Avatar of mattmanganon


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4 yrs ago
Current I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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5 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
5 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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@Double Yeah, I left out the dumpster fire, also because that's not really Broly, the character, it's a bunch of clones of him.

Also, yeah, i do like how Vegeta grew as a character, whilst Goku regressed. To the point where "And then he got cocky and fucked it all up" which is half of Vegeta's contribution to Z, Now applies more to Goku than Vegeta.

But, you wanted to know why people like Broly, that's my 2 cents on the matter.

@Double But he was so cool... But he was SOOOO dumb... BUT HE WAS SOOOOOO COOL!!! BUT HE WAS SOOOOOOOO DUMB!!!!!
@King Cosmos If we are bringing the movies into it. I get bagsie on To getting to take out Broly, I mean, Toe is going to see Broly and be like "Holy shit, another sadistic, out of control motherfucker to fight, Yay, a toy i get to break!" It'll be some good character building for him, as one of the plans for the character is to find someone that can meet him power-to-power. I like the idea of everyone standing around like "How long can those 2 keep this up?" when they have a gut-punch contest I'll concede any other win in the series, just give me my chance to play Toe scared shitless by something that is essentially himself taken to it's most extreme form.
@Lotrix Molick
Gregory was in Hogs Heaven. The relics of wars past stood all around him. The stadium that the exhibition was taking place in was one of the largest in the earth-sphere, with the Amuro Ray memorial museum attached to the back of it. Advent was the only space colony to ever host the Olympic Games. The ZZ Gundam stood to attention at one end of the field, whilst other gundams stood around it. Through the large doors, other Gundams were being slowly marched by the staff of the museum. He walked around with a big grin on his face, taking photo's with his 3 Haro's. "Hey, Red, get a good one with me and the ZZ." He called as he finally got to the front of the que to get their pictures taken. The little robots mouth opened and a camera popped out, He picked up the other 2 Haro's and held them up. There was a click and he put them back down. He was shooed away as other people came to get their pictures taken. He continued to walk.

"AMURO! AMURO!" The green Haro chirped as a child approached it. He had already programmed the names of the Whitebase crew into his Haro's, so it came as no shock to him, but the child looked utterly shocked.

"IS THAT THE REAL ONE?!?!?" The child screached.

"Yup, found him on a trip to Earth." He lied. "I stole it from the Museum in Odessa."

"MUMMYYYY!" He ran off screaming. "MUMMY, ITS THE REAL HARO, CAN I HAVE A PICTURE?!?!?" Greg grinned as he had made someone happy.

"GREG, YOU LIE! GREG, YOU LIE!" Chirped the blue one.

"Yeah, but it keeps the kids happy." He replied to it. The childs mother saw straight through it and took the child by the hand, leading him to the rest of the family, much to the childs protest. "Well, you win some you lose some." He sighed.

"YOU LOSE A LOT." Red chirped.

"Thank you, spam-can." Greg frowned. "Remind me to take the lump hammer to you when we get home.

"REMINDER SET!" It responded. At that point, Greg noticed one of the more advanced Haro's that belonged to the museum floating around. He approached it.

"Excuse me, do you know when the Zeta Gundam will be out? It's one of my favourites." The Haro looked at him.

"The current time is 12:13pm, the Zeta is due to come onto the field at 1:00. The re-enactments involving the Zeta Gundam today are as follows: Zeta vs ZZ, 2:00. Zeta vs MKII, 3:00. Gundam Vs Zeta. 4:00" It said in a much more natural voice than Gregs primitive Haro's.

"Alright, thanks." He replied. "Come on, guys, let's... Head inside..." He stammered as he began running toward the back of the stadium, where the museum was located. The Haro's rolled after him in single file. As he entered the building, he was passed by a man and a woman in sunglasses. He held the door for them.

"Thanks." One of them mumbled as they entered into the stadium pitch. Greg gave him a strange look, but he held the door as the Haro's rolled through. He followed them into the halls and saw several engineers working on one of the RX-79's. He went through several rooms until he found the Zeta Gundam stood in it's dock. He ran over to the guard who stood next to the rappel up to the cockpit.

"Hey, Martan." He called. Martan smiled.

"Greg. And what harebrained scheme are you up to today?" He asked. Greg reached into his pocket and retreaved a small plastic box.

"I need 5 minutes in the Zeta's Cockpit." He opened the container and showed Martan the contents. "Mum's Raisin and Walnut cookies." Martan looked at them.

"You serious?" He asked.

"Oh come on." Greg huffed, throwing his arms up. "I need this for the next meet. I said i'd get some pictures of the inside of the Zeta's cockpit."

"And if those show up anywhere, then my boss knows you got past me." Martan laughed. He then put a finger on his chin. "Alright, tell you what." He whispered, taking the box of cookies. "I'm going on piss-break. In 5 minutes, i'm throwing you and the bots out into the stadium. Greg put his fist up and Martan pushed his fist into it. Martan walked away, before Greg put his foot into the rappel's harness and grabbed the rope, the Haro's little hands reached out and grabbed on as the 4 were lifted up to the cockpit. Greg had a big, cheesy smile on his face.

"Holy... Moly..." He giggled. "Guys look at it." He exclaimed "Guys, get some pictures." He said, the Haro's opened their mouths and started taking photo's. Greg leaned in and got a photo of him smiling, upside down, in front of the chair. He then turned his head up. He sat down in the pilots seat and pressed a button. The suit's systems came to life. The console flicked up between his legs. "Oh crap..." He gasped. "Quick, guys, get a picture." He then saw the camera's turn on and he could see the outside. Looking down, he saw a woman in sunglasses approach Martan.

"Excuse me, let me through." The woman said.

"Wow, hold your horses, what's going on?" he asked.

"I'm piloting the Zeta today." she said, showing him a card.

"Oh... Ok... Ummm..." Martan laughed as he scratched the back of his head. "Look, cleanup crews are still working on it, can you come back in, like, 5 minutes?" He asked. The woman looked at here watch, before pulling out a silenced pistol and shooting him 3 times in the chest. Gregory's heart stopped dead as he saw his father's friend being cut down like his life had meant nothing to the woman. He didn't know whether to scream for help or remain silent. He daren't say a word for the following moments as the world stopped dead in its tracks.

"NASTY! NASTY!" Blue piped up, immediately, a shot rang out, aimed into the cockpit of the Zeta.

"FUCK, DON'T KILL ME!!!" He screamed, his arms flailing, as if his hands would stop a bullet before it reached his face. He pushed a button and the cockpit closed. "HELP, SOMEONE, MARTAN'S BEEN SHOT!!!" He yelled, before blindly pressing buttons on the console. He hit the intercomm "HELP, SOMEONE!!!" He screamed. The woman cursed as she ran out of the room, she held her wrist to her mouth.

"All units, Code Purple, Civ has taken control of Zeta. Begin operations immediately. Repeat. Begin operation immediately." At that point, on the Stadium Pitch, the Gundams that were on display began to move. Their Verniers roaring to life and they took into the air, there was a murmer of confusion, combined with a hoorah from some of the people in the stands, hoping that the show had started early. The Gundam, 2 Gundam Mk II's (One in AEUG colours, the other in Titan's colours), the ZZ Gundam, and an RX-79 as well as a Dijeh and a Gelgoog in Char's Colours soared into the airspace of the Colony. The ZZ Transformed into flight mode whilst the RX-78 landed atop its frame with the AEUG MKII and they shot off towards the gate.

"Umm... Hello!!" Greg said, pressing the call-button on the Zeta's controls. "Umm... Mayday, mayday, we have a..." He hit his head trying to think of the correct terminology. "2-003 (Hijacking) at The airshow. Ummm... We need a... Crash-cart, at least 1... Fuck it, look, my name is Gregory St James, some psycho bitch just shot my friend. You got to send help. NOW!" He called into the comm.
To be fair, this is why i said the "Rules of Narrative" are important. Plus, even in DB, Power Levels have always been iffy. I mean, 17 was able to spar with SSGod Gokua without much problem. And considering that he wasn't strong enough to deal with Imperfect Cell and, without any clear visuals of him getting stronger somehow, managed to also go toe-to-toe with Jiren, i think it's clear that they bullshitted some numbers.

If Character X has to lose to Character Y in order to suit the narrative and make everything fun for everyone, then Character X will lose to Character Y.
@CaptainSully It's k.

The other thing that i wanted to mention to you all is that, as far as the citizens of Advent are concerned, Sector 78 is actually a warehouse district of little importance. Ships and lorries go in and out all the time, but it's mostly just an industrial zone.
@Reflection I know, hense why i designed To with an inbuilt power-cap. Can't go full power or he start trying to kill everyone. It's something that he'll manage to work past at later levels, but for now, its part of his character.

I'm a sucker for the "Character with instant power boost that makes him go nutty, later, after a lot of hard work and self-discovery, learns of power boost that is not only a lot safer but a lot more powerful." trope.
Alright, it's 1am here, i will probably add more to that opening post later, but right now, i suspect people just want to start.
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