Hank is a Moderator. They assist users and keep the forum running smoothly. They have power across all forums.
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Quick everyone, PM Mahz with your wishlist for Guild updates and new features. The more the better. In fact, send him a PM about it every day. Make that every hour. Chop chop!
1 yr ago
Welcome back, Hecate!
2 yrs ago
To all the homies in Florida -- stay safe out there. Now is not the time to wrangle an alligator and surf it down the flooded streets. I know, it's hard to resist the urge.
2 yrs ago
Calling all ELDEN RING players: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
2 yrs ago
I've logged into this site just about every day for the past fourteen years.


On the old version of the Guild I was the record holder for 'Most Infraction Points Without Being Permabanned'.

My primary roleplaying genres are fantasy and science fiction. Big fan of The Elder Scrolls, The Lord of the Rings, Warhammer 40,000, Mass Effect, Fallout and others.

Most Recent Posts


Do you mind if I come up with a name for the Rogue Trader? If Naamah is the Mistress of Arms she would probably be interacting with him in my post.
Sounds like a plan.

Going nuts!
Seems like this is going to come down to "everyone arrives at the Hulk by separate ships at more or less the same time". Bit uninspired.

Who's up for being on the same ship as Naamah? Goes for @Necroes and @Bright_Ops as well, we can just retcon her on either one of those vessels.
Wait -- where are our characters, exactly?
She's got a good, large, set of ...

Aiming to post tomorrow or the day after, depending on how things go. Not at home right now.
Looks like it's time for a collab! Paging @Dervish and @Hellis. Do you agree?
Okay, y'all have completely left me in the dust. I don't have the time or the energy to keep up with this pace. Forgot what it was like to RP in Casual.

Good luck and have fun!
I will finish and submit my CS today.

EDIT: Posted. The history is extremely uninspired but I couldn't think of anything better and just wanted to be done with the sheet. Her interactions with the rest of the crew and our enemies will be much more interesting to write anyway.
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