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11 mos ago
Current Catching up today. Yippee!!
11 mos ago
Shaping up to have one of the worst weeks of my life so that's fun
12 mos ago
Pop an interest check up! Plenty of people not interested in that kind of thing. It's less visible because 1x1 discussion happens mostly over PMs
12 mos ago
#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
1 like
1 yr ago
TIL Texas has used AI to translate thoughts into text.


Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'

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Most Recent Posts

@Cao the Exiled@Lauder@Vertigo@duskshine749@Ellri@DTHar

Hey, can you do me a favour?

Would y'all be able to PM me the following:

[center]• What your character is most afraid of
• A place your character finds soothing
• Who your character admires most from their life (could be PC or NPC or from the past)
• Something your character can't resist
• Something your character did that they're proud of
@Vertigo delicious, delicious ale.
@Vertigo If you've been there for a few hours you have definitely picked up something.

But roll a Perception check to see if you get a lil more somethin' somethin'
@Ellri what about the tortoise soup
@Lauder A flank of wild deer would cost 8sp while a wolf steak would cost you 6cp but be a pretty poor meal. The Yawning Portal does not cook wealthy-lifestyle level food or above.

If you really want to save money, gizzard gruel will cost you 3cp but i don't know how some patrons will feel about watching you eat that...
@Vertigo Just generally, you've probably seen four tieflings around if you've been hanging out at the tavern

...Jhimas spent all his waking hours in his armour with his weapons on hand. "You never know when evil will rear its ugly head, I'm most comfortable when I'm able to defend those who need defending."

drat, he's onto me

@Cao the Exiled You're free to post whenever <3
@Vertigo How long have you been in the tavern?
@Lauder They've seen quite a few lizardfolk swinging their weight around these parts. That or he's too drunk to feel endangered :P

This hasn't affected the game world or attracted anyone else's attention, so feel free to write your post as if you have intimidated him slightly. You know, the everyday kind that happens in fantasy taverns but he'll shake off by tomorrow.
@Lauder yep, roll :D
@DTHar yep!
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