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Current Catching up today. Yippee!!
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Shaping up to have one of the worst weeks of my life so that's fun
12 mos ago
Pop an interest check up! Plenty of people not interested in that kind of thing. It's less visible because 1x1 discussion happens mostly over PMs
12 mos ago
#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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1 yr ago
TIL Texas has used AI to translate thoughts into text.


Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'

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Most Recent Posts

Emergency quest added! good luck fine wizards, I salute thee.

@Kenshi@Vatonage Neither of you could of foresaw what happened next. As Syrzan cast the spell, Shandris' magic rose up in defensive preparation against the intrusive magic, pinging it off her with vehement force. Shandris was left momentarily reeling from the sheer force as the ricochet struck all those in the room. But Syrzan overestimated his own power, and was suddenly filled with a gnawing hunger that needed to be quenched.

Syrzan Quest added: Devour the brain of a humanoid within the next in game day or suffer the consequences...

Syrzan modifier added: temporarily vulnerable to incoming psionic effects for an hour. 15% higher chance for psionic damage to succeed.

Shandris modifier added: temporarily over-defensive vs incoming psionic effects for an hour. 15% higher chance to hit a 6 on resisting psionic damage.

@ZAVAZgggMortus: 3
Mortus is struck by a strange sensation of being manipulated. He resists it, but has a strange hankering for corn all of a sudden.
Promien: 1
The plan is the height of elegance. No one suspects a chicken of overwhelming a settlement, let alone being a skilled necromancer. You hop up on the table, clucking at the top of your lungs for all to see.

@VeyrinDay Ada: 2
Ada begins to cluck before she realising what is happening. Wait, why is she clucking? What's going on? why is it hard to stop? why does it seem like such a good idea?! she feels compelled to do it! there must surely be a logical reason for this.

@GentlemanvaultboyZiebach: 6
The spell riccochets off you, and suddenly all the undead servants are clucking, a great cocophony rising up through the castle as the urge spreads to each lost corner.

Ziebach modifier added: temporarily over-defensive vs incoming psionic effects for an hour. 15% higher chance to hit a 6 on resisting psionic damage.

@RainyHighMarina: 4
Cluck, cluck, cluck! This can't be natural! what's going on? it's so soothing to do! It's innappropriate, what will your servants say? Cluck!

@rocketrobie2Galeini: 3
You shake off the feeling of being manipulated, but you are filled with thoughts of juicy worms momentarily.

@rocketrobie2Galeini: Smoke Bomb - 2
A dud! You miss the table and the smoke bomb falls off the table and rolls unceremoniously to a stop at your feet. It then fizzles, a red smoke rising unimpressively past the chair legs in a miserably unimpressive stream, causing you to devolve into a sneezing fit. Definitely a dud bomb.

@Dark CloudMortus: 5
You watch in mild amusement as the room descends into chaos, feeling pretty good about your life.

Mortus - Plan Insight: 1
You look into the mists and dislike what you see. A giant eyeless molerat, the size of two cities, with a gaping maw, bursting from the ground and swallowing the nomads whole. You suddenly feel an alien, vicious intelligence creeping in on your mind, it's attention brought fully to bear against you as if it turns to look right at you.

It knows where you are.

And it's coming.

The skeletons cluck loudly as much as skeletons can cluck. It's more of a rattle, really...

Emergency Quest: Legendary Monster approaching to devour the castle.

take care of it, or something. Oh, Mortus better hurry up and tell everyone, or...

I am so excited for this post lmao
@Kenshi ;D *fast typing noises, keyboard starts smoking*
6 vs lmao? ooh... oh no.
@Kenshi would you be willing to roll this once as Vatonage has rolled?
@Kenshi@Vatonage oh snap. If you guys want to roll for it for PVP rolls feel free, please use the roleplayerguild dice section and link your rolls with the [url=]numberhere[/url] code. I can provide a tutorial if you need, but basically it's right underneath the logout button on the right side of the homepage.
@Vatonage see above. I went to ping you and put your character name lol
@Dark Cloud I like the BBCode as well. Are you requesting a roll as well btw? Just to confirm, I don't think you were but just to double check.

Hmm, I didn't make PVP style rules. Here's a makeshift ruleset:
I'll roll 1d6 vs 1d6 for each player and take both results into account for the final result.
You can opt in or out of PVP by just saying so in the OOC and I'll add it into the list. Players must respect other players who don't want to PVP.
You can't do something to someone and then immediately opt out, though.

Sound good @Kenshi@Vatonage do you both opt into PVP?
@VeyrinDay here's a IC recap:

also holy smokes, I knew we were in different timezones but I think that puts you 7 hours ahead of me.
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