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Current God Bless the USA! Happy 4th Everyone! (though admittedly a day late)
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Oh yay-- the status bar has turned into Twitter again... My favorite.
2 yrs ago
Damn dude-- don't remind me what's been taken from us.... I seriously miss that game.
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Imagine not using maple syrup to sweeten your coffee.
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(or whenever I get off my lazy ass)

Here's a couple neat memes while you wait:

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@Zeroth@Duthguy@Searat@King Cosmos@Silverpaw@Gardevoiran@Old Amsterdam

'Much appreciated Oberon.... I wish you guys the best of luck on your way out.' Jason responded with [Telepathy II] as he scanned his ally's spell with [Magic Analysis I], 'Now, let's give this another shot shall we?'

Thinking back, there were only two differences between the first three rituals and the ritual that just failed; chant length, and intent. Though intent seemed to play an important part in this world's magic-- allowing for Jason to REALLY feel the flow of his MP during the ritual, what sabotaged his ritual this time was most likely due to the especially prolonged chant... So this time-- he was going to cut the ritual a liiitle bit shorter. Consuming his last mana crystal (topping off his mana), he drew his 'staff' as he approached the bones once more, waving it in slow, steady circles; focusing his magic through it; just like last time. "Souls of the accursed, may I grant thee peace. And as all life doth spring forth from earth, may the power invested in me, as master of this dungeon- allow thee to return to it at ease. No more shall ye wander a tormented existence in death, but be born anew in the afterlife... ROCK SPIRE BURIAL RITE--Earth's Mercy!" he chanted as he released the [Rock Spire I].

This time, Jason had made sure to stop at the line of the chant that caused the center bisecting line to form. With that finally taken care of (Assuming it actually worked this time), the slime mage consumed two crystals from the sack Ed had brought from the bonfire before telepathically contacting the dire rat, 'Ed, if you do end up escorting them out-- stay safe, and get back as fast as you can. I don't want you dying on me out there... The longer you're alone, the more dangerous it is.'

Having said his piece, Jason rolled into his cave and began his newest experiment; one involving the core itself. Waving his staff once more in slow, steady circles, he channeled [Telepathy II] through [Focus I] before beginning his chant, "From now to eternity, I command this domain-- heed my call and accept my claim. May this bond of mind, between master and core-- open new possibilities, like never before! Telepathic Bond--Enhanced Dungeon Link!" as he released the spell, Jason planted the butt of his 'staff' into the ground and thrust a psuedopod forward to make physical contact with the core.

In that instant, Jason felt nearly all his MP rush from his body and into the core (May change at GM's Discretion). Whether or not it worked, Jason couldn't tell.... He was exhausted regardless, and felt like a nap was in order. But he couldn't sleep just yet-- he had offered to take first watch. Leaning his weight against the core, Jason relaxed his body. He could feel his resonance with the dungeon's heart as he took long, deep, breaths, relaxing in both body and mind; regaining whatever strength he could. After a few minutes of this; regardless of it's success, Jason would move to the mouth of his cave to see if the others had left yet.
Mason and Shye

Shye could vaguely here voices over her as her conciousness blurred in and out over time. Eventually however, there was silence as the voices seemed to move elsewhere. Her body felt sore and she felt that she was on some sort of thin pad as a makeshift bed. Nix rested on her stomach, curled up, but keeping an eye out on the things going on around her. Shye felt weak, like she could barely move. Any movements she tried to make brought about a little pain, some of the after efffects of the poison. She wasn't sure how she got here. Last she knew Nix was trying to cut her loose from some vines and she blacked out. Did someone....actually save her?
As Mason entered the tent, he smiled at the woman as she began to stir, "It's good to see you're awake......" he chuckled as he pulled a chair up to the side of the medical bed "In fact, I was just coming to see you.... Are you well enough to talk? There's a few things I'd like to ask you." Shye was surprised my Mason, she attempted jumping up to confront him, hands heating up, getting ready to try to run, but a pain went through her as she tried to move. This surprised Nix as it jumped up and chirped at her. Shye noticed that Nix didn't seem too disturbed by the newcomer, which was odd. She relaxed a bit, but she was still a little tense as she struggled to sit up. She met Mason with a look of suspicion, unsure of what would come of all this.

Seeing the woman attempt to quickly sit up, Mason sighed as he continued with a friendly tone, and warm smile, "Please don't strain yourself, I'm not here to hurt you-- quite the opposite in fact; I'm here because I want to help you. Oh! I haven't introduced myself yet! Mason Drake: Aion Knight." he said with a short bow.

"Now, the reason I'm here is because my companion claims you to be an agent of the Dolofon.... Even if you ARE with the Dolofon-- well, that honestly doesn't matter to me. What I saw out there wasn't an assassin, I saw a a woman risk her life to save a child. Now, believe it or not, I'm some clueless knight talking out my ass.... I was a Neroan slave for seventeen years before the Aion rescued me. I'm well aware of who my companion is-- and honestly, Dremmick is a good person; just as you are. I also know that the Dolofon are notorious for forcibly recruiting new members just as much as they are assassination..... When I look at you I see a victim, not a killer. WE CAN HELP YOU-- I WANT to help you. But I can only help if you're willing to open up to me." he said as extended his hand to her with a smile, "So, will you let me help you?"

Nix crawled up onto Shye's shoulder. Shye looked at the man's hand, unconciously withdrawing slightly when he reached out to her. Her eyes actively searched him head to, analyzing him, studying his face looking at his body language. In her line of work, a smiling face and an easy touch could very well just be another trick. She kept her eyes on him still, unanswering, not unlike a wild animal that was cornered as her eyes looked from side to side every once in a while for a possible way to escape. Clearly, the woman didn't trust him yet.... Mason's bright expression turned crestfallen as he prepared for the leap of faith, "I see you still don't trust me........ To prove to you my words are true, I will put my own life at your mercy." he solemnly stated as he undid the strap that secured his sheathe to his back. Slowly, he held out both sheathe and sword in submission to the woman, a small bead of nervous sweat forming above his brow.

When Mason held out hos weapon, disarming himself, Shye attempted tryibg to run, she slid off the bed and went to run, though when her feet made contact with the ground a bolt of pain and yet numbness caught her off gaurd as if her legs were asleep with many needles prickling her. It was the last place they removed the poison, as they worked from the top of her body and down, checking vital organs first, so it had still been recovering. She fell to the ground silently, her face twisting for a moment in lain as she met the ground and tried to struggle to get back up. She was finding out that running wasn't an option. She was too weak to escape.

With a sigh, Mason crouched down and attempted to help Shye to her feet, "I told you I want to help you, there's seriously no need to run..... Please, even if you don't trust me, at least stay here until you're fully recovered. I was barely able to convince Dremmick not to kill you after I pulled you from the thorns... If you try to run now, I don't think I'll be able to stave him off a second time."

Shye's face was a bit surprised at what he had said about savibg her as he helped her up. Her legs were not yet strong enough to stand, so she sat in a seat instead. She gave hom another look-over, this time not as critical as before. She then took a deep breath as she calmed down and met him eye to eye, as if she was ready for his questions. "I'm glad to see you're finally willing to hear me out...." Mason said as he helped Shye into a chair before settling himself in one across from her, "So, you DO work for the Dolofon correct? If so, why? You clearly don't seem like the type for such a gruesome line of work." Shye's eyes seemed to go distant for a moment as she nodded. As for why, she couldn't speak for an answer, and remained silent.

For a moment, Mason seemed puzzled by her lacking response, but almost like clockwork, a realization seemed to 'click' into place within a few moments. "Can..... Can you not speak?" he asked with a concerned look as he began undoing his gauntlets. Shye, only a little surprised that he guessed so quickly, lifted her right hand to the choker around her neck and shook her head with a sullen look. With a soft clang, Mason's gauntlets fell to the ground as he took in Shye's response "Well this complicates things....." he mumbled in pity. Slowly, his gaze drifted down her form until falling upon her clawed hands. Mason's eyes lit up with an idea! Hastily he began pulling back his sleeves; revealing the skin on his forearms "Here, you can use your claws to write responses on my arm... Don't worry about hurting me though, I'm told I heal pretty quickly." he responded as he offered his arm to be Shye's Canvas. "So, do you have a name?"

Shye was taken back by the offer as her arms pulled back waved in front of herself, trying to rejec the idea. Surely therenwas a writing implament closeby if that was his intention. Writing into someone's arm not only was odd, but it seemed like a good way for someone to keep information or take advantage of her being distracted. Plus she didn't like the thought of carving into the person if he truly wasn't any threat. "Oh wait, I'm such an idiot..." Mason chuckled as Shye frantically rejected his idea, "Sorry, I'm still getting used to having paper and witing implements readily available." he mused as he rummaged around and procured a quill, ink, and (partially used) scrap paper before handing it to Shye.

Shye took the quill, and oddly enough, even though she had her clawed gaunlets on, which covered her own claws, her writing was exquisit and proper, like a noble herself. She simply wrote, "my name is Shye." "Pleased to meet you Shye-- I must say your handwriting is astonishingly good! Now, I understand it's going to probably be tough to talk about, but why do you work for the Dolofon?" Mason softly inquired; careful not to sound like he was prying too hard, he knew firsthand how painful old memories could be.

Shye clutched the quill as she thought about her son. She couldn't mention him. It would be too dangerous. She inaudibly sighed as she shook her head, not wanting to answer. She was too afraid to. She was already treading thin ice. She had failed to eliminate Dremmick, and she has been found out to be Dolofon on top of that. A sense of worry swept over her and her hands started to tremble. "If it isn't something you're ready to talk about, I don't blame you." Mason said in a soft, saddened whisper as he took note of Shye's noticable discomfort regarding the subject. Any shred of doubt that he had made the wrong decision in saving this woman melted away in an instant; this was a person he could-- no, he WOULD save from such a cruel fate. "Well then, I suppose I shouldn't bother you any longer... I assume that you'll need something to bring back to your 'handler' to prove you achieved at least some measure of success correct?"

Shye waved her hand as she thought about what the she needed from them. She wote on the puece of paper and went to hand it to him. She thought about something else however and took the paper back, adding something to it.

'That would require me to take a few heads I'm afraid.'

'How much do you know of curses?'

Mason's brow perked up with curiosity, now they were getting somewhere. "Well," he huffed, "Curses fall moreso under Dremmick's realm of expertise...... However, I AM familiar with curses meant to keep difficult slaves in line. But for the most part I just do this-"

A small, black flame flickered around the tip of Mason's finger for a moment, leaving a deep burn in it's place. "Why do you ask?"

Shye timidly reched to her choker that held the top of her dress up, reaching behind her neck. She placed her other hand above her chest to hold the dress up as there was a faint clicking sound. She then pulled the choker off which reveiled what looked to be an intricate tribal tatto that went around her neck. similar to ones used on slave to silence them, yet much more detailed. It even had it's own aura around it, which normally wouldn't be visible with the normal silence curses used on Therosi slaves. She then looked up with a pained expression, not sure if she should be showing him this. Eventually, the discomfort set in and she put the choker back on, squirming in her seat a little.

Mason rubbed his throat almost in remaniscence as he leaned in close to examine the Tattoo as Shye uncovered it; his breath nearly tickling her neck. " I've certainly seen many curses very similar to this, but this is perhaps the most powerful and unique." Mason grumbled as he leaned back from Shye; that certainly explained why he had yet to hear her so much as breathe. "I don't know if it would work, but I can attempt to remove it if you'd like. Unfortunately, the process would be increadibly painful, and I can't gaurentee that it would be successful."(edited)

Shye thought about what he said. She knew it was a long shot and she was a bit apprehensive about Mason's suggestion though. She wan't sure if she could trust him enough to tamper with the curse. It was a vulnerable part of the body and she was still unsure of Mason's true intentions of rescuing her, even if he did just tell her the truth. Kindness was not something she was used to recieving, making her very skeptical of it. Shye locked eyes with him for a moment. If he truly meant what he said, she may be able to speak. It was something she had dreamed of since she was cursed, but was never sure if it was possible. She slowly nodded, wearily accepting the offer.

"Alright then-- if you'd remove your choker and lay face down on the medical bed, I can get started" Mason calmly explained as he stood up and began to remove the rest of his armor. While waiting for Shye to prepare herself, Mason gathered supplies for this medical endeavor; a filled waterskin, a needle, medical thread, a wooden spoon, and a blood transfusion kit. Slowly, he took a deep breathe and approached Shye, "Are you ready to begin?"

Shye looked at the bed nervously. If he wanted to kill he, would he have not just left her to die? Why would he want to help her. It didn't make sense. Was he trying to lure her into false security ti get answers from her? Could this alliance somehow actually help her? She was able to stand on her own, but something in her was saying something was off. It may have just been an instinct built up over time, but she was having a hard time trusting him. Nix seemed to be just fine though, and she usually picked up on people's spirit quite quickly. Was she just being overly critical? Shye was again unsure about the situation. She nervously undid the clasp and slowly laid down as she was told, honestly terrified of what the possibilities were. But if she could talk even for a moment, it may be worth it.

As he stood over Shye, Mason took several deep breaths to calm his panicked nerves. What if he failed? What if he killed her? Shaking his head he cleared his thoughts, he could do this! First, he pushed the handle of the wooden spoon in front of Shye’s mouth before emptying some of the waterskin’s contents onto her neck ”Bite down on that, it should help with the pain… Now, whatever happens, try to stay ABSOLUTELY still, otherwise I might seriously hurt you…”
Holding a small, steady black flame on his fingertip, Mason carefully began the tedious process of removing the tattoo. Though he was no Taxis healer, or Magoi scholar, Mason had seen similar curses enough times to get somewhat of an idea as to how this one was structured. From the looks of it-- unlike most others of it’s kind, this one’s complexity seemed to lie within the fact that it was ‘layered’, not in the figurative sense, but quite literally in fact. By looking closely, Mason could just barely make out slight differences within certain sections of the tattoo; specifically that it was comprised of several separate patterns, each at different depths within her skin. Thus, Mason lightly brought his black flame to Shye’s moistened flesh, slowly destroying the uppermost layer with his all-consuming flame.
The first thing Shye would notice as Mason began the process, would be the smell of burning flesh; not her own, but that of someone else. As the flame began to brush her skin, it would carry with it a short lived feeling of numbness-- only to be followed by the feeling of thousands of tiny creatures ripping away at her, every sense screaming DANGER!

Shye initially took to the pain remarkably well, but the reason why may soon make itself apparent. Behind all the grace and beautifuly seemless skin that masked Shye's true abilities, and hidden by her long black hair, were scars made by lash marks from years past. Soon, however, the pain really started to set in, and she couldn't help but struggle as it felt like her flesh was being ripped from her neck. Thoughts of doubt instantly flooded her mind, telling her to fight back and free herself. Her fist closest to Mason started to ball up, heat energy rippling from it as she was getting ready to blast him off of her and attempt running until she could faintly hear anlther sound. It was a woman screaming in pain, faint and foreign to her that she hadn't noticed that it was her own voice poking through the curse here and there. It was not yet free, but it could be barely heard, hardly leaving her mouth before it died off. Tears strted flowing from her eyes as she bit down on the spoon, breathing heavily. Nix started to panic and wasn't sure what was going on and started crying out to Shye.

Beads of sweat began to pour from Mason's face as he tried to maintain his composure, he could tell he was causing Shye so much pain, but he couldn't stop yet; even as the flame crept further up his hand, he had to at least finish the first layer. Thankfully, he was already more than halfway done, "Alright, I'm nearly done with the first layer, I just need you to hold on a little bit longer. Can you roll over for me?" he shakily asked as he pulled away from Shye for a moment. Shye laid there, breathing heavily for a moment before complying. She flipped around slowly, one hand holding the top of her dress up. Her eyes were closed in pain as tears continued to fall down her porcelain cheeks. The wooden spoon she was given already had deep bite marks in it, and her breaths came ragged and quick.

The longer Mason stared at Shye's pained expression, the more guilt he began to feel, so much so that he couldn't bear to look at her face for the rest of the ordeal. Leaning in close, Mason held her chin still with a firm, yet gentle grip while he painstakingly scraped away the rest of the layer. What seemed like at eternity of careful work, was in reality, a few begrudging moments. Releasing his breath, Mason collapsed to his back, exhausted both physically and mentally. "There, I'm done." he sputtered between pained gasps, "D-Did..... Did it work? How do you feel?"(edited)

Shye laid there, unable to speak. However, unlike before, there were audible sobs from the pain. But even Shye heard them, and although she was in pain those sobs would slowly turn to tears of joy. She could hear herself, her own voice! Her voice, though trembling from the ordeal, was absolutely beautiful, like that of a soft crystal bell. She tried to say something here and there to respind to Mason, but it was odd. Now that she actually could talk, she couldn't find the words to say to thank him, so instead, she jumped up and embraced him, unfortunately not even thinking of how the top of her dress was currently unsecured.

Stumbling to his feet as he heard Shye finally start to make sound, Mason (who hadn't been wearing anything beneath his armor and padded shirt) suddenly found two supple masses of warm flesh pressed tightly against his bare chest. Yet, as if oblivious to that fact, he wrapped his arms tightly around Shye as he cried joyfully himself. "How cruel a soul must be to rob the world of such a beautiful voice..." he quietly sobbed. Though he had been doubtful near the end, his efforts had borne fruit, and what was more; he FREED this woman. Swaying side to side in embrace, Mason wished that this feeling could last forever..... However, in a few moments Shye would notice something very warm trickling down her back.

Shye noticed Nix was pecking and pawing at a piece of charcoal on the ground when she felt something running down her back. She backed up a bit from Mason and her faced turned bright red as shs realized her top was down. She gasped as she turned around and lifted the top of her dress up, though when she tried to reclasp the choker, she couldn't as the flesh on her neck was still in pain. She turned back to Mason, looking him over, though now with one hand holding her dress up at her chest again as the other pulled some of her hair behind her ear. "I, uh...apologize....I wasn't thinking.... How did you-" she started to ask until she saw his hand. "Oh! Your hand!" She exclaimed.

"Huh? There isn't anything wrong wi-...... OH, THAT..." Mason stuttered as he looked at his heavily charred finger; about half of which was now on the floor. "Its fine, I'm sure the Taxis healers can reattach it..." he nervously chuckled as he bent down to retrieve the lost half before pocketing it and wrapping his bloody stump with gauze to stop the bleeding. Procuring some Taxis burn ointment from a nearby medical kit, Mason rubbed it between his hands before approaching Shye, "Besides, your needs come before mine... As long as I'm able to help, I'm always ok." he whispered as he gently began to massage the ointment onto the burns around Shye's neck.

Shye was silent while he rubbed the ointment on, lost in thought and trying to take in what just occurred. "Why?" she finally asked. "What is your goal in helping me? Why should my needs come before your own? You don't owe me anything," she said just above a whisper as she looked at the ground, a confused look in her eye. "Because," Mason whispered as he paused to gently lift Shye's chin; his eyes gleaming with hope, "Good people don't deserve to suffer.... Especially not in silence. And if I must suffer in exchange for their freedom? Another scar is a small price to pay."(edited)

This continued to bring tears to her eyes, this was almost to much to believe was real. "Your sympothy is wasted on me I'm afraid....I can't escape what binds me. I'm not a 'good person', only an assassin.... I can't afford to fail..." she said looking down at her claws, seeing nothing but them bathed in crimson even though they were currently clean. "like you said...good people don't deserve to suffer. I have someone who counts on me to do unspeakable things....I pray he never knows...." sh said, her voice lowing in a hushed tone.

"I disagree, the person I saw entangled in the thorns, was the savior a child. The woman that I'm looking at right now, doesn't like killing. Yet is forced to carry forth with such unspeakable acts against her will... A kind soul suffering for the sake of another...." Mason continued as he finished applying the ointment, now starting to loosely wrap bandages around the damaged flesh, "Even the strongest chains can be broken Shye, such is the way of this world... No matter how the darkness binds you, light is always sure to trickle in. Regardless of what you claim, you are no assassin. An assassin would have attacked every time I turned my back, or gutted me the moment we embraced... But you did nothing of the sort, be true to yourself Shye; this isnt who you are."

If he only knew how many times she had killed when she embraced someone. He body was just as much a weapon as her claws. "I was supposed to come here to kill Dremmick....and you. Dispatching any alliance members who got in the way. If I fail a mission... they will take my son away..."

The moment he heard her mention the theft of a child, Mason's gentle expression froze, twisting into one of cold disgust, "W H O?" he coldly asked as his hands began to quiver with anger. "The Dolofon...When they...recruited me. It was after they had found my son in Sunfire orphanage in the lands of Vrondi. They haven't taken him. But they made it very clear that they are there, waiting and watching. They don't stop me from seeing him, if I am able to get there between contracts. If I don't complete my tasks..." she said, trembling a little, "they will kill him." Nix hopped in her lap, noticing Shye's emotions and trying to comfort her. She pet the small furred dragon. "His safety is why I do this. Its selfish, taking innocent lives as long as the innocent life you cherish is safe. But he is the few things I have left, I can't let it happen."

Each passing moment made Mason more and more distraught as he listened to Shye's cruel fate. Careful not to crush Nix, he came forward once again wrapping his arms around the woman. Quiet tears fell from his eyes as he buried his face into shoulder, slowly trying to regain his composure "H-How much time did they give you?" he weakly asked.

"Three more days." Nix chirped at him for disrupting her cuddling, but was otherwise unphased.

Mason paused for a moment while he thought of a plan, "Alright," he whispered as he slowly pressed Shye gently onto the bed (still being careful to avoid hurting Nix) as if he intended to make love to her, cautiously glancing to the door. But in reality-- he was ensuring that the Dolofon didn't have an Intel agent planted nearby monitoring Shye. Passionately Mason made small, gentle kisses from her shoulder, up her neck, until finally stopping at her ear (who knew reading lord Ero's book would actually prove useful?). His hands glided across her curves, caressing her softly as he pressed into her. "Late tonight, I will travel to the field on the southern outskirt of town. You will attack me, and I will 'burn myself to death' trying to fight you off-- leaving you unable to collect my head." he continued to whisper as he kissed her chest and moved to the other ear "By some odd coincidence, an unknown man will show up at the gates of Vrondi, and visit the orphanage before disappearing with a certain child.... Only for you to disappear soon after, likely killed when confronting Dremmick. Then, this unknown man and some strange woman will run into each other here in Pearl.... The same village where a young knight was stabbed in the gut after trying to bed an Assassin he'd just met in a Taxis tent..."

Hoping that Shye had caught his drift, Mason shot forward, stealing her lips with his own as he braced himself for what was coming.

Shye was more than taken by surprise at the knight's sudden movements to the bed. She had turned beet red as he pressed himself against her, Nix hopping out of the way. When he started kissing her up from her shoulder to her neck, a tingling washed over her as he made his way up to her ear, goosbumps appearing as he whispered to her. Even though she was listening intently to his plan, she did somewhat get caught up in the moment when he kissed her, actually reciprocating it for moment in earnest before she drove her claws into his gut. She pushed him away from her as she clicked her claws together, calling Nix to her as she reclasped her choker to her neck, covering herself back up, and bolted out of the tents. Luckily, it seemed there was a fight going on outside that attracted everyone's attention as she made her escape.

@Zeroth@Duthguy@Searat@King Cosmos@Silverpaw@Gardevoiran@Old Amsterdam









What Jason had learned from the core was interesting to say the least, but right now fixing this so-called 'Mana Burn' took priority. Perhaps there was more than just a dungeon menu, was there a status and skill progression screen as well? Probably. "Display status.... Open Skill progression...." he mumbled as he rolled out of his cave and approached the others once more, Jason reached out with [Telepathy II], 'Alright everyone, I've just learned some pretty interesting information.... From the looks of it, the core has been spawning the Skeleblins in response to what it perceives as an attack. Now what it's most likely referring to is Digbie's tunneling endeavor-- and thus is probably targeting him. So far, three Skeleblins have been spawned and one has been killed by Oberon. While you guys are on your way out I'm going to see what I can do to make the dungeon stop targeting you... One more thing- would any of you happen to know how to fix something called Mana Burn?'

As he waited for a response, Jason scanned the newly evolved Rain and Oberon with [Magic Analysis I] and [Monster Analysis I]
@Lotrix Molick is the servitor like the wh40k lobotomized slave? Or just a mechanized servant?
@Jangel13 hey quick question, if Ren uses stoneflesh does its effect still apply to his left arm?
Welcome to the madhouse guys!

@drewccapp a fan of TOG I presume?
Nero Capital City


As Nero’s mightiest warriors began their assault on the massive beast, they would find that their attacks prompted no response from the monster, at least until Sleeth made his attack. The moment he made his swing, a massive torrent of searing flame and light ravaged the inside of the barrier, it’s sound so incredible, the breaking of the sound barrier was barely audible. Nobu; stealthiest of the elites, had made a grave error that compromised his stealth, foolishly drawing the essence of the beast. Now, a large, draconic hand shot toward the assassin’s back with incredible speed, reaching to claim Nobu’s soul.

"Oi oi.." Muttered the invisible warrior. "I've been caught so easy.." He said with disappointment in his tone. With a narrow avoidance he slipped by the strike coming from behind him. Pieces of his armor breaking and flying as invisible debris. Before they could even land he was already sliding into a ditch formed from all the chaos. Escaping into its shadows like a well of water. His voice echoing as it faded away. "Until next time!" Right before the Dragon lord could pursue and providing a bare distraction as the cocky black dragon knight soared in, his fists cackling with dark energy only known to the chaotic beings that conjure it from the infinite essence of cosmic magic. A warping of a simple theory, the absence of light, now a weapon of chaos. He plunged his two fists at the Dragon lord. "FIGHT ME!!!" He roared. With a sigh, the Dragon Lord ducked under the knight's strike, plunging his fist into the fool's abdomen as he dodged to the side. The hand itself seemed to phase through the knight's very being, tearing out a piece of his very life essence as it retracted from his body, the black armor now sporting a sizable dent. With a grunt of agony the knight was knocked back several meters. But as he was fading out a new shadow approached. The King himself. His scythe was as clear as the air it parted.

A twisted smile formed on the Dragon's face as a blinding explosion of fire and light concealed him from view. In a flash, chaotic energy ripped and tore through the barrier beneath the feet of the Twilight Mage, creating a hole just large enough for a certain hand to fit through. In an instant, a vice grip crushed the Mage's ankle, as he was violently yanked through his own barrier, the poor seraphs life being drained with each passing moment of contact. The mage was taken by surprise. Their feet being wiped from under. The barrier keeping all matters contained was now shattering like glass. However. Vanishing within a concealment of his own cloak Sleeth reemerged before the great arm that held his valuable ally. "Unhand." His scythe swung at the arm.

”Of course little ant, in fact, I was just finished with him.” the Dragon responded as he released the man; who had already begun to look like a husk. Shooting back, the scythe sliced off about half of the Dragon's hand , but the ancient lord wasn't done yet. "How disgraceful, I seem to have gotten slower over the years..... I'm going to grab a quick snack...” he coldly muttered as he looked at his hand in disappointment.

With a burst of flame, the Dragon raced for the upper district.

"Oh not so fast." A cut in reality. A warped gash of darkness formed by one of the knights. His master of the blade clearly being deep in dimensional darkness. The Dragon would be headed towards it. Around the dragon formed a barrier of burning light, taking the shape of a spearhead. Within the construct a pale, blue energy; seething with chaos, built within as the dragon's approach quickened. He flew into the dimension the gash closing fast behind him. He was now in a dimension of darkness. No longer in the city it would seem. The knight held his sheathe triumphantly as the darkness would attempt to rip the dragon apart.

Yet, as the dark dug away at the radiant barrier, the pale glow within only seemed to build as the construct jerked to a stop. With the sound of shattering glass, the barrier gave way; from it burst an explosion of a pale blue flame long forgotten by this world, driving back the darkness. In it's center the dragon chuckled, would his foe come to face him? Eagerly, he scanned the void with his myraid of senses-- souls such as these could do little to hide from the likes of him. The sound of footsteps echoed in the Dragons ears. It sounded far and close. Though he floated aimlessly here the king who stepped before him stood firm. "Who are you?" He asked. Grasping his helmet and lifting it off. Revealing his face. He then dropped it into The void. It began to float. Gravity having no effect here.

With a twisted grin the dragon spoke, ”Your strength is impressive little king..... Very well, you have earned the honor of knowing my identity..... I ̢̣͚̞̰̞̺̹A͍͢M͉̣͎̺̦͜ ̼̠̝Z͇̹̦̘Ẹ͕̞̯̜͢T̥͙̯̯́H͔̞͙̗͘E͎L̴̩̬͙̬O̬̠̦̼͠S,̨̣̹̖͍ ͚̟̙͖̟͔͘ͅD͙̞E̯̠̻V̙͚̺̠͢O̘̠̘̼͙̥͈͢U̟͙̗R͘Ę̭͚͖̘͙͔̹R͖͍̠̺͍͡ ̜̗̗͜O̴̭̦̱͙͎F͇͢ L̞E̻͎̰G̺̲͕̻̹̝̬͢I̹͕̭̯̫̼O̺̣̼̜͚Ṇ̤͔͠S̡,̣͙̳ ҉͈̼̬͇͉G̱̰͈̤͖͞ͅǪ͙̣D̤͉̥͓̙̹ ̪̥̼̬O̫̙͔̗̟̩̭F͉͈ͅ ̹̯͞ŚO̫Ụ͓͚L̫̟͖̩̝͚̗S̺,̹ ̶̮͉F͉͉̹̳̜̫̗Ò̭̟͇̝̗U͇͖ͅR͡Ṱ͍̫̱͚͙H͍̣͇͕̗̟̻́ ̩̗̰̯̯̦̣B̜̗̤͇̕O̼͉R͈̯̬̲͖̕Ǹ̙ ҉̤̪̺̱O͔͙̖̬̦̠F̴͓͔̬͓͈ ̧͔̟̮̯͍T̟̬͕̦H̖͇̦̜̞̝̘E ̖̺̭͓̖G̣͓̤͔̳͡O̶̜͚̳̭̙̣D͚̗͔̭ͅ-̼̗̰̣̱͍K̴̩I͇̙͙̝͞N̷̠͉̖̺̦̦G҉͚͖͖͍͕̰ ̩̥H͉̬̭͈̣̳̀ͅIM̴̺͈͇S̲̟̳̜̙ḘL͉̙̫̰F̢͙͔̮̲̪͙ͅ!” his words; steeped in chaos, seemed to twist the very fabric of reality.

Sleeths eyes were emmiting a brilliance kin to the fire in ones soul. Though he resigned himself to the dark. He did not seem to be waned by his foes mass of aura. "The God King? You mean that old Dragon defeated by the so called first seraphim?" He chuckled. "Are you now a lapdog for Nuxta? One of the seraphim's own children?"

"Watch your tongue mortal." Zethelos spat as his eyes glowed with rage, ”Had I not been imprisoned by legions of Seraphim, that battle would have gone VERY differently...... Nuxta is still alive you say? And you think me to be his servant!?!?! How....... LAUGHABLE." the ancient dragon sighed as he began to calm down, even so much as to chuckle at the idea he would submit to anyone.
Ogre Ren
A New Venture/// Morning // Day 6


Once again, Ren found himself in a forge, this time however, he was not in a crucible; but standing behind the inconceivable form of the Forgefather. As if caught in a fit of mad inspiriation, the god furiously hammered away at something. Though he could not see what his god was working on, he could however, see the rest of the forge. Enamored by the incredible design of Gatoven's workshop, Ren drank in every detail; forever etching it into his mind. As he looked once more to Gatoven, he would find that the steel god was nowhere to be seen; the world around him fading into darkness, save for glowing piece of steel atop the anvil. The moment Ren reached for it-- the mass of metal struck out! The blob twisted and turned, devouring his left arm as it's tendrils dug themselves into his body. Frozen in awe, the hobgoblin watched the metal absorb his arm before invading his body.

Ren awoke in a flash, in shock of his new body, and amazed at the change in both his sword, as well as his wolf. Truly, no words could describe the gratitude he felt for receiving the blessing of the steel god. Slowly he rose to his feet, making himself a somewhat large fire. Taking the remaining pelts from the pack he had hunted the day before, Ren began the process of tanning the tanning hides using the fire, his sword, and smoldering coals. When he was finished, he had made a hood from the Alpha and a loincloth from the Rest. As the Ogre donned his new attire, he was struck with an idea of how to thank his god!

Gently rubbing his wolf's head, he motioned for it to follow him as he trudged over to the stone church; surely the church's library could offer the knowledge he required! As he approached the door to the church, he shared what Troll meat he had left with his companion; satiating any hunger the two might have. However, whether or not the others inside might see him as a threat, remained to be seen..... Slowly, Ren opened the church's tiny door as he hunched to fit through it's frame. As he passed into the main room of the church, Ren could once again stand, glancing around the room, he saw Luz, some undead looking creature that was probably Gird, and Grandpa Goblin. Without a word, he rested his massive blade against the wall next to the door as he invited his wolf in. Making sure that his wolf didn't mistake the others for prey, Ren took his wolf to the church's library, and instructed it to lie down. Slowly and carefully, Ren began browsing the Church's collection of books, looking for anything that he may have seen in his dream of Gatoven's forge.

@Jangel13 Is Ren + his sword bigger than the entrance to the church?

(edit: Nvrm, Posted)

@Zeroth@Duthguy@Searat@King Cosmos@Silverpaw@Gardevoiran

“I’m leaving. Something big is happening in this cave and we don’t know how bad it’s going to get; I’d rather take my chances outside than deal with all these undead that are appearing. Some people have already left, they should be waiting outside soon; I’m leaving as soon as I find Digbie and Rain, anyone else who wants to come with me is welcome to.” Oberon said as Jason started approaching his cave. Turning to his (formerly) pixie friend, Jason lightly responded in an unconcerned tone, "You're right Oberon, something big IS happening to the cave; it's become a dungeon. However, thanks to a combination of coincidence and preparation, I am registered as it's owner... What boons that shall grant me are yet to be seen, but in the meantime, I believe I've discovered a more permanent solution regarding the reanimation of the dead. In all honesty, I'm absolutely certain that if we put in the work before we're faced with an undead horde, this cave can become an invaluable asset to us all... As for Digbie... he's standing right there; at the entrance to the absolute SAFEST part of the cave. The area I've dug out provides not only a hard choke point, but is also guaranteed to not have skeletons or zombies under the floor, and is equipped with it's own farm of healing herbs."

Pointing at the young goblin at the mouth of his cave, Jason realized something.... HE HAD NO FUCKING CLUE WHERE RAIN WENT.
"Rain on the other hand.... Where the hell did she go???" he continued as his tone became more concerned. Entering his main cave, Jason looked around diligently for any sign of the lizard, only to come across an empty husk, and a flooded tunnel.... Had she evolved? Scanning the husk with [Material Analysis I], a thought came to mind-- maybe he could use the core to locate Rain! Bracing his mind, Jason pressed himself against the core, carefully reading all the information presented to him. However, if the dungeon didn't offer him a menu on it's own, Jason would just ask instead; both verbally and through [Telepathy II] simultaneously, "Core, display dungeon menu."

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