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I guess my comfort zone is "eccentric side character."

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"Put ice on them." Gadot said as he started following debris out of the hall. "If something is really silver the the ice will start to melt right away."
"I got a silver sword, for what it's worth." Gadot said, slinging the sword off his back. "But considering you plan to steal this weapon from the kingdom I'd say you're more likely to be killing humans than monsters."
Is that necromancy?
Gadot gave a shrug at the tiger man question. "Things ain't rotting and falling off. Guess that means I'm still mostly a living man."

"So," he asked, watching the two elves train. "You gonna hang out too? I can't think of many who'd be brave enough to stay after what we just heard, especially with dragon boy still spooking around. You got to have some good reason if you're still here."
@Shadow Dragon

BTW, what kind of magic is dragonborn big using to hide himself?@Shadow Dragon
@King Tai

Any time, yeah.

Level 4 - (13/40)

Location: The Open Road

Word Count:


Linkle was going to finish up by delivering a fiery kick right to the wizards face. She was going to, but she didn't because the man dropped. Fell eighth to his knees after just a single barrage. That wasn't all either. He had pulled back to throw one of those swords of his and then just hadn't. He stopped, even before the arrows hit him. So instead she just landed a shot ways away from him, bows pointed.

He hadn't been beaten. He'd given up.

Was this some kind of trick? Guys like this didn't go down that easy, it just didn't happen. Even if you took everything they had and wiped out all their troops they were supposed to fight to the last. She didn't like it.

"You're giving up?" She asked, confused. "You looked giant Agoston in the face and shouted 'bring it,' but now you're giving up? What's your deal?"

She didn't like it. It just didn't feel right attacking a guy that wasn't fighting back, even if he was a dark wizard. It wasn't heroic.

Level 4 - (12/40) + 1

Location: The Open Road

Word Count: 423


Linkle looked up to see the monster karts wheels almost completely destroyed, her cover effectively stopping to boom from incapacitating her. Though now she could hear more booms, and screams, as the man on the hood fired off shrieking streams of what Linkle would describe as mega dark magic. A few flew off, but one went right at Agoston as the man on the hood called out his challenge to the world.

Linkle frowned. Even though their opponent was some kind of evil wizard Linkle didn't think seeing Agoston smash a person would be as fun as seeing him smash a kart. Beyond that, it just didn't seem fair for a guy that big to fight a guy that small.

Someone else seemed to agree with that as a kart swung round, the bear from earlier launching himself at the man and tackling him off his high ground. Well now Agoston couldn't just smash the guy with almost hitting the bear. Linkle turned back to the driver. "Bring us around that side." she shouted. "I want a shot at that guy."

The rabbit saluted and wrenched the wheeling, sending the wagon rumbling roughly around as he pulled a sharp u-turn and sped around the front of Grimm. Om the other side Linkle could see the man doing something, pulling something out of the bear and then throwing it back at him. Then she spotted a faint rainbow glow coming from his right hand before he smashed it.

"Gah!" she said as the kart sped toward them. The light coalesced into a pair of orange swords as she turned toward one of the rabbits in the back. She stepped toward him, and almost by instinct it fell on its back and she climbed up onto his outstretched legs. She repeated what the rabbits had done earlier to get her into their kart, but this time jumped with the rabbits push to launched herself from the top of the wagon and high into the air as the kart sped away to somewhere safer.

She could feel the air rushing past her ears as she ascended, over the heads of the bear and, to her surprise, the rapidly shrinking Agoston. Even in the midst of battle this was fun. She would have to thank those guys for teaching her such a neat trick, maybe try it herself on a few of her teammates, but that was for later. Right now she was focused on the enemy. She pulled her bows from her boots, the tips flaring up with green light as she pointed them at him. "Hey!" she called, more offended by him making use of a spirit than anything. She unleashed a rain of arrows on his position as she fell. "You guys can't do that too!"
Mephistos: Patching Things Up

@RoflsMazoy@Dezuel@Crazy Scion

Bak was the first to come through. Her armored body impacted with a loud crash but was more or less as graceful as a walking tank could be falling sideways. She started picking herself up with some noticeable difficulty. He thought about offering her help but decided against it. He didn't know her that well and given worried that she might take offense to his offer. She was a strong girl and probably didn't like chivalry. She began helping Yuuto the moment she was on her feet. She placed him on a nearby bench and checked his injuries. Bak's attitude reminded him of a Mom fussing over her child. It was kind of cute in a way but was probably just wishful thinking on his part. He also pushed himself to his feet. He was surprised Rurik hadn't come through yet given he had more or less begged for the portal. He watched as Bak finished looking over Yuuto and noticed she was looking at him. "Shit." he thought nervously, "I'm the one who fucked up her friend. Maybe I should.." His thoughts of escaped halted as Bak smiled at him and nodded. "You know maybe she isn't that scary after all." He thought as he returned the smile and nod with one of his own. Of course, things went wrong right then. Bak was looking away at the time, but David not only saw it but felt his portal connection get severed. The portal collapsed in on itself and vanished just a Bak looked over at it. David couldn't describe the gut-wrenching feeling he got as he watched her smile fade from her face.

"Where is portal?" She asked him while scanning the halls, "What has happened?" she pressed further. David didn't have an answer, not one she wanted. She slammed her fist against the wall, shocking him "Rurik?", she called out, knocking again with both hands. "Rurik!" she screamed. David didn't know what to do. He wracked his brain for ideas while he felt for his lines. Bak stood there with her hands pressed against the walls. David couldn't find a single shape among the rubble. The wall cracked from the force she exerted on it. David thought she might scream, but she put her head in hands and just stood there, shaking. She then asked him another impossible question, "Can you send me back?" He knew the answer, and she did too, but he still needed to say it. He walked up next her and, as gently as he could, placed a hand on her shoulder. "No," he whispered, "I'm sorry."

Bak breathed in.

Bak breathed out.

"And I do not know the way." She said quietly. Not that it mattered, she would never make it before the police did. Blasted Vigilantes! Blasted Alto! Someone had done this, but they were not withing reach right now. It was no good to blame someone else though. She was the one that had left. She hadn't been on the watch for dirty tricks.

She suddenly lifted up her other arm and brought it down against the wall, the shield protecting her FLAK cannon cutting into it like a sword and piercing through the the other side. As she cut down she threw up a chalky cloud of drywall that mixed with the cold air that blew in from the outside through the gash. Then she stepped back and roared at the spot on the wall. It wasn't a raging roar, however. It wasn't full of grief, or despair. It wasn't even loud. It was the kind of roar a small child would give out while stomping through a town of building blocks, and a halfhearted one at that. As though she found the game unsatisfactory.

Davids touch had done little to comfort her. He had expected this reaction, but it didn't make it any less jarring. He took a step back as she screamed at the wall to distance himself from the destruction. He couldn't help but feel intimidated by the display of power. He reflected on the fact he wasn't much more durable than that wall she just smashed.

The air blew in. The cold sank into Bak. She turned to David, and for a moment seemed as though she were seriously considering something. As she looked at him he flinched at what he saw in her eyes. There was a distance in her gaze as if separating her self from reality. He didn't like that look as it reminded him too much of himself. He did this when he needed to create distance so he could act without guilt getting in the way. However, as quickly as it appeared, it vanished. She shook her head and also took a step back. "I apologize." She said quickly, with guilt in her eyes. "It is just...I needed...today has been a very bad day, do you not think? Very bad. Are you all right?" Raw duty had shackled her ideas and dragged them back into the shadows of her mind. Mephisto's were sheep. You were not supposed to play Baba Yaga with your sheep.

David, in response to this question, took two steps forward, a certain determination building in his chest. He stood over her, being taller by default, and said, "I'm fine." Then leaning in as close as he could to her face he whispers, "He's fine." He leans back speaking normally, "Look, I don't know that Rurik guy personally, but from what I've seen he is a lot like myself. So, you know what that means," He points at her, "He's tough and he takes no shit from no one. I don't know what beef Mr. Lightbright has with him, but I know it won't matter. He'll figure it out and come home bitching about it in the morning. So chin up. He's fine. You're fine. Were all fine. Just trust your friends to handle there own shit. OK? You don't have to solve everyone's problems for them." As he finishes his rant he takes a deep breath and then starts rubbing his head. "OK, sorry bout the rant. I agree. Its been a shit day."

"But, if I had been doing my job correctly thing would not have been so bad." Bak stuttered in reply. "Even you would not have been so injured if I had separated you and Yuuto as I should have."

She didn't realize that he would probably have been more injured, considering how she normally went about breaking up schoolyard brawls. But he was right about one thing. If there was anybody that was able to dodge his punishments it was Rurik. She had made him very good at that. She started relaxing, at least a little. "Thank you though. You are correct, he is very good."

It was weird, usually students that got a glimpse of the Bak from the Old Country went running. The last thing she expected was to be scolded. David was annoyed at first that Bak tried to argue with him, but happy that she conceded his point. "You're welcome."He replied with a smile.

Suddenly Clara appeared from a shadow portal accompanied by various imps carrying around a very familiar figure.

Bak looked up, trying to see over the boy. "Did you hear that?"

"Here we are, miss! One troublemaker transported successfully to friendly grounds!" One of the imps chattered excitedly.

"Good," Clara said. "Set him down."

The imps happily obliged and unceremoniously dumped Vittorio's unconscious body on the ground, or so it appeared. Before he touched the ground he was suspended in the air by an invisible force.

"Hehe, miss, he's all yours…" The imp spoke again, rubbing its greasy little hands together. "…Now, how about our payment?"

"Payment?" Clara said, menacingly. "For such a paltry job? It was thanks to you that I had to personally intervene. I shouldn't even be here right now."

"Oh come on, miss!" The imp pleaded. "You know how hard it is, being stranded in the Human world! We can't even chase down the animals around here without getting stomped around!"

Clara let out a weary sigh. It would be faster to give them a pittance than have to deal with their whining. As she raised her arm, the imps flinched, but then Vittorio started getting shaken, violently. A few coins started to fall out of his pockets which the imps scrambled over themselves to get after.

A shadow portal opened up underneath the imps and they fell through. Finally they were gone.
She paced over to a nearby vending machine. Perhaps it was strange to have a vending machine in a high school considering the low amount of disposable income available. But, if prices were kept low, Clara could still make a profit and also take advantage of the convenience of having cold drinks on demand.

She seemed to mull over a thoughts before she raised her hand again. This time, Vittorio got violently shaken, again. A few more coins dropped out, and she picked them up and slotted them in. She picked out a can of lemonade, cracked it open and took a long drink.

She let out a very pleasant ahhhh, before raising her hand again. The vending machine sat in front of Vittorio's room, conveniently enough. The door flew open, and Vittorio's body hurtled through the air and inside the room before the door slammed shut.

"Finally finished," She muttered. And now she finally turned around and spotted the two students from across the courtyard. She approached them with an ease in her step which belied a weight taken off her shoulders. "Ah, hello Bak, and Dartagnan, you're here too."

"Tovarish!" Bak exclaimed as she heard Clara's voice, trying to sidle over to ineffectually hide the hole she'd put in the building and get a look at her all at once. Who?" was all David could think until he turned around. The site of Clara did not have the same effect for David as it did for Bak. Where as she was happy David looked upset. Clara had been the main antagonist in the park. She was the one who kept pushing for a fight rather than talk it out. He wanted to have a word with her, but Bak seemed happy to see her. Bak looked nervously from the girl to David, distinctly aware that the last time she'd seen him he'd been attacking them. "Yes, we both made it back safely thanks to him. He is very good at portals." She insisted. "But Vigilalto's pulled a dirty trick and trapped Rurik. Was everyone okay when you left?"

"In a word, no," Clara said. "But Rurik is... in a feasible position. I've deployed my assets, all that's left to do is wait."

Clara capped her sentence off with another sigh. She wanted to sit down on a bench but she had more to do. Hmmm, but if it was for Bak, then that might be a worthy cause.

"Let's take a seat on that bench," She said, pointing over to one nearby. There was no back on it so it wouldn't pose a problem for Bak's extraneous augmentations.

"Tell me what's troubling you," She said. She noted the damage inflicted on the wall, as well as the repair cost. She didn't take awfully much notice of David, but she would allow his presence.

David held his tongue as they did, deciding to listen to the situation before making a comment. At least until she offered Bak a seat and an ear. This made him mad for some unknown reason. "So...how do you two know each other? Ya see, I didn't really pay attention at orientation."

As Bak sat, obediently as a trained hound, Clara cocked an eyebrow at David. So this student wasn't one who knew the internal situation of St. Lucifer's. Perhaps she shouldn't discount how foolish David could be, but the fact that Bak of all people had still kept him in the dark about the affairs, despite how close they seemed gave her a sense of pride.

"My name is Clara Deimos Erdrigan, I'm the leader of the Student Committee here at St. Lucifer's." She began.

"Little Bak here," She said, patting her on the head for emphasis. "Is a key member of the Student Committee as well.

She also made sure to add an endearing tone of voice when she mentioned 'Little Bak'. Not that she did or didn't feel endearment, but it'd make one seem familiar even to a stranger if a common friend was warm with them.

"If you've never crossed paths with them then you must be a very model student, David Dartagnan." She finished.

David nodded along to Clara's explanation. He prickled a bit at the words 'little Bak.' He didn't like the way Clara said them. It was like a mom bragging about her kid. However, he had to surpass a laugh at her last comment. "Model student?" David thought, "Wow she knows nothing. I have 'borrowed' many things from this school. I've also plastered every surface I could conceal with magic ink. I even used their own fire system to fight Yuuto. She clearly isn't aware of all the water damage otherwise she'd have little concern over a damaged wall. Given the alarm wasn't blaring the fire department must have fixed it while we were gone. Still, the East wing is probably sunk in 6 inches of water. Oh well, there isn't any evidence I did all these things. So I might as well play along." David clears his throat and puts on a less than genuine smile for Clara. He speaks using his customer service tone rather than the real him he had displayed for Bak. "I am probably your most model student in fact. I am after all in an accelerated learning field that will land me my GED in only half a year, but enough about me. Bak seems like a cool girl. She's kind. Doesn't want to fight." He stared at Clara at the word 'fight', "And she's always trying to protect people. Aren't those amazing traits?" He wasn't being as settle as he probably should be, but he wanted Clara to understand he was most definitely implying something. He just wasn't going to say it out loud in front of Bak.

Of course she was aware of the little accident in the East Wing. Just because one incident was bigger than another, it didn't mean the other one wouldn't cost anything. She had already arranged a few hypotheses on his little bag of tricks. She was aware of his little scribbles, and while she wasn't aware of where all of them were, they were nothing compared to what she'd already placed down.

"I certainly don't know what you're implying," Clara said with a small chuckle. "Bak fights because she chooses to."

It was always good to feign innocence in these kinds of situations. You can't attack something that's never admitted. Not without being trapped.

"Fighting is always a choice. Even if someone were to make you choose between fighting and death, you can always choose death." She said. "The Student Committee follow my orders yes, but I always give them the option to refuse. They have their own lives after all, who am I to refuse them?"

Bak was starting to get a little more uncomfortable, and not just because this bench had creaked ominously when she'd sat down. She looked between Clara and David as they talked past her at one another, not really understanding what they were getting at but getting that the point of contention here was somehow her.

"Ummm." she started, clearing her throat. She decided to circumvent this entire conversation and just start at Davids question of what her relationship to Clara was. "Tovarish is correct. I am member of student council here at St. Lucifers. Keeping the campus and students safe is my duty, as well as dealing out punishment to trouble-makers and also driving away feral cats. This is job given to me by Tovarish after her father..."

She paused for a moment, wondering if it was safe to give such information to David. She was, after all, kind of maybe smuggled in.

"Do you know Yekateria?" She asked him. David was only a little familiar with Yekateria. He had heard about it in class but had never been there or have met anyone from their larger Eastern neighbor. The fact Bak said she was from a small village surprised David. Bak's weapons were obvious reproductions of modern weaponry. It wasn't that he doubted that the information was available to her, but it didn't seem like such things would have ever interested her. "Maybe, like me, she never really had a choice." He wondered. She spoke very highly of the student council and Mephisto. They sounded more like family than colleges the way she spoke of them. He wasn't sure if it was sweet or disturbing that she thought so much of them. "Her father arranged for me to move here from my village there." she said. "Is why I fight. I am very grateful for this, and the kindness of the other members of the Council have shown me, and..." she slowed down, pieces clicking into place as Bak realized the real source of what was bothering her. She thought of Vittorio, and his talk of leaving for St. Laurels and the horror she's felt as she watched him be pierced by the bean of an outsider. The shock of watching Yuuto make mince meat out of someone Christine loved. The uneasiness she'd felt watching Rurik destroy Clara's demon, or the moment she realized David went to her school. The idea of Rurik being carted off to the gulag. Even this conversation, right now. It wasn't just the injuries to the individual students, something had been damaged across the whole. She'd spotted cracks forming in the life she'd found here, but had been to timid or confused or stupid to try and correct them.

"We have done many things wrong today. Things which have hurt council." She said solemnly. She turned to face Clara, leaning in insistently. "You must apologize to Christine. I know you were only trying to help, but she was so scared by what was happening. And you must not hold it against Rurik for stepping in, bone headed as he is, because he was trying to protect Christine. And you must not be cross with David, because he was also trying to protect Christine without knowing it."

Apologizing... would not be easy. She needed to keep a hold on her assets, now more than ever, but it would be... especially thorny if Clara were the one to do it. She needed a proxy, probably not Bak, someone either more, or less related. Probably less. Her gaze zeroed in on Dartagnan.

...He could work. He had clearly also been an enemy of hers so if she somehow got him to deliver her message, it could prove effective. But she'd have to build enough of a rapport with him, she'd also have to carefully select the message...

She leaned back with a weary sigh, and took long swig of her lemonade. Since the bench had no backing she let her Grimoire manifest and support her.

"One minion of mine is no real loss of mine. Rurik is worth far more than that dog ever was. You needn't worry about that at least." She said. She let out another sigh, this time longer. "Keeping us together is far more important than any grudges I have the choice to hold. I'll make sure... to fix us."

There was an element of wistfulness in her words, and this time not entirely false. She needed them, one way or another. Maybe it still wasn't beyond being her precious assets, but she needed them.

She couldn't offer them the world like her father could, and threatening them would only create uneasy allies. Her path to power... was one that needed others, so she could not lose them yet.

It seemed Bak had caught on to the meaning of Clara and Davids conversation. She became very quiet and then apologized for the council's actions earlier that day. David doubted she had anything to do with what happened in the park. Clara was the one that instigated and drove the conflict at the park, as far as he could tell. Still, Bak spoke very highly of her, so maybe her intentions had not been selfish. He admitted that he was no expert with Demons and that Clara would know more than him about the subject. Maybe there was a reason to believe the Demon inside Katherine was dangerous. He still disagreed on giving up on Katherine, but maybe Clara's reluctance was born from experience rather than stubbornness. If he were to look at it in this light, he could see her reasoning. He would not have accepted it regardless, but he could see it.

Clara did apologize as well, in a roundabout way. David would have liked a more straight forward apology, but that was unlikely to happen. It was enough to make Bak smile. So he would accept it for now.

Bak just nodded happily, then turned her attention back the David. "You have night classes, do you not? I do not think they will be on tonight, but you are welcome to stay anyway if you like. There is no telling what may still be lurking around, so I think we should still be careful. We have phone if you wish to call your mother and father."

In response to her question, he answered by reaching through his pants. A square portal opened in response to his muttered command word. He reached inside and scrapping metal could be heard, as he pulled out a set of keys and then a cellphone. "I have a phone. I just left it in my locker at work is all." He answered. "I guess I can make a few phone calls and stay the night. I want to be here when Tovarish," He grinned as he said Clara's pet name, "Fixes this."

Clara stewed a bit at that.

"Do as you wish," She said.

Bak nodded at this to, pushing herself up. "Good. I will go prepare a place to sleep for you. But first, there is something I must do." She turned and started down the hallway, accepting the work as a means to at least push her worries from her mind. Right now, at the top of the work list, was to check Vittorio. If Clara had returned she must have brought him. She made her way down, carefully taking each step as she made her way into the basement, and slowly pushed his door open.

For a split moment she was happy, then a frown plastered over her face. He was lying on the bed, but had been placed there is such a rough and disheveled state. He was not covered up at all, his arm and leg hung limply over the right side, and his head wasn't even on his pillow. She let out a little growl. Clara had clearly entrusted this job to demons. She'd never be able to find and punish them for this haphazard work.

She made her way into the room, quiet save for the boys breathing. None of the machines that usually made noise were on, and Bak had no real idea how they worked. She desperately wished she were Celestine right now so she could put everything back the way it was, but right now all she could do was put him in a more comfortable position. She lifted his arm and leg onto the bed, fluffed his pillow and laid his head gently on it, and was about to tuck him in using the sheet when an idea hit her and she clattered out of the room.

She came back moments later with the space blanket, and tucked him in with that. This room always seemed unnaturally cold, after all. She plugged it in, and set it to a low, soothing kind of warmth.

That was about the most she was capable of.

Meanwhile, at the Arena, the bitter calm that had fallen over the place was being pierced as police and rescue workers began to arrive. The mad scramble of activity that sprung up in the wake of a disaster had begun. Ambulances arrived, and just as quickly were loaded up with the injured. Survivors were giving their accounts to the police. One particular boy was being lead away in handcuffs, bitterly conceding that this is what happened when you got involved with things.

In the midst of this hustle and bustle, a figure approached the Lightbringer. A small figure, barely a boy, walked up and regarded the slowly moving Celestine with his one good eye. Then this stranger walked over, wrapped his arms around Celestine waist, and with surprising strength began helping the older man along.

"My my, Master Nursemaid." the boy said dryly with just a hint of judgement lacing his voice. It was an unmistakably butler-esque tone. "You've gotten yourself into a terrible state. Like death has rolled over you, if I could be so bold. Though you seem to still be in better condition than myself at the moment. Step lively now. One, two, don't catch the attention of these paramedics. Walk tall, walk tall, very good. I know a safer place to treat whatever ails you. She's not precisely a doctor, but she is in a medical field and doesn't ask any intrusive questions."

Luigi would be fine on his own. After all, Gilliam had left him in the knowledge that he hadn't done anything wrong today. If he were found in the company of Gilliam, however, that would raise doubts as to that fact. Besides which, the cogman would no doubt draw attention simply via his appearance even if it wasn't put together that he was a hero that had helped fight two of the invaders. It was simply safer for both of them if the pair separated.

Celestine, though? There was no telling what he'd been up to. Better to get him away.

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