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Current "Soon you will have forgotten all things. And soon all things will have forgotten you."
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courtesy of @Muttonhawk

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In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Antarctic Termite have to be honest, I later regretted using the word 'impregnate'. Far too unsubtle. Shoulda been something more like... 'it was only natural that a such a worthy object created of the alloy of iron and carbon and other elements shaped in a vaguely acicular shape, should cause the deepest quintessence of its very existence which had in turn emerged from the crimson depths of her soul to be suffused with the very being of a furred essence rippling with power even in the spirit so as to give cause to the coming into the world of this nouvel enfant.'

edit: but alas alack 'tis all too late the deed is done and impregnate was the word
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Lauder When have I ever shown the slightest interest in horses? I thought I had made pretty clear that my undying loyalty lies with redhaired-folk.
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
meanwhile, Seihdhara is desperately seeking out Kap Gam to clean her hair
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

I mean you can stop the hype wagon if you take off its wheels.

You would think
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Sirkaithethird Welcome! Interested in jumping on the wagon are we? 'cause there's no halting this hype-wagon

In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Lord Zee I'm guessing Larwen is also kidnapping sullied fae too right? Not sure if it's just Larwen's opinion in that last post, but sullied are just as intelligent and have similar hierarchies etc. as the unsullied. Rather than King and Queens, though, the sullied only have their one Queen.

edit: when I'm back in posting order I'll be sure to write about the sullied experience and reaction
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I'll save us from Capt's bootysaurous hell and put this out there - Newygnong totally forced herself upon each of those four human males and birthed some human females for us. Don't ask how, sharrup.

We could also go with - 'o. guys. forgot to say. humans are all dead - newygnong ate them in a fit of rage after they ran away from her and called her ugleh. THIS IS AN ANTI-HUMAN WORLD. EMBRACE FAE-KIND AND BUGS!'
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Guy0fV4lor we have u now >:) one does not simply post in the Godspeed OOC and leave, after all
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Leotamer I won't be able to do anything until the 5th of May >.< under a bit of pressure. If you want you can start up a piratepad and get started and I'll respond whenever I have a spare moment
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@LokiLeo789 hoo ru&wth hvu dn wid loki
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