Avatar of Kuro


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4 days ago
Current Last day of work before I'm off for my two day break I get before I begin my work training upstate. Getting put up in a nice hotel room and everything, it'll be snazzy.
8 days ago
Considering that the majority of the guild uses ghost mode and also the fact Casual is where the majority of RP takes place, I don't think this is some big conspiracy theory about AI lol
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14 days ago
Will be probably MIA sometime the first few weeks of June, or not entirely present at least. Work is having me do two weeks of management training upstate.
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14 days ago
Y'know you don't have to flood the status bar, right?
25 days ago
Tomorrow is the final day of my current position before my promotion is in effect at work. Unfortunately, they're having me "clopen" by closing Friday and opening Saturday on my first actual day lol


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

Most Recent Posts

Welcome to the guild! Since you like fantasy, perhaps you'd enjoy this. It's about a low fantasy land ruined by zombies and other ghastly undead, so perhaps that might be interesting to you.
Link to a wiki page on the scourge. TL;DR They're a bunch of undead--ghouls, abominations (giant meat puppets made from flesh sewn together), geists, gargoyles, etc etc. General bad guys that might be some inspiration for the zombies here.

As for the setting, I'll probably go for a character from the highlands area. Was thinking a front line warrior with a mace and a large shield, with their birthplace helping to provide the brawn and bulk needed to stand on the front lines. A bit generic, I know, but a Northern barbarian (or well, more of a heavily armored fighter) sounds cool.

Not sure how I feel about a post every 3 days but I can for sure manage at least one per week.

Promise Institute

If entering the building was enough for Josiane to feel awkward, then the show put on by the volunteers in the auditorium was on a completely different level. Student volunteers handed pamphlets to the freshmen, with everything accompanied by orchestral music played by a duet on the center stage. All of it felt rich to Josiane—this was not her element, nor would it ever likely be. Thankfully, as Josiane was able to tell earlier, there were others just like her; that she wasn't the only one struggling here.

Eventually, the auditorium meeting commenced, started off with the bows and farewells of the duet band that had just finished their piece. Whilst the pianist walked off stage, the spotlight shined on the violinist as she started to speak, and went on to introduce herself as Meili Song. The Chinese woman went on about her life, explaining her sorrows and dread before coming to the Promise Institute as if she was trying to help calm their anxieties. While others may have scoffed or remained a worried mess, the speech appeared to have a profound effect on Josiane, whom was quick to realize that her lifestory wasn't so different as she thought.

Once Meili's speech was over, another woman took the stage—Anya Belsky, the school's president. She soon dismissed the freshmen, sending them off to their lunch period as the clock had almost reached noon. Making a mental note to speak to the volunteers that the president mentioned if she required assistance, Josiane made her way out of the auditorium, and followed the map in her hands—and the crowd—to the cafeteria.

Still, even after Josiane received her lunch, there was the fact that she knew no one. Her eyes scanned the cafeteria for a more secluded location, though most spots seemed to be already taken. Nonetheless, Josiane had soon found an empty seat next to an undoubtedly green woman—as green as the grass outside! Shrugging to herself, Josiane went forth to claim the seat for her own. They were all weirdos here, with strange powers and everything, so what would be wrong with making chit chat (or a friend!) with the green woman?

"Hey there," Josiane spoke as she approached the green woman. "Do you mind if I sit here?"

Mentioned — @Cerces22
@ArkmageddonCat How outlandish are we talking? Seeing as this is a fantasy RP and the zombs are made through the use of magic, I'm assuming that they'll be similar to the Scourge from WoW or White Walkers from GoT/ASoIaF.

Also, what is the land like? Are there different regions, each with their own geography (like a hot desert or snowy mountains)? Do they have different cultures throughout the kingdoms? I was thinking on going for a more rugged (though not super brutish, just used to a harsh lifestyle) character from an equally rugged place (perhaps somewhere cold and stony), so more information on the setting would be appreciated.

Another question I have would be how often do you expect us to post, and how much do you want in terms of responses.
Post coming up either tonight or in the next few days.
I don't really care for light up keyboards. They're fancy and all, but that's simply style points. However, I've noticed a number of light up keyboards having extra keys for keybinding, which would be rather useful for MMO players like myself if I weren't so used to using my mouse for keybinding. Everyone has their preferences, I suppose.
I do not have hbo or anything like that. Can't afford it @Gunther.

Besides, I was never interested in game of thrones.

You could try going to your local library and seeing if they have the books. If that doesn't work out for you, you could go to a video store/stand (like Redbox) and rent the seasons there. Sometimes libraries even have DvDs to rent, too.

Just some options if you ever wish to check it out in the future.
So, post a character ASAP?

Well, the RP is a jump-in. Just post a CS in the CS tab and you're already good to go for posting.
Hi! I'm new to roleplaying in general don't know where to start so I just googled and tripped over this. Figured it was as good a place as any to start. I'd like to learn tabletop if anyone is willing to teach me. Not much else to say until I get my bearings on it.

Welcome to the guild! As for tabletop, it depends on what system you're interested in, given that there are thousands of systems out there.
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