Avatar of MarshiestMallow


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6 yrs ago
Current "Doing your best" does not mean working yourself to the point of a mental breakdown. Its no longer your best at that point.
7 yrs ago
The word homeowner has the word "meow" in it. Good luck pronouncing it correctly ever again. You're welcome ^.^
7 yrs ago
When everything seems wrong...something goes right, and it changes darkness into light, and makes the shadows a little less daunting.
8 yrs ago
People cry, not because they are weak. It's because they've been strong for too long
1 like
8 yrs ago
the bad thing about being bullied is that every time it happens it steals a little piece of who you are if it happens enough little by little you become a little less of who you were meant to be.


To be written.

Most Recent Posts


The island seemed to both want them there and not want them there. Sasha let her gaze wander over the shore, seeking anything that could be a danger to them. Yet the island itself could be a danger, if it believed them to be dangerous to it. There were many things that she knew that could be hiding and yet… things didn’t seem to be particularly volatile to them. She decided to take that as a bonus, although she wasn’t about to let her guard down.

As Ferrin approached, Sasha didn’t respond as she climbed out the boat. The island seemed to be tensing, as if seeking a way out or perhaps seeking a way to contain something. She brought her gaze around, over the rest of their group before moving it to Ferrin, wondering just what he was feeling.

Suddenly, the very ground beneath their feet shook and Sasha found herself crouching, using her hands to help balance her as it seemed to take forever for the shaking to subside.It seemed to happen slowly and just when she thought it was over, a roar suddenly engulfed the air around them. The shocking sound was deafening, and seemed to go on forever, until one might think it was the only sound left in the world.

Without thinking, Sasha rose and almost instinctively, she let her ice queen armour form over her. With it came the increase in power, and instead of the sword that formed with it, it was a spear like lance instead, that seemed almost brittle but as her hand curled around it, she knew it was incredibly strong. Only as the sound started to fade away did Sasha once more turn to Ferrin. ”I do not think anyone can plan for this… I don’t know what we are to expect. But i think it’s safe to say, we ought not daly. I think we should stay together, but… if you have any ideas, I’d be open to them”


The tingling sensation was almost pleasant and Penny had to fight hard not to simply let flames spread across her body. It was getting harder and harder to control that, particularly when she did feel something strongly. The last two months had seen a difference in how she had to manage her powers, and there mere fact that she was still learning the different way of control them was perhaps a strong reason why she hadn’t wanted to go to the island.

Gently holding the pendant in her hands, Penny frowned over it. It was obvious that Jasmine had kept this from her, but she didn’t mind- it wasn’t like Penny had told Jasmine everything, yet. As the dragon began to speak with her, Penny listened to his words. As he mentioned Jasmine’s fair in her, Penny couldn’t help but feel that it was misplaced. What had she done to deserve jasmine’s faith? She had promised to help jasmine, and then disappeared for some time. She could understand Ariel’s response to her, but Jasmine? It didn’t seem like Penny could do anything to break the girls trust in her. What had she done, to inspire the girl so? While she was thankful, she couldn’t help but think of the inevitable time when Jasmine would realise that Penny was going to disappoint her.

She just couldn’t seem to help it. She’d hurt Ariel… she should have been there for her. Ariel had been there for her, and that was what had got her into the mess she was in right now with the Phoenix magic. She had essentially abandoned the other girl, even if she hadn’t meant to. But being near Ariel… it had been painful. That wasn’t Ariel’s fault, though. Penny didn’t know how to fix things there. She suspected that as long as Nolan was around Ariel, then Penny was going to have a hard time even trying to fix it. She had disappointed Damien… that hurt more than Ariel. She never wanted to disappoint him… but why couldn’t he understand?

Of course, he hadn’t been there. She hadn’t wanted him anywhere near her father’s death, even though she had sought him out. Had it just been a coincidence or fate that she had found Ariel instead that day? Well, it mattered not. She was heading to the island whether she willed it or not. It did not seem she had a choice. Which pissed her off to no end, but it was what it was. If she could help… well, she would just have to be careful. As if that was a choice. She shook her head, to try and clear it off those thoughts and turned her attention back to the dragon’s words- for who else would it be? Somehow, Jasmine had access to her dragon. Which went a long way to explaining why Jasmine had been talking to herself quite a bit on the journey back to Magnolia. Did the girl not know that she could probably talk to the dragon in her mind? Penny would have to mention that to her.

”Yes… I am Penny. We can converse with our thoughts, if that is okay.”

I am glad you approve… I’d rather not have a dragon’s disapproval. Jasmine is important to me. she responded, choosing to reply in her mind, at least for the moment. She wouldn’t put it past the little Rajah to take what she said to the dragon against herself, the angry exceed didn’t seem to need much to retaliate. She is stronger than she knows, and I will try to be worthy of her faith. Here was someone that knew her father, that might give her some insight into him, but she couldn’t bring herself to ask. It hurt too much, and she knew that it always would. The thought that this might be the only time she would get that insight wasn’t even enough to ask.

And then he asked how Solias was.

Penny flinched at the dragons words, closing her eyes a moment and letting out a shaky breath. He’s dead. unbidden, and not what Penny ever wanted to dwell on, came a flicker of the scene from Solias’s death. From her murder of him. She clasped the pendant tightly in her hand, for fear that she would otherwise drop it. I killed him. There was no point denying it. For who could kill a Phoenix, except a Phoenix Slayer? The images, the song, filled her mind and she knew that she would never escape them. She’d always remember the beautiful, daunting and horrible song of death. He… asked me too. but that didn’t matter. She had still killed him.

The feel of wetness on her cheeks let her know that tears had escaped. She reached up with her friend hand to dash them away, not wanting Jasmine or the exceeds to see. She wasn’t weak… was that a lie, was she fooling herself? [i][color=coral]I’m sorry… [/i][/color]

Not sure how else she could explain, what else she could do, Penny fell silent and instead let the memories flow. Solias long ago asking her if she would come, when he needed her. He had been sick, for more than a few months. After thousands of years of living, the Phoenix had finally been near the end of his existence. She had promised, before she had gone off in search of Sasha. The note coming to her at the games, going to the cave with Ariel…. The song and what had happened in the cave that had been Solias’s home. Living the memories again were almost too painful, but Penny sought to keep control of herself.

I’m sorry…

Ignatius sighed heavily, although he was relieved.If Rajah was demanding food, then Rajah was okay. Of course he suspected that she would always demand food even if she was two seconds away from death. He didn’t know where she put all the food she ate- sometimes he thought it was almost twice her own weight, which wasn’t saying much.

He moved away for a moment or two before returning with some food, ”Try actually chewing the food for once, Rajah.”

@Joshua Tamashii@Lunarlord34
Of course the angry little Exceed burst out in fury the moment she was woken. Penny was almost tempted to just put her back to sleep, but her word was her word even if she hadn’t given Ignatius her word. The intent had been there. Penny merely schooled her expression, keeping it void of her annoyance, and simply stared at the small exceed. She knew that the exceed knew she could easily put her out, it would merely be time before the exceed actually realised that. Weary of it all, Penny was tempted to just walk away but she knew that she couldn’t. She had a duty to Jasmine, but it wasn’t just that. Jasmine was important, to her at least. So she endured the angry little creatures insults.

Finally, she leaned forward slightly, her expression a little dark as she said softly in a matter of fact tone, ”If I were weak, little pest, then you’d be weaker as you succumb to my magic quite easily.” She did not particularly like the little exceed, and didn’t understand Jasmine’s fascination with her. Turning her gaze to Jasmine, her expression softening. ”Jasmine… I wouldn’t have given you the opton to come if I didn’t think you’d be okay.” she said ”You can do things. You’re stronger than you think, Jaz.”

”Rajah… “ Ignatius sighed, and shook his head. ”How will you ever eat if you are flapping your gums like you are?”

She reached out to give the girl a gentle squeeze on her shoulder, and smiled. ”I’ll be with you.” She knew that if they were going to get there soon, they’d have to fly. While she could carry Jasmine, it would leave her tired. And she did not think the small exceed would consent to carry her, even if she could carry her weight. She glanced to Ignatius, wondering if the exceed would be content to give Jasmine a ride.

She was distracted by these thoughts by Jasmine’s words. She frowned, taking the pendant ”What?”

Jamie looked to Amelia and smiled, even as Jarvis hesitated, ”I don’t know, Amelia… “ He said, not wanting Amelia to get hurt. He didn’t want to get hurt, but there was also the fear that something might happen to the boat, and Amelia would get hurt or killed. He wanted to be able to protect her, to make sure that she was alright. The island would be dangerous… ”I want you to be safe.” he said slowly, not wanting to disappoint her or get her hopes up. [color=tan]”And the safest place is with us.”[/color=tan] He would do anything to protect his family, he would not lose any of them any time soon.
@Lunarlord34@LightningMaiden@Crimson Raven@hatakekuro
Gabriel and Michael

Gabriel sighed, trying to ignore Leo. The spirit was more than a little chatty, and Gabriel just didn’t know why. Part of him wished he could just shut the gate on the zodiac spirit, the other half wished that he didn’t need the spirit. And a small part of him was glad for the spirits presence. But that didn’t mean he wanted the spirit around all the time. The pompous, somewhat arrogant spirit just seemed to like to torment him, even in the littlest ways. ”We keep in touch… its not the best but we sought different things.” Gabriel said softly, looking away from Leo, the spirit was grinning. Gabriel didn’t particularly like that. Who knew what he had planned?

”We might have the same magic, but the thing with Celestial magic is that it can be completely different between users. Michael’s is more mythical. Mines more zodiac in nature.” He said, flicking a glance to Leo again who appeared suddenly sombre, transfixed by the island. He followed the spirits gaze, seeing that some of those on the ship were getting ready to depart on the ships boats towards the island.

”We should probably follow suite.”

Michael seemed to squirm slightly, his own gaze flicking towards the island. The thought of going on there was suddenly overwhelming and yet, there had to be answers there, didn’t there? He looked back to Gabriel and zev, [color=lighrgreen]”y-y-yeah… “[/color]


featuring Ignatius

Keeping an arm around Jasmine just in case the girl succumbed to her song, Penny kept her gaze on both of the exceeds, the small fiesty one seemed quite angry still, and clearly ready to destroy them. Penny had faith in her song and with relief the little exceed finally succumbed to the song. Not particularly worried that either exceed would wake- the other one sluggishly reached out to try and stop the smaller one from hitting the ground, but merely ended up falling down beside her.

Satisfied that both exceeds were out for the count, Penny ceased her song and set out a heavy sigh, looking over to Jasmine to make sure that she was alright. Satisfied that she hadn’t been affected too much by her song, Penny moved over to the exceeds, crouching down and examining them. ”they seem alright. I should have warned you, but I thought it best to get them asleep as soon as possible. We can’t leave them here.”{/color] She sighed, glancing around them, and found herself pleasantly surprised to see that the fish had all been knocked out as well.

She hadn’t planned that, but it was a nice side bonus. ”Well, thats probably the best we can do for now. They’ll stay asleep until I wake them.” She said, before looking back to Jasmine. [/color=coral]’i think we need to take the exceeds back to the guild, but we need to return to the town, let them know they are safe from the fish for now. If they want to deal with them now, they can.”

Two days later

Every time the angry little exceed would get out of hand, Penny would simply put her back to sleep. It was oddly exhausting, and Penny was relieved when they reached the guild. Even then, she had to still keep the small exceed under wraps, the older and bigger Exceed seemed somewhat reasonable, although Penny was sure that that was because he was protective of the smaller one. Wondering what was going on there, if there was something happening with the two exceeds- perhaps she was his daughter? There was a thought. She hadn’t imagined exceeds breeding. Did not know it was possible on earthland.

During their journey back to the guild, the smaller exceed spent her time being carried by either Jasmine, or the bigger exceed- who Penny came to know as Ignatius. And the smaller one was called Rajah. Ignatius was easy to get along with, although he did have a little bit of a temper. Mostly whenever Penny refused to wake up Rajah.

Even as they neared the guild, Penny spoke with the red exceed, who was currently sullen. Jasmine had Rajah, and Ignatius didn’t like that. He only seemed happy whenever he was holding the little exceed, as if only he could keep her safe. ”What were you two doing? It seemed that you were waiting for us.”

”because we were.”

Penny sighed. It seemed the exceed was going to give her as little as possible. ”Why?”

”Exceeds need slayers.” Frowning, Penny pondered over those words. They needed slayers? Besides Nolan and Doltan, she didn’t know any exceeds that were paired with non-dragon slayers. Why would a Phoenix slayer need an exceed?


”Just the way it is.” Ignatius said grumpily, glancing around as if seeking out Jasmine and Rajah.

”Why us?”

Ignatius feel silent, and looked back to Penny as if not sure how to respond. He blinked slowly, and seemed perplexed that she didn’t know the answer. ”A friend suggested I might find a partner in a Phoenix slayer. I know not why Rajah wishes to pair.” he seemed troubled by that, ”But Rajah normally gets what she wants.” He fell silent, and sullen, looked away.

Penny frowned, and fell silent as well, thinking on his words. ”and the dragons?”

Ignatius seemed hesitant to say anything, ”If I tell you, will you wake Rajah up? I can reason with her… “

Not sure if she should be making deals with the exceed, Penny hesitated. ”Well, okay.”

Ignatius watched her a moment or two, a rather serious expression on his features before he nodded slowly. ”Because bad things will happen if we aren’t there. I don’t know what, its just what I have heard.”

Penny didn’t like that answer, but she didn’t pressure him. Falling silent, she let her thoughts flow. She hadn’t wanted to go to the island… she didn’t think she’d do anything good by being there. The fact remained that she was still frightened about what her magic might do. Using it like she had been wasn’t as daunting, but going to the island where there would be who knew what magic there…

Standing, she moved away from the exceed and a little way a way, her thoughts twisting knots in her stomach. Damien’s words echoed in her mind and it took all her strength not to react to them once more. Was the fear too great? And if it was, what right did she have to be an S class, let alone in a relationship with him? And Ariel… her hands clenched into fists, Penny gritted her teeth. She wanted to be able to fix things there, even if she didn’t know how. And who knew how the island would affect her?

”this is not what I wanted.” she said furiously to herself. She felt like she was being backed into a corner, and that made her angry. She had no choice- it was clear she had to go. If she didn’t and if her friends, her family, got hurt because she didn’t… she would never forgive herself.

Frustrated, she made her way over to Jasmine, and with a few muttered song lyrics, she woke the exceed up. ”Jasmine… i have to go after those going to the island… if you want to come, you can, but it will be dangerous. And I’m not sure if I can carry you the whole way, i might need to use my magic. I’m not sure what to expect.”

Ignatius followed her, the exceed relieved that Rajah had been woken, and he spoke to her. ”Rajah?”

Jamie and Jarvis

Jamie walked across the deck, towards Jarvis and Amelia, smiling at both of them. ”Looks like we are ready to go.” She said, pleased to be moving. She reached out with casual ease, taking jarvis’s hand in hers, and reached out to give Amelia a one armed hug. ”We had best get going. I don’t know what we’ll face on the island, but I’m sure everything will be okay.”

Jarvis looked over to jamie as she approached them, more than a little bit of concern on his features which he quickly smoothed away. ”Amelia?”


Sasha looked over to Ariel, her expression serious. She nodded slowly, returning her gaze back to the island. ”It does.” she said softly, ”Its going to be hard on the island… The magic is thick and unstable- you can feel it.” She said softly, falling silent. The feeling the island was giving out… it almost felt animalistic in nature, as if a wounded animal was trying to heal, trying to fight back against something that was hurting it.

It felt wild and unpredictable and not for the first time Sasha wondered at the wisdom of going to the island. And yet what choice did they have? This was something they had to do. She’d just have hope. It was all she had at this point and the belief in her comrades. As she watched the island, for a brief moment she was sure that she saw someone, standing on the edge of the water and staring out at them. A small woman with blonde hair, in a white and pink frilly dress. And then she blinked, and the image was gone.

Sasha starred, but it was Patrick beside her that said softly ”Marvis Vermillion. She still watches over the island to this day… “ His voice was sombre, the youthful looking man watching the island as well. Sasha sighed softly, letting her gaze slip away from the island as Ferrin caused some small amount of the sea to become glass. Sighing once more, a little heavily she watched as he began to cross it. She knew she couldn’t stop him, but wished that he would wait.

But she didn’t say anything, knowing full well that wouldn’t get her anywhere. The use of such magic however caused her to frown, hoping that he wouldn’t tire himself out before they faced whatever they were going to face on the island. As their boats slowly made their way to the water, the feel of tainted and unstable magic grew stronger until Sasha was sure the hairs on her arms and back of her neck would never stand down again.

The entire feeling of it was overwhelming and making her feel sick to her stomach. She let out a few deep breaths, sure that she was going to succumb to the feeling. Whatever the island had been, it now seemed a source of darkness and hatred. And then… it was like something washed over her, taking that away and leaving a light feeling of happiness and hope. Almost as if they had crossed some threshold, and entered the protective magic of the island- or perhaps those that resided on the island, Fairy’s of old. Whatever it was, Sasha was thankful for it as the boat continued to draw nearer to the land.
@Lunarlord34@LightningMaiden@Crimson Raven

Sasha Shin

Sasha sighed softly, watching Ferrin and Amaya and listened to their conversation. ”There are no bad magics… its the way people use them that make them bad.” She said softly, before she drew a deep breath. ”Lets go.” There was no point in lingering, on dragging this out any longer than it had to be. The island would either let them on or it wouldn’t. She paused a moment, looking down at one of the ships boats before she started down the provided ladder.

She stared at the island, wanting to soothe the tormented magic and the torrent of bad feelings she was getting from it. Lazarus joined her, and she knew that he would not leave her side unless it was dire. She didn’t mind. She anticipated being in the thick of things, in any case. Which is where he would wish to be.

She looked back up at the ship, raising a brow. ”Well, come on.”


Penny sighed heavily as she watched the small, angry little creature. She had no idea what she could do for the fiery exceed. She knew the exceed couldn’t really hurt her, but she’d rather not risk it. ”You’re going to get yourself hurt.” She said, ”I give respect where respect is earned, and not where someone demands it. If you have to demand it, you don’t deserve it.” She shook her head, contemplating what to do.

The angry little beast appeared to be trying to get the other exceed to do its dirty work. Reaching up to rub at her temples, Penny muttered under her breath. As jasmine stepped out in front of her, Penny reached out to stop her, not wanting her to get hurt. More annoyed than anything else, Penny hurried went through her options. Light the cats up? Kick their butts? Or put them to sleep? She wasn’t entirely too sure she could do that, without putting Jasmine to sleep. She mused on that a moment, before she decided that she had to risk it. She could always rouse Jasmine if she put her to sleep.

She brought to mind the song that she needed, reaching out to Jasmine to bring her closer before she allowed the song to start. The song was soft, calming and quite clearly designed to be a lullaby. It was beautiful and warm, and Penny kept it up, watching the exceeds with wariness.
I really need to start doing random posts in the ooc... hm.
@LightningMaiden@Lunarlord34@Crimson Raven

As Ferrin approached, Sasha frowned over his words. She looked away, looking over to the island once more. ”The island will be there still. It always will be.” she said softly, looking back to Ferrin, Amaya and the exceed. She still wasn’t so sure about Ferrin… he seemed quite odd, but then again, they all did. She was sure she hadn’t made decisions that would be considered sane the last few months. So, who was she to judge? ”Good Morning. I think that it will be a fine one… until we get to the island, then that is.” She said, shrugging. What was going to happen on the island, was anyone’s guess, but Sasha didn’t think that it would be good.

At Amaya’s and Cecilia’s conversation, Sasha frowned, looking back to Ferrin closely. What was it that he expected to find on the island? She contemplated that for a moment or two, before deciding that that was his business. If he wished to tell them, then that had to be his decision. There was no need to poke or prod. Still, she watched silently, her curiosity burning.

She could feel the island behind her, in a way she never thought it could. It was like it was reaching out, seeking help or perhaps seeking a way of keeping the dangers on its back from spreading throughout the world. Whatever it was, Sasha yearned to help it. .

Penny watched the flying fish, eyeing them, knowing full well the beasts were dangerous. Whether or not they would turn aggressive was another thing, but Penny decided being on guard was better then being sliced to death. Nor did she wish Jasmine to be. She would endeavour to ensure that Jasmine escaped injury free. These creatures… something was angering them. Or maybe this was just a particularly aggressive breed. Or perhaps the fish had just grown tired of humans and decided to retaliate.

”There are, but don’t worry. We can deal with them.” she said, trying to be reassuring to Jasmine, looking to her and giving her a smile. ”If they give us any trouble, you can capture them in water… or I can roast them with fire. But I’m hoping we can do this without hurting them.” She said, looking back towards the fish, frowning as she saw something coming towards them. "I don't know... " she said, stepping towards Jasmine and infront of her.

”They’re exceeds… “ Penny said softly, wondering if she should tell Jasmine that they were often companions to Dragon slayers. She didn’t get the time however as the little flying cat stopped above them. "I assure you, Exceed, we arrived here as fast as we could. As for getting down on my knees, I don't think I will, thank you very much." She said in a mild tone, refusing to be cowed even as the small creature exploded in apparent anger. She met the small, angry cats gaze, her own rather neutral.

”We have a job to do, if you’d like to be civilised.”

Ignatius sighed, following after Rajah. “Rajah, damn it!”
Penny nodded, studying Jasmine a moment or two, ”Its okay to be afraid, Jasmine.” she said softly, ”Its when you let that fear control you, that’s when it becomes a problem. I have lived in fear, most of my life before I found my magic was lived in fear” she seemed to trail off a moment, frowning slightly. Curse him. Why had he put those thoughts in her head? She wasn’t afraid. Not for herself, at least. For those around her. Killing Solias… it had show her just how deadly she could be. She wasn’t afraid… going to that island would be a mistake, she knew it. She certainly didn’t like doubting herself. Everything she had done… it still stuck with her and she didn’t know how to deal with it, even now. The thought of going to that island… it wasn’t something she believed she was capable off.

She could be more help here, dealing with the flying fish, then on the island where she’d be a risk to everyone around her. At least here she was of some use to the guild. She sighed softly, ”Jasmine… you are here and that’s a big step. And I’ll be by your side, every step of the way, okay? You won’t be alone.” She gave the girl a reassuring smile, before nodding in the direction that they needed to go. ”Come on.” she said, offering her hand to the girl, before she started off in the direction she had seen the flying fish.

It didn’t take long to find them, a short walk out of the town. She could see them from a far distance, flying specks that dotted the horizon. ”See? just there” She said, pointing them out.

”This is food that can eat you, Rajah! Gods, they’re almost as big as you!” Ignatius said, turning to his pack and rustling through it. ”It isn’t edible! The skin is too tough and chances are they’ll take a bite out of you, as well!”. He took out some food from his pack, turning to her. ”Now here, eat.” she said, handing it off to her, deciding not to worry about how little they had left. She just ate so much, for such a little thing… but he always found food for them, in the end.

Frowning slightly, he looked around, ”Quiet… people approach.” he said softly, his gaze moving towards the two figures coming towards them. He doubted that Rajah would listen to him, and so he reached out towards her, to take ahold of her arm.

Sasha looked over as Amaya approached, with Cecilla. She hesitated at the question. ”I’m not sure that that will be a good idea. I think we ought to stick together… I don’t like the feel of the place.” she said, ”It’s not about security… someone with Fairy Tail blood needs to be on the island first.” she said, glancing around, frowning slightly. ”I want to make sure everyone is safe, first.”

Sam gladly took the floor, clutching it gently to her chest.She seemed to intently stare at the new comer, keeping her stance by Rose and looking up at the man. Tilting her head, she said softly ”hello”

Expecting the embrace and nuzzle, Michael endured both, seeming to hesitate a moment before returning the hug. "Y-yes... It's b-b-been a while s-since we've t-t-talked. I m-miss s-s-seeing him everyday." Michael said softly, looking up at Prince, sure that he was blushing enough to put a tomato to shame.
@PandaBrady@Joshua Tamashii@LightningMaiden@Silver Fox@Lunarlord34

Jarvis shook his head, moving over to Amelia as she came up on deck. ”No… We’ve just gone as far as we can on the ship. The destruction on the island is bad- and the Captain doesn’t want to risk hitting anything under the water.” Jarvis explained, studying her a moment as if trying to figure out if she was okay or not. ”How are you feeling?” he asked, concerned.

Sam watched Ryu with a rather serious expression as if trying to figure out how he was doing what he was doing. She did giggle as he made the flowers appear, leaning closer and turning her gaze around his hands, as if looking for the trick. ”Magic? Or trick?” she asked curiously, reaching out for one of the flowers before she hesitated, looking up at Ryu. ”Can I?” She turned at the sound of a new voice, hesitating before she squared her shoulders, bringing her little frame up to its full height, trying to go for an intimidating sight, but that just failed and looked adorable.

She marched over to Rose, reaching out to take her hand and giving the younger girl a smile, ”Its okay… we’re together.’

Waiting patiently as Jasmine made her decision, Penny kept her senses heightened, in case the flying, deadly fish would appear. It seemed likely that it would happen at any moment… she wouldn’t be taken by surprise. Patient as Jasmine went through the options, Penny tried not to let her thoughts drift into areas she didn’t want to think on then. Finally Jasmine seemed to came to a decision, which Penny was glad off. Penny nodded at her words, but she was sure they would have to result to killing the fish to get rid of them. ”We can try to solve this peacefully, yes.” she said, giving Jasmine what she hoped was a reassuring smile.

Falling silent, Penny frowned. Finding the fish could take a while… and she didn’t even know how to begin. It could take forever, if they just searched… Where were the fish coming from? Looking about, Penny crossed her arms over her chest. ”Give me a moment.” She said, and took to the skies. She rose high in the air, not worried about Jasmine. The girl was made from stronger stuff than even Jasmine herself knew. Scanning the area beneath her, she looked over the town, and around. Narrowing her eyes slightly she lingered on small moving flecks, and deciding that they might as well start there, she dropped back down to Jasmine.

”This way.”

Chuckling at Rajah's behaviour, Ignatius watched her, the small exceed was nothing less than fiesty. He wouldn't want to be on her bad side… It was best to just keep her fed and happy. Otherwise… he didn’t let himself think on what might happen. As she grabbed one of the fish, he raised a brow watching her toy with it, amused. As she tried to eat it, Igantius watched with horror for a moment before he leaped into action, ”Rajah!” he cried, wondering how he had gotten into this position of looking after her.

”I told you i’d get you food! Don’t be eating something that could eat you too!” He said, reaching for the flying fish.

Michael tugged on Gabriel's shirt, starting off towards where he saw Prince was, the tall catman easily recognisable by said height. It almost felt like he hadn't seen Prince in a long time, but he knew that that was foolish thinking. Approaching Prince, glancing about him to see what was going on, Michael up at Prince, "H-hey."

@Joshua Tamashii@LightningMaiden@Silver Fox
I apologise, I'll get my cS done shortly!
I apologise, this week was hard. I had two tests this week, but I'll get a CS done tomorrow ^.^
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