Avatar of HylianRose


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3 mos ago
Current Busy with life stuff! Should be around tomorrow, pending work.
4 mos ago
3 yrs ago
nothing like looking through old rps to make you miss it all again. </3
5 yrs ago
Just popping in to let everyone know I'm not dead. ...that is all.
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6 yrs ago
Sorry to all of those that I flaked on. If I had an excuse, I already forgot what it was.


29 year old writer.

Hi, I'm Rose. I RP and stuff.

Most Recent Posts

@SouffleGirl123@Orange Juice I figured this was the casr. Feel free to look back if things open up again for you two. :)
@SouffleGirl123@Orange Juice@Emma@Filthy Mudblood

You guys still interested in joining? Please let me know so I can open it up to other players should they want to join. If yes, we'll continue to wait on you, no problem. I would just like to hear from you. Thanks! ~

Mentions: @Joshua Tamashii@JBRam2002@mskennedy615

I don't blame you. Elizabeth signed back and began leading the way for her friend. She didn't necessarily hate being dirty, but did quite enjoy showers. They calmed her down but she wasn't one for being particular about getting dirty, or living in a dirty space... Though, she didn't like filth...

When she realized she was getting lost in rather useless thoughts, Elizabeth shook her head slightly. She noticed the others coming towards them as well and began to wave. "Hello everyone!" she shouted, signing as well out of habit. She smiled as she walked over to them and gave each a gentle hug, before realizing the reason she hadn't given Amelia one was because she was dirty...

"Oh no, I'm so sorry! I forgot I was dirty from the garden..." She exclaimed, still signing.

Mentions: @Joshua Tamashii

Elizabeth smiled warmly as Amelia spoke to her. She was glad to see her friend had arrived safely, though rather rudely treated.

I can show you to them. At least walking here meant less time spent with your awful brother. Elizabeth returned to Amelia in sign language, happy that the skill her family had found useless was useful now. Do you want to go now? I can take you there. Elizabeth asked, putting the spade she was using to garden down on the fence.

She was aware of Amelia's brother tendencies and hated that such a sweet child had to deal with such cruelty. She found great friendship in Amelia.

"Leaving so soon, Miss?" Alfred asked from the middle of the garden, a silly looking hat on his head.

Elizabeth smiled and nodded, "Yeah. I think she wants a shower before she gets settled in." She explained to him.
@Prints Avoid Accepted. He and Eva may just be besties. Lol.

Mentions: @mskennedy615@Joshua Tamashii@JBRam2002

As if she had been ready the entire time, Madam Kleine was at the door and opening it within minutes of the knock. The mansion was spotless as usual due to Madam Kleine tireless work and tireless she appeared as she opened the door. Her face held a bright smile framed by her wavy gray hair. "Good afternoon, everyone." She spoke with a grace to her voice. "Please, feel free to set your things to the side. The butlers will take them to your rooms." As she spoke, two older gentlemen appeared, smiling and ready to take their things.

"There is tea in the living room and I believe Ms. Elizabeth is in the garden with the gardener. Please, make yourselves at home." She finished, bowing and stepping away to get to work. On what? No one really knew but she kept herself busy.

Mentions: @mskennedy615@Joshua Tamashii@JBRam2002


"Don't mind if I do." Eva responded from behind them, slipping past Jocelyn into the house. She didn't have the same react as the others. Her house was technically bigger than Elizabeths, though it wasn't like she wanted it to begin with. She dropped her bags in front of the two bulters and kept walking, ignoring them completely.

"Where's food? I'm starved." Eva asked, making her way for the kitchen already.

She had a long, annoying ride with her... 'body guard' whom she paid to leave her alone for this trip. Even if her mom agreed to let her go, they were both too stubborn for this. Luckily, the guy was pretty easy to pay off. It only took a couple grand to get him gone, better than she'd hoped for honestly. The rest of the trip had been much quicker. If there was one thing Eva wasn't on the road, it was slow. Her black car was parked haphazardly under one of the trees on the property. She wasn't planning on going anywhere anyway.

Apologizes for the double post, IC is up. Feel free to begin posting. On Friday, we will move on whether or not others have posted yet or not. (I don't mean advance to the next day, I just mean we won't be waiting for anyone.)

If anyone wants a name plate like mine, let me know.

Humming a random tune, Elizabeth dressed for the day, the light from the sun cascading into her room, casting a warm glow on everything. Her room was pretty simple, for a rich girl, and probably a bit messier than most would expect. Not many of them had been in any of her many rooms, especially this one, which she would probably claim to be her one true room.

There were posters covering nearly every inch of the pale lavender walls, all of them of bands, games, or inspirational phrases. Her bed was pretty normal too, for a rich girl. Most would expect a four post bed with drapes and the whole nine, but nah. Elizabeth had asked for something simple. It was a queen bed and her comforter was yellow and gray and pale, matching her walls. There were clothes strewn about the room, one article of which was draped over the flat screen TV on her dresser, which had knocked over the Wii's sensor bar. She had the Wii up here for her favorite game in the entire world, Twilight Princess (And Harvest Moon but shhh), and the Wii U downstairs for all of the party games.

Finally satisfactorily clothed in jeans and a t-shirt, Elizabeth bounded down the stairs to the second floor. She smiled at the stick-note 'nameplates' on everyone's room. She was hoping the others would be up for decorating their doors. It would be nice to see everyone's personality on the door to their rooms.

After a few minutes of bugging Madam Kleine and sitting around in the living room, her lack of patience got the better of her and she raced down to the garden to work with Henry, the gardener. The garden here had always been something she'd down with her grandfather and since his passing, she spend pretty much any free time she has up-keeping it.

Madam Kleine smirked as she watched the young lady shoot out the door. One day she would be a good hostess, today was not that day.
Day One: Welcome to the Sumpter Estate

It is a warm day in Elizabeth, NC. Elizabeth waits for her friends to arrive rather impatiently. The skies are clear blue, the wind gentle and calm. In the center of town there is a farmer's market and the town is bustling, but on the Sumpter Estate, all is calm and quiet, for now. Soon to be arriving will be a good number of Elizabeth's friends to spend the summer. Madam Kleine is walking around the living room, cleaning as she waits for guests to arrive.
Is this still accepting new characters?

Feel free to make a CS. I'll let you in. You'll be the last one, however, and we won't wait around for ya. I'll be starting the IC today more than likely. Former members of the RP are welcome to join in later, but for now I'm going to say no to anymore new faces. Sorry! :)

(It's perfectly fine if the Character comes in later. We can always BS reasons they were late to the party.)
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