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Akeno Kudo

Easy to say that something should be killed, when you weren’t the one doing the killing.

Akeno brought the sword down, its point piercing through the throat of the giant snake as easily as lowering it into water. There was hardly any resistance at all. In one quick motion she swiped the sword down the length of the snake’s body, opening up a long gash in its underbelly; several feet long and already starting to seep blood.

A single swing of the sword was enough to shake the blood from the blade and she sheathed it again as she turned away from the body of the serpent she had just slain. She pointedly didn’t look at it again as she locked eyes with the newcomer who had emphatically declared that she should kill it.

“Okay, let’s get going then.”

She was just a college student a month ago.

I'm interested. I have a character in mind that might be perfect for this.
Akeno Kudo

“I can use it.” Akeno drew the sword with a sense of resignation, wondering how she’d gotten into this mess and whether it was too late to turn back. She wasn’t even sure what had compelled her to follow the instructions from the voice in her head up to this point, other than the fact that it was a literal divine mandate and ignoring those seemed like a bad idea. Even so, throwing herself into the jaws of a giant cobra was a bit much for a god to ask of her, divine retribution or not.

She didn’t turn to leave though.

“Stand back. Let me deal with it.”

Instead she eyed the walls of the corridor, judging the hidden chamber wide enough that it shouldn’t make swinging her weapon impossible but that she’d still need to be careful. There wasn’t enough room to dodge the snake if it lunged at her, nowhere to hide if she didn’t kill it on the first stroke; she would need to kill it either before it attacked her or as it was attacking her. That would have been impossible, even for someone with years or martial arts experience like her, but with the sword in hand and the skills it gave such a thing was possible even for someone like her.

Akeno could see the technique that would let her do it, the counterstroke that would sever the serpents head in the moment before its fangs struck her. Knowing how to do it and actually doing it were two different things however. She was just borrowing these skills from someone else, they weren’t her own; how could she trust that they would even work, or that she could do them properly? She wasn’t good at the whole ‘blind faith’ thing.

In the end it wasn’t necessary. Before either she or the snake could strike something took over its body as the serpent flopped over onto its back and exposed its belly to them. Another Communicator joined them a moment later, blind, being led by a… thing that looked like a dog. “You did that?” Akeno gestured towards the still struggling, yet helpless snake before realising that the action was likely pointless. “Thanks.”

She walked over to the creature, keeping her sword pointed at its throat the entire time, until she was standing over its body. “If we leave it alive, it might attack anyone who comes through here after us right?” Akeno held her sword out so that the blade was poised over its throat; it was too large to try and decapitate, so slitting its body open was probably the best way to deal with it. “We should kill it.”

The sword didn’t move. Akeno looked over at the others.

“We should kill it, right?”
Akeno Kudo

She wasn’t the first person to pass through here. Given the situation Akeno wasn’t sure if that should be reassuring or worrying. On the one hand the signs of previous passage, namely the trail of highly visible footprints left by whoever it was that came before her, meant that she was probably on the right track at least, but it was also safe to assume that whoever that person was they were… like her. A Communicator. She didn’t know what to think of that yet.

When she found the wriggling thing wrapped in a cocoon of bandages later on it only confirmed her worries. Akeno continued through the cave, this time with a hand hovering near the hilt of the sword at her waist.

The voice in her head, the one that claimed to be a god, hadn’t spoken up since it had presented her with the choice between the caves she was currently in or climbing the mountain above it. She’d chosen the cave; reasoning that whatever was in there couldn’t be harder than fighting an entire mountain, but the deeper she trod into the darkness the more she began to question the wisdom of her choice. Maybe if the god had deigned to tell her where she was going Akeno would feel better about things, but her hallucinations had never been particularly forthcoming.

Akeno stopped, letting out a sigh that fogged in the freezing cavern air. If only she could easily dismiss this all as some delusion on her part; she wouldn’t have trekked halfway across the continent is she truly believed she was crazy. The voice was one thing, the dreams another, but it was impossible to dismiss the changes that were taking place to her own body and her own mind ever since she’d started hearing the words of a god. Not to mention the sword that hung from her waistband, the one that had suddenly appeared in her dorm room out of thin air.

A sound to her left, one separate from the constant ambience of dripping water drew her attention. Her flashlight honed in on it, following the skittering of something with lots of legs moving over hard rock, until she caught sight of a spider scuttling towards her. Normally this wouldn’t be a cause for concern, but then most spiders weren’t knee high and the light reflecting off of its tiny fangs showed that it wasn’t just a harmless house spider.

Akeno’s hand wrapped around and drew the sword from her hip, the knowledge of how to use said weapon flooding her mind and strength filling her body as soon as her fingers made contact with the hilt. The spider leapt for her and steel flashed in the dark as she swung once, neatly bisecting the head of the oversized arachnid before it could reach her.

With another swing she shook the ichor from the blade before sheathing it again at her hip, also shaking the uncomfortable feeling from her brain as she did so. It was a strange sensation, having instincts that were hers and yet not hers at the same time take control of her body. She’d learned to fight over the years, but never with a sword; to do so meant ignoring her own experiences and giving herself over to something that came from something else. Not something she was comfortable doing.

Her journey through the cave continued for another hour at least after that, through which she saw neither more spiders nor anything else of note. Not until she found him anyway. She froze when her flashlight revealed another human being down in the darkness with her and she barely even saw the runic markings he was pondering over. Her hand came to rest on her hilt of her sword in as casual a manner as she could manage and she started to move again.

“Hey.” What did you even say in a situation like this? “You too?”

This looks interesting. I have a few ideas already.

”As you wish Master.”

Retrieving one of the skeletons for the woman who had summoned him should be a simple matter; they weren’t particularly tough, so divesting one of its limbs to render it immobile should be enough to let him carry one away. As for any special properties they might possess? Well, Jangar wasn’t too familiar with undead to begin with so he wasn’t sure what to look for; spirits he knew a thing or two about, but shambling corpses were somewhat new to him.

Something lumbered behind him and Jangar turned to face it, then immediately shifted his weight to lean to one side to avoid the slash that carved a furrow in the ground. He danced back from the abomination, light on his feet as he weaved between the lesser undead until all of his opponents were in front of him, dodging an errant swing from one of them as he did so.

This one appeared to be a little bit more than a simple reanimated body; there was power in those old bones.


“You might be a little too big to take home with me. Maybe I should cut you down to size?”

Jangar moved to the side, beginning to run in a quarter circle around the undead that would bring him away from the lesser skeletons and give him an open path to the larger one. Empty eye sockets tracked his every step, but when the Lancer decided to commit to an attack there was little it could do to keep up with his movements. Jangar spun, building momentum as he swung his oversized spear at the oversized shin; the weapon met the padded armour with a heavy thump and the undead was forced to drop to one knee as its leg was ripped out from under it.

But it didn’t break.

Instead of shattering as the skull had the bone remained intact and the creature soon rose to its feet again as the Lancer danced away a second time. It was tough then, but nothing Jangar couldn’t handle; he’d broken a king over his knee when he was barely a child, something like this wouldn’t stand in his way. He would just need to try this time.


Would somebody be able to help me code the pictures in my sheet?

So, with your first image, the civilian one, it looks like you're linking to an image search result and not a webpage. You should use the actual URL instead. It should be th.bing.com/th/id/R092f23815db2e8a0a2…

For the heroine image you missed the opening tag, but you're using the search result there as well so it wouldn't work anyway. Use th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.Hv1ZSz3W1PwEukJ… instead.
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