Avatar of Guy0fV4lor
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  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 979 (0.43 / day)
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    1. Guy0fV4lor 6 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current God Bless the USA! Happy 4th Everyone! (though admittedly a day late)
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2 yrs ago
Oh yay-- the status bar has turned into Twitter again... My favorite.
2 yrs ago
Damn dude-- don't remind me what's been taken from us.... I seriously miss that game.
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2 yrs ago
Imagine not using maple syrup to sweeten your coffee.
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3 yrs ago


Coming Soon!

(or whenever I get off my lazy ass)

Here's a couple neat memes while you wait:

Most Recent Posts

@Lucius Cypher
Damn, rolled an 8 for persuasion....

Kael let out a groan. Sure this was the first time he'd left his village, but he never expected it to TAKE SO BLOODY LONG!!!! Seemingly endless weeks of travel had left his body weary, and his purse light... Nearly all the gold he had received from selling his equipment had been squandered, stolen, or cheated out of his hands.

Mother was right, he should've taken a ship.

Though it had been quite the tribulation, Kael couldn't help but admit it had given him valuable experience in discerning people's nature; something that would prove invaluable out in the lawless frontier. Trudging onward upon his aching feet, he finally met respite; the mighty wooden palisade of the Frontier Town finally stood before him.

Following a man who had introduced himself as Dormic, Kael found himself at the town hall. He wasn't the only one here, many other travelers and newcomers gathered at the hall as well to relay their information to the scribes.

"Kael'thas Minathil," he told the scribe, "As of now, I don't have much in terms of skills, however I am well versed in knowledge of the arcane, as well as religion... I came here in hopes to continue my father's legacy, and become a grand warrior of the light just as he was." As the questionnaires were finished, Dormic made a speech, he seemed pretty genuine, at least moreso than most Kael had met on his journey. Not interested in the job opportunities mentioned, the young half-elf accepted the voucher and map with a smile and nod.

Now that he had some means to navigate around town, Kael made his way to the Temple of Torag, to hopefully secure paladin training, some gear, as well as information about his father. Approaching the temple, the boy was met by a hammer-wielding, red-haired, female dwarf that was covered by a shell of bulky armor, no doubt a guardian for the temple.

"Ah, pardon me guardian, but I seek an audience with the head of the temple..." Kael explained as he presented the insignia of New Dawn to the Dwarf, "I seek knowledge on my father, Bedivere Minathil. Will you allow me passage?" (Persuasion check in OOC)

https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/11795 just checking to see if Dormic's being honest, or if he seems to be holding other intentions @Lucius Cypher

"Al Huma"

A chill rolled down Aaron's spine as the distorted voice broke his trance.  Looking forward, the already confused teen witnessed a truly horrifying sight.  Before his very eyes, one of the others from earth internally froze to death, their body developing numerous dark bruises as they fell to the ground.  'HOLY SHIT!!!' he thought as he became paralyzed with fear,  'Why now??? We all just got here the fuck did we do wrong???'

”I don't think it's unfair to assume that you know you're in deep shit right now, is it?” began the man that had just casually committed murder in broad daylight,”We're going to skip the part where I casually explain to the lot of you that you're enemies of the state. The king does not appreciate cultists, less so if they insist on disturbing the peace.” Leveling a pointed finger at Aaron's group, 'Mono' leveled his accusation, ”You fucking cultists are going to tell me what the fuck is going on before I fucking end you right-fucking-now!” 'Is this guy part of some sort of medieval inquisition?'

Millions of questions raced through Aaron's head as his shaking hand wiped the tears from his fearful, unblinking eyes. However, before any of the accused could reply, two female natives (thankfully) spoke out in the teenagers' defense. As Ashton; one of the other people sent to this strange world, testified before their murderous accuser, the knot in his chest slowly began to loosen... At least until the girl who had been silent up till now came to the end of her appeal, "What I do know is that you best choose your next act wisely, mortal." 'Oh Shit...'"For the gods are watching, and what they do to you if you disrespect their servants will be far worse than anything you can do."

Alarms went off like crazy in Aaron's head as he slowly turned toward the girl with a horrified look. 'Is she TRYING to get us killed?' With a gulp the teenager turned toward the terrifying figure before him. "Uh- I'm s-sorry if our sudden appearance was disruptive sir," Aaron nervously began, his body visibly shaking in fear, "W-w-we didn't get sent here of our own accord. I, was actually in the m-middle of a suicide attempt, before suddenly appearing in the middle of this street..."

Tipping his head back, Aaron reveals the bruising, very recent mark of what was obviously a rope around his neck.

"I know y-you probably don't care what we say, but please, all I ask is that you give us a chance to prove our innocence... I swear, to all the gods of this world, that we are not cultists... J-just please, give us a chance." the boy pleaded as he closed his eyes, prepared for the worst.

expect a post from me within the next two days, Ive had quite a busy week
@Jangel13 both
@Jangel13 Ren is bigger than the other hobgoblins correct?

@Zeroth@Gardevoiran@King Cosmos@Kazemitsu@SilverPaw@Searat

Jason lightly chuckled at Asura's comment, fortunately for the group, this highly unstable explosives were extremely common in his home country.  'Don't worry Asura,' he responded through [Telepathy II]'I have MUCH more experience with dangerous explosives than most.' 

As his 'brother' headed off into the shadows with M.S., Jason heard a faint, child-like scream off in the distance. What it was, the slime mage couldn't tell, but one thing was certain: the goblins were on the move.

As of now, it appeared as if the goblins were only at the entrance, and making slow forward progress.  Good, this meant he still had a tiny bit of time to work on his psionics.  With how close he was to finishing the development of his 'psychic field' ability, Jason figured that he had just enough time to complete the skill.  

Focusing his mind, Jason began channeling [Tremor Sense II] and [Telepathy II] from where he left off; where the skill had finally started aligning with the same sort of energy fluctuations that he felt from Telepathy.   Then, as if slowly turning a dial, the slime mage gradually continued to further the alignment.

The warlord was determined to continue channeling until one of three things happened;

1- He got the skill

2- The light from the torches drew too close for comfort (about row E)

3- Attacked by a 'random encounter'

As Jason poured all his will and mana into his 'psychic field', he desperately hoped that his gamble would be worth it, if not, this could be the end of both him, and his allies.

(In the event that he runs out of mana before any of the three conditions are fulfilled, Jason will consume one of the mana crystals in his inventory)

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