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In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @13org Ayita

Here we go. Say yes! Say yes! Say yes! Say… What? Darius could already tell that Ayita was not leaning towards a 'yes' and the concern he had was visible upon his face as she spoke of her people.

"The time where I didn't need to fight and could dance with my people is long gone, Darius... My tribe was burned to the ground by the white men. My mother probably didn't survive the fire, just like most people I knew in our camp... Our homes, nothing but ash now. My people, either dead, made into slaves or fleeing from a land that should be their home since ancient times. My father, a strong warrior from my people, is leading our people, trying to reclaim that what is ours and defend our lands. The only thing I can do, Darius, is fight. Either here or back home."

Part of him didn't understand. It wasn't a lack of comprehension. It was Darius not being able to accept the life Ayita was portraying as her own. Crazy? No… her eyes. She's not fucking around. She's serious… He continued to take in her words filled with passion as she shared with him her experience in this world as well as what it might have been like for others as well. To hear her speak of it hurt him deeply as his eyes remained fixed on hers. He would hear her out. All of it.

"While I do agree that not everyone would be willing to fight a war that is not theirs and would rather return to their homes, I do not have this luxury. The only thing remaining for me would be to try and unite my people from the rest of the seven clans and fight. Fight for the right to have a place to live and die. Fight to preserve our rights, our lands and our history."

"That said... I've seen what the white invaders are capable of... Their weapons are far better than ours, they have no respect for the land nor people... Can we even fight against them despite being in such disadvantage? We might be powerless against the white men there, but here... Here we have power. Here we can do a difference and maybe even find a new home."

It was more than obvious now. Her people and her land were not what he initially assumed. Maybe it would be more accurate to say, they were not when he initially assumed. How was this even possible. Were the DROMs this randomized? To the point where they could pull people out of history? Out of time and space?

"You're…" He aimed to raise a question to truly confirm what time period she was from, but she had continued and her current inquiry took precedence. He could tell it was important by how serious she remained. This was a far cry from their initial interaction.

"If you truly are siding with our people, you're not on the side of the one who kills your own kind... are you? The one who sent a dracolich to burn the entire forest down, including myself. A fire that is very familiar to me..."

"I ask you again, Darius... Which side are you on?" She asked, waiting for a reply. And he had one. Especially now that he faced the truth. It was all difficult to take in, but it was the reality here in Avalia. The emotional pain he felt could not be hidden on his face. Darius felt heartbroken as tears urged his eyes for release. Imprisoned only by the need to appear strong in front of her.

Why did you have to be right…

Less than a handful of seconds passed. Three at most. But it felt like minutes of staring into her eyes, with his own full of sadness and a pinch of anger.

"They've made you oversimplify this. And it's not fucking right. It's not fair, Ayita. Do you think this is just a fight of good versus evil? Or that you were chosen by some higher power to fight here? It was random. Random. Think about that. When the rebels activated the machines that brought us here, random people were taken from their homes, their lives." His voice raised a bit, causing him to pause for only a moment before continuing. "So yeah you're a warrior, but what about the people who showed up here without a fighting chance. The children. The old. The sick and dying. The people who needed to remain where they were because of their responsibility to someone or something they loved and cared for. I side with our people. To get us back home, by any means necessary. The ruler of this world and the ones who brought us here have the same blood on their hands. So why pick a side here when you can choose to fight with your people back home? If you fight here and die, how the hell is that fair to you or those wondering where you vanished off to… but…" He stopped himself from doing what he said he wouldn't do to the humans he encountered. A promise to himself, that he would not force anyone to leave this world, but only present the option.

Why did you have to be right….

... Kol

“The rebellion will not simply give up their human weapons. And not many of the remaining humans will trust Aklenroth’s offer in leaving this world peacefully. Most if not all will have their heads filled with lies of his inability to do so. They will flee, fight, and even attempt to kill you…"

"You can make whatever choice you want. Unlike them, I'll let you choose your own path... even if I don't recommend it." His eyes finally dropped from hers. He couldn't look her in the eyes anymore. He was sure she would decline his offer and that hurt him more than he thought it would, and it would hurt once more when the next person declined as well. Again, it was all difficult to take in, but it was the reality here in Avalia.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction with:

During the second dance of the ball, Umber stood by watching the guests with crossed arms and his unchanging smile. The dances allowed him to get close to targets, but it narrowed his observation of all in attendance. A low raspy hum escaped him as his eyes met O'ner's form seated at a table with that demon. Demons. They were rarely of any interest to him, but this one was peculiar.

For one, he figured that Darius would have been a long-forgotten meal of hers. A slave at best, but from what he witnessed, she was protective and caring of the poor man. What hold does he have over you? Umber scowled at O'ner. And what is this fool doing? Courting? This whole facade is becoming distasteful. I want pain and suffering now… I shall be patient. It will come… Yes, it will come soon.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: Outskirts of Chesm (5), Illuminata Kingdom
Interaction with: None.

The convoy of carriages transporting supplies from Chesm came to an abrupt halt when two of the horses pulling the lead carriage were struck deep by sharp wooden spears. The horses squealed in pain, causing the other horses within the convoy to panic and raise their front legs.

"GOB..!" The front carriage driver's attempt at a warning was cut short by a flurry of arrows. Only four out of the twelve shots hit. Despite the cut off warning, all members of the convoy were sure they were being attacked by Avalia's small green terrors. Goblins were hardly a threat to a group. They were physically weak, lacked magic, and their only tactic was to overwhelm with numbers. Even then, their targets immediate wants and needs. Food and shiny jewelry were top priorities.

Several of the lanterns were struck by stones fired from slings. Causing hot oil to splatter and fire to spread. The goblins kept to the treeline, making it hard to engage them, and a the same time flames spreading on the carriages made those defending their items more visible. And elf created an orb of light and made float into the treeline revealing the vast number of goblins hiding within. A stone struck his face while another light fired a beam of light at the tiny green raiders. The light elf that had been hit with a stone joined his brethren in firing into the treelines. They could hear the cries of goblins they managed to strike. Until a large spear pierced the chest of one of the elves.

"WARPACT!" Skar's warcry followed as the elf was pinned to one of the burning carriages. His screams did not last long. The other just continued to fire beams of light before he was distracted.

The loud roar of an ogre was heard at the rear of the convoy. Ra toppled one of the carriages with ease and sought to kill any of the merchants and guards in the rear. The distracted light elf was flanked by a spear to his side before being rushed by several goblins that managed to avoid his beam and had waited for an opening to strike him down.

"OGRE!" One screamed in the rear.

"TROLL!" Another screamed as the large creature ran through the treeline and crushed one of his companions with a club before doing the same to him. Screams of anguish filled the air, three out of the five carriages were burning, and most of the members of the convoy were dead.

Dari smiled upon the last two survivors bruised and held down by several goblins. Dari crouched down at the peacock and canine demihuman merchants.

"Meat...Heheheheh! Sike! Slaaaave! Yes!" Dari taunted using the word 'sike' taken from Skar, who learned it from none other than Darius.

"Two slaves. Bunches of loot. And the rest is meat!" Skar kept away from the flames and gave it a wary look as she spoke. If the green warrior feared anything, it was fire. She kept her distance in order to keep that fear a secret. "Put dirt on flames! Put the flames out now!" Skar ordered vehemently. The clever goblin Dari took notice of her reaction to the fire. His crooked smile showed, but not in her view.

The goblins tied their captives' hands with rope and pulled them along like leashed pets. The rest of the group grabbed weapons, gear, and as much viable meat they could take with them. They would travel about a mile away from the dirt road before camping, salting the meat, and celebrate their victory over the convoy.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @13org Ayita

Only Florida? Tampa isn't THE destination, but people at least know of it. Maybe… Maybe the reservations really shelter their people. Darius has matched Ayita's bewilderment as he led them in slow gentle sway. He was so invested in speaking to her, he couldn't concentrate on dancing. Her next words were heavy with seriousness and her piercing eyes only helped in laying on some additional pressure. Darius almost found it intense, shouldn't this conversation be just that. The two of them had been lost in a strange world with fantastical creatures for half a month. If he was her first human as she were his, then how could this not be intense.

Tell her Darius. Tell her the truth. Malgormuun pushed and again Darius matched Ayita's piercing eyes with his own.

"I side with us. Our people… It's why I'm looking for as many of us as I can. I have a way to get back home, back to our lives. No one has to get hunted or fight in some war they don't have a stake in." Darius answered and gave a nod. "So what do you say?" He wanted her to accept his offer. He wanted this moment to be as he imagined it could be.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @13org Ayita

"Cherokee…" Darius repeated softly as it was a reference he could finally cling to. It was specific enough to truly prove she was in fact a human, but it also seemed to be too specific. He figured a movie quote or a line from a universally known song would do. And why not lead with 'Cherokee' since that name for the tribe is more well known? But as if to further remove any speck of doubt, she repeated his line back to him. It caused him to smirk and give a single nod.

With Darius certain that Ayita was human based on what she shared about herself, he noticed her look of skepticism towards him. Her question of who he was only confirmed her expression.

"Oh right… My turn… Um, well, I was born, raised, and living in Tampa, Florida. I'm a personal trainer and photographer… Or I used to be." Darius was oblivious to how confusing his life might have sounded to Ayita and in his excitement, continued. "I was just getting off the ground with brand new clientele and then… Well, we both know the rest. What about you?" His smile started to fade as he was just noticing how puzzled the woman looked at the moment. Huh?

Time: Night
Location: Ember Grove University Parking Lot
Interaction with:

Multiple Operation Humanity SUVs and Sedans began arriving at the library wing of the university campus to cordon the area. Agents that arrived at the front noticed Sean crouched behind a parked car and aiming down his sights at the entrance of the wing.

"Stone?" The highest-ranked agent in the group recognized Sean.

"Designate a team to grab the bodies! Dead bloodsuckers and dead or incapacitated humans out here! At least one big fucking wolf inside. I got the dog whistle on so he will probably try to remain inside where he can't hear it as much. Have guns trained on that broken window." Sean informed without moving from his position. His rifle was loaded with silver nitrate rounds, and ready to put down werewolves the same way he did the vampires.

The highest-ranked agent approached Sean and nodded. The scene was fubar at best, but it was good to see Sean was trying to handle it the best he could. The agent turned to his men equipped with assault rifles and issued them commands based on the known information.

Angel… Remy… please tell me you're safe. Just walk out of those fucking doors and show me you're safe.

There were agents that positioned themselves around the wing, ready to engage any creatures of the night, while small teams mobilized to bag and tag all of the bodies on the scene. Once the bodies were cleared outside, the agents would proceed to clear the building.

Time: Night
Location:Alexander's Private Chambers, New Paeonia
Interaction with: @Helo Noah and @role model Adrian
Mentions: @Pink Khione Vivian and @Potter Shay

Olivia Amarante sat quietly on one of the couches within what appeared to be a large transitional style lounge room. Her blue eyes scanned the room, noting a significant change in furniture style. Alexander had favored a more Victorian style look to his quarters for over a century. The man was walking proof that in three millennia, life still had new experiences to dive into.

She had not yet discussed her news to him as he preferred a more private setting. Even when she had informed him of how pressing the news was, he forbade her from sharing it until he was ready. So there she sat, quietly thinking of how to tell Alexander that the witch known as Shay Knight not only escaped but had knowledge of very sensitive information that could be leaked to the enemy.

Alexander entered the lounge room with a smile on his face and his jacket removed. A glass filled with deep red held in his right hand and a wooden pool cue held in the left. Olivia knew the drill well. She mirrored her master's good mood, smiling at his arrival. Her concern failed to leave her expression.

"The cues came in! The billiards room... which used to be the gallery, is finished. And just on time might I add. All I need is a worthy teacher to learn from." Alexander sipped his drink and took a seat on the identical couch across from Olivia.

"Yes, and I hear you are attempting to outsource. I am sure there are a few in our community that can teach-" Alexander cut Olvia off

"Absolutely not. I will learn from a master, and I have found one thanks to a tip from one of our more recent acquisitions." He sipped some of his drink again. "Humans are vile, but some can be made into beautiful creatures." Alexander flashed a smile to his subordinate. She forced another smile, but he was not convinced by it. "Out with it then. I am now ready for my terrible news." Alexander's warm expression grew cold.

"Shay Knight…"


"The witch who recently escaped. She has information on why we need the witches. The fool involved in her escape informed her of this knowledge. Knowledge he became privy to after overhearing one of our conversations. I will ensure he dies as slowly. I can have him killed over the course of a year… a decade if you require!" Alexander sat as still and silent as a statue. "Alexander. We will recapture her. I will make sure of it."

Both glass and wood let loose a sudden crackling sound as both were crushed in Alexander's grip. Olivia flinched as she felt she was part of the blame. In his right hand, trickling blood and shattered glass, and in his left, a splintering pool cue. Both hands tightened into fists.

"Shay Knight…" Alexander stood from his seat, letting the pool cue and shards of glass land on the carpet. He paced around the furniture within the large room as if each step could accomplish easing his frustration as he allowed the name to stew in his mind. After several seconds, he stopped and faced Olivia with cold piercing eyes.

"We will halt all collection operations. No new cattle until her head is at my feet! No new recruits! None! If I hear that someone has changed a human before this witch is dead, I will personally kill the newly changed, the one that changed them, and have the one that changed the insubordinate starved for five days at a time until we find and kill that witch! Everything stops until we find and kill Shay Knight!"

After being loudly dismissed from his quarters, Olivia moved hastily and made sure all members of the Sanguine Moon clan were aware of Alexander's number one priority. She had been a simple Be On the Lookout target, but now she would be actively hunted by all members of the clan. Her face, her name, her known spells were all rapidly being shared with each and every member. Let the witch hunt begin.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @13org Ayita

When Ayita's feet stopped moving with the rhythm of the music, Darius initially mistook it as her being awestruck by the mention of the mysterious and exotic land known as America. He smiled cheerfully, ready to share more about his home, but…

Why was she still hanging on his mention of America? His own eyes widened as the answer to that very question came to him. The cheerful smile on his face died so swiftly. Slain by Ayita before she could even utter a word. The two of them might have stuck out a bit as they stood there as still as statues amongst the slow sway of bodies that danced around them.

Ayita broke the silence with a question, but he failed to answer it aloud. Aniva-what? Seven clans? He was speechless. Why was he speechless? Is this not what he was looking for? Or was he in doubt? He had been wrong before. Artemis had turned out to not be a human despite her appearance. Maybe this was the same…

His mind was racing with reasons why the woman he now held in dance was NOT a human, but her next words only pushed this doubt away while inviting even more questions in the same instant.

"No… No, I'm not… But wait." Darius shook his head as he felt a mix of both disbelief and... joy. He couldn't keep himself from smiling at her even with her loom of anger. "Please tell me that you're really just like me. I don't know what you mean by seven clans, but I am from… I'm from America. Earth." Darius couldn't believe it. He finally found another human. After almost two weeks in this strange world, he found something… No, he found someone who could give him a sense of familiarity. Unfortunately, he would soon find out that he had less in common with this human than he assumed. The land they claimed as home was the same, but the ideas of home they longed for couldn't be more different. For now, though, Darius was deeply and genuinely happy.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @13org Ayita

Darius was relieved to find that his partner's words rang true. Despite her admission of not being familiar with these dances, her footwork and movements adapted well as he led her. Their exchanges of smiles and brief laughter made the dance all the more exciting. He might have almost basked in ignorance and let himself remain oblivious but her curiosity of him struck his own curiosity of her.

Ayita's words were playful, and though Darius could not judge her tone as genuine or not, he did enjoy the thought of being such a mystery to the woman in his presence. He could be anything or anyone for that matter, but Darius felt it better to just be himself. He had lived in the shadow of his late older brother, John for most of his life. He tried to be just like him, sometimes a better version of him, or even try to find a comfortable place in the shadow John cast.

Honesty. True honesty. Why not? Darius smirked at his dance partner and her mention of his initial bold statement.

"Mr. Savage is bold indeed Ms. Curiosity. But since you asked, then I guess I should be polite and answer. Who am I?" He asked rhetorically and said so with a mysterious flare… for dramatic effect of course. "Have you ever heard of the faraway land known as America. It's okay if you don't. It's not really known by many Avalians, but it's where I was born and grew up before arriving here… in Roshmi. It's such a different place, but also has it'sown beauty to it. You wouldn't believe the things that are there and the things that aren't." Darius' crimson eyes lit up with excitement as he introduced and spoke of the mysterious land he came from to who he thought was an average Avalian that would be enamored by the place that many humans called home.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @13org Ayita

Ayita's response to Darius' provocative statement was a piercing stare that actually managed to intimidate him a bit…. Okay if we're being honest it intimidated him a lot.

Holy fuck was she about to kill me?! Darius thought with raised eyebrows. She must really be an elf... that thinks I'm a demon. Well, mystery solved then! Darius put on a smile to his current dance partner as soon as her demeanor lightened up.

She actually seemed to be rather friendly, and a bit transparent about her feelings when it came to dancing. He hung onto her words a bit before speaking.

"I can lead no problem but…" Darius leaned in some. "I'm not the most familiar with these dances either." He whispered with a smirk. He leaned back as he took the first steps to the slow and pleasant music. "And don't worry about what to say or do while you're with me. I may look like a noble, but I think most would agree that I'm definitely a savage." He chuckled as he figured that could be an odd thing for someone in this world to hear, but he figured he could play fast and loose if it eased up this interaction.

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