Avatar of Lunarlord34
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    1. Lunarlord34 6 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
7 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

Most Recent Posts

Jasmine Lockwood and Rajah

Everything that...she had done?

The words made Jasmine pause and think for a moment. What exactly had she accomplished? She couldn't think of anything noteworthy. The only useful thing she had accomplished in her life from memory was the mission they had just finished. And even, she didn't really contribute too much there. Though, when her mind changed course on what she had gone through...well, things were a little clearer after the last few days on that front.

From her oldest memory, she had been losing everything dear to her. Her family, her friends....herself in many a sense. She had endured experiments that went above and beyond 'inhumane'. Looking back, it was a miracle that she was alive, to be honest. Let alone the experiments, but she had been attacked by a dark wizard, morphed into a sword by some weird creatures, caught up in numerous fights between wizards and that was all that just happened recently over the last couple months.

However, despite the losses she had endured...here she stood. Alive and well, for the most part anyway. Was this a result of strength? Or simply..."Lucky....I'm not strong, just lucky." With a mumble, she had been reduced to sniffling. She didn't really believe one could survive like she had purely on luck, but there was no other way to explain it from her view. She was aware that hers must surely be running out by now, seeing how much she had used.

"Family? We're...family?" Echoing the words back softly, she could feel the tears welling up again. There was mixed feelings here. Regret, helpless, sadness, grief as she thought about her parents. This all mixed with happiness, joy at the revalation that Penny saw her as such.

Right, everyone in the guild was her 'family' now. Penny viewed everyone as such, as did Jasmine. They mighn't get along all the time, but they were always there for one another. And their family needed them now, yet here she was wasting time with her unneccessary crying. Clenching her fists tightly, she took a deep breath to calm herself. Actually, a few deep breaths. She could cry about these things later. As Ryujin now told her, "There's no point dwelling on things out of your control. Only think about what you can control."

With Jasmine pulling herself together, Ryujin stayed quiet for the most part. He could've talked to her but decided against it. It was best she found a way to drag herself out of her own self pity, besides Penny seemed to be better at it than possibly ever could be so best to leave her to it. So instead, he continued his conversation with Penny. ]"It is worth a try though, no? If it is too risky, I remember a certain...individual from Jasmine's memories. He might be able to aid in such endeavours."

His words made Jasmine peek out from Penny's shirt and glance down at the pendant. What did he mean? She couldn't think of anyone who could help them. Though, at that same moment the image of a man flashed in her mind. Oh. Oh.

"His...personality leaves much to be desired, but his skills are 'the real thing'. A powerful practioner of wind magic if memory serves me correct." Ryujin wasn't really really sure if Penny knew him, but the man he spoke of had been in the guild hall not that long ago. When Jasmine had reawakened her magic, to be precise. And if flying was their method of travel, then if they could convince him to help then their trip would not only be easier and faster but also safer and less draining. However...

"That is, if we can convince him. I'm afraid his 'services' won't come cheap. But, that's where that...pest can actually be useful."

While Rajah didn't realise she was being ignored, she was certainly quite happy at this moment in time. After all, Iggy was giving her more food. So long as she had food, she seemed a lot more...quiet. Not that the food lasted anywhere near long enough.
"I shall Sir Ignatius. But when are we heading towards this damned Island? I thought time was of the essence."

Ashlyn Johnson

Blargh. Spoil sports. Bunch a sticks in the mud, the lot of them. She had half a mind to just set fire to the forest and draw out whatever was lurking within to come fight them. But, seeing as she was meant 'to be on her best behaviour' she even had to hold her tongue at Zero/Zeroam's words. She really wanted to give pretty boy here a piece of her mind, but it would have to wait till later.

"Whatever pretty boy, the overgrown newt can try. All it'll do is spread the flame." She had to settle for such a retort for now. Last thing she needed was for Indigo or Sanders to catch wind of her picking a fight with the other guilds. Gah, light guilds were such a pain to handle. She could fight this pipsqueak after this was all done and dusted, though on second thoughts he might have to be added to the waitlist. She wanted to fight quite a few individuals, some of which were here actually. Some however, weren't much to her disappointment. For such an important, world ending event...Phoenix Wing hadn't felt the need to send all their S-classes? Whatever, not like that many from Frenzy Plant were participating anyways.

"Well, sticking together is nice and all. Safety in numbers and all that shit. But that shadey bastard is right, we could be fighting an entire army and wouldn't know till we were right on top of em. Doesn't bother me all that much, just means more goons to torch." Crossing her arms over her chest, she looked up towards the sky rather thoughtfully. Thinking ahead wasn't her forte, she was more heat of the moment, improv type. She listened to Amaya's suggestion without moving her gaze from the sky. Mix with the other guilds? Hah, that'll be the day.

Then again, it had some merit.

"I say we just send a vanguard of sorts ahead. A mix of slayers, S-Classes and whatever. If they get in trouble, like shadey here said they can just let off a signal and the calvary can come charging on through and back them up if needed. Once they know where the bastards are, they report back and we bring down the hammer on the muggins. Just make sure the group has capable fighters." With a shrug, Ash made her suggestion. It honestly wasn't all that different from anything suggested thus far. But if they just made one small elite group, then they could move relatively easy and keep most out of harms way. They did need at least a rough idea what they were up against after all, and they wouldn't learn without needing to take a few risks. If need be, she would do this task by herself.
"Of course anyone in that vanguard group would also have a few screws loose, but honestly I haven't met a wizard yet who didn't. Then again, it mighn't be all that safer staying in the big, walking target that the rest of us would represent so eh. So long as I get to knock a few skulls in, I'm happy."

Scar felt a sharp breeze blow past him before he heard the loud crash of Diana's cell door as it impacted the wall next to him. Oi, what the hell was that bitch up to? He knew better than to react, for that was what she wanted. So he simply ignored it like the incident never happened, he didn't even flinch. He did make one comment, however "Learn to aim. I was a metre to the left, you dunce." with a shake of his he walked off towards the warden's office as the rest of the group trailed behind. Ignoring them all the while.

Approaching the desk, Scar swiped a potion before picking up the unfinished paperwork. Mostly just to skim through and see if it was anything important. If it wasn't he would discard and make his way to the 1st door, the wardens' bedroom. And if it was important, he would just look to roll it up and tuck it away for later. Surely the door to the room was locked so he got ready to pick the lock. That was when Macy decided to approach him with her finger in her mouth for whatever reason, and a mouldy, revolting looking sandwich in the other, outstretched hand. He looked at the sandwich, then at her. Realising she was trying to offer the sandwich, he took a moment to seriously contemplate the matter.

Yes, he was starving. Famished really. But was he really desperate enough to eat a mouldy, half-eaten sandwich which had been sitting on the warden's desk for god knows how long?


Fuck yeah, he was.

"Thanks, Mace. Maybe you ain't as useless as Princess over there." Jabbing his thumb in the direction of Kris, and making sure he was loud enough to be heard, he took the sandwich with an added appreciatively nod before taking the sandwich. It really was a questionable, inedible looking thing but mould, for the most part, was rather harmless. It mostly just ruined the texture and a bit of taste as a consequence, he could live with that. Of course, the fact that it also meant it was swarming with bacteria was a concern, but who cares. He was hungry.

So, after picking off the mould he would proceed to munch on the sandwich while fiddling with the door. Perhaps there was something of value in here? I mean, if he couldn't unlock it he would probably just try to kick it down out of frustration.
Jasmine Lockwood and Rajah

Ryujin listened to the anger-filled words that Penny returned fire with, accepting that he deserved anything she may want to say or call him. In whatever tone she wanted. He didn't quite understand humans or the companionship and kinship they felt towards others, their parents especially they shared a unique bond with, but he could appreciate it. In his youth, he hadn't but as he had grown wiser and older he slowly began to accept such foreign concepts. So to bring her Father's actions into such a light, this was to be expected.

Not that there was much he could've done to Penny in this situation regardless. As he had said before, he was merely an old spirit housed within Jasmine. He had little power beyond his memories and knowledge to spread. And of course communication with the outside, but even that was through a secondary lacrima. Linked to his own that dwelled within Jasmine.

Of course, there weren't many Phoenix Slayers. There weren't any of any slayer, and he remembered most Phoenixes as being a very secretive and lone creature that preferred isolation to others company. Her father Solias was an exception. Despite their stark differences in personality, beliefs, experiences, elements and, most important of all, races they had struck together a bond that upon looking back, shaped Ryujin into the being he was today. He had always been jealous of that Phoenix, with how he always managed to stay calm to how he could get himself out of almost any pinch. Perhaps his current persona was simply his vain attempt to channel and mirror his old friend?

Who knew. Anyway, he was getting distracted by unneeded thoughts. For he had two suffering girls to aid, though neither were helpless in their own right. Just from the small glimpse of memories he had seen from Penny, he knew she was the real deal. And he had known Jasmine for many years, watched over her even as he slept. Safeguarding both her magic and memories like the man and he had agreed he should do till the time was right. He still felt it was a little early, but a sudden intake of magic had awoken both himself and the magic. Without the ability to reseal it, he had little choice in the decisions made thus far.

"That isn't entirely true young one, there are many ways to kill any creature. Whether they be Phoenixes, Gods or...even dragons." His voice came out a little...bitter at the end. His mind still dwelled on that incident, the one where he had perished. That...monster that had slain him was still beyond his understanding. "He asked you knowing you wouldn't, couldn't, deny him. No matter how desperate he was, it was selfish to make his own daughter feel this burden. But, I am not exactly one in a position to criticise such a decision. For I am just as foolish and selfish as he, if not tenfold more!" The dragon let out a hearty laugh. Reflecting on his own mistakes, how many there were.

“Ah, I suppose that is true, but not quite what I meant young one.” He said with a low chuckle. This girl was strongly minded indeed, much like her father. He would’ve wished to have met her mother, for only a woman with a strong will would’ve been able to put up with that stern man. He was familiar with the concept she put forward as well, but as he had said that wasn’t quite what he was trying to get across. It was pointless trying to argue such a fine detail though so he decided against it.

Not that he had much of a chance as Jasmine had chosen this moment to come over. Ryujin letting out an “Oops.” as he and Penny bother quickly worked out the dots. Though Ryujin more knew how she possessed the knowledge she now did.
“I apologise, young slayer, I should’ve barred her mind from my own. It is my fault and not my young charge’s that she is now in possession of such knowledge about you.” Though Penny seemed more concerned with trying to cheer the water dragon slayer up than the fact that Jasmine now knew she had killed Solias, her father, it seemed like his apology wasn’t necessarily

Regardless, he felt like he still owed her one.

Hearing Ryujin’s apology, Jasmine shook her head. She wasn’t sure what he meant, but she shouldn’t have been eavesdropping on their conversation. She might’ve made an apology, it certainly sounded like she said something anyway. But it came out as an incomprehensible babble between her sobbing and her speaking into Penny’s shirt. Penny might need a new shirt after copping the volume of tears and snot that the girl expelled.

When Penny pulled back to meet the blondes gaze, her eyes and cheeks had turned a big puffy red. Jasmine, still trembling and tears gushing down like a waterfall, couldn’t meet it and averted her gaze. She still couldn’t find the ability to form comprehensible words, her throat feeling so tight and sore that just breathing alone was like trying to climb Mt Hakobe one-handed.

She wanted to argue with Penny. But couldn’t, she physically couldn’t right now. So instead she just shook her vigorously to deny the older mages words.

She was useless.

She was a nobody.

She was selfish.

And she wasn’t strong. Not at all.

She was a burden, she knew it. There was no use denying it. Deep inside she wanted to believe Penny’s words. No matter how much she wanted to, however, she found herself unable to for she also knew herself.

“You are only a burden if you think as such. I expected no less from his daughter, but the young Phoenix is correct in her judgement. Perhaps it is time I show you.” With Penny embracing Jasmine again, the younger mage hugged her back. Like her life depended on it.

“It is alright young slayer, you are welcome to ask whatever you wish to know about him. I knew him for many, many years after all.” It would seem that whatever Ryujin had meant with his previous words, he didn’t seem like he was going to reveal to Jasmine just yet. Though his next words were certainly an ....interesting choice.

“Before you return the pendant young slayer, I must ask something. Why must you fly? Why do you not use the lacrima either yourself or Jasmine have in your possession to simply teleport there? I must admit I do not know the specifics of how they work, but if you wish to save time and magic power is that not the most prudent course of action?”

While Ryujin made his mind-shattering suggestion, Rajah cast a glare towards Penny. Either unaware of the severity of the situation, or simply not caring, it mattered not. But the little Exceed ‘hmped’ before flying straight up into the Slayer’s face.

“Of course I am capable of it human, but why should I? Such brutish work is beneath me, that’s what Sir Ignatius is for anyway.” Following her arrogant words were equally obnoxious and over the top laugh. Even Ryujin was made to sigh by the Exceed’s actions.

“...I also suggest we leave this one here. For my sanity if not your own.”

Ashlyn Johnson

By some sheer miracle, they had managed to convince Ash to get in the boat rather than launch herself towards the Island. Perhaps it was the fear that she might not make it and land in the ocean which convinced her, rather at least in the boat there was less chance of that happening. Regardless, all the while once aboard the little dinghy, she became a hopeless mess. Clinging to Enma like her life depended on it, screaming and breaking into tears at every little single jerk the boat made. It was quite pathetic really, taking the definition of the worlds to all sorts of new levels. It was even more so than Enma's seasick state. And god forbid if any water that splashed up went anywhere near her, the scream that would follow sounded more like a teenage girl having come across a cockroach, or that of someone being brutally murdered in the most gruesome and slow manner. This lasted the entire trip, but thankfully because of the state she found herself in the nature and thickness of the ethernano around them seemed to not bother her in the slightest.

Once the boat touched land, however, she seemed to vanish and could be found scrambling around on the beach. Hugging and kissing the sand beneath her.
"Land! Sweet, sweet land! Never leave me again!" Perhaps her reactions were a bit over the top, but the sheer relief she felt from not being out at sea in such a pathetically small vessel was quite evident. She had just gotten back to her feet when it happened.

First, she fell silent as she felt a powerfully ominous presence. Before she had much chance to work it out, the very air seemed to vibrate as the loudest, most terrifying roar shook the entire island. It caused even Ash to completely freeze on the spot from fear. Whatever was the cause of this ruckus was strong...just from the roar alone that was evident. She wanted to clasp her hands over her ears to at least try and block out the noise, but couldn't find the willpower to move. Her body feeling like it was made out of steel. But somehow, she managed to keep a stance that stopped her from losing her footing. Though, if it lasted much longer she mightn't be able to.

Once it subsided, she wiped some blood that slowly trickled down. Grimacing as her ears still rung quite violently, her vision swimming as she reached out for Enma or anything nearby that was sturdy to hold onto until she regained her bearings. Taking a moment, she turned her attention to that of Sasha and Ferrin. So these two seemed to be in charge then? She wasn't entirely sure who they were, but she hoped they knew what they were doing.

The third person that spoke however she recognised. That was Hunter, the jade dragon slayer of Dragon Fang. Yes, she remembered him from the games. He was one of many on the list of people she wished to fight, but that could wait till later. For she now she pushed away from Enma and approached the group, cracking her knuckles as she came to a stop before them. This could only end well.
"I don't really know what the problem is ya shady bastard, just let me at em and there won't be no problem for much longer. Simple." She didn't care for this whole planning process. Honestly, if they were going to make one they should've come here with one at least. But, if they were going to go for an option she didn't mind the second one. In fact, she would be one of the first to volunteer for the 'combat' wizard role in a group. She had come here for only one thing after all; a fight.
"Dragons, demons, humans, whatever. I'll reduce them all to ashes all the same. Just put me up front and there won't be any more 'disturbances' on this Island."

Cody Bloodstein

Well, the response was probably what one should've expected to be honest. James spent most of his time training after all, and now that Cody thought about it he didn't really see him interacting with the other members all that often. Not if he couldn't help it. Still didn't mean he didn't feel a twinge of disappointing at his answer. Perhaps it was just because he thought James held all the answers he ever needed and depended on him too much. That was probably it.

He knew not how to handle these conflicting feelings. While James inspected their surroundings, his mind continued to grind away. Maybe the right thing would be finding Amaya and talk to her about it? But what if she didn't feel the same way...gah. This 'love' nonsense was such a hassle.
"It would seem so." Sighing, Cody came to an abrupt stop as James signalled him to stop. Immediately tensing up, he quickly drew his own sword. Cursing silently under his breath. He had become distracted and had stopped paying attention to his surroundings, he was sure James would lecture him about it later. He definitely needed more training anyway. But luckily the experienced Paladin had noticed the rustling and assumed a fighting stance. Cody took a deep breath before releasing his magic power. Just in case.

"It would be in your best interests to do as he says." Feeling his magic scatter, Cody stepped behind James enough that in case of a projectile he could hide behind the Paladin's shield but still left him with a decent field of vision in front of them. Leaning in slightly, he spoke in a hushed tone to the older mage.

"Do you think it's one of the gangs?" Cody's eyes darted around to try and make out where their unknown 'guests' were hiding. To at least know how many they were up against if nothing else. But he couldn't quite figure it out, though he could sense at least two presences beside their own.
Syleste Luna Fortuna


Without much time to really react to what happened, Syleste found herself under attack by some weird...goat things. Syleste had no idea whatsoever what they were. But whatever these things were, they were fugly beyond belief. And about to be given the shock of their lives in a moment. You see, this 'foolish' human was no ordinary human. She had been chosen to serve beings that were beyond these foolish creatures understanding, if they dared get between her and her masters...well then, there was the only thing for it wasn't there?

Almost as if a switch had been flipped she went from the loud, obnoxious little girl who had been calling out to Femto just moments to a dead silent, stoic girl with a look colder than the snow that surrounded them.

The Garef's weapons shattered into tiny little splinters upon impacting on Syleste, and while they were shocked she thrust her arm out. In the blink of an eye, a weapon that was staggeringly bigger than the young girl had appeared in her hands. A sword of such appalling design and devoid of logic use, especially when compared to it's much smaller wielder. Yet, she swung this sword as effortlessly as one would a short sword. In that one moment, her swing cut down half the Garef's that had attacked her. Their bodies splurting exceedingly large amounts of blood like a broken pipe from where she had cleaved them cleanly in half.

Not bothered by the sheer quantity of blood that threatened to stain her clothes, Syleste turned and punch another's jaw straight off. By now, the Garef's would've learned their mistake of attacking the girl. But it was too late to beg for mercy, nor expect to be spared. She would eliminate every single one of these currs that dare intervene with her reunion with her Masters. They would pay for their insolence with their lives.

But with one swing of her sword, she had learned one thing about her opponents. They were pathetically weak, as her punches that absolutely destroyed their bodies in one blow attested to. She hadn't the need for her sword, so put it away for now. Focusing all her efforts on eliminating the Garef's with brutality one wouldn't expect from a fragile looking girl like herself. All the while, wearing the same possessed look devoid of any mercy or sympathy for her opponents.

While the others seemed to be pondering the situation at hand, perhaps stricken with concern and worry about what the future may hold, worrying about what was happening beneath them on the lower levels and if they could actually survive this situation, but Scar was completely unpertubed by it all. Scarily and unnaturally so. In fact, right now he was kicking back on one of the beds and having a snooze. This was the best thing to have happened since he joined this motley crew to be honest.

He didn't have to do shit right now, he could sleep all day and no one would care. This truly was bliss. There was only one thing that ruined this little vacation for Scar right now....And that was the loud rumbling of his stomach. That fucking asshole of a warden, Scar could live with being locked up like some animal but to at least not give them a speck of food? That drove the kitsune up the wall. Even more so than his comrades, each one a woman and each one more annoying than the last. At least, to him anyway.

Finally, his eyes flew open as he leapt to his feet. Ok, he was beyond starved and he didn't give a fuck about guards or no guards. These gals could stay here and rot for all he cared, he needed to find a sandwich or something.
"Ok you stupid little bitches." With one swift kick, Scar kicked open his cell door with extreme ease. The rusted and neglected lock stood no chance against him, it wasn't even worth the effort to picklock to be perfectly honest. "I'm not sure what you three are exactly waiting for, but I'm fucking hungry and want to drive my sword through that fuckwit warden's head. You can either stay here and rot, or come along. I honestly couldn't care which you choose, just don't get in the way." Making sure his voice was loud enough for them to easily hear them, he walked over to the other two's cell and gave them a look that clearly said 'what are you two idiots doing' before pointing to the lock.

"This giving you two dunces a hard time? You're more incompetent than I thought." With an irritated shake of his head, he kicked the lock clean off. These locks were so rusted and neglected, a simple flick might've done the job to be honest. But he felt better kicking them, and gosh darn it that was all that mattered.
"If you're coming, hurry up. I'm hungry and don't have all day." With an annoyed grumble, he scanned their surroundings to see where the closest doorway or stairway was. He didn't quite remember the interior of the prison to be honest, he hadn't been fucked to learn it properly. He didn't dream that he needed to break out after all.
Elizabeth, Kat and Megu

"Idiotic curr." If looks could kill, Kat might be dead. Such was the look of disgust and annoyance shot Kat's way by Elizabeth. Why her father dealt with this....'mans' stupidity and incompetence were beyond her. Perhaps her father just found him amusing, for she doubted it was out of kindness. Her father was a ruthless man after all.

Megu ushered her out of the room before she could really say anything at Kat, who was scolded for being late along with the others. The fox boy visibly shaking, saluting the Supreme Being. "O-of course Lord Volaris! I will endeavour to do so!" Bless the Supreme One's that Volaris didn't smite him for having been late to his summoning. It wasn't like Kat had been napping at the time or anything, nor was it that the shock of Baron's voice had made him tumble out of a seat and knocking over all the boxes in the mail room at once so he had to clean up the mess before he got here. That was absurd. It was definitely because he was the weakest of the guardian NPC's and had lower movement speed. Yep, that was totally it. Anything else was a slanderous lie!

Having received his orders, still with little to no understanding of the situation bar the fact that it was obviously a severe one, Kat nodded like he understood everything and made his way over to Baron. Not only was he spared, but he had orders to boot? Today just got better and better despite the....poor start. And maybe he could learn more about the situation from Baron or Anna...
"Uh, so Baron, what exactly are we looking for?"

Having left the Scrying Chamber, Elizabeth teleported the duo back to their floor to make their preparations. First, Megu made sure the security had sealed the place down tighter than Alcatraz. While the Demon went about that task, Elizabeth made sure to get changed into more...'plain' attire. Seeing as Lord Volaris wished for her to be more of the stealthier approach. She simply just got into the clothes which her father had given her for her birthday, the 'Magical School Clothes' as her father had dubbed them. Why it was so, was beyond her understanding. She never believed she could understand such an intellectual creature such as a supreme being, let alone her father, so there was no need to. Instead, she had taken the clothes with glee and wore them on almost every occasion that didn't require some of her more formal or flashier attire.

Surely this was 'plain' enough? If not, Volaris would have a hard time convincing her to wear anything else. Though she did throw a dark, hooded cloak over the top. By this time, Megu had returned and had changed herself. Both in attire, and physical appearance. Her horns were gone, and her usually duo coloured hair was instead just plain jet black. Her skin was no longer pale with black veins pulsating throughout, but instead a much healthier shade that was almost even tanned. Though her red eyes remained, they looked less..evil and demonic and more human than before. Her attire consisting of a simple tunic and adventuring trousers. She also wore a matching hooded robe to that of Elizabeth.

Yes, that was right, despite her usual form being more human than not she had felt the need to change to an even more human form. She could've kept her hair the same or changed it to pure white, but she had decided this stood out far less than either of the other two options. Besides her unnatural beauty, she seemed perfectly human.

"I have finished adding the additional security measures my lady, as well as having instructed the maids to begin preparing some supplies for the road. You just need get anything you think they or myself may have overlooked, or take a few moments to clear your mind. I will come for you when we are ready to depart or Lord Volaris calls for us." With a bow, Megu then left the room so as to oversee the preparations. Some of the maids were questionable in their effeciency after all, at least to Megu.

Syleste Luna Fortuna


How had she ended up in this mess?

That was the thought at the forefront of the little girl's mind as, teeth clattering and body shivering violently the entire time, she traversed the snowy terrain that surrounded her. It was a simple enough answer, for the most part. She had been outside the guild-hall doing a few menial tasks when suddenly the entire terrain had simply....transformed. Instead, she and the guild hall were atop a snow mountain. Well, to be precise she was tumbling down a ravine away from the guild hall because the ground beneath her was suddenly gone. Not a fun trip, but the loli was tough and had healing spells so thank the lord she hadn't fallen much further. She barely survived as is, but now faced the bigger problem that was the cold.

See, her cloth armour was handy dandy in combat. Which was what she was effectively designed for. But dealing with extreme weather, like this freezing cold atop a mountain? Yeah, it really didn't help all that much. But she somewhat knew her way back up as she slowly scaled the slippery terrain around her. Each cautious step hopefully taking her closer to the safety and warmth of her master's home.


But that was when she heard a few voices. Perking up at the familiarity of the sounds she heard, she hastened her ascent back up and hauled her tiny frame towards the voices. That was Master Merius! And...Master's Kira and Nebuchi?
When she finally got up the mini-cliff she had been climbing, all she saw was the wolf Femto. Was it her, or did it seem fatter than usual? Not saying that a companion to one of her masters was fat usually of course! But...uh...well.

Banishing the argument she was having internally from her mind, she contemplated the situation. If Femto was here, then Merius wouldn't be far off. So she should just go see what the snow wolf was up to then. She totally didn't want to pat and nuzzle it or anything. Banish the thought!

"Yo! Femto!" She yelled loudly, flailing her arms around like a madwoman and making enough racket to wake the dead. "Whatcha doing?!"

@Leslie Hall
It's the bridge mission, tbh I don't really know what's going on down there. Zarkun is also part of the mission obviously, I'll get a group P going
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