Avatar of Kuro


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14 hrs ago
Current Considering that the majority of the guild uses ghost mode and also the fact Casual is where the majority of RP takes place, I don't think this is some big conspiracy theory about AI lol
1 like
6 days ago
Will be probably MIA sometime the first few weeks of June, or not entirely present at least. Work is having me do two weeks of management training upstate.
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6 days ago
Y'know you don't have to flood the status bar, right?
17 days ago
Tomorrow is the final day of my current position before my promotion is in effect at work. Unfortunately, they're having me "clopen" by closing Friday and opening Saturday on my first actual day lol
28 days ago
When you're watching a show on a streaming service and the service decides to remove the first season you were watching but nothing else. Are you serious right now


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

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I don't really follow the LoZ series, so the only thing I know about ToTK is that people are making crazy builds with it. Some are "humorous", others are designed to commit war crimes. Such is the duality of man.
Watching the final Fear the Walking Dead season.

I couldn't care less about the villains in this season. They're about as interesting as watching paint dry. I just want to see Morgan return home to King County (which isn't a spoiler, it was in the trailer) and maybe meet up with the old gang again since they time skipped to line up the shows' timelines so they're all in the same year.
>Also coming here to let people know that places like ImgChest exist. A ton of CYOAs from r/makeyourchoice and the like have already been reuploaded there, sans the ones that were put their periodically by various users. So if you want an alternative it's there.

Personally, I suggest just making a separate Discord channel/server for your image uploads. Most people already have Discord anyway, so it helps to keep everything in one place.

Location: Northern Cove - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
First Class #2.08 Purpose

Interaction(s): Trace @psych0pomp & Rory @webboysurf
Previously: Vengeance Will Be Mine

Haleigh glanced upwards to Trace, and then to Rory, who had just approached the two.

"Maybe that is what they want. Personally, I don't care if it is or isn't."

She reached for the flower, taking it in her hand. For a moment, Haleigh considered it, admiring the colors of each petal.

"Ever since I found out about my power, I had been afraid. Afraid of hurting others. Afraid of myself."

Her gaze turned to the now-burning raft in the sea.

"I could've used my powers. I could've protected Cass and everyone else. And yet, I just stood back and fucking watched."

Haleigh's thoughts shifted to home.

"You know, my father had a collection. Books. Writings. All sorts of stuff. Truth be told, I'm surprised he ever had the time to read between raising me and the RCMP." Haleigh responded, taking a deep breath. "Growing up, I would sometimes poke around his library out of bored curiosity. Now, there was one book that stood out from the rest. It had a quote—'bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.' I didn't think much of it then, but now the meaning behind it has never been more clearer to me."

Looking back at Trace and Rory, Haleigh continued speaking.

"Don't get me wrong. I am not without my own concerns, much like you two are. Ever since that night, my mind has been racked with countless unanswered questions, and I intend to get to the bottom of them all. But I'm also tired of running from everything. I'm tired of feeling helpless. I'm not going to stand around like before and let them get away with this. You wanted to make Cass proud, Rory. Stopping Hyperion is how we accomplish that."

With that, Haleigh felt her piece had been said, and left Trace and Rory to contemplate her words. Maybe, just maybe, they had a point. Perhaps she was too headstrong in her lust for vengeance, and that there were more important things to worry about. But Jim was missing an arm, Banjo was in the ICU, and Cass was dead. She couldn't let the pain and suffering go so easily. Hyperion might have been a powerful hyperhuman in their own right, but they had fucked with the wrong person back then, a fact Haleigh wanted to make them very much aware of once she had a greater grasp of her own strength.

Good thing she was at a school that helped hyperhumans learn how to control their powers, huh?
Giving this a bump so people are aware of this tomorrow.
Hello Everybody! I am new to the site (as the title says) and wanted to see how this all works. I don't always have time to arrange a full tabletop session, so I thought I'd check this out in order to scratch the itch. I would like to know how to search for specific game titles (D&D vs Pathfinder, for example).

I have been playing for a ling time, off and on. I was really into the whole White-Wolf thing back in the '90's and early '00's. Mostly Werewolf, Vampire and Changeling. But I have played many other systems as well.
I am a fan of one system in particular which I never get to play because it's kinda small in comparison. If anyone knows of a Talislanta game, could ya point me in their direction? Thanks!

I am a full time chem lab tech. I have a family including one son in college and another in High school, so that all kind of explains where my time goes :-D

Always open for further details, but that's a start, I suppose.

Welcome to the guild.

Currently, we don't have a way to search by system. Your best bet is to look at the thread titles/interest checks themselves in the tabletop section to see what game people are wanting to play.
Haleigh's heart raced. Fear creeped into her thoughts. Her body had frozen.

This wasn't happening. This had to be a nightmare. This school was supposed to be safe—a place where she could learn to control her ability so no one else would get hurt.

And yet, people had been hurt. Not by Haleigh, but by outside powers. Villains. Terrorists. Hyperion.

"You let them bind you to a metal chair. Can you not hear the very soil beneath your feet crying for your touch, their mother Gaia, taken from them, forced to into that metal torture chair and that abomination of a device on your temple."

Their words drilled deep into her very soul, as Hyperion singled Haleigh out from the crowd.

“Under my tutelage, you will walk, nay you will run atop of mountains and raise entire nations.”

Walk. Run. Both things Haleigh wanted more than anything else in the world. They knew that she yearned to be free; to return to the great outdoors and be one with nature once more. But she didn't want it like this. She didn't want her own desires to come at the cost of others, human or otherwise.

Haleigh wanted to scream. To yell as loud as she could in anger. And yet, nothing came forth. She couldn't summon the courage despite the rage that brewed in her heart. She was truly meek, Haleigh realized. A weak-willed person that faltered at the demons of the world. Her thoughts shifted to her father. He would've willingly thrown himself into dragon's maw if it meant helping someone. Haleigh felt—no, she knew—she couldn't do the same. The only thing she could do was watch, in fear, as Hyperion toyed with them, plucking her fellow students from the crowd and tossing them around like ragdolls.

"Alright, settle down Squid Game. We've got enough bloody fun and games on the itinerary already... Red Light!"

Shut up, Banjo, you fucking idiot.

"Yeeeeeeah... the kind of dynamic I suspect you would want you and I to have...? I'm pretty bloody sure I'm gonna clash... sorry, correction, don't want to give you the wrong idea... I would make it my business to ensure that I clash."

Shut. Up. You're going to get everyone killed.

"Go fuck yourself."

Like a meaningless ant, Banjo was flicked aside by Hyperion. Haleigh gasped in terror as he flew through the air before violently crashing somewhere on the plateau grounds. Stop this, she wanted to beg. Please. What did they do to deserve this? Why were they being punished? A million questions flooded her head, yet she didn't have the time to find answers, the sound of gunfire snapping her attention towards Cass and away from Banjo.

“Foolish child.” Hyperion announced, cutting down Cass where he stood.

Watching Cass' lifeless body slump to the ground, Haleigh suddenly lost track of everything, the very world around her twisting itself into a rage-induced blur. Enough was enough. Her ears rang loudly with empty noise, drowning out the thunderstorm and screaming, while her hands tightly squeezed the arm rests of her wheelchair. She saw nothing but red, unable to focus on anything save for the hatred that roiled inside her heart and thoughts.

Hyperion wanted her to break free from her apparent "chains". Fine, Haleigh thought, she could indulge them in that. She was going to kill them. She was going to kill all of their accomplices. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. Regardless, it didn't matter. Nothing was going to stop her from getting vengeance. Nothing.

The very earth was going to be their tomb.

Location: Northern Cove - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
First Class #2.02 Vengeance Will Be Mine

Interaction(s): Blackjack Member
Previously: Changing of the Tides

It had been a week since Cassander's death. But to Haleigh, it felt like an eternity.

Since Hyperion's onslaught, she had become withdrawn, perhaps more than ever. Bitter, even. Her mind kept replaying the same events over and over. She couldn't sleep at night, and the nights Haleigh could she awoke with a different kind of nightmare from her regular night terrors. Cass, Hyperion—she couldn't shake it away, like it was permanently imprinted into her brain.

Although the school had forced them all into counselling, the faith Haleigh had in P.R.C.U.'s ability to help had all but evaporated. The only thing that would help, she believed, was to see Hyperion dead. To break every bone in their body, to see them wriggle under the might of the earth. They took Cass, so she was going to take them. An eye for an eye, even if it made the world go blind. After all, Cass deserved justice. Rather, he deserved to be here with them, joking around like they had been just a week ago. If P.R.C.U. couldn't protect them, then she was going to have to do it herself.

So focused on not hurting others, you turned a blind eye to it all.

Haleigh's gaze refused to leave Cass' Canis-draped body as Jim and Roth, House Canis' representative, pushed it out to sea. Her hands shook anxiously as she gripped the arm rests in hopes of controlling her nerves.

Never again.

As she watched the raft go up in flames, Haleigh bit her lip in a desperate fight against her own emotions. It wasn't much help, she found out. Tears fell regardless of the brave face Haleigh had been trying to put on. She wished Cass was still here, though everyone at the funeral probably thought that. She wished she talked more to him, rather than avoiding everyone out of fear and worry. He had been one of the first people she had met at P.R.C.U., mostly because they had both been assigned to the kitchen, and now he was gone.

It felt like a piece of her had been stripped away, and the only thing that could fill it was Hyperion's death.

"I'm going to kill them." Haleigh uttered to the Blackjack member that stood beside her. She wasn't sure who it had been exactly. "Cass. Banjo. Jim. Tad. They're going to pay for everything."
<Snipped quote by Kuro>

i'm still interested, but i'd prefer to wait until i know more people are onboard before i commit to planning and writing a new character for the rp.

I'm the only one with a completed character sheet (aside from the GM), but there are other people in the discord right now that are interested in the RP. I suggest joining it.
Hopeful bump?
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