Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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2 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@JBRam2002 Alright. ^_^ Thanks for playing!
Ah...The Hero Guard!

A worthy position for Khan to offer her services and do her duty to the great god of Helm! Mighty protector of all! The half orc paladin had traveled far from home just to prove herself and to try for the chance. She easily noticed how the people granting entrance to the other puny contestants were tying ribbons around the arms. As Khan stepped up, one of the people paled in fear at the tall and imposing figure of the half-orc. The little man squeaked "C-Can I help yo-you?"

Khan simply grinned, showing her fangs before outstretching her arm for the man, her fist clenched as though she was ready to punch him. He yelped, but calmed down when the fist did not make contact with his face. He looked at her confusedly before she asked, "You tie ribbon around my arm, yes?"

"Ah! Y-Yes! Ha-Hang on a second!"

The man hastily tied a ribbon around her bicep before she grunted and answered, "Helm thanks you," He nodded before whimpering Good luck below his breath. She turned to face him in confusion before she continued on her way. She stood for a moment, surveying the area, and noticed that people with the same colored ribbons had gathered together. She looked at her arm and saw that her ribbon was yellow. She looked around and soon found a group with yellow ribbons. She stomped forwards towards the group, her shadow overcasting the tinier members.

She greeted with a menacing smile, "So! We are to work together, ya? Dis is good! You all look like you could use Helm's protection!"
Most probably won't recognize it, but Khan really is trying to be friendly, even if her outer demeanor is quite terrifying.
@ihinka LOL. Probably.
XD....OMG. I'm dying of laughter right now.

....Apparently Safira was not paying attention to whatever those people from the tavern were saying about the Wayward Forest.
@ihinka LOL.
Just for fun and for being in character...go ahead and roll History.
@rush99999 Yes if Jacoby looked behind him, he would see the three of them

Apologies for the wait, I had a lot on my plate. However, in the future, I would appreciate it if you were a little more patient.
Frisk Dreemurr

Level: 4
Day/Time: Day 2 -- Evening
Location: Dream Land
Word Count: 331
Tag: @Holy Soldier@Etherean Fire@Zarkun

Frisk studied the soul and saw that it wasn’t going to take long before he dies. Immediately after reading that bit of information, they felt dread fill their stomach. They honestly thought that Mr. Shine had more HP than that. They honestly thought they could just weaken the sun enough, just to get the sun to stop trying to destroy everything.

But of course, before Frisk could relay the information, the actions were taken as per their order, and the sun was defeated. Mr. Shine’s scream echoed and reverberated, ensuring that its place in Frisk’s memory, while tiny explosions appeared.

Frisk’s attention turned to Mr. Bright when he gave the warning. After doing so, the child asked in concern, “But what about you?

It wasn’t long before the personified moon gave his answer. The personified moon would be able to see the pain and sadness in Frisk’s eyes at the fact. They looked over to the door when it appeared before looking back to Mr. Bright. After a moment of silence with the child looking at the ground, Frisk nodded to Mr. Bright before answering, “Alright. Thank you….and I’m sorry,

Frisk called to their friends, “Let’s get out of here!” before leading the way to the door, opening it, and giving one last look to Mr. Bright before going through the door, leaving it open for their friends, and Mr. Bright should he change his mind.

Once they made it through the door and all was silent, Frisk kept their eyes directed at the ground. Their hands were clenched into fists. They felt horrible for what just happened. And yet…they would rather feel this pain than not at all.

After managing to collect themselves in the moment, they asked the group, “Is everyone alright?
They couldn’t afford to break down under the pain now. Not when they had friends counting on them. They were not going to let anyone remain hurt or get hurt anytime soon if they could help it.

Wayward Forest

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