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2 yrs ago
Current descension a god roleplay is open again for new members! join the side of the immortals roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
2 yrs ago
go down on my thoughts
2 yrs ago
2 yrs ago
vinny gambini is my spirit animal
2 yrs ago
propane and propane accessories bender


enfp-t capricorn slytherin
yee your haww
ancient zombie

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i'll work on something tonight - no guarantees that i'll be the first to post tho
hmmmmmmm - who's it gonna be lads
Hey everyone - here is Bex' relations with everyone [other than Thomas] if there is anything you would like me to change or add or whatnot - please pm me I will be online practically all day today!
@smarty0114 @jetipster @Eleven @World Traveler @Melkor @Inkwell

mmk just making sure thank ya thank ya
QQ how long has the crew been together? 2 years+?
In Sentaku 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Mentions: @Roach @Fiber @Hey Im Jordan @Infinite Cosmos @Altered Tundra
Location: Chūnin Exams Staging Room

"Yatta~!" The silver haired kunoichi stretched as high as she could above her head, going so far as to even balance on her toes to get that extra height (not that it made much of a difference) as she and the last remaining of her team stood there, staring after their fearless leader as he just runs off on them. The last 24 hours were nothing if not filled to the brim of with studying, sparring, more studying - she'd hafta make sure to inform Katsumi-kijo-sensei that she did actually study for this stupid exam - and of course Karu poking her and Mori with chopsticks resulting in an all out chopstick war. Which then escalated to a pillow war; that she total won.

However, it was at the mention of a fight somewhere near her that boosted her spirits exponentially. With a clap of her hands to her face, leaving slightly red hand prints in their wake, and a successful "YOOSH!" Izayoi was off in the direction of commotion, only adding to it herself. Later as she would think back on it she would swear to herself that Mori was questioning his existence and his friendship to her.

She had been wondering just exactly how this day was going to play out and if she was even going to be able to enjoy it. But as she dove in and out of the other genin there, she came upon the two that spat venom towards one another. 'Figures it would be these two,' Iza thought to herself and like the cat that got the cream, unsuccessfully hid her wide grin. This was gonna be easy, almost too easy, in her opinion. Izayoi was no stranger to how her presence annoys most people especially old classmates. She just needed to make sure to send it 1000% as Karu would tell her. She nearly rolled her eyes at the thought. Steeling herself and fixating that almost too chipper of a grin to her face she jumped out between the two of them. Turning to her gaze between them both, head cocked sideways, bangs mussed about.

"Hey ya, boys~!"
MY DUUUUUUUUDES~! I am so pumped for thiiiiis
Aiiiight, sick
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