Avatar of Lmpkio


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4 yrs ago
You can find me on discord if you so wish~
4 yrs ago
Sorry about my lack of appearances. At this point Im taking a much needed hiatus from here after 5 long years. Not sure when I'll be back, but it won't be for awhile... sorry about that... : (
4 yrs ago
Revenge of the 5th has always been a thing tho...
4 yrs ago
Do not forget about the GOD DAMN bacon.
4 yrs ago
Once upon a time, I used to cheer for May the 4th... now I cry with disappointment. *Except Clone Wars S7 and the Mandalorian - they are awesome*


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@KoL Not my fault that Hudson is taking years to post the next installment.... would’ve ended it sooner if he posted faster and more daily.
@Lmpkio I can make the pitch a bit clearer. Cthulhu would not be as physically powerful as other monsters, but would be far more subversive. Inducing madness in humans, raising armies of cultists, birthing lesser monsters, and subtly altering reality to suit her needs.

I don't think it will work out as a day-to-day playable character. However, that character is more suited to that of a boss-type character, say the main antagonist in a story arc. I could maybe see a Chuthulu-like arc if the RP ever gets far enough into the future. It'll be similar to the Rift Kaiju summoning in a sense, but with more Doctor Strange feels then say Guardians of the Galaxy if that makes sense.

But overall as a regular character... I'll have to pass on it unless you are willing to keep it in storage and make another character thats more playable currently. I'm not completely dissing the idea, as there is potential and that I think it can work at a later date as a more important antagonist character, but if you don't want to wait that long, then yeah... I can't at this time.
@Lmpkio I'm not what the impediment to just calling my kaiju cthulhu is, if she's able to be all but her in name. Like I said before, the "cthulhu" kaiju that's been posted (and not yet accepted iirc) has tentacles, uses the word "eldritch" once or twice... and that's about all that makes it like cthulhu.

Long and short: that's my pitch, you can take it or you can leave it, doesn't matter to me.

Actually she's been accepted.

If you want, you can pitch to me your idea or CS sheet and I'll see if it can be accepted or not.
Edited Jackie's post in the interest check.

She's good now. Put her into the CS.
@Lmpkio I tried to work with you on both of those points but, alright then, have a nice day.

That being said, if you still are interested in a 'psychic sort of madness/dream based kaiju', I'll still be willing to see what you can make that isnt Chuthulu?
@Skinner35 Looks pretty good so far, however for the sake of being neat, I recommend listing his powers via the:

[*] Item A
[*] Item B
[*] Item C

list to make it a bit clearer.

Also for history, are you sure you cant elaborate on his anymore? I have a timeline up and he may have partook in say... considerings he's part of the PPDC, he may have fought the Rift Kaiju from Pacific Rim maybe? What do you think?

Still here offering Great Cthulhu.

We already have a Cthulhu-like character still in dev like I said. And again, Momma Cthulhu is banned for obvious reasons. Still there's plenty of kaiju offers to choose from so Im just saying that.
Question before I form my CS. What are the specifications for Androids?

Generally you'll have the character have a human form and then a Super Armor for kaiju forms. For example, Gipsy Danger has an android form as a human, but also super armor in the form of the Gipsy Danger mech you see in Pacific Rim.

That's basically how it goes.
I'll try to get some stuff but not to much primarily gonna wait for the timeline but I really don't know yet

You don't need to! It's already up!


@shagranoz@Metadude@Holy Grail@Shifter_Master@Dead Cruiser@The 42nd Gecko

(If anyone wants to add a date to the RP regarding their character or request a major event to be posted, ask and I may add it in)

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