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Like a shadow in the dark, Nightmares creep across the city, away from the prying eyes of its unwitting citizens. An unsung war if there was a conflict worth of this title, however, the other side of this battle wasn't populated with knights in shining armor but dark-winged protectors. Whether they fought out of any lingering obligations to their frail notions of justice or for personal gains was something known only by each individual.

In the darkest of nights, perhaps it wasn't light that one needed to find their way, but rather, someone who could walk with their eyes closed...

As soon as Hikari reached the rendezvous point with Alexis and provoked the nightmares into a fighting her, both girls would be able to notice something unusual. The creatures numbers were way higher than normal. Not only that but only those who were actively engaged by them decided to fight back. The remainder of the dark beasts went about on their chaotic routine, unaware of the magical girls' existence.

It was a night of revelry for the nightmares and chaos for everyone else as misfortune quickly spread through Miso city's streets. In fact, if they were to turn their gazes to the dark alleys below, they would see some of the creatures preying upon a few unfortunate enough to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Whether they would let the big catch stray further way, or stop to help people they had no obligations towards was their choice.

Waiting for at least two other posts before doing another one is good already, we don't need a more complex rotation, as long as no one rushes forward it's alright.

Please, stop using black as a dialogue color. That's unreadable w/o highlighting the text.
I haven't lost interest, certainly. I just kinda forgot to post since attention has been elsewhere for the past few weeks.

Anyway, I was planning to do it this weekend. Assuming that I can get some IRL peace.

I really don't plan to drop away without saying anything.
<Snipped quote by KoL>

Firstly, I stated that people should PM me if they had concerns or questions. If you weren't sure, you could've PM'd me (or said something here). In fact, someone did PM me their question about exactly what you had assumed.

Secondly, I did say "the Asterisk would serve as a way for each respective government to duel each other without the destructive power of a full-scale war." This RP is supposed to be shonen-esque, and the source material that inspired this roleplay all have combat situations. I did not directly say MAIDs should be a weapon to be used in combat, but the above statements should've left enough to be inferred that they were to be used during combat, just like everyone else had thought.

That being said, if you do intend to leave, then I hope you find luck elsewhere.

Well, I didn't PM any doubts because I didn't have any regarding those issues. You can see that I understood the inspiration for this.

On these shonen stories you can always find some non standard characters (generally the kind of side character I hoped to emulate instead of another MC-esque one) kinda mine so why would I have any doubts when the OP didn't state otherwise? You see? I was working of what we were granted, there was no reason to doubt anything.

Anyway, considering the limitations of what MAIDs can do and with no extra hear allowed, I can't really see a way to fix my character and keep the spirit of what I wanted to do.

I understand if she can't but I'll have to leave since I was squeezing time for this already.

Are we suppose to go into action with one item and nothing else? There was nowhere in the description mentioning that so, I came to believe that items that should be common sense in any advanced tech setting would be ok.

Also, nowhere on the M.A.I.D.'s description is it said that they need to be something usable in combat or a weapon. I was just trying to make a device that could really earn the name of assistant and be more utilitarian than the destructive. Also, no, it wouldn't be for hacking other M.A.I.D.'s, perhaps disrupt or disable them temporarily but even that's not the original intent

Anyway, if those alterations really need to be made, despite nothing on on the opening post mentioning those facts, I'll have to think about it (and probably take my leave) since I don't know if I would like to change this character both because I like her the way she's and won't be able to come up with something new in the upcoming week thanks to IRL stuff.

You can keep this background, since it's not unreasonable anymore, but you should take away the part that mentions the robbery being an assignment from the club president.

The Detention club has no use for things such as bank robbery, especially since it risks attracting unwanted attention from the normies. You need a mental image, think of them like a Japanese street gang. They like to be edgy and all that but not commit crimes that would get them on hot water.

After you take that part of, your character should be ok.

For certain reasons, she'll be paired with the next approved one instead of Kanbaru.
There's an antagonist in the playground now. In case anyone is interested in taking a look: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4677070
@Polaris North

Whoever has been approved up to now, are allowed to post as soon as they want.
By the way, we are going to team people up in pairs to push forth some early interaction. Since we are still waiting a few characters to be ready, the assembled pairings at the moment are:

@floodtalon Ami & @Squee Sera

@Polaris North Alexis & @Rai Hikari

The others are going to be teamed up as more confirmed characters are added.
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