Avatar of HueMan
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    1. HueMan 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current We attack Japan. Wir greifen Japan an. 日本を攻撃する. 일본을 공격한다.
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8 yrs ago
So etwas gibt es nicht.

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Pandora's Actor emerged in a showcase of light, posing dramatically. His left hand covering his empty face, his right arm outstretched behind him as if to mask himself from the surrounding light. He was leaning backwards, nearly facing the sky. He turned slowly to face his summoner, over-exaggerating his step artistically.

"Ich komme aus unendlicher Dunkelheit... Wer mich anruft, soll den Preis bezahlen..." His voice was bombastic, pitch and tone over the top as he pronounced perfect German. Enunciating every word as if speaking to a deaf man, he continued. "Who dares to summon this self?" Pandora's Actor finally took his hand off of his face to survey his surroundings before addressing Ryan. "Ah, thou shalt be responsible for such rude interruption of this self's devotion to the true lord."
@Duoya@Ithradine@Leaves@Tybalt Capulet@demonspade64@AGenericUser@17th Day@Jangel13@Haruhi43@mopsock17@Scarescrow@TaroAndSelia@Achronum

Hey everyone.

So I had to rethink a few things over before making this post but... well, it feels like we've been having trouble lately as a RP group. Some of you have been really good with getting out materials (and you have my sincere gratitude) and others have at least been communicative with me on how you might be absent for a bit. The thing is, I'm just not sure what's going on with everyone else. And I really hate talking about this because it puts a bad taste in everyone's mouth and we are all just here to have fun. However the thing is... we can't move forward without working together as a group. I really love this RP and everyone's characters. I really do, I think it's the most amazing set of players and characters I've seen to date. And that, at least to me, holds a lot of meaning. So it's especially sad that I have to mention it like this.

It's always hard balancing our times, I feel it a lot too. We've all got so many diverse things we put our time into and priorities over other things definitely are part of our lives. And needless to say, our hobbies (or even among our hobbies) can sometimes fall behind on the "to-do" list. But at the same time, we've all made a commitment here. Not necessarily to me (hell, I'm not even playing the game) but by investing your time into it by making astounding characters; their backgrounds, personalities, styles, charisma, etc. I'm sure you were all excited writing your character and imagining them in our world. It's our world because we've built it together. But, perhaps more importantly, we've made investments into each other. It's like playing boardgames with your friends; if you won't take your turn, others can't go. And no one is playing then.

So... I'll be frank guys. I'm rather unsure at this point how to move on. I've tried communicating, I've tried setting rules down, making sure everyone knows... the thing is the speed of the RP matters less than the fact that I'm trying to hold it together. Perhaps I was being too optimistic when I was hoping for 2-posts-per-week. It was my understanding that every would be aware of that since it was part of the rules. Perhaps it's my fault for not making it clear enough. But the pattern I see here is fairly frequent; people don't post on time, I go ask for posts, people post much later than scheduled, others are waiting... etc etc. You get the picture. And I honestly really hate asking people to post because it's... unfun. For everyone. Like I said above, we are all here to enjoy ourselves, not choke ourselves on responsibilities. The point of RPing altogether (in my opinion at least) is to detach ourselves from stressful reality to enjoy fantastic worlds and elements. Defeats the whole purpose if we feel stressed about the game.

I would really appreciate it if everyone can at least try to communicate on here what's going on and how we might be able to fix this. Only way to make it work is if we do it together. Meanwhile, folks who have NOT posted this week and NOT talked to me about it, I'm gonna have to throw down a warning. My apologies for the brick-wall of text.

Thank you for posting on time or letting me know if you can't.

Well Pandora's Actor can turn into anyone technically...
- Servant -

Class: Caster

True Name: Pandora's Actor

Origin World: Overlord

Description: Pandora's Actor is a humanoid doppleganger dressed in yellow military uniform complete with a coat and hat. His face is an expressionless mask with 3 dark holes in place of eyes and mouth and his fingers look unnaturally long with extra digits. His appearance however matters little for his ability allows him to transform into others. His personally on the other hand is full of flair. He talks in overly dramatic tone and pitch while posing bombastically. He sounds and acts full of life and emotion and embellishes everything he does as if on center-stage of a play. He also speaks German when excited.

Image Reference:

Weapon: None.


Doppelganger - Pandora's Actor is capable of completely copying off any being he touches. Once touched, Pandora's Actor may transform into them any time he wished for as long as he wished. He is capable of keeping 100 "blueprints" of transformation. Once transformed, Pandora's Actor becomes perfectly identical to that being. He will walk, talk and fight like them as well as possess identical items including Noble Phantasms. However, there is one critical difference; most of the abilities exerted will only have 80% of effectiveness. For instance, if he transforms into a man who can lift 100 tons, he will be able to lift up to 80 tons. Unique powers such as Noble Phantasms are subject to case-by-case scenario. Certain Noble Phantasms may not be copied off identically, while others may be.
Heightened Intelligence - Having been created to be comparable in intelligence to Demiurge and Albedo of Ainz Ooal Gown who are known to possess extraordinary mental skills, Pandora's Actor can be described as having acute intellect.

Noble Phantasm: None.

Wish: To serve the eternal rule of Ainz Ooal Gown as the true overlord of the world, for the world belongs to him.


Throw me down for a servant. Writing up CS atm, will prob be done within a couple of hours. Want me to post it here or PM?
I am interested. Is there a slot?
New Patch Note:

Changes to Skills list. Changes to Tinker Actions. Item list updated.

Actually now that I recall, some of us did guess it was the hurricane back then... well glad you still live.
If you wanna chat with us, we actually moved a lot of the OOC chatter to discord:
Hey everyone I just want to apologize for ghosting for five months! Hurricane Irma took out a massive chunk of my life and then work and school took off so I kinda forgot about everything but helping rebuild stuff. I just wanted to post a thank you to everyone that sent me a pm checking in on me!

.... ?!?!?!!!!!

We thought you were dead. Like actually.
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