Avatar of LuckyBlackCat


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current To those I RP with, I haven't dropped off of the face of the earth, just had a mental health crash but am recovering. Now to catch up on posting.
9 mos ago
The worst thing about mental illness is you have to look after yourself a disgusting amount. I know it's the only way to actually be in a fit state to look out for others, but it still feels wrong.
10 mos ago
Emeth: Then I'll be that friend who's the opposite kind of annoying, whispering "Do it, you know you want to..."
10 mos ago
Judging by the Internet's definitions of introversion and extraversion, you'd think everyone's either an extreme hermit or a party animal with no in between.
10 mos ago
Krystal: All part and parcel of the job.


A frazzled British thirtysomething cat mum with something of a tea addiction.

I like a wide range of RP genres, but have two absolute favourites: Pokemon and magical girls. (If someone manages to combine the two, I'll be VERY happy!) I post fairly regularly, but sometimes shit mental health days crop up - if that causes any delays, I'll try to resume posting ASAP.

Most Recent Posts

She'll definitely have trouble at first, but I say go for it. That way she'll understand more about Roxy and why she keeps her distance from everyone.
Jessamyn "Jess" Bailey

"I'll, uh..." Jess took another look over the sheets of paper. "I'll talk with her about it." There was a note of reluctance in her voice, but she didn't imagine Roxy would react well if she made up a system for her, without her say. The empath had found that prices for certain jobs and vehicle components had already been written down, giving her some reference points, though she and Roxy would have to cooperate instead of working independently. Which would be far from an easy task for either of them.

"But... It shouldn't be a problem. It should be done fairly quickly." As she smiled, she knew she probably looked more strained than reassuring.

A customer shouldn't have to help her. Good customer service meant ensuring the best possible experience, not creating more problems for the client. At least this guy was being patient, but it was unlikely everyone would be.

"For now, uh, I'll make notes," she said, still trying - and undoubtedly failing - to sound positive as she jotted down the job currently being done, glancing over at Roxy every so often. Was she really helping out, or just getting in the anchor's way?
Been catching up with RPs, will be able to post later today.
@Balthazar007 Sounds good! And yeah, the summaries work much better now.
@Balthazar007 Yep, will take another look over the old thread and get working on it.

Edit: Also updated the marts with the new items.

Could I suggest a new special building type - Tuition Center? Pokemon would be able to learn tutorable moves from any generation there (a possible limitation could be the moves can't be other than the Pokemon types found in the location, or there could be a set list of ten or so moves). I'd be happy to help with pricing.
✰ Jason Ackerman ✰

Location: Stillwater

Sitting on a log bench near the walkway, Jason sighed as he scrolled through the messages on his Pokedex. Over a week. It had only felt like a few hours, but he'd been gone over a week.

"Ohh geez, what am I going to tell them?" he muttered to the three Pokemon by his side - Iliana and Velius, who rolled around play-fighting, and Tibert, who paid them no notice as he cast his neutral gaze around the area every few moments. He knew what an idiot and weakling he'd look like if he told the truth. If he didn't, though, he'd be breaking his own rules. All confirmed folklore about Pokemon, legendary or not, was to be reported back - and if he kept his ordeal with the Unowns to himself, someone else could stumble into the same trap without warning.

For now, he sent some rather nebulous messages - something had come up, but it was all sorted now and the quest was nearly wrapped up. When he got back, though, he'd have to tell the whole story, as well as make an important decision on something the guild had brought to his attention. The thought didn't help his stress headache any - although at least getting tired was a reminder that time was flowing normally again.

"Well," he said, putting away his Pokedex as lights started to flicker in the distance, "here they are. Let's hope this search goes a little more smoothly than the last one." He made his way to the darkening seafront, his Pokemon close by his side for protection, in the hopefully unlikely event that he'd need it. As he walked, he thought back to his earlier conversation with one of the Stillwater residents.

"Lunala?" Overhearing Jason talking to the medic in the Pokemon centre, the man had turned to face him. "Ah, yer mark my words, she'll be back in no time. Yer seen them Elgyems that turn up at night? They got some kind o' connection with her. When they gather round to signal her, it ain't long till folks be gettin' good dreams. It seems to be takin' a while this time, but she's gotta listen to 'em sooner or later."

Jason listened. So that explained the Elgyems' behaviour. The key to finding Lunala might have been right in front of him all this time. "Those Elgyems... they don't cause any trouble, do they?" he asked. "I-I mean, it's nothing I wouldn't be able to deal with! Got a Dark type here, after all. It just doesn't hurt to be sure."

The man chuckled. "They be harmin' no-one round here, unless yer provoke 'em. I study 'em myself, been doin' so for years. A pretty friendly and helpful bunch. Yer know, they tend to have a big role in solvin' the mysteries round these parts. They'd likely be more 'n glad to help ya... though it's Lunala you'll want to be careful of. She don't seem at her happiest."

As the sky dimmed, the moon brightened, along with the multicoloured pinpoints of light shining from the beach. Here goes nothing, Jason thought as he headed in their direction. He'd already seen the Elgyems and their benign demeanours once, but given the recent Darkrai fiasco, would Lunala react well to anyone bothering her?

@Balthazar007 Ah, I didn't know it applied to first post of the month bonuses. Thanks for letting me know, I'll fix it right up.
Will post for Jason and bring over Legendwatch tomorrow, it'll likely be quite a long post.
♪♫♪ Cecilia "Cici" Taylor ♪♫♪

Location: Stellanova City

At a noise to her side, Cici stopped playing. Dulcet gave a suprised chirp as the egg wriggled, a crack spreading across its surface. Leaning over, the musician heard scratching coming from inside it, as well as sounds like a squeaky toy. She watched in fascination as a piece of shell came away, a tiny grey paw sticking out and batting around. More and more shards fell, until a little ball of fuzz crawled out, mewling in bewilderment.

"Awww!" A grin spread across Cici's face. She'd heard of rare Dark type Meowths, but this was the first time she'd seen such a variant. "Aren't you just the cutest?" Reaching out, she tickled the kitten under its chin. It closed its eyes, rubbing its face against her hand with a soft purr.

As families passed by, a few children turned, squealing and cooing. Despite the parents telling them not to crowd the cat, it strutted closer, seeming to relish the attention. "Careful there!" She scooped up the Meowth just as it nearly fell off the edge of the bench.

"Well," she said with a glance around at all her Pokemon currently out, "I guess it's time to call it a day. Dulcet, Kym, good job. Let's get this little one somewhere comfortable." Setting the kitten down on the bench, she gathered up the coins from the guitar case. A little paw reached out, flailing, her newest Pokemon attempting to grab the money from her hand. Kymbalon let out a slight growl and Dulcet squawked, but Cici just laughed. "Not for you," she said, emptying the money into her wallet, "but you can be sure I'll buy you a few treats with this."

Putting away her guitar and picking up the once-again purring Meowth, Cici started on her way back to the Pokecentre with Dulcet and Kymbalon following behind. She shivered a little from the now-chilly breeze. The sun had reached the horizon, casting a red and gold glimmer over the sea. Tefan's mission, as well as the travelling, had taken it out of the guitarist, and the weight of the tiredness grew as night began to settle over Stellanova.

She'd get some rest, and then, in the morning... she'd wake up with no travelling companions to greet. Her footsteps grew heavy as she wondered how Tommy was doing. At least they could still contact each other, though, and she'd make sure she had plenty to tell him.

♥ Ellanor "Ella" Beaufort ♥

Location: Zephyr Strip


As soon as she spotted Leisy, Ella rushed across the platform and flung her arms around her. "Leisy!! I missed you too!" It had been almost a week since she'd seen her friend, and had felt like longer, but here the three of them were again, ready to work together as they'd done in Greenhaven.

"Yeah, they can't be far! Maybe we can find another trail!" As confident as she tried to sound, her doubts grew as she scanned the area. The sun was beginning to set over the vast fields, turning distant trees and mountains into silhouettes against the dingy sky.

A search would be far from easy, and those thieves would probably be active after nightfall, but how much longer could the trio wait?

✿ Florence Hadley ✿

Location: Zephyr Strip


For a moment, Florence's lips twitched into a smile at the sight of her friend. "Hey, Leisy. Good to see you again." Then her face settled into her usual look of worry.

"Well, uh..." She cast a glance around the station, at the fields visible past rows of buildings outside. Such an expansive area, yet from what she'd heard, only a small portion was inhabited. "If Greenhaven was anything to go by, probably the outskirts, or even the wilderness."

Her gaze drifted to the concrete floor. "It's just..." She trailed off, the battle replaying through her mind. Tiergan had held out, but only barely - and he'd been the only one of her Pokemon who'd stood any chance in that fight. How on earth was she going to do this, at her level? "Nothing. It's nothing. But we might want to quickly stock up. We'll have to make sure we're ready."

And that was the problem. For her, anyway.

Sophia Danvers

Mesalon Cave Complex

@fer1323 @Heckno12

The group had nearly reached the caves when a shout caught Sophia's attention. "Ah, hey!" she called, turning around as Rheese ran up. "We were just going to go explore the caves. That way, I'll fill up my team in no time!"

The latest addition to her team scampered up to the newcomer, bouncing up and down, letting out chattering noises. "Ehh, Lumas here only seems to have two settings. Off and turbo," Sophia explained, setting Lacey down and petting the baby monkey. This little one was turning out to be quite the handful, but there was something oddly endearing about that.

"Everyone ready?" she asked the group, strutting forward, taking the lead again, ignoring the slight sigh from Vivianne - and the shiver of tension the sight of the cavern brought. Get a grip, she scolded herself, so a few low-level wild Pokemon might be acting out. Like that's anything to fear.

As soon as Sophia stepped into the cave, Arcturus' core took on a brighter glow, revealing a myriad of gemstones jutting from the walls and floor. The brunette stared through the dim light. Such a place of beauty, and yet... there was something off about it. That feeling hadn't just been nerves.

Focusing her senses, she froze. She recognised that kind of presence all too well.

"Oh geez..." She stumbled back, goosebumps breaking out over her skin. "This place is haunted."

With a glance around at the others, she tried to regain her composure. "N-Not that I'm scared of ghosts! In fact, I'm rather used to them." The last bit was true... and the first bit was sort of true, in some situations. She'd taken a few visits to the Celestial Tower her mother helped to maintain. There was a big difference, though, between ghosts kept calm by a bell in a well-staffed cemetery, and a cave full of wild, potentially harmful spirits. Reaching to her belt, she recalled Lacey, who seemed rather less than comfortable judging by her twitching bow-like organs, and Lumas, who likely didn't have much of a sense of danger.

The paranormally-gifted girl drew on as much of her power as she could, sensing all around her despite the dull ache flaring up in her head. Most of that spectral energy seemed to be coming from a tunnel leading deeper into the mountain. There was something else, too, something nearby. It wasn't easy to pinpoint, especially with that ghostly aura seeping from the cave's recesses, but after glancing around, Sophia noticed what it was. A metal disc with a blue patina, propped against a rock. Giving it a wary look, Sophia felt the unmistakable tingle of a psychic presence.

The being must have sensed her too, its aura crackling as it awoke, rising into the air and spinning round to reveal a pair of yellow eyes. "Bronzor!" it cried, turning this way and that before its attention settled on the group. "Zor?" Sophia took a step back, but the Pokemon seemed more curious than cautious or hostile, floating over and studying the newcomers.

"Eheh... You alright there?" the psychic girl asked, thinking back to the Darmanitans and how she'd disturbed them.

The Bronzor bobbed in the air as if nodding, then tilted to one side. "Bron? Bronzor?" There seemed to be a hint of concern in its voice. It drifted towards her, flipping around, protecting her like a shield.

Sophia stared in surprise. This was one brave Pokemon - especially considering its type disadvantage. What if it got itself into danger? What if the entire group got into danger? "I'm fine really," she reassured it, before glancing at the others. "But, uhh... We might want to try a different cave. I mean... Maybe the ones nearby have more Pokemon! And more gems!"

She seriously needed to work on making her tough act convincing.

Vivianne Cypress

Mesalon Cave Complex

@fer1323 @Heckno12

The arrival of a newcomer - a friend of Oscar and Sophia, it seemed - briefly snapped Vivianne from thoughts of her task. "Hello there. Yes, it'll make for a great training and field research opportunity, as long as we're careful," she said, taking a glance at the cave mouth. Somebody, namely Sophia, was currently being rather hasty, bragging and striding right in. Sighing and shaking her head, the research assistant followed Sophia into the cavern.

Her attention settled on the Pokemon revealed by the Staryu's light, mostly Sandshrews scurrying along tunnels, and the occasional Zubat flitting past. Nothing out of the ordinary - or so it seemed, until Sophia stood rooted to the spot, her already fair skin turning sickly pale as she blurted a warning. Ghosts.

"Shortout." Pressing the button of a Pokeball, Vivianne let out a sparking orange ball of plasma. "Keep a look out for any trouble... and speaking of trouble, please don't get into anyone's Pokedex this time." With a disappointed mumble, the Rotom drifted ahead, whirling round as a Pokemon appeared.

Vivianne's eyebrows raised at the sight of the living, floating metallic mirror. "Bronzor. One of the species of artificial Pokemon that have existed since ancient times." That was a Pokemon she simply had to study at some point, but right now, staying safe was the important thing.

"Ok, we could take the training and study session elsewhere," she said, turning to the group, "or, if you'd rather stay here, it should be alright as long as we stay by the entrance. Shortout can fend off other ghosts, and Pixel's immune to many of their attacks." Although the thought of the cavern's secrets piqued her curiosity, she couldn't drag a group of new trainers into potential danger.

She couldn't help but wonder what a trip into a cave like this would be like if she'd come to Kosei accompanied, as planned. She knew exactly who'd be fascinated by a place like this.

Amber Pine

Mesalon Cave Complex

@Heckno12 @AbysmalDemon @Dusksong @Noxx

Just like that, the expedition was over before it had truly begun. Amber didn't know if it was more of a disappointment or a relief.

"Well, at least we know where this place is," she commented. Seeking out this cavern again probably wasn't the best of ideas now she'd seen a glimpse of what was inside it, but surely they could come back once they were better prepared? "And it wasn't a total loss. We got some new Pokemon, after all." She brushed her fingers across the newly-occupied green capsule. "Training Ghost types, that's going to be, uh... interesting. In a lot of ways. Aedre, would you be able to tell me and Nyxx what it's like to train one?"

An opportunity to learn more about ghost behaviour - albeit a rather unwanted one - came right up as, to the side of her, something stirred. Amber spun round, letting out a gasp. Just in time, she sidestepped a shadowy hand that reached for her ankle.

Looming before the group, glinting in the soul flames, was a coffin of gold. Open blue segments at its top revealed a pair of glaring red eyes.

"Well, uh... There are certainly better ways to study them!" Amber pulled back as two pairs of ghostly arms stretched from the casket. It must have mistaken them for grave robbers, she realised - and she knew the stories of what a Cofagrigus could do to intruders into ruins. "Let's get out!"

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