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@VerusEbullioAre you still around?
@LamaeronAre you still around?
<Snipped quote by NuttsnBolts>
Much like Broken Promise suggested, I don’t think it is a bad thing at all nor is it “overdoing it”. The more details presented in your advertisement the better. A good interest check shows confidence in the concept and proof of a relative dedication to the premise. I will never join something without a good sense of confidence and proof of premise. You attract better players through this method as well.

Am I wrong?

I always thought of an interest check as an idea that could be described in that interest check thread as being based off or inspired by someone famous/a movie series/an anime/a book series.

I won't go around throwing out numbers, but I bet many roleplays here have been based off of one of the above.

I mean, it's a part of a whole right?

If we had to write up the whole plot, premise, our strange ideas totally developed and throw it out there, wouldn't we be better off seeing a publisher to make money off our ideas. Then possibly putting in all that time only to have no one like it?

I understand the attraction to joining a fully developed interest check like you said. I understand that it does show dedication like you said.

I don't think there are better players and worse players like you seem to think.

But that's my little funk. In that its not better players, its different people with different priorities and different types of creativity and writing experience.

Its asking a lot to have fully developed interest checks for them to be the only ones you'll join. For me I don't mind helping build up the premise with the GM with suggestions if they're ok with it. I don't mind interest checks with not that many details, because they can be worked out later. Together with others, as part of a roleplaying group.
I have a long, imense listing of favored genres. @Gareth

have fun picking one out. xD
@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Poi@POOHEAD189

Ok well, you guys have cool classes and some of you started in what they say was vanilla wow?

For me I started at the end of burning crusade into lich king and then left when cataclysm dropped.

My main was my lvl 80 protection warrior, and it was fun, except when I was struggling to get gear and at the same time not sure if the gear I had was good enough to tank an end game place.

So I understand farming, trying to collect that next achievement and unfortunately its time consuming Poi. :(

POOHEAD189 what was warcraft 3 like, what kind of mechanics did it use?

The Harbinger of Ferocity I was ok with the art in the game. I think before I was more into questing but now since I have come back to the game this month actually, I'm more into messing around with the games moves to see what I can do for mobility/damage reduction/combos, just creative stuff.

Also its cool to know that D & D was based off world of warcraft? That I didn't know. I have friends who are big dungeons and dragons fans.

Hey @The Decker I like your avatar.

As everyone is saying, welcome to the site.

Do you have a preferred genre?
@ReveTheDreamer Hello I'm Gareth, and I'm interested in joining.

The question is:

Are you already full?

@DominoPool Hey thanks for the heads up! :)
I play(ed) WoW and even managed to survive the Moon Guard server can this be a recovery center.

it must have been bad.

And yeah you can recover here.
Ok I got some vibes or general feelings from some sentences [@VerusEbuyllio].

'We are the ones that they wanted' and 'special powers started appearing around the world 200 years ago.'

^ This made me think that our main characters are being searched for or hunted.
and the two hundred years point made me think that its an old tradition to do this hunting of the 'special ones'.

so putting ^ that together and I thought possibly we might have some demons/non-human freakish things with special powers out there.

and that there might be a league of demon hunters who according to our story teller here ^ are evil.

But these freakish special things are outcasts through seemingly no fault of their own and they are being hunted by things that they are so afraid of that they can't even bring themselves to mention their name. 'we are the ones that "they wanted"'

who are they:?
some aliens?
a more powerful race?
just humans more advanced in technology that they can scare special ones witless?

It just might seem that the they are scientists with a lot of money and advanced field research.
Because of these lines, "but still only 5% are able to develop any type of quirk."

(I know I kind of twisted your sentence there and it was meant to be from the special ones perspective, but I thought a researcher in the field might know that, if scientists are a possibility in this story. ^)

but then there's these other lines where, "some say its radiation, others are convinced the government put chemicals into our water and food to activate this gene, but the truth is we don't know what causes it."

This sounds like the words of a lab rat writing into their journal and hoping their master doesn't see that his lab rat misbehaved.

how would these specials ones react to getting captured I wonder? would they be angry? scared? afraid? happy to have their constant struggle for freedom come to an end permanently?

also it would be interesting to know that if there was a different mutation between different special ones, would it be negative or positive.
(for example: a missing limb or changing skin color could be a negative mutation or a positive mutation respectively.)

But the last few lines about the World Experimental Source Tower is interesting.

"The truth is that they are taking us, no matter the age, and forcing these Quirks out of us via tests. But we will get free, we will see beyond the horizon."

^ Are they afraid of the special ones quirks/powers that they have to remove them? Why would they be afraid? Would it be that some quirks are dangerous? (some knowledge gathering related quirk, or a flame quirk, come to mind as possible dangers to the WEST towers plans.

Or is it purely a persecution standpoint that the special ones did something back in history to piss off their captors. And the Captors grudge has lasted generations if not centuries?

And so the Captors return the favor by assimilating the special ones back in society as common ones. Regular, lame, boring, pathetic individuals that no one could ever like as a friend. Instead of thinking of these common ones as friends it would be like they are invisible the worst kind of suffering, isolation.

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