Avatar of LuckyBlackCat


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9 mos ago
Current To those I RP with, I haven't dropped off of the face of the earth, just had a mental health crash but am recovering. Now to catch up on posting.
9 mos ago
The worst thing about mental illness is you have to look after yourself a disgusting amount. I know it's the only way to actually be in a fit state to look out for others, but it still feels wrong.
10 mos ago
Emeth: Then I'll be that friend who's the opposite kind of annoying, whispering "Do it, you know you want to..."
10 mos ago
Judging by the Internet's definitions of introversion and extraversion, you'd think everyone's either an extreme hermit or a party animal with no in between.
10 mos ago
Krystal: All part and parcel of the job.


A frazzled British thirtysomething cat mum with something of a tea addiction.

I like a wide range of RP genres, but have two absolute favourites: Pokemon and magical girls. (If someone manages to combine the two, I'll be VERY happy!) I post fairly regularly, but sometimes shit mental health days crop up - if that causes any delays, I'll try to resume posting ASAP.

Most Recent Posts

Ohh, this looks fun! Interested and have some ideas for a character concept.
@Balthazar007 So, how do we get Alolan forms of Marowak, Raichu and Exeggutor? Is there a way for Cubone, Pikachu and Exeggcute to evolve into those forms, or do the evos have to be caught in the wild? For example, in some fan games you can evolve Cubone into Alolan Marowak, but it has to be at night.

As with New World, is it a case of it's possible as long as we make sure there's a justification?
Gabrielle Angouras

At the sound of the maid's voice, Gabrielle cringed. She hadn't trusted her or Florentine right away, but she couldn't help feeling bad about how they'd gotten into trouble going to get her. She let out a long sigh. "It's just there's surely a better dress around here," she grumbled.

Once the mess was cleaned up, Gabrielle climbed out of the bath, ears trailing on the floor from the weight of the soaked fluff. She rubbed the back of her aching neck, the heavy wrist fuzz making it a more difficult task than it should have been. How would she ever get used to this?

"All this is going to take forever to dry," she moaned as she strode back into the bedroom, watching Simone hastily plug in the hairdryer and start it up.


Mira turned around, trying not to squint and blink too much against the hall lights. "There's nothing to worry about," she replied. "I'm alright." Even as she tried to reassure Florentine, she knew neither her words nor her body language would bring comfort. It wasn't easy to hide things from a psychic, particularly a Gallade, and even before the transformation, he'd been good at reading her. His protectiveness meant it was in his nature to worry about others.

"Well... I will be," she continued as she moved away from the door, looking over in a gesture for him to follow. She wanted to make sure both Normal types would be ok, but intervening further would cause Florentine more stress, and she didn't want to be overly harsh with the Lopunny after her experience. At least the guest had stopped yelling - for now.

"Both of you in there," the head housekeeper called towards the door, "if there's a problem at all, please report it to me." Simone wasn't the type to report rudeness, but she shouldn't have to suffer in silence, and if the Lopunny was unhappy with something, Mira would rather get vented at than let it happen to someone else.


Alyssa was singing to herself as she watered a bed of roses, the sweet-smelling blooms being by far her favourites in the garden. They reminded her of a certain someone...

She turned her head as the door opened. "Hey there!" she greeted the Emboar. "No problem! So, I'd better pick a few extra, right? I hear we've got a guest." Her tone lost some of its brightness. "Someone in the same boat as us... That must have been especially tough, if they thought they were alone." She perked back up, a smile lighting her face, as she continued. "But a good meal and some company has to be just what they need!"

As Porscine left, Alyssa grabbed a basket and skipped towards the vegetable patch - well, tried to skip. She'd only just gotten the hang of walking on her tiny leaf feet without falling over. Plucking tomatoes from vines and mushrooms from a stack of logs, she thought over the best ways to cheer up the new arrival and make them feel at home.
Sophia Danvers

En route to Mesalon Pokecentre

@fer1323 @Heckno12 @AbysmalDemon @Dusksong @Noxx

Sophia gave a slight huff at Oscar's attempt at sageliness - was now really the time for that? - but his words were true. And the way he lived up to that philosophy... Well, she couldn't deny it to herself, that was what she admired about him. Even if he had gone and put himself in danger, he'd saved a Pokemon in the process.

The Pokecentre was just coming into view when Oscar suggested heading back to the gym. In other circumstances, Sophia would have bigged up her battling skill and told him she was sure she could get a badge first. As it was, she glanced from him to the Jangmo-o, then turned her solemn gaze back towards him.

"Is he really ready?" she asked. "After that?"

Amber Pine

En route to Mesalon Pokecentre

@fer1323 @Heckno12 @AbysmalDemon @Dusksong @Noxx

Amber turned at Sophia's protest. "It depends on what he wants," she chipped in. "He might need time to come to terms with everything, or he might want to battle as a way of bonding with a new trainer. Apparently, many Dragon types, after... after something like this, channel trauma into training to protect themselves and those they're close to."

At her side, a sombre-faced Vivianne nodded.

"But whether it's the best way to cope has to be his choice," Amber continued. "Even if he isn't ready to battle, the monastery might be the peaceful place he needs right now."

Jessamyn "Jess" Bailey

Jess didn't blame Roxy for heading to her room. If it truly was the safest thing for both of them, the empath couldn't protest. She'd tried reaching out, and failed. Maybe Roxy still thought she didn't care about her. Maybe they'd both be better off if she thought that. Jess didn't know. There was so little she knew about this, for good reason, but that didn't make the uncertainty any less terrifying.

With a faint smile, she muttered, "Thanks," then sat down to check her messages. The skepticism was still clear in her mother's writing, from the line, Please make sure you let me know if there's a problem.

At the next paragraph, Jess went cold. She gripped the phone, her mind a complete blank as to how to reply. She'd known deep down her mother was likely to ask something like this, and now here it was, as if everything were normal. How could she answer a question about the best time to next see each other?

With a deep breath, she stood up and headed towards Roxy's door. "Uh... Roxy," she said, in little more than a whisper. She knew they were both away from the watchers for the time being, but talking quietly was something she couldn't help doing right now. "How safe is it for someone to come over? Or to go to see them?"

She was sure she already knew the answer. What if her mother ended up in trouble? Or looked too deeply into the matter, with disastrous consequences for all three of them?
Ryan Harrell
May 17th, mid afternoon, Greater Cairo, Egypt

"Hey, slow down!" Ryan panted as he chased Corentin through the market-lined streets. Egypt was a place he'd always wanted to visit, but this heat was the biggest downside. Corentin, on the other hand, seemed to love the extreme weather, warmth radiating from orange spheres around his head as he raced through the air. "Not everyone has your energy in this heat!"

He leaned against a wall to catch his breath, wiping sweat from his forehead and adjusting his baseball cap, watching as the Castform did several flips in the air before finally returning to his side. Despite having called him over, Ryan didn't know if Corentin's proximity was a good or bad thing - it was like having a portable heater by his side. Not exactly what he needed.

Growls and hisses snapped him out of his sun-induced grogginess. He turned to see a cat - not a Pokemon, just a large tabby - lash its claws at what looked like a long-eared fox cub, making it drop a piece of kofta meat. Ryan instantly recognised the creature for what it was.

He rushed over as the Eevee kicked sand at the cat, but before it could retrieve its meal, the feline had run away with the piece of food. At Ryan's approach, the Pokemon backed into a corner, trembling. Its eyes darted around as if it searched for an escape route.

"It's alright, I've got something here you can have," Ryan said, slowing his pace and crouching down to present the Eevee with a berry box. "Corentin here will make sure nobody steals these." The little fox stayed back for a few seconds, then took a step closer and sniffed at the berries. As it pulled one out and started nibbling at it, glancing this way and that every few moments, Ryan took in the scratch and bite marks the cat had inflicted.

Of course he hoped to catch an Eevee - who didn't? - and those injuries needed seeing to, but he wasn't going to traumatise a terrified puppy by battling it just to make it easier to capture. "How about you come with me? You can get healed up at the headquarters," he explained. He knew the Eevee most likely had no idea what he was saying - even if it could understand human speech to any extent, it wouldn't have heard English before - but hopefully a gentle tone of voice would be enough to soothe it.

As he took out one of the Pokeballs he'd been given, the Eevee gave it a wary gaze, then edged forward. Ryan smiled. "Come on, then," he said, throwing the capsule.

@Balthazar007 Eevee, female, lv9

Mililani Kekoa
May 17th, mid afternoon, Greater Cairo, Egypt

It was hotter outside than even she was used to, but once again Mililani had been tasked with showing a bunch of fledgling trainers the ropes. So far, the search around the town had only resulted in sweat, groaning and flagging from the formerly excited Earth people, by far the less accustomed ones to the heat.

"Well," Mililani sighed, "this is the life of a trainer for you. Don't expect it to be the easiest job in the world." She pressed the button on a Pokeball, letting out her Primarina. "Naia, would you mind helping us cool off with those water bubbles of yours?"

Naia nodded, glancing around to make sure there wasn't too big a crowd around before starting to sing. Her Sparkling Aria was softer than that of most Primarinas, but still had the same otherworldly beauty. A water orb formed in front of her. Instead of careening forward like it did in battle, it broke apart into several tiny bubbles that floated and brushed around the trainers.

Just as everyone began to relax, Naia's song petered out into a coughing fit at a sudden overwhelming perfume smell. All the bubbles popped. "W-What?" Mililani spluttered, covering her nose against the cloying scent. She glanced over as one of the trainers pointed, catching sight of a flash of pink vanishing under a row of stalls. A few seconds later, a group of people appeared from behind a corner at the end of the street, chatting happily, only to double over hacking. There was a giggle from under a table, then a little pink bird flew out.

One of the stall owners, once he caught his breath, called something out to the trainers and gestured towards the bird. Mililani hadn't gotten the hang of Arabic, but it was easy to figure out what the guy was asking - he must have recognised them as trainers from the Pokeballs and presence of Naia, and wanted them to deal with the little prankster of a Pokemon.

The bird - a Spritzee, which Mililani had never seen, but as a wildlife enthusiast had heard of - seemed up for a challenge. It flew right over with a loud chirp, wafting around more perfume as it fluttered its wings.

"Alright, Liko, we've got a challenger here." Mililani sent out the Pokemon most used to strong floral scents, her Comfey. "Start with Draining Kiss!" The two Fairy types sped towards each other, launching into battle.

@Balthazar007 Spritzee, female, lv18, Mililani will try to catch it if she wins

Jessamyn "Jess" Bailey

Despite Roxy's glare, Jess knew she wasn't angry. Not at her, anyway. In fact, the emotions her jumpiness had set off in the anchor were more worry and guilt than anything else, eating away at her as she kept them bottled up under that tough exterior.

Jess only spoke to thank the till person, then remained silent on the way back to the garage. One, she didn't want to say anything that could be overheard by the wrong people. Two, trying to convince Roxy she didn't have to beat herself up hadn't worked earlier. The anchor avoided eye contact, not out of rudeness, but out of concern. Concern about what would happen if they didn't keep such a distance.

The irony of it, Jess thought as she trailed behind. They were bound, yet had to keep a wall between each other, and she'd have to find a way to keep loved ones on the right side of that wall.
Ryan Harrell
May 12th, mid afternoon, Paris, France

After sending a message to let the rest of his group know he'd caught a Pokemon - his second in less than a week! - and he had to head off to get it healed, Ryan returned Gilkey and hurried back to headquarters. Despite his giddiness about how well his adventure was starting out, as he placed the Pokeballs in the healing machine, he couldn't help but wonder whether the Castform really would take the defeat well.

At the beep that meant the healing process was complete, he picked up the capsules, letting out both Pokemon. "Cast! Castform!" his newest one squealed, looking smaller and paler in his normal form, but no less energetic as he zoomed around. Gilkey hopped after him, the two Pokemon giggling while chasing each other. Ryan gave a little smile. There were no bitter feelings about the loss after all.

"I see you've made a new friend already," the trainer commented. "I'll call you Corentin - French name meaning tempest."

As if to prove he lived up to the name, Corentin instantly sped towards a stack of berry boxes, knocking them flying. "Hey, no, no! Please, calm it down a little," Ryan urged, rushing over and gathering up as much spilled food as he could. Once he'd placed the containers back on the shelf, he took his own box of berries from his bag and presented it to the Castform. "You can have these instead." Corentin finished gobbling down his Mago berry, eyes widening at the contents of this box, mostly Pecha berries which Gilkey had refused to touch.

"So, you like sweet things? I should have guessed," Ryan said, watching the Pokemon who seemed on a constant sugar high chow down on the pink fruit. "Convenient, seeing as Gilkey here hates them." He handed the Foongus one of her favourites, a Chesto berry. Thanking him with a soft "Foo!", Gilkey nibbled at its tough skin.

Once they'd finished eating, the trainer held out the Pokeballs. "You ok coming back for now? We can go out and train later." As both his Pokemon drew closer, nodding, he recalled them and headed upstairs, his jacket leaving a trail of drips. Now he'd done the most important thing, heal up his Foongus and Castform, he needed to change into some dry clothes, then ask the professor about getting potions and more Pokeballs. At this rate, he'd be the first in the group to have a full team.

May 14th, early afternoon, Paris, France

Listening to Professor Sycamore's speech, Ryan leaned forward. The way neither Gilkey nor Corentin had reacted badly to the battle had mostly put his mind at ease, and the answers to questions about Pokemon's wellbeing settled the rest of his concerns.

Then came an announcement he'd hoped he'd hear ever since he'd signed up to be a trainer. A league. Becoming a champion wasn't just a simple game goal, but a real possibility. No way was he passing this up.

Taking a paper form as he and the others left, he wasted no time in heading to his room, reading through in depth, and filling it out. He held his head high, self-assured smile across his face, as he strode back down towards the professor's office. With the way things were going, he'd have no trouble at all with this.

Mililani Kekoa
May 12th, early afternoon, Paris, France

Mililani nodded, muttering a "thanks" before turning and leaving her newest Pokemon with Professor Sycamore, her steps heavy with reluctance. All in all, her gratitude was genuine. This was the best option for these Pokemon, better than leaving them struggling to survive in an unfamiliar world. Besides, giving the professors the benefit of the doubt was the only way she could think of to get back home.

Even so, worry gnawed at her as she petted Ohanna. The Lucario didn't seem to have sensed any warning signs, but some people were particularly good at hiding things, as Mililani knew too well. Aether were the most likely culprits, she reminded herself. The truth was, though, none of the trainers had the answers they so desperately sought. One of the worst things about all this was not knowing for sure who or what had caused it.

"I hope Mahina's going to be alright," she whispered to Ohanna. "I hope we all are."

May 14th, early afternoon, Paris, France

Once the speech was over, Mililani stood up with a bitter laugh, storming towards the exit. "A league," she muttered to Naia. "We've barely even started sheltering Pokemon, we're still no closer to getting back home, and now an Arceus-damn LEAGUE is suddenly our main priority."

One of the assistants approached, paper in hand. "You know, there's more to it than competition," he tried to reassure her. "It's a way to encourage Earth trainers to catch and train Pokemon. That and it'll make their job much easier. The stronger their Pokemon are, the more able they'll be to take on wild ones and bring them to safety, not to mention stay safe themselves."

Mililani sighed. She had to admit, the assistant had a point. Helping sick or distressed Pokemon was no easy task, as she knew from her Aether days. She glanced down at a scar on her hand from when she'd tried to calm an abandoned Persian. "I guess that's one way to think of it... but still..." she mumbled. The focus would end up being on the competition, she was sure of it. Even as she took the paper, she could in no way picture herself signing up.

Should be able to get a post in today.
Sophia Danvers

En route to Mesalon Pokecentre

@fer1323 @Heckno12 @AbysmalDemon @Dusksong @Noxx

As the group left the cave, Sophia squinted through the daylight, which had started to fade but still set her head pounding. Events and exhaustion had left her wandering in a daze. The Bronzor, who had shaken off the confusion, floated in front of her, turning towards her and bobbing. "Bron!" it said as it flipped back round and rotated itself, slipping one of the bumps ridging it under her hand for her to grip.

"Really, I'm not in too bad a way," the drained girl insisted, but there was no fooling the Psychic type, and she wasn't exactly in a mood to keep acting tough. "Unnh..." She let out a groan as she stumbled. "Alright. And... And thanks."

She leaned against the Bronzor, letting it support her as she walked. It was then that a surprised announcement from Aedre broke the solemn silence. As she blurted something about a package and waved a hasty goodbye, Sophia's only response was a nod and the slightest hint of a smile. Even if this girl was a little odd, at least she wasn't as annoying as some of the others.

Probably best for the Jangmo-o not to be too crowded, Sophia thought as Aedre rushed down the street. The brunette turned her head, casting a weary gaze at the others. "You really are one of the world's helpers, aren't you?" she said to Oscar, her tone holding some mild disdain, but not enough to keep admiration from shining through.

"And it won't be long, little one," she whispered to the Jangmo-o. "We'll be there soon."

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