Avatar of Jones Sparrow


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current “Someday someone is gonna be so soft and gentle to your heart, you’re gonna be so glad you kept it open. You’re gonna wonder why you ever thought about quieting it down.”
2 mos ago
“Isn’t all that rage so ugly? And isn’t it mine, still? Good God, isn’t it mine?”
3 mos ago
“To be alive: not just the carcass but the spark. That’s crudely put, but… if we’re not supposed to dance, why all this music?”
3 mos ago
Maybe...you'll fall in love with me all over again." "Hell," I said, "I love you enough now. What do you want to do? Ruin me?" "Yes. I want to ruin you." "Good," I said. "That's what I want too.“
1 like
3 mos ago
“You have me. Until every last star in the galaxy dies. You have me.”
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Hello! I'm Jones! and if you stumbled upon my page, I must have struck your interest!

I like to think that I'm a storyteller. I joined this site to create characters, and worlds I can put myself in. Every post I make will be to the best of my ability, and I hope anyone who stumbles upon my name can see that :D

Just a few things about me if you couldn't tell already by just glancing at my profile haha:

-I LOVE anything Captain America or Marvel related

-I have been RP'ing for over ten years now so I got some experience

- I do my best to try and have a wide range of RP genres

-I'm mostly do 1X1's and Casual/advanced RP's

-I'm a 20 something year old male living in the Pacific North West in the good ole US of A!

- I love meeting new RP'ers and seeing what we can create together!

- I'm a sucker for romance <3

There are specific times of the year where I get bombarded with things so I might not be on for a couple days, and if that's the case I'm trying to let anyone know so they aren't left wondering.

But like I said I love it when people contact me and ask if I want to RP with them, or have an idea and want my skills, and odds are I love the same thing, so If anyone wants to collab just shoot me a PM!

Subjects I love to RP

-Anything Marvel Related, Especially Cap!

-The Percy Jackson Series

-The Witcher

-Avatar the Last Airbender

-Anything Sci-Fi

-Harry Potter

- 1X1 Romances

-Modern day life

-Star Wars

-Fairy Tail

Those are pretty much my go to's, but I'm willing to hear out any idea and think about it!

Here's an example of my writing to give you a sense of my "skill" I guess... I keep trying to get better and better so bear with me!

If you have any questions about my RP's, or future ones just shoot me a PM!

Writers I adore




Nightwing95 ((We need to start a project sometime!))



EasilyAmused ((My oldest and best friend on the site :D ))


All of these people are amazing writers and friends and if you happen to RP with them consider yourself lucky! XD

and for a final note: THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A HOBBY, NOT A CHORE! I never want to put pressure on you, or myself and make any RP feel like you NEED to post, or have to force yourself to write. This is supposed to be fun, and I'll do anything to make sure it feels that way :)

Most Recent Posts


You have any ideas so far? Maybe we could all help out!
Although the situation was not a lighthearted one, and rather dire, Ray couldn't help but chuckle at the words of Tony, shaking his head slightly. "Talking dirty never sounded so good, Diaz." He jokingly said, taking more shots at the vessel of space rats. With Yasaliah working magic behind the controls, Tony's grunts, and Dev's muttering, Raymond was almost unable to detect the sudden ringing in the back of his skull. There was something wrong with Ray's body, but what else was new? Add this symptom to his list of many, from PTSD, or shell shock, and the pain in his left hand. Before he could ask if the Rats were deploying some sort of sonic weapon, the ringing stopped, and his attention was then brought back to Yasaliah yelling to shoot, and the status of Dev's homemade bomb.

"Tango, take the shot."

"Aye, Captain. During one of Yasaliah's turns, the escape pod launched out of the Monroe with a trail of orange behind it. It seemed to curve at just the right moment, far too late for the Ulnar to change course. Raymond tapped his ear, broadcasting his voice to the vessel of space rats. "This one's for Anderson, assholes."[/color] His voice was cold, and he didn't look away as the escape pod crashed perfectly through the windows of the Ulnar ship. A split second later a blinding flash of red and orange erupted, sending a shock wave visible to the naked eyes.

"Shit... Monroe, Brace for Impact!" The Captain warned as he put his hands over his head. The wave collided with the Monroe hard enough to momentarily knock out the power, sending the ship almost sideways, and throwing anyone who wasn't prepared for the collision airborne. Raymond crashed into one of the walls in the enclosed hallways. His head once again rang, and he spat out blood as he struggled to get up. "Jesus Dev." He panted. "You think you packed enough punch?"

"No sign of hostile threats on board the Monroe, or in space!" Tango informed the crew, his physical form looking over at Yasaliah, as if trying to give a smile through his monotone face.

Good Riddance Ray thought, tapping his ear once again. "Yasaliah, set coordinates for the closest Committee port you can find. Commander, Doctor... What, or who exactly is the precious cargo, and why did a whole race willingly risk extinction to get her?" It concerned Raymond even more with the fact that the Committee wanted her just as badly. He had a lot of questions, and he was sure his whole crew did too.
Gotta love storms and power outages...

Sorry for the delay everyone, it’s a struggle right now!
Ill get a post up soon!!
Also gonna wait so that everyone gets their action, because once I post these space rats are history >:D
Right now it’s in the hands of our own version of Team Rocket XD
Raymond had finally come through, and knew exactly where Rae went. They couldn't stay here and do nothing for any longer. Both the Ulnar and the Marauders were exhausted, with limited supplies. Fortunately, the Monroe played defense for the most of this constant barrage. It was their turn to show them what they were made of. He heard Yasaliah's voice through the comm, and stared at Anderson's body a second more before putting his pistol in its holster, and turning to exit the med bay. "No more running. We're ending this." He eventually made his way towards the bridge. Tango's physical form was sitting right besides Yasaliah. His head turned a full 180, and gave a salute. "Captain on De--"

"Not now, Tango. Yasaliah, give them a show. Taunt them, keep them distracted, annoy the hell outta them. Tony, if you know any Ulnar, tell them very colorful insults if you'd like. Dev, Astrid, Max, I need your beautiful minds to make me a little arts and crafts project. Brad, Johnson, clean the escape pods area, and save one for Dev. They're going to launch a home made rocket through their ship. Max, I'm trusting that your targeting system will help time and launch that thing right in their cockpit. Everyone else, you're cleaning crew for now. Get these rodents off my ship."

And with that, Raymond approached a turret control system, aiming, and squeezing off a few shots towards the ship to let them know they were still alive. This was going to definitely be a rough ride, but Raymond had faith in the team. They haven't let him down before.
I'm going to post soon, but you can definitely pop in if you have something in mind!
I’ll get a post up sometime today to get things moving along!
It's all good, we'll be back in the swing of things soon!

Also, idk if you guys are into horror movies, but the Nun trailer came out today... I threw my phone, and it was completely light out XD
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