Avatar of HeySeuss


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7 yrs ago
Hot dogs are already cooked. Might as well just sear them to add flavor.
7 yrs ago
I love it when I catch up on my posting.
7 yrs ago
If you take college seriously, it opens doors. Harvard and Hopkins makes it easier, but you can do well anywhere.
7 yrs ago
Prefer to brainstorm on Discord for that reason.
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7 yrs ago
Windows 10 is very much like a German prison camp guard, "Ah, I see you are tryink to escape work fifteen minutes early, Herr Colonel Hogan, here ist an update zat vill stall you!"


Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by HeySeuss>

I will say that I'm personally leaning toward beginning in the Free Cities (or more specifically in the Disputed Lands) as part of an established company - just not a canon one - before it gets decimated somehow (think of the Battle of Hattin, but with survivors I.E. the lot of us), leaving we merry few, we band of brothers, to go...somewhere; could be anywhere from reforming the company to simply heading over to Westeros (assuming we're not already there) and becoming bandits on the King's Road - that's something to work out once/if this gains some traction,I think.

That said I think the starting location is something that can be discussed, assuming we get enough folks on board. As for new or established, I was thinking more of a band of Sellswords, rather than an entire free company - hence the rout of the prologue - but again the size of the group and so on can all be hashed out in the event of this taking off.

If you do have any suggestions of your own, do feel free to put them forth at any point.

I'm down with that survivors of a rout storyline and am good with wherever it is going to be set. My character, quite frankly, isn't a 'stand and die for some nobleman' type as it is, so this all fits as far as I am concerned.

A band looking to perhaps stake into a larger company makes sense.

Edit: Also makes sense that any company looking to campaign in Westeros will hire experienced hands in anticipation of that. It would make sense that companies aren't going to be fully staffed until comes time to fight a war, after all.
I'll sign on for this. I've played the mercenary theme before, and I'm also a fan of the Hundred Years War and the War of the Roses. I have thoughts on an individual character in the way of sellsword longbowman (and sometime bandit.)

Out of curiosity, would this start in the Seven Kingdoms or in the Free Cities...and is this a new company or an established one?
Been reading a lot of Stephen King, which is recharging my batteries, and so...

So this is another bump.

Yes, that is a Tony Montana bump.
Now seeking: Partner in Crime/Collaborator.

Bear in mind that what I have written below is mutable and essentially that I am willing to adapt. If you have an interest and you pitch it, I will consider it. I'm open-minded.

Why a pic of Keef and Mick? Because some of the best music out there came from active collaboration. Which is sort of the point for what follows.

My Proposition

Longtime user just getting back into the swing here and looking for some chat, a little collaboration and some fun writing with new faces.

Let's face it, I've been here a long time, I know a bunch of people here but a lot of them seem to be not RPing, which means that I have to run into some new people.

I'm mostly marketing this to the odd random and interesting person that might be checking these interest checks the way I sometimes do without posting an actual check. Some of you are old hands, some of you are brand new.

Hi, you, drop a line! If interested, please PM or tag @HeySeuss so I get a notification or HMU at HeySeuss#6650 on Discord! Otherwise, I'll check the page, see if I have notifications and perhaps not get back to you as quickly as if you pop a flare.

My Baggage

My Interests

My Immensely Long List of Rules (Disclaimer: Sarcasm)

Plot Prompts
Each idea has an interest check associated with it, which provides more substantial info than the prompt. There's a lot in there.
Getting a real Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter vibe from this, which I'm really digging.

Plus, who'd give up the chance to shoot Edward Cullen through his sparkly face?

Yeah, though I think we're looking at more advanced than that, seeing as we're in cybernetic mod territory, but drone warfare and other technologies in that game series are definitely on the table here.

I'm open to speculation and creativity in this regard. This should have a real "Syndicate" type vibe to it.
Please see stub system on character sheet area. This is meant to allow people to give essential info on their characters but keep the secrets to themselves. Please character generate responsibly and justify the trust/discretion. :)

@The Narrator@Blenheim

Post-op, cybernetic implant surgery...

  • Using the provided template, please create a character sheet and post it here.
  • All other posts to the OOC tab. Thanks.
Possible Character Concepts

  • Talent - At least one human with paranormal abilities; telekinesis, pyrokinesis, telepathy...something of that nature. We're talking about a one in a thousand. This person probably won't be as heavily augmented as some of the others, but the augs they do possess will be the kind that boost their abilities...and probably turn them somewhat twitchy and unstable.
  • Warden - A former law enforcement officer (preferably a detective/federal law enforcement type) that was scapegoated for a scandal that involved some sort of coverup of what was actually responsible. This dishonored individual was, perhaps, maimed in the process. They might well be working as a consultant or private investigator. They understand how government works; perhaps part of a DOJ task force investigating corruption that went awry of the vampires.
  • Fixer - An ex-criminal of some sort, working for a cartel or organization as a specialist, perhaps as a high tech burglar or smuggler. This person knows the streets, the corruption of people, how to grease palms and get things through security. They know how people are connected in the underworld and where to put the pressure on. These sorts of organizations are often used as fronts for the vampires and their more unsavory activities, such as feeding. Perhaps this character got in too deep, objected and was left for dead. The Vigil is not an organization concerned with legality -- it is at war, and a soldier that knows the enemy is valuable.
  • Face - someone, probably a woman, that caught the attentions of a vampire that prized her looks and social grace, but was overcome by his urges and left her bleeding somewhere, clinging barely to life when the Vigil found her. She had a high flying social life and a respected career, perhaps as a lawyer or a corporate executive or even an actress or known personality before the event. Her skills, her ability to control herself and put on a persona allows her to smooth her way into places where a hundred men with guns would be foiled. Her ability to manipulate people with the pheromone and emotional manipulation implants she has received have taken her natural talents at persuasion and turned her irresistible.
  • Come up with something and make it yours -- that's always a good sign. ;)

Also, here is a list of sample mods and equipment (feel free to invent stuff):

Character Stub
Character Profile:
You can be as lengthy or succinct as you want, but the character info we need is the character's history of vampire encounters, a brief description of their abilities and role and any additional biographic details you want to add. This can be done in a single paragraph. Should include an overview of cybernetic modifications that support their role on the kill-team.
He who fights with monsters should look to it
that he himself does not become a monster.
And when you gaze long into an abyss
the abyss also gazes into you.

- Friedrich Nietzsche
"Beyond Good and Evil" (1886)

TL;DR Summary:

  • DISCORD Link!
  • Near future, year 2026, modified Earth setting (to account for a variation in technological development.)
  • Vampires exist, as they have for a long, long time, ageless and hard to kill and thus fancy themselves apex predators who use their resources and influence to ensure that they cannot be assailed by common humanity.
  • Society does not know this, or the way the Eternal, as the Vampires call themselves, have maintained a policy of culling humanity but not destroying it, to profit from it. Through the long centuries, the initial cull policies of removing the brightest, the most creative for turning have morphed into a policy of turning beautiful people into vampires. The eldest were the great minds of their time, but they've also become set in their ways.
  • The Vigil has also existed from ancient times in a variety of forms, collecting information as best it could against Vampires, though it found few successes in hunting them. They have, instead in secret, cultivated the wealth and resources necessary to eventually confront vampires when the opportunity arose. Vampires have long since dismissed the Vigil as being a passive organization and a non-threat, as a second-rate Illuminati that focuses on economic interests and corporate affairs. They never bothered to crush the Vigil and the Vigil has been very good about masquerading as an organization that has long since abandoned its original goals in preference of simply pursuing profit, while faking scientist deaths and undertaking other operations to 'move the needle' toward their actual goals.
  • Through the course of the 20th and early 21st century, the Vigil has been content to continue this policy of appearing harmless, even as it took to the bleeding edge of technological research; a combination of extensive corporate espionage and sponsored research and development have yielded considerable leaps forward in a variety of technological fields. The Vampires, in their arrogance, do not realize that the plan is to advance to a point where they can level the playing field against vampires and fight them toe to toe.
  • The recruits are your characters -- they have a variety of skills, backgrounds and reasons for associating with the Vigil; they are all victims of vampires who have survived their encounters, and have been modified to be able to even the score.
  • These characters are sent forth, armed with the best equipment their very rich patrons can provide as a kill-team; their orders are to assassinate vampires. Ideally, they are to preserve their secrecy as much as possible, but killing vampires is the priority.
  • Oh, and the first operation will be killing an Edward Cullen type. How cool is that?
  • Specifics of technology will be discussed, but I have a general idea of where I want to draw the line.
  • Inspirations; Movies - Munich, Blade Runner, Blade, The Lost Boys, Escape from New York. Books - the works of William Gibson, Dracula and Twilight, at least for the idea of killing an Edward Cullen type first. :)
  • No thank you on half-vampires and daywalkers. This is about the victims.
In Character Info:
Vampires have styled themselves the apex predators, the ones that take the predator that kills all the other life on Earth, and have fallen into this pattern of considering humanity prey. Some of them try to view humanity as a threat, but the oldest, the ones in charge, are set in their ways and sometimes have a hard time adapting to the idea of humans advancing beyond the means of the time that they were made into a vampire, a time when they were rampant over the earth. Hunters have come and hunters have gone, but with limited means to do damage to the Eternal, their name for themselves.

Organizations too, have come and gone, hunters trying to eradicate vampires under the auspices of the church and some kings, but they have failed, largely due to the inability to match the vampires unparalleled strength, speed and powers; the natural abilities that make them the predator and humans the prey.

One organization has watched and waited, understanding that until the day arrived that they were able to match these strengths and perhaps overcome them the fell rule of the Eternal from the shadows would continue unabated. Through the long centuries, members lived and died, compiling and securing information on their enemies, but not moving against them hastily. They invested assets wisely, cultivated research and learning, infiltrated institutions, worked with a slow purpose and a goal that spanned many lifetimes of effort, waiting for when science would allow them to match or even outmatch the vampires. The vampires, in addressing more overt threats, violent threats, derided the Vigil as timid scholars. The Vigil played the long game, looking for a time when there would be a means to fight the vampires effectively. The world slowly changed, but the Eternal did not change with the times as well as the Vigil did.

Now, in 2026, that reckoning has come.
Out of Character Info
The characters are essentially a team of hunters enhanced with cybernetics that are hunting vampires; the cybernetics are still a prototype phase, but they work and the enhancements are considerable in their performance and scary in their implications -- the characters are giving up their humanity to fight the inhuman, and that Niezstchean element of the RP should not be forgotten. They are more like what they fight than they wish to admit.

Characters are selected for many reasons, but they boil down to the basic imperatives of 'skills' and 'motivation.' Vampires are more visceral and are not, generally, creatures of training and self-discipline. While a few are brought into the fold for their skills, they are more often picked by their masters out of some sort of lust, and so there are quite a few artist and beautiful people types among the vampires. The Vigil, by contrast, looked at their recruits carefully for the skillset and mentality of those they are enhancing to fight the vampires -- they can build the body, after all.

Therefore, the characters are picked for what's in their heads; not just military types, but sharp investigators, cyberwarfare and hacking experts and people that can move easily through most places and speak the native languages. The implants enhance these abilities, but the characters quickly come to realize that the implants give them a fighting chance, but they do not assure victory. Only creative thinking and their skills can do that.

All the same, for a variety of reasons ranging from wanting revenge to desiring the ability to walk again without a wheelchair or even an idealistic desire to free humanity of this scourge, the characters signed on for the long haul, with their flesh and blood as down payment.
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