Avatar of LuckyBlackCat


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current To those I RP with, I haven't dropped off of the face of the earth, just had a mental health crash but am recovering. Now to catch up on posting.
8 mos ago
The worst thing about mental illness is you have to look after yourself a disgusting amount. I know it's the only way to actually be in a fit state to look out for others, but it still feels wrong.
9 mos ago
Emeth: Then I'll be that friend who's the opposite kind of annoying, whispering "Do it, you know you want to..."
9 mos ago
Judging by the Internet's definitions of introversion and extraversion, you'd think everyone's either an extreme hermit or a party animal with no in between.
9 mos ago
Krystal: All part and parcel of the job.


A frazzled British thirtysomething cat mum with something of a tea addiction.

I like a wide range of RP genres, but have two absolute favourites: Pokemon and magical girls. (If someone manages to combine the two, I'll be VERY happy!) I post fairly regularly, but sometimes shit mental health days crop up - if that causes any delays, I'll try to resume posting ASAP.

Most Recent Posts

Looks interesting! Looking up art and thinking of possible concepts already.
Jessamyn "Jess" Bailey

Jess followed, slow footsteps clacking. The library looked no more inviting than anywhere else in the mansion, more like a school one than a place to unwind. With its stiff chairs and solemn atmosphere, it seemed to indicate more a love of showing off culture than a love of reading.

"Well, that's quite a collection all right..." she commented, eyes sweeping around the rows and rows of shelves. She doubted there'd be anything to her taste, or to Roxy's even if she got into reading, among the biographies of business owners and politicians. Leaving the room behind, she headed down the hall alongside Roxy. She should have been glad swimming was an option after all, but it was just another reminder of Mr Black's plan to get her on his side.

Recalling the moment of secondhand relief as the anchor had mentioned a pool, Jess turned to her. "You say you don't do sports, but... You like swimming, don't you?"
Amber Pine

Mesalon Gym

@Zanavy @ItMeGritty @OtomostheCrazy @Noxx @Typical

Amber winced at the scene, which deteriorated by the second. "Please, everyone, try to rein it in," she called to Sophia, Alexis, and an equally loud purple-haired woman, stepping forward to intervene if necessary. It was Ty, however, who tried to defuse the situation with words of encouragement. As Aedre chuckled, Amber gave her own strained laugh.

"Yeah. Best of luck, and remember, whatever happens it's all a learning curve," she said over her shoulder, following Aedre. Larimar nodded at the three bickering girls before scuttling after her trainer.

Settling into a seat, Amber nodded at Aedre's comment. "Well, I'm sure a gym leader will have many different strategies," she replied, "but it'll give us an idea of what to expect, especially if we watch more than one battle." Part of her wanted to experience a gym match as soon as possible, excitement and nerves competing as fiercely as any Pokemon. Even so, patience was necessary when learning.

She leaned forward, looking out over the arena to see who the first challenger would be, although she had a good guess.

Sophia Danvers

Mesalon Gym

@Zanavy @ItMeGritty @OtomostheCrazy @Noxx @Typical @fer1323
(Collab with fer1323)

Sophia snickered. As if she wasn't faced with enough of an annoyance already, Alexis had to go and waltz in, doing her utmost to outrank this Poison girl on the insufferability scale. Clearly the wannabe gotten some training in, considering her fourth Pokemon, but that wasn't enough to catch up with her just yet - hopefully.

At Alexis' little comment, Sophia put her hands on her hips. "Ask for help? Please. This loser's gonna be the one begging me for battle advice after I take that stuffy old man down a peg or two." Turning to Ty, who recognised her potential to some extent, she grinned. "You said it! Not sure about everyone else, and not that I need a reminder, but finally someone who gets it!" Her tone rang bright and loud, as if by shouting enough, she'd fully convince everyone. Including herself.

Glimpsing a dark wisp, accompanied by a drifting chill, she spun round. "Uh, Fanto...." The Shuppet, in the process of sneaking up on Alexis, turned his head. "No need for that." Sophia wasn't going to risk another fiasco involving her and Alexis' Pokemon, especially not now. "Well, let's go show that old stick in the mud what we're capable of, I'm sure he can't take much longer." With that, she pranced into the arena, her team at her side.

She masked her worries with a smirk as, just a few moments later, Lan appeared through the opposite door. "Ready at last, huh?" she taunted, raising her head, trying to exude confidence. "'Cause I sure am!"

The monk, unfazed as ever, slowly approached and held out a sheet of paper. "Sophia. Your friend, Oscar, told me you'd be here shortly," he said. "He left a note for you."

A frown replaced Sophia's smirk. Just what did that idiot have to say, and where was he in any case? She grasped the paper, reading over the message. Her mouth hung open at the words.

"Dear Sophia

With a heavy heart, I won’t be able to see your gym battle and hopefully victory. Despite our prior agreement, I have left early alone to head to the next town. I need time alone to reflect on the past and future events as well as my role to play in the grand scheme of things.

Please don't get upset or worry about me. I am very capable on my own with my pokemon by my side. I will be safe and sound so we will be able to see each other again soon enough if you plan to do the contest in the next town like planned.

The next time we meet, don’t expect me to give you my ‘sagely’ advice or to help you in general. I feel that my advice should not be wasted on deaf ears. I will keep my wisdom until you feel inclined to be ready to receive it

Yours truly
Oscar Berg"

It took several seconds for Sophia to bring herself to speak, the hall silent save for the scrunch of fingers clenching paper. Her yell cut through the quiet.

"That... That JERK!!" The rant spilled out of her. "He promised! He promised he'd travel with us!" She crossed her arms, further crinkling the letter. "N-Not that I wanted to hang out with him! It's just... Urrrgh! If he'd stick around to watch my big moment, maybe he'd shut up about his so-called wisdom!"

Lan kept his stony look on her. "Sometimes plans change, but that means we must adapt with them. At least he had the courtesy to inform you."

Lacey backed up the calming attempt with a nod and a comforting hand on her trainer's ankle, but there was no getting through to Sophia. "Oh, so that makes being a complete flake of a fr-" She bit back the bizarre choice of word. "Of, uh, a spectator A-ok does it? Strutting off ahead, while all kinds of chaos keeps breaking loose, no less..." Her voice shook. The journey's events, and Amber's warning, played through her mind. If there was anyone all too likely to run headlong into danger, it was Oscar.

She took a deep breath, looking Lan in the eyes and sighing through gritted teeth, What she uttered was something the gym leader, and the spectators, would never have imagined she'd say. Hell, she'd never have imagined it. "This battle... It looks like it's gonna have to wait. I-I can't just let him outdo me like this! I've got to catch up, or I'll never hear the end of it!"

Catch up by missing out on a gym badge. Yes. Great way to go about it. Before anyone could point out flaws in her logic, she continued. "It's not that I'm worried about him! That guy just needs some damn sense drummed into him, and a reminder that he isn't gonna breeze ahead that easily! And make no mistake, I'll still wipe the floor with you some day!" She swept her glance around at the spectators. "As you'll all see. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a pompous bigmouth to find."

With her Pokemon in tow, she turned and hurried from the arena, from the monastery. After all that struggle and stress, she'd left the gym with no badge once again, but sticking by Oscar if he got in over his head was more important.

Sometimes plans really did change.


In the meantime, a young, robed man approached Ty. Greeting him with a bow, he held up a Pokeball as he noted the companion at the boy's feet, a Timburr. Many eager trainers brought along Fighting types for their advantage against this particular gym. As a student who could benefit from learning how to counter this advantage, a sparring match would do both him and the other trainer good.

"A challenger?" he asked, the capsule expanding. "Looking to practice for the gym battle, I take it?"
Jessamyn "Jess" Bailey

"Well... They sound worth checking out," Jess replied. Not that she particularly wanted to see the rest of the place, and not that she expected the books in the library would be the kind to escape into, but the less awkward she appeared in front of the staff, the better. "I used to read a lot, back then, to pass the time... Ehh, maybe books are something else to share, and discuss?" Maybe, as with the music, she and Roxy would find common points there. "As for the pool, uh, I didn't bring any swimming clothes, but it's worth getting familiar with the place." She tried not to shudder at the thought that these visits would be a regular occurrence for them.

Roxy's next words, though, brought an inward squirm she couldn't suppress - as did the concern she felt from the anchor, backing them up. "I, well..." Resignation crept over her. There was no way to hold this off, not without landing everyone in deeper crap. "I'll ask her if she's able to soon." As much as the thought of playing along disgusted her, there didn't seem to be another option. At least, not right now.
Jessamyn "Jess" Bailey

Jess trailed behind Roxy, down the meticulously kept hallway. It all looked as different as could be to the simplicity and down-to-earth atmosphere of the garage. This was fake. Wrong. A reflection of Mr Black's superficial charm.

By one of the doors, a maid stood, smiling and curtseying when she saw them. Something about her gave Jess' mood a slight lift. It didn't take long to realise why - this wasn't her own joy, but the maid's. She clearly thought this a happy family reunion, a chance for a father and daughter to reconnect.

Despite the dawning realisation that nobody would be on her and Roxy's side, Jess returned the genuine smile with a forced one. "Thanks," she mumbled, before mentally kicking herself. She couldn't act jittery around people who trusted Mr Black. If she did, she knew the conclusion they'd jump to. They wouldn't blame the businessman, but Roxy. Straightening her back, she took on a brighter tone, or at least tried to. "And yep, we will."
You had me at Stardew Valley-esque :D
Jessamyn "Jess" Bailey

Monday? Jess felt like she'd swallowed a shard of ice. "She's, uh, busy on Mondays," she blurted. "And weekdays in general." It wasn't a lie, her mother did keep herself busier than ever with work these days, but she could tell the man's offer wasn't one of friendliness. He gave off the same cold satisfaction the watchers had. The satisfaction of predators cornering prey, leaving them helpless.

Her fist clenched around the suitcase handle as she stuck by Roxy. She knew the attempt to keep her mother out of this wouldn't work. Even if this guy didn't call on Monday evening, which he likely would, he'd still contact her sooner or later. Jess' thoughts whirled. Was there a warning she could give that this guy was all airs and graces, without letting on just what lay under them?

With a nod, she set down her suitcase once inside. She glimpsed Roxy's eye roll, caught the accompanying swell of disgust. "It's ok... Roxy and I will keep an eye on the time," Jess replied, putting a touch of emphasis on the anchor's name. It seemed like the only way to defy him right now.

She faced the anchor, whose reluctance trickled through to her, even stronger than her own. Best to make this tour a quick one. "So... Where to first?"
Ugh, sorry about the slow replies lately, had a rough time of it but things are getting better. I should be able to get back to regular posting.
Jessamyn "Jess" Bailey

Despite the warmth the man showed, little hints reminded Jess that it was just that - a show. That sudden flare of anger from Roxy at the mention of her full name made Jess' own jaw clench. Roxy's father probably knew full well she hated it. As he went on to explain her brother's absence, his excuse rang false.

"It's ok," Jess simply said, although she wondered what the real reason must be. She didn't want to follow, but shuffled forward out of sheer obligation. The closer she drew to the house, the more it seemed like a prison rather than a mansion - Roxy's sentiment, without a doubt.

The businessman's next words almost made her stop in her tracks. Her lips flattened as she fought the urge to shake her head. No, she couldn't drag her mom into this. Even if he just wanted to gain her trust, it was too big a risk - and if she saw through the facade, getting the authorities involved could make things worse. Some people got away with their crimes all too easily.

Jess racked her mind for a reply that wouldn't provoke him, wouldn't make him want to get back at her and Roxy in some sly way. "That's... kind of you," she muttered, each word too flat to be sincere. There was nothing kind about this man, that much was clear already.
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