about the battlefield. Yet each one of these bodies were all unique in how none of them were. Each one lacked a face, each one dressed in the same military uniform reminiscent of an ancient centurion, each one with similar slash wounds, yet no blood on them whatsoever. No, instead of plasma and iron, the building blocks of life, they bled something far more sinister. Something that was anathema to life itself. None of them would know just what this was, but they would all know that touching even a drop of it would result in something horrible happening. That thick sludge, that slurry of death and curses. All the worlds evil compiled into something physical, the black mud of Angra Mainyu.

Perhaps it would be best to get away from here and put their heads together to figure out what was going on. Would also be a good time for introductions.

It was snowing outside. Of course it's always snowing outside in Antarctica, but it's not always snowing quite like this. Not this hard. Snow covered the windows completely, not allowing even a hint of outside light inside Chaldea as the snowstorm raged on. Despite the thick walls, the shriek of the howling winds still made its way into the halls, albeit slightly muffled. On top of all this, a certain somebody had decided today was the best day to cut back on heating to save energy, meaning it was almost as cold inside as it was outside. An employee left their water alone for too long and it had frozen on them, forcing them to get a new cup of water. If you wanted to be even somewhat warm you either needed to be bundled up in as many layers as possible, or be blessed enough to know some form of Magecraft to keep yourself warm. All in all, any sane man or woman would say that this is the most miserable day Chaldea has ever seen in all it's years of existence. Yet despite all that. Despite all the miserable conditions, one person was just as hyper and excited as always.

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Chaldea, where we look up to the stars to strive for a brighter future!"

The woman standing before the assorted Masters, well, the best way to describe her would be to compare her to a puppy. She was a small woman, standing at only 152 cm. She didn't have much weight on her, she was a slim type with a few curves, but nothing outstanding. Of course the only reason you could discern her curves at all would be the fact that she was standing before everyone wearing nothing more than a white button up shirt with red tie, an open green coat, knee high black socks paired with loafers, and a blue skirt reaching down to mid thigh. Her glasses were fogging up which forced her to wipe them off with her fingers every few minutes, but aside from this minor detail she looked completely unaffected by the cold. By all rationale, she should be shivering as the chill set into her bones, struggling to keep her glasses on her face as her teeth chattered and she curled up into herself to preserve heat. Yet she was completely fine.

"Director, they've been here for an entire week." Standing directly next to the now identified Director of Chaldea, was a woman who was so bundled up that you could hardly tell she was a she. Multiple layers of coats and sweaters, only her eyes were visible due to the turtlenecks and hoodies she had up, a distinct blue that stared directly at the group despite talking to the Director beside her. She was wearing several pairs of pants as well, the outermost layer being a thick set of cargo pants not unlike the kind one would wear when going snowboarding. To top it all off, she was wearing a large set of boots that would normally be too big for her feet, only able to fit in them somewhat normally thanks to the multiple pairs of socks she was wearing. The only reason she wasn't wearing gloves was so she could operate the tablet she was holding to her chest, something she clearly regretted shown by how her hands trembled and rubbed against one another to try and generate heat.

"Really? Are you sure? I feel like someone would have said something to me if the A team had shown up so early." The Director looked over at her assistant, a look of confusion on her face as she put her hands on her hips.

"You would be correct in that assumption, I would inform you if the A team had arrived ahead of schedule. This however is the B team set to replace the A team should anything go awry. Nonetheless, I still informed you of their arrival a week ago. You then said, and I quote, 'Oh ok, I'll go talk to them later, I gotta finish this book first!'" While her features were not visible, her tone exuded disappointment and exasperation.

"Oh yeah!" The Director giggled as she looked up at the ceiling, a smile on her face once more. "That sure was one hungry caterpillar. Anyways, I'm Yuna Hoshiyumi, the Director of Chaldea! This right here is my assistant Holly Brooks, she helps me out with remembering stuff that I forget to do!" At the mention of her name, Holly lightly tilted her head in acknowledgement of the Masters while Yuna continued on. "So I'm sure you all read the job description, so I can skip over the boring stuff, but just to do a quick recap! You're all Masters, Mages who summon Heroic Spirits to travel back in time and fix time when it gets wonky!" Yuna rocked back and forth on her heels as she explained, looking at the group with excitement and wonder in her gaze as she continued on. "Or you would if time ever got wonky! We haven't actually discovered any major Singularities yet, so we've mostly just been checking out minor Singularities that pop up! They tend to go away on their own, so we don't even have to Rayshift in to check them out! We just look at them from our time!"

Holly took a quick look at the tablet in her arms, letting out a painful moan as she released her arms from her body and relinquished some of her valuable heat to the halls. "While I'm sure the Director has read all your files..." A quick look at the Director would basically confirm she had no idea who any of these people were. "For the sake of appearances, it would be appreciated if you could introduce yourselves. Quickly mind you, we do have a schedule to keep. Even if the Director has postponed this schedule for a week now." She mumbled the last bit as she curled her arms back to her body, desperately trying to retain warmth.

Fashionably Late!

Arsene watched the whole scene with amusement as he took his first step into the forest, functionally invisible due to his Presence Concealment as he ghosted towards the enemy Rider. It was a little touch and go as he made his way past the skeletons, but it was still no matter to the man who could steal the very world itself! "I'm gonna steal it you know? It doesn't matter what I steal, only that I steal it." He threw his voice into the treeline, mimicking the effect of the other Servant as he made his way towards the enemy Rider, hopefully throwing his attention somewhere else for a brief moment. That brief moment would be all he needed. "It might be your steed, it might be your robe, it might even be your very heart. But whatever it is, I'm going to steal it." Each time he stressed his words, his voice came from a different section of the forest, echoing all around Rider as Arsene inched ever closer towards the mounted hero.

It was less than a second, a fraction of a moment, in one second Rider held his sword and pointed it at Atalanta with smug words tumbling out his lips. The next second, his hands were empty as Arsene flipped over him with style, landing on one of the heads of the skeletons with a cocky grin. "Je Sais Tout. Be honored, for you've just been robbed by the King of- ok ok Master, I won't say my name! Jeez, such a stickler for rules." His smile faltered for a brief moment as he was yelled at by his Master, but it was of no importance. His eyes continued to mock the Rider regardless that sprk of rebellion screaming "What are you gonna do about it?

A Tired Professional

"I think the curses have finally caught up to me. My partner is just as big of a fool as the rest of them..." Asmar rubbed his temples as he carried a large briefcase towards the forest. The blessings upon himself had already been cast, his own Agility, Luck, Endurance, and even Mana ranked up to E levels in the case of a surprise attack from an enemy Servant. He stopped outside the bounded field, dropping the briefcase onto the ground with a sigh as he pulled a book out of the inside of his jacket. As the briefcase fell to the dirt, bouncing once before landing on it's side, it's latches popped open with a loud click. Asmar snapped his fingers quickly, the wind around him carving the ground around him and the briefcase into an arcane circle. The briefcase shook slightly, something within struggling to get out as Asmar began his chant. It shook harder as he activated his circuits, bouncing along the ground a few more times before coming to a stop at the edge of the circle.

"Now breath, oh mighty Ifrit. Let your everlasting death be known to the world of nature and let all crumble to the sand." And then all hell broke loose. The briefcase exploded with the force of a grenade, a demonic screech echoing through the area as the air around Asmar tinted itself red and screeched towards the forest. The air would taint anything it touched, killing the trees and forcing them to crumble to sand. This sand would then evaporate into more red fog, corrupting more and more of the forest with this eternal curse of the desert. "Assassin, you will end your engagement immediately and return to me. We will wait for the forest to crumble before... Assassin, you will return right now or- damnit Assassin I am not calling you 'Super Awesome King of Thieves'! We did not establish codenames prior to engagement, your name is already a codename!"
@Rondo of Blood@Stormborn@SSW@King Cosmos

You're all accepted, feel free to move your sheets to the CS whenever.
@Rondo of Blood

I'll accept Diomedes, wait on @Reflection.

Ah, I would like to mention one thing however. Feel free to remove the debuff from your 2nd Noble Phantasm, its unnecessary and we would accept it without the debuff.

A Master slot has recently opened if you are still interested, however all Servant spots are filled so you would only be able to play a Master. Is that acceptable for you?
Assassin busts in with style and pizzazz, beginning the tale of the King of Thieves.
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