Avatar of mattmanganon


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3 yrs ago
Current I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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5 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
5 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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@TheUnknowable Pretty much. Lorgons are known for their abrasiveness towards humans. To a Lorgon, simply stating facts and opinions as they are is societal ettiquet. Saying "You are a complete anus and these are the 47 reasons why" is perfectly acceptable in Lorgon society, whereas humans find it antagonistic. Humans and Lorgons have a mutual leaving each other alone relationship.

As for the canonical stuff... Well, that's more complicated, Lorgon's didn't actually show up in Outlaw Star, the only information on them is some notes by the creator and a brief explaintation of them at the beginning of an episode.
@rocketrobie2 I was planning on doing something similar to the Lantern idea. Since Lobo is not going to stick around after his bounty work is done (Not his style) I was thinking of trying my hand at Blue Lantern Corgi

Panku looked the woman in the eyes as her team set to work looking over his engine. Lorgon's were known for their inability to properly communicate with humans due to the vast differences in culture, as such, he wasn't about to give them any leeway. "You are wrong, human." he grunted "This ship does not use any Gamma Radiation and if it were leaking, my engineers over there," he pointed to a pair of human engineers working on a ruptured power coupling "Would have melted by now." The engineers looked up at him in horror, not having heard much of it, due to the engine noises.

"HEY BOSS, WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT US MELTING!?!?!?" one yelled to him.

"NOTHING, I'M SIMPLY INFORMING THIS HUMAN ON HER OWN INEPTITUDE!" He yelled back. They gave a thumbs-up in response. "And you only call it "Exotic" because you have no idea what it is. If you are going to help, go fix Khepri's monitor over there, it exploded from the unforseen power-surge following our Sub-Ether penetration. You can at least do that. I currently have to walk to the mess hall just to input commands and update the duty roster and that would at least save my legs." he said. "KHEPRI!!!" he yelled.

"Yes, Chief Engineer Panku." replied a deep, robotic voice. ((Think Cabal's voice))

"Give our guests access to the panels schematics." he ordered.

"As you wish. I have added a delivery of a new panel to the Technician's priority-list." replied the computer.

"Thank you." He then turned to the engineer team. "... Why are you still stood there?" he asked.

"Panku!" Gregorio stepped in. "Cool your jets. These people are here to help us, not to shit in your salad. They seem to know something, so tell them how to help and get them to do it." He could tell that Panku had done the engineering equivalent of sending children off into the corner to play with a play-tool bench.

"I am, sir. Unfortunately, I don't have time to give these people a crash course in "Munchhausen Reactor repair" and "Sub-Ether Penetration Physics" I am busy." he then walked over to a pipe and quickly wrapped a large plastic-looking bandage around it, before spraying it with something from a can. "Ease back on power to Reactor 4, this pipe was about to burst!" he called to some of the others "Looks like it's got Munchhausen particles leaking into it from one of the others. That could take time to repair. We should be able to go to Sub-Ether on only 3 reactors, but, as any idiot could tell you, 75% engine power means 25% longer penetration time. Getting out of here in a hurry will prove... Difficult..."


Malla and Lance walked with Odo through the prominade, looking around as they did so. "This place is like Blue Haven... Except really, really small..." she commented.

"Military instilation with civilian quarters... Interesting design." Lance commented. As they walked along, they saw several armed Bajoran Sercurity officers running towards Pylon 2. "May I be of assistance?" he asked Odo. "Aegisteed Enterprises are always willing to extend our hand to the local constabulary."

"Awww, but that means I gotta go meet the commander and if there's a fight-"

"Then you will have to represent our services to the best of your abilities... However lacking they may be in everywhere but..." Lance commented, dully looking down at her backside as he did so. Malla growled at him.

"You're not worth it. A proud Ctarl-Ctarl would never stoop so low as to be goaded by you." she grunted. They finally reached the lift and Lance looked to Odo again. "So?" he asked, offering his assistance in the Pylon business. Malla stepped into the lift, knowing that, no matter what, she was going to be headed to see the captain of this station.
@Grec Sorry, bud but Anarchy is Lobo's to take in. Lot's of bounties on the guy. Do whatever you like to the rest of earth, the Main Man don't give a crud, BUT THAT BOUNTY IS FOR THE LOBO!!!
@TheUnknowable Shit, knew I was forgetting something. Will get on that tomorrow.
Lobo sat in a small bar on Blograk 7, strolling through the many, many bounties he had to choose from. "Loser... Loser... Chump... Nerd... Jeez, that is one ugly fraggin' loser." he said, although, the last comment was about a large alien creature that had just walked in the bar.

"WHAT WAS THAT, WORM!?!?!?" The creature roared. Lobo just stared back at him and belched.

"I'm sorry, I believe my exact words were "Jeez, that is one ugly fraggin' loser." but I sometimes get things mixed up." he grinned his toothy grin. The creature growled and stared at him with a nuclear fury.

"I PUMMLE YOU FOR THAT!!!" it roared. Lobo held up a hand and the creature stopped. Lobo continued looking through his bounty cards.

"Well, Grolblak the Vile... Only 50,000? I thought you were worth more. aw frag... Well, I suppose I can take you in for some fun." he said. The barman looked at them.

"Gents, please take this outside." Lobo smiled in response.

"Won't need to." He walked over to the bar. "It looks kinda crummy out there." He slammed 10,000 credits on the table. "That's for fighting in here and i'll pay for all damages." he said. He was clearly twice the size of the bartender, so the man was in no position to argue. "Main Man looks out for his barkeep."

"SO YOU'S GONNA DIE IN YOUR BAR!" Lobo looked shocked for a second.

"Oh no, i'm gonna die in here!" he exclaimed in a faux-scream. Then, in almost a blur, drew his pistol and blew Grolblak's head clean off. "Yeah, but then that happened." he mumbled, going to pick up the head. He got out his phone and held it up next to his own face, taking a picture of him holding the severed head. "Goin' straight on Space-Book." he laughed. "When I can be bothered." he put his phone away and then walked out to his Space-hog with the head and the body. He got on and started looking at the cards again, when one caught his eye. "What? WHAT!?!?!" He then laughed out loud. "NO FRAGGIN' WAY!!! BLUE-BOY BIT THE DUST!!!" He then read it out. "Oooooh, somebody is gonna get it. Let's see... Damn, there are a LOT of people that want this guy... Tamaran, Thanagar, Daxam, Ungar, Argoa, OA? Oh wait, not payin'... Damn, there was a lot of people who loved mr Goodie-two-shoes..." He then stood up. "DAWG!!!" he roared. The large alien dog-like creature slowly plodded its way over to him. "Get on the fraggin' bike." the Mutt did so and Lobo revved the engine. "Right, we're gonna deliver mr Headless here, pick up the denero, then we're goin' ta get us a Superman Killer." he slowly thumbed the Red ring on his necklace... "Nah." he huffed, before the hog blasted into the air.
@TheUnknowable Honestly, I don't think the body-cam will help. I don't think "Well, your honour, I will admit that I did shoot the man twice, but it was the other guy stabbing him that did it" stands up well in a court of law.
Anarchy seems like a fun guy. Unfortunately, in killing Superman, he has just got a lot of eyes on him. 100,000 worlds want to shake his hand, another 100,000 want his head on a platter and I imagine that some of them will be willing to pay for it. Especially since there is a splendiferously attractive, muscular, powerful, lacerating, obliterating, disembowling... Obliterating son-of-a-gun to pick up said paycheck for it.

So, when Superman isn't about, looks like the world will have to call on another Super Man... A Main Man, if you would.
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