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In Ossvien 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Ossvien 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
This rp looks really cool! How do we submit our character sheets when we have them written out?

Just post them in here. The CS is in the character tab.

Location: Atlanta
Interactions: @Chulance - Malik Henderson

Michael was walking out of the park when his phone buzzed. With a quick motion, he looked at his brother's reply to his previous text message. He could see the man's authority in the text.

No capture. No kill. Just watch and play a little, huh? I don't get why I gotta treat this fool like a cheap stripper.

Michael wondered how he would even find the guy, but this is what he was paid to do.

Two days later… Friday

Michael appeared in the studio of 107.9, a glock pointed at the dj and an ironman mask on his face. Before anyone could react, he spoke.

"Hey! Don't even think about it. Just need you all to do me an easy favor. Don't play YRN Reparations." Michael's eyes darted from person to person in the room until one spoke up

"Do you know what that-" The man was cut off.

"Do you know what I will do to you… and I'm right here. And even if I leave, you.saw how fast I just popped up in here. I'm like Nightcrawler. Yeah, so I'll be listening in. Call the number on this burner and I'll be here to take him away. Now let the people know you ain't playing that weak shit." Michael smirked as he tossed the phone and teleported away.

Bella's Office, Nova Consolidated, Downtown Atlanta

"Drop it off at this warehouse. My people will pick it up." Bella handed Adora a slip of paper with an address scrawled on it.

That was five minutes ago. Bella couldn't believe what had just happened. Her powers were gone and Adora… The woman had single handedly flipped everything on its head. She needed to contact Anthony, but she wouldn't be able to make any big moves with Hector alive. He'd know something fucked up was awry if she somehow obtained the amount of coke he lost. Bella hoped Adora would act soon.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: A quiet stream, South of Orc Landing
Interaction with: Darius, Skar, and Myra @13org

Darius sighed before letting loose a chuckle when he could tell Myra wasn't going to look the other way.

"Please don't let there be some kind of hashtag me too movement in this place." He said softly to himself with a shrug before turning around and pulling off his shirt, revealing athletic physique. He turned slightly to toss his shirt away from the stream and noticed Myra was still just watching. He almost thought nothing of it, but he couldn't ignore the fact that she had basically groped him in his sleep. He knew she was just curious if anything, but it was funny to think that she could be some serial pervert in the form of an adorable demon girl.

Next came the sneakers, then the socks followed by his gym shorts. He kept his back to Myra as he removed his last piece of clothing, his snug black boxer briefs. With this toss, he tried not to look behind him. When his feet touched the stream, he winced at the coldness.

"Shit that's cold! He dipped his feet in again and shivered for a moment before he walked in deeper where it was deep enough to submerge his knees He shivered the whole time, but managed to prop himself against one of the large stones that limited the flow of the stream. Then he crouched down so he could get a proper wash. "Think warm thoughts. Think warm thoughts. Think warm thoughts. Think warm thoughts. Think warm thoughts. The thought repeated as he tried his best to wash himself.

Myra didn't really know why exactly Darius didn't want her to keep watching him as Skar told her to. She knew he was going to clean himself in the river, but for her, that wasn't really that strange, the strange thing to her was how Darius was taking off the things he used above his skin, almost as if he was shedding a second skin, like reptiles and snakes. As he started to undress himself, Myra couldn't help but hide her curious, intense stare, which would certainly be misunderstood by Darius...

The second he started throwing his second skin things away from the river, Myra's eyes went to where they fell on the ground. First, it was the thing he used on his chest and then the weird things he used on his feet. The second they fell on the ground though, Myra immediately dashed to where he threw them, making it clear that her intense stare and curiosity were directed, in fact, to his clothes.

While Myra did notice Darius complaining about the cold water, she was too distracted investigating his clothes, most particularly his sneakers. Holding the strange thing, she looked inside, only to see it was hollow. It was the first time Myra was seeing such a strange thing. It was made from a really strange material, Myra had never seen or felt that texture before. Not only that, but it was much lighter than it appeared to be. Since Darius used those on his feet, Myra tried to copy him, only to notice that it was much larger and had a completely different shape than her feet.
The second she held it closer to her nose though, the sharp, pungent smell made her almost immediately jump back and let it fall on the ground as she stuck her tongue out of her mouth, shaking her head due to the strong smell.

Directing her attention to the piece of cloth he wore over his chest, Myra grabbed it with a curious stare. Much like the things he used on his feet, it was also made from a strange material. That material though, felt really nice as she touched though. It was hard to describe but it was almost as it was really, really smooth, rubbing it against itself felt really good. It was just a matter of time until she put her head inside one of the openings, wondering how it was inside...

The next thing Darius would see when he looked at Myra was her fighting against his shirt, with both her arms stuck in a single-arm opening while her head was poking through the head opening and her tail was going through the other arm opening, as she tried, without much success to free herself from that strange trap.

"What in the…" Darius said to himself as he noticed Myra had entangled herself in his shirt. And he was just getting used to the water too. At any rate she would win the battle against the shirt and tear through it. Seeing as Darius didn't have any other wardrobe, he'd have to act. "Myra! Hold on, I'm coming to help you!" Darius said hurredly as he stood up out of the water and tried to run across the stream. This proved to be difficult due to its depth. It felt a bit awkward to be running around naked, but he needed to save his shirt.

Darius was about a few feet away when he realized what he would need to do to free Myra from his shirt. No hashtags for this guy.

"Fuck! I mean...Myra just stay calm. I'm going to help you, okay?" Darius assured as he went to grab his underwear. He slipped them on quickly before walking over to Myra. "OH FUCK!" Darius had stepped on a stone with his bare right foot. He fell to the ground and held the bottom of his hurt foot, groaning in pain. When he looked up at Myra, he watched in horror as Skar who had just walked up and approached Myra and gripped the shirt. "SKAR NO!!!!!"

The orc tore the shirt apart like a sheet of paper. Defeated, Darius remained on the ground groaning in pain.

Location: Atlanta
Interactions: @Chulance - Malik Henderson

Oh damn… where am.

"Oh… Make sense."
Michael said as he stared into a blank white emptiness… well except the empty Hennessy bottle on the white floor next to him. The fact that he was just waking up meant he had to have had an interesting night of drinking and traveling. A chuckle escaped him as he stood up to his feet and brushed off his clothes with a confident smile. "Can't leave this here." Michael picked the bottle up from the floor and looked around. "The Transit is empty…"

He suddenly appeared in what appeared to be another empty space. This one contained a large gray platform surrounded by several aimlessly floating platforms. On the main platform were rows upon rows of tough boxes and dressers. His eyes scanned the other platforms that held vehicles, furniture, gym equipment, and much more.

"Yo! Hello! No one? Good!" Michael rubbed his temple before appearing in a whole new area. An empty wasteland surrounded by a tree line. For this place he looked around a bit quicker before appearing next to a park bench being used by a homeless man as a place to sleep. Michael spotted a few Heineken bottles beneath the bench and smirked "I guess you had your own turn up too." Michael said as he placed his Hennessy bottle under the bench and texted his brother.

You got anything for me, today? I can drop that YRN Reparations dude. His music trash, so I might end up doing it anyway
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Xenelith's Tent River Fairy Kingdom
Interaction with: @Tae - Azriel, @Eviledd1984 - O'Ner, @Legion02 - Xenelith

Umber was in the presence of Aklenroth's elites, yet his attention was elsewhere. His focus was on his soon to be captives. They were far and he could pick up that there were more than just the two. His eyes scanned over the sketches of the rebels who Xenelith had encountered previously and could safely guess it was the same group. So far away. I just need a strong emotion. Something to... cling to.

”STOP GIVING ME COMANDS!” His eyes widened and his tail smacked the ground.

Elsea… So much anger… hatred. Look what they tried to do to you on your world. False accusations… shame… a flame… I will come for you soon… Elsea.

He let the name echo in his mind as he picked up more. These were not as strong, but were still all the more delicious. Elthrael's disappointment, Jean-Luc's tenacity, and he couldn't leave out Risa's doubt… Umber snickered inside, before he seemed to break back into reality. Azriel was trying to form a plan and strategize on how to go forward. It was the best thing to do with all of what the four of them had to offer in a hunt for their enemies.

"Impressive as always Azriel, but there's more to exploit. Hmm... They don't trust each other, so they won't easily trust this deception. We'll need our infiltration to be believable. General Faister's performance cannot afford to be flimsy." Umber circled around the group, his eyes on O'Ner. "Can you become a human, general? I can simulate their power with mine to make you believable prey…" Umber's eyes fell on Xenelith and then to Azriel. "And here are the believable hunters. I don't believe I need to explain much more." Umber provided his own insight before going back to putting an ear on the door to the hearts of the rebels.

Elsea… I will have you soon. Keep that fire in your heart.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: River Fairy Kingdom
Interaction with: @Tae - Azriel, @Eviledd1984 - O'Ner, @Legion02 - Xenelith

Sorrow… Fear… Animosity… Ugh, happiness. Disgusting… But oh, there's hate mmmm… and more fear. Umber had taken Azriel's mental tip on something suspicious she spotted before landing. Umber took interest almost immediately, but the presence of the sun bothered him enough that he wasn't in the mood to investigate much further. He'd simply remain tuned in.

As Xenelith approached, Umber picked up three words that floated in with emotions he picked up. Plan… Coward… Human… Umber's head turned in the direction of where the humans were but did not speak immediately. After Xenelith's formal greeting, Umber followed behind the Dark Elf commander while remaining close to Azriel.

"Azriel, give Xenelith his charm and ready yourself… Xenelith, do your rebels include a red-headed woman and a dark winged fairy? We may have found your… expressive prey." Umber was proud of Azriel. Proud to show why she and Umber held the title of Wraith.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: A quiet stream, South of Orc Landing
Interaction with: Darius, Skar, and Myra @13org

"God I miss cars! I like a good workout, but how far is this place? You sure fast travel doesn't exist?" Darius whined as the three walked off the beaten path. Skar had mentioned that all roads lead to other people and the ragtag group needed to avoid as many people as possible. Darius had a high price on him and the group had a long way ahead of them.

"SHUT… the fuck… up?" Skar attempted to mimic Darius while trying to yell at him, but she was finding it hard to speak like him. To her, he spoke as freely as an orc did, but he used many words to express himself like an elf. Darius looked at Skar with a smile.

"Oooh! Shots fired!" Darius laughed before looking at Myra who was still holding her bleeding meat. He was worried that it could go bad on her if she held onto it for too long. "Skar you want to camp out real quick. Just to eat and maybe rest our feet?" Darius asked Skar who sighed before nodding her head forward.

"Stream ahead. We rest there." She wasn't from this area, but she knew it well in her travels to and from Orc Landing where weapons and drink were plenty.

Myra was notably less agitated than she was a while ago when she saw the Lich's image on the sky, but judging by her wary expression as they proceeded, she still didn't like the idea that much. That said, Myra was somewhat amused by Darius and Skar's conversation. While she didn't understand absolutely anything about Darius was saying as he used some weird words, the tone both of them were using and their expressions were indeed amusing. Especially how Skar changed tone as she spoke, she began yelling but it changed so much that it was rather curious for Myra.

After a while, Darius asked Skar if they could rest for a bit. Myra was already able to smell water when Skar mentioned it, but her having mentioned it was enough for Myra to understand that they would indeed rest there. While she knew Darius didn't eat meat, she wasn't so sure about Skar herself. Looking at the big pieces of meat she was holding, she extended one of them towards Skar, silently asking if she wanted to eat some when she got to the river. She had already seen a few of the green giants hunting, so that meant she surely could eat meat... right?

"Hmm…" Skar looked at the demon offering her meat. She questioned the demon's motives as demons always had their reasons for doing things. Why demon can't be simple like orc? Skar crouched down and hesitantly moved to smell the meat while Darius watched with a grin.

Finally! My girls are sharing! Darius wished he had a camera so he could take a picture of this moment. Their difference in size made things even funnier. Skar identified the meat as still being fresh, but it would need to be cooked before she could enjoy it. Orcs could eat raw meat when desperate or lazy, but it was normally better to cook things. Skar held a hand up to nonverbally tell Myra to wait.

"Wait, demon. I make fire and cook meat." Skar offered, which was a little out of the norm. Maybe she was just hungry or Darius was using some strange magic on Myra and herself. She suspected it for a while due to how the man could cooperate with an orc and a demon so easily. "Darius. Watch camp. Demon, watch Darius." Skar ordered as she walked from the stream and deeper into the forest to find wood to make a fire. Darius gave a quick thumbs up and placed a hand on Myra's head.

"Wait why are you making HER watch me?!" Darius called out, but Skar left unimpeded. He looked at Myra and then at the stream. "Skar will be gone for a bit and Myra is… she's something, but not like a regular person…" Darius raised his right arm and sniffed under it. He needed a shower before he arrived in Avalia, so the mild musty smell wasn't a surprise. It was time to take advantage of the stream before him. "Myra, watch… watch that tree. Don't look at me." Darius instructed, waiting on how the demon would respond to his words.

Despite her initial hesitation, Myra was glad that Skar accepted the meat she was offering her. It might be just a small thing, but it was already a step in the right direction in order for her and Skar to trust each other. Interestingly enough, judging by how happy Darius was upon seeing that, he also knew the importance of that small act.

With the meat in hands, Skar went deeper into the woods to do something, maybe she didn't want to eat in front of Darius or Myra? Or perhaps she didn't want to share... Either way, before she walked away, she told Myra to watch Darius. Even though Darius seemed to have something to complain over what Skar said, she was already gone.

Looking towards him with a curious expression, almost as if she was quite literally 'watching' Darius, just like Skar asked, she simply observed him as he looked at her and then to the river near them, with a thoughtful expression, mumbling something. Even though she didn't understand what he meant other than that Skar was gone and her name, the second he raised his arms and smelled himself, his intentions became clear to Myra.

Maybe Myra should have expected but when she got closer to Darius and sniffed the air, she quickly gave a step back, shaking her head due to the smell. While it wasn't particularly strong, it was still strange and unfamiliar to Myra. It tickled her nose in a rather unpleasant way.

When Darius pointed towards the tree, gesturing for her to turn around and look at that tree, she turned her head towards where Skar went and then to Darius again, looking at him with watchful eyes. Skar told Myra to keep looking at Darius, didn't she?
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