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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Myriamor Streets to Rattlesnake Bar
Interactions: Kuroi @hide on mana

“Me? Lead the way?” Slick was quite amused with Kuroi allowing him to take the lead. “Well it’ll be my pleasure.” The man grinned as he walked forth rather comfortably. It was almost as if Slick had visited this place before, but he was just a man comfortable in his own skin wherever he was. It also helped that the only language he heard and saw was English. There were some strange terms and titles, but it wasn’t as out there as the stuff he heard while drugged. There was little to nothing said between the two due, most likely due to Kuoi placing most of his attention on the new member of the party, and Slick trying not to get them all lost in the strange town. It wasn’t until he spotted what was unmistakenly a bar, that Slick spoke up.

“Bullseye! Looks like a fine spot for a meal and a drink.” Slick was happy with his find and looked to Kuroi for some kind of validation. His eyes caught the face of the fennec fox. “I’ll assume since most people here are of a particular… breed, that pets are probably allowed inside.” Slick was not sure if that was offensive or not, so he just looked straight ahead so the two could beeline to the bar entrance. The tattered wooden sign over the doorway read “The Rattlesnake Bar.”

Once the two were seated at the bar, Slick raised his hand to remove his hat and cowl, before remembering why he wore it in the first place. Dropping his hand, he made it his job to lock eyes with the male bartender with the mug of a tiger before putting up two fingers.

“Two beers and give me somethin’ sweet to eat.” He winked to indicate he was placing his trust in the bartender’s choice.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: River Port
Interactions: Eris @Tae, Bowyn @Helo
Mentions: Annya @princess and Arn @Omni5876

“Yeah well looks can be deceiving…”

Looks can be deceiving, huh, I like that! Kaleb instantly liked the guy he randomly picked to lead him to either the objective of fun or to the princess he was meant to meet up with. And if the guy was two for two, then that only proved Kaleb was just an amazing judge of character or simply the luckiest man alive within the world of Avalia. Everything had gone along smoothly so far. He was able to get most of the items he wanted, he was the sole survivor of the giant snake attack, and finally he had gotten acquainted with a hot redhead elf woman with some dashing green eyes. Oh yeah, and she simply adored his hero status!

“Let me guess, Princess Annya right? You a friend of Arn or is there more than one guy on a bullshit quest to find an elven princess?” Initially, Kaleb’s eyes lit up at the mention of Annya’s name, but then he raised an eyebrow at the mention of someone named Arn. From his experience, it was better to “know” as many people as possible. It gave you some footing when networking and establishing legitimacy with new people. A white lie that would just help open up a few more doors.

“Arn? You know that jackass? Small world huh, but yes, Annya’s the one I’m looking for.” Kaleb kept his bit about Arn short to keep from saying something wrong about the guy.

“A party, now that might be a good place to look. Where else would an elven royal be, just as a war was declared, than in a drunken port town at a party.”

“As crazy as you make that sound, we both know it’s true. A spoiled brat that’s not exactly involved in the battle plans is likely just getting shitfaced to take their mind off of the world falling apart around them.” Kaleb shrugged for effect. Despite appearing to be an elf, it was clear that Bowyn wasn’t fond of the wealthier sort. Social class divide! Of course that would exist here too. Never been without the green, but I have played enough roles to roll with this.

“I mean, look at everyone else here. Now imagine if they were wealthy.” He added, drawing attention to how carefree the townspeople appeared. Then Bowyn started to mention possible locations where Princess Annya might be. The Sandbar, The Shaky Dock, and the Casino were the big three and Kaleb was more than happy to explore them.

“So what’s your business with this princess, elf?” Kaleb slightly winced his eyes at Bowyn saying “elf” almost as if it was meant to be demeaning. Weren’t they both elves? Perhaps he was a self-hating elf or there was a race Kaleb had not accounted for. Keep up the improv KC! He thought as he noticed Bowyn starting off in a direction. Kaleb quickly followed Bowyn, remaining a half step behind on the fellow’s right side. There was no way Kaleb was going to lead the way. Not yet at least.

“I’m not going to insult your intelligence. There’s only one reason why anyone might be looking for her after what’s occurred in the past couple of days. When it comes to hitting those shithead Dark Elves where it hurts, she’s the one to talk to. She’s responsible for bringing in the…” Kaleb took a moment to check his surroundings. No one was too close to overhear him if he whispered, and so he spoke. “...humans. Those capable of manipulating the forces of nature as if it’s second nature.” He was quite proud of that last bit and even smiled to himself.

“And what might your reason be for searching for the princess? No one just volunteers to help find someone out of the goodness of their heart these days. Wait, don’t tell me Arn dragged you into this. I hope he’s paying you well at least.”

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: River Port
Interactions: Eris @Tae, Bowyn @Helo
Mentions: Annya @princess, Raven @Tae, Saiorse @potter, Arn @Omni5876,

A grand smile spread across the young man’s face as his feet hit the docks of River Port. He gave a nod and wave to a few people he had gotten acquainted with aboard the ferry as they started to go their separate ways.

“Hey Eris, I suggest you let me lead the way once we reach that wicked looking port.”

This was what he had said after laying eyes on the port. Sure, he knew nothing of this place, but if there was one thing he did know, it was the night life. Meeting up with the elven princess and the side characters was an objective, but enjoying the attractions River Port had to offer were the current priority. He wasn’t surprised that Eris agreed to follow along. From his perspective, the woman definitely had eyes for him. In fact, she told him she would keep her distance so she had a better vantage point in watching everything happening around him. Wrapped around my finger and she’s not even the guaranteed love interest.

In truth, Eris was having the overconfident human enjoy his fun while she hid in and out of plain sight. If Princess Annya was here, then there were probably other humans to scope out. Kaleb was a nice catch, but if there were other impressionable ones with more to offer, why not see?

With a swagger to his step, Kaleb walked into the port town with a poised expression on his face. He should have felt some culture shock, but he honestly felt like he was on an oversized version of the set of Lord of the Kings. Sure, he had seen most of the races aboard the ferry, but now there were so many at such a large location. He couldn’t look intimidated, especially if he was trying to fit in. Dwarves, Elves, Pixies… I mean Fairies, and Demi-Humans? I figure with a name like that, they’d have a way better design… I mean way better look to them, but they’re just like those weird people that hold those conventions where they put on animal costumes. Furries, right? They’d love this shit. Despite his thoughts, he remained composed. He stared at a few people longer than he should have as he roamed around the town, but kept it pushing.

During his roaming of River Port he saw a lot of things. Three ladies being heckled by a lecherous merchant, a Dwarf with an exotic looking husky watching a Fairy as she flew over the town seemingly searching for something, and few other intriguing sorts. The sounds, the smells, and even the interactions were no different than something he had witnessed in the few major cities he had visited. The typical busyness of the town almost sucked him in and made him forget the impending doom of the terrifying war the Light Elves that summoned him warned of. He was sure it was coming sooner or later, but he’d worry about it when it came.

For now, absorbing the ambiance of River Port would only help with his method acting when he’d need it. Using Eris as a crutch to truly know this world didn’t seem wise. If he needed to adapt to Avalia, he had to jump into it and interact with it.

“Hey!” Kaleb called to a guy who looked like he was “of the people,” a normie of sorts. A guy in tune with the everyday man. He was alone, but moved with a purpose as if he was trying to meet up with someone important even though he didn’t appear dressed to impress. Pointed ears, platinum hair, and the look of a commoner… Elf for sure. He assumed based on what he knew so far. “You look like you know your way around here…” Kaleb quickly looked to his left and right for dramatic effect before continuing. In fact, there were still people walking around them. “Do you know where I can find some fun around here? I mean bars are cool, but I’m looking for a party… or a certain princess rumored to be around these parts.” He asked with a smirk.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Tavern
Interactions: Myra @13org

Both Vrexen and Astra were a bit stumped as Myra retrieved more food without causing a commotion with a confident swagger that may have been the result of the mead settling.

“She took what she wanted without messing everything up Vrexen. She’s adopted your principles and my cunning…” Astra grabbed one of her prawns with a grin. “Excellent thinking, Myra… And the server will return with even more meat for you too.”

“Hey! You can’t do that!” A male feline demi-human shouted from the table where Myra stole the roasted pork belly from. He appeared to be on a date with another male feline and both were furrowing their brows at Myra, Vrexen, and Astra. Vrexen grabbed a handful of the pork.

“We can’t?” Vrexen stuffed the handful of pork into his jaws while maintaining eye contact with the felines. Astra sighed before clearing her throat.

“Listen up, kitties! Lord Vrexen, the Beast of the Night, will do as he pleases! He has killed far greater than you two on the best of his days. Count yourselves lucky that he hasn’t asked his right hand mistress to snatch you up to eat instead. Do you not see the jaws of this woman? If you wish to do something about it, I-” Vrexen cut Astra’s theatrics short.

“We will kill you. I will not hear or spare any more words for you creatures. We feast on what we desire. Do not draw unwanted attention to yourselves, meat.” All three of his eyes were widened towards the feline couple that stared back in fear. Whether they thought Vrexen was insane or plain terrifying, he could both agree that it was wise to heed his words. They averted their eyes, allowing Vrexen to address Astra. “I do not need you to defend me, Astra.”

“I was not defending you. I was defending them from your wrath or whatever.”

“My what?” Vrexen’s eyes narrowed as he bared his teeth in anger. A single word had such an effect on him.“Don’t you ever utter such a word again… Wrath… I hate Wrath.” Astra’s eyes widened as Vrexen appeared as if he was ready to kill her on the spot.

“I apologize. Please, Vrexen, I will never utter that word again. Please just-”

Violence. Mother prefers violence.”

“Violence... Vrexen’s violence.”

“Yesss. You spared them from my violence. Now, eat.”
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Tavern
Interactions: Myra @13org

"Foo! Foo!" Myra had said.

Myra quickly captured Vrexen and Astra’s attention. While Vrexen watched with interest, Astra did so with concern. It had been the first time either of them witnessed Myra in such an aggressive state.

“Uh…” The server had still been present, watching Myra fearfully. Lusha had heard the tales of demi-humans becoming savage beastmen in the wilds, and was afraid she had stumbled upon one in the company of this odd trio.

“Slave… Bring us food,” the woman caught the gaze of Vrexen’s narrowed eyes, his tone more frightening than Myra’s appearance. “Or become it.” He grabbed a handful of the sliced pork belly and bit into it without an ounce of etiquette, only adding more to Lusha's feeling of unease.

“Please. Listen to him.” Astra warned in a serious tone. She wasn't one to save a life that wasn't her own, but she did not want to ruin the chance at having a peaceful night's sleep here at the tavern/inn. “Did I stutter?! Fucking go!” Astra yelled, shocking Lusha out of her fear-frozen state. She initially walked away briskly before jogging through a door leading to the back kitchen. Astra hadn't expected such a turn. Vrexen was always a bit frightening, but Myra? Astra had to assume that the mead was the culprit.

All the while, Vrexen was gobbling up the roasted pork, very pleased with its flavor and even licked his fingers. He could see why Myra desired more of this meat, especially with how little of it was served. Now he desired more as well.

“I hope you two are happy..."

He had watched where the server had come and gone, and now Vrexen knew the source of the succulent meat.

“She's definitely going to spit in your food…”

And now he had no need of the slave!

“Just next time, try to- Wait, what are you doing?”

As soon as Vrexen gulped down the last bite of pork belly, he stood up from the table with a toothy grin.


“Myra!” He pointed toward the door leading to the back kitchen. “Instead of waiting for that useless slave, we will take our food now!

“Wait, Vrexen! Just wait!” Astra also stood up genuinely trying to plead with him. “Remember the power of amas. Remember that you wanted to see how it worked, right?” Vrexen's grin dropped as his excitement died down upon remembering that conversation.

“Amas… Yes.” A low sigh escaped him before he rounded the table towards Myra. “But if these small portions are what amas give us… I am not impressed. Myra, I order you to retrieve more delicious meat for us. Remove that cloth and take! Take what you desire.” He firmly pinched part of the collar of her dress to make it easier for her to simply slip out of it.

“Don't, Myra.”


Location: Haly's Circus
Interactions: The Team

After reigning in the ponies or simply beating them into submission, Viktor performed a pose where he raised the mallet high.

“I AM Rainman!” Viktor shouted before running off as swiftly as possible into the night. He got some distance before he tossed the mask, towel, and mallet before circling around to return to the tent and beelined to his makeshift dressing room.

“That better have been worth it.” He frowned before putting his dress shirt back on.

Once the team got together and all the facts were presented, Viktor sighed. His disapproving face turned from his team. He was a bit upset at himself for not participating more in the gathering of information and evidence, instead, he had been more invested in his task of assisting Zach. They hadn’t identified the supplier and the circus show was reaching its end soon. He tried to think to himself, but Alisa addressing him broke him from his thoughts. He wasn’t sure how to take the compliment so he shrugged.

“Thanks.” He said evenly. She pointed out what he had been worried about, but maybe there was a chance. There was still time left on the clock, but unfortunately, that fell into the hands of the others. The Juggler seemed to be the only one that wasn’t a dead-end, that or his team lacked any effectiveness when it came to information gathering.

Zach was next to speak, but it was a spell that came out of his mouth first. As he removed the piece of wood from Daphne’s side, he raised an eyebrow as to why the girl left something like that in her body. Then there were Zach’s priorities as the leader of the team during this mission. He understood performing, hell, he was all in for it but he didn’t completely agree with Zach voicing his personal stake in this while the team still had an objective to complete. At the same time, the act was a stated objective by Batman.

“A, we have not won, that’s why you feel that way. And Zach, we have not failed. Please remember that you are leading a team…” His eyes remained on Zach for a moment before continuing. If he had to snatch the reins, he would. “Why not try to validate your findings instead of single-sourcing. I wouldn’t trust just a single assessment from any of you. The Juggler wasn’t successfully contacted, and the ponies could be a lead. This supplier has a supply of something that Kobra is intending to use, and that something could have been what affected those animals. It’s weak, but it’s a lead. Excercise all of your options to find out as much as you can while Zach and I end the show with our act.”
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: On the road from Roshmi CIty to Myriamor
Interactions: Kuroi @hide on mana, Mika @Tae
Mentions: Rosaria @potter

After Slick had his items purchased, he window-shopped, eyeing the other peculiar items on display. He wanted to do a once-over just in case he missed something that might be of use later and was also curious as to what the other two would buy. He specifically watched Kuroi who had eyes on one of the caged critters despite the suggestions he made. Sure, he was pulling Kuroi’s leg, but Slick found his options for the fox fellow much more valuable than a tiny odd-looking... fox. Wait a minute.. He watched Kuroi leave the store with a raised eyebrow. He couldn’t begin to understand the purchase of a fox by a fox, but this was Avalia, a world where the rules swung a tad bit differently.

“That’s some interesting company you keep. I mean- Whoa…” Slick noticed Mika purchasing the outfit he had brazenly pointed out for her to buy. Looks like she was going to make this man’s half-thought lustful dream a reality. A grin of satisfaction formed on his lips.

In truth, Mika had not purchased the outfit to please Slick, but was actually eyeing it herself. To blend in, Mika had to look less like a princess, and more like… like someone a bit less modest. It was not something she would typically wear as it pulled the wrong type of attention towards her, but that is exactly what made it the perfect choice.

“And here I was thinking you planned on being hot in that get-up… well actually, I guess you’re still plannin’ that in a sense.” Slick winked before tipping his stetson to the young princess. The two eventually approached Kuroi plopped down underneath the tree with Mika immediately seating herself beside Kuroi to get close to the small fennec fox. Setting down the bag with her outfit, she reached over to gently pet the new member of their party.

“He’s so cute. Does he have a name yet?” Mika asked as she looked at the precious creature with a warm smile. She found the fox adorable, and was curious about Kuroi displaying a softer side. The man was much more complex than he let on, especially since she had not witnessed him interacting with anyone the same way as the fennec fox.

Meanwhile, Slick positioned himself on the other side of the tree and leaned his back to it.

“While you two coddle the youngster there, I’m gonna get changed.” Slick quickly removed his current attire and changed into his new outfit. There were a few peepers, but he didn’t let that stop him. He placed his old clothing in the saddle bag Mika purchased for him before rolling his shoulders and rounding the tree. “I’m liking the feel of this. Yeaaah, this is nice.” Slick said as he looked down at his outfit and then to the other two seated beneath the tree. Noticing Slick was done, Mika got up from the ground.

“Okay so I think we’re all set. I just need to change as well.” Mika appeared as if she wanted to say more, but bit her lower lip and looked away for a moment. It was brief but noticeable. “Kuroi. Slick. I’m going to go find a hotel for us to stay for the night. The Sandpit should do. You two should find some place to eat in the meantime while I change… and get also some rest.” She handed Kuroi 100 amas that he could spend at his own volition. She would have joined them, but Mika had so much on her mind she hadn’t fully digested. Her brother’s death, the war, her father’s alliance with the dark elves, being responsible for a human in her company, and rebelling against her own kingdom. Mika just needed time to take it all in before she was overwhelmed by it all. She couldn’t meet Princess Rosaria with a troubled mind and she trusted Kuroi to keep Slick out of any trouble for a few hours.

“I don't wish to part ways but a good meal does sound just as good as a drink. Think we can do both, Kuroi?” He was still getting used to the man's foreign name. “And can't wait to see how that there dress looks on you. A sight to behold, I reckon.” He flattered with a sultry smile.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Tavern
Interactions: Myra @13org

The odd-tasting beverage that was the mead burned mildly as it went down into the pit of his stomach. Astra could not believe he had chugged the mead seemingly on a whim.

“Hmmm.” Vrexen could not determine whether or not he enjoyed the beverage. At least initially. The sweet taste with a slight bite. Lovely, yet not too inviting. Astra’s loud reaction was almost entirely ignored, and instead of addressing her, he stared at Myra.

“Myra. Why did you only choose now to speak?” The red-faced demon kept his three eyes on her.

Astra simply stared at Vrexen and then at the empty tankard on the table. Mead wasn’t the strongest thing ever, but she was a little afraid of how Vrexen would react to the effects of alcohol. Astra could tell how dangerous he was and remembered how unstable the demon had become on the Malthemoor docks. He was frightening as he was but more so when we transformed.

“I don’t think she’s good at it. Like a babe, y’know. She’s probably been alone for a long time without a soul to talk to.” Astra seemed to speak from the heart she did not possess. A smirk formed on her lips. “Maybe the mead will loosen up her tongue. Come on, drink up.” Astra mocked a toast by raising her tankard up towards Myra before taking another swig.

Vrexen audibly sniffed as his head turned towards the waiter, Lusha walked towards their table carrying their meals.

“The woman is our slave, correct?” Vrexen asked Astra as the waiter set down the dishes with a bewildered expression. The roasted pork belly sizzled on the plates in front of Myra and Vrexen, while the cheesy prawns were presented in an oval serving platter.

“Slave?” She was offended.

“Vrexen…” These two would have her needing to talk their group out of all sorts of trouble! “I’m sorry, he’s drunk... Very drunk.” Astra pointed at Vrexen’s empty tankard with an apologetic expression before eyeing her dish. The only thing I have to look forward to tonight. He WILL sleep on the cold fucking floor!

Location: Haly's Circus
Interactions: The Team

The team did well in attempting to allow as many people as possible to escape the giant circus tent, but the ponies were still raging within to seemingly no end. The team was vulnerable as blowing their cover as the young superhero team they were might sabotage their mission. With Zatanna nowhere to be found, the team would need to lean on a different kind of hero. Someone who could give the team a reprieve and bring a swift end to all of this madness. There could be untold ramification for this, but the team needed to remain as Batman had initially stated… Inconspicuous.

“Failing a second mission is not acceptable. Here I go.” He spoke confidently before making his move. Entering the tent through the hole, this masked and caped man of peak human physique marched forth with a large mallet in hand. Each step was with purpose and people seemed to move around him as they vaguely recognized the hero’s appearance in the midst of the chaos. A teenage boy managed comment

“Is that-” The young man’s look of excitement twisted into one of bewilderment as he got a closer look. “Wait! Who the heck is that?!?!” The teen said before his body was pushed ahead by the flow of the fleeing crowd. Once enough people were out of the way, he was in full view of the team inside.

Donning a plastic Superman mask, a blue towel for a caped and wielding the mallet from the High Striker game, the oddly disguised tank top and slacks wearing Viktor presented himself as some sort of bootleg superhero.

“Rainman is here to save the day!” That’s what Viktor figured the hero was trying to be would say. Whether it fit or not, he sprung into action. He ran in Alisa’s direction first as she surprisingly seemed to be having the most trouble. He ran forth flanking from the right. Without holding back his strength, he used both hands to grip the mallet handle and smack the first pony in the ribs hard enough to cause it to topple over. He then jumped over the downed pony and swung the hammer down on the other pony’s head, making the beast drop to the ground. “Help evacuate the citizens!” He shouted at Alisa as he chased after the two ponies that were on Aleen’a’s heels. As he moved to intercept them, another pony ran straight for Viktor. He sidestepped it, juking the pony before planting his feet and swinging the mallet at the pony’s side. Another toppled. A loud “Oh shit!” was heard from someone foolish enough to linger within the tent. Instead of continuing his chase, he decided to have the ponies come to where he was. Viktor pointed at Aleen’a before shouting in a deep heroic voice.

“You there! Run to me!” Viktor ordered before taking what looked to be a fighter’s stance at first, until he cocked the mallet up and back like he was ready to swing for the fences. Rainman was here. An odd mix of silly and brutal.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
This is not a character submission. Just some background on Astra because of how active she is. Plus, why not?

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