Avatar of mattmanganon


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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5 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
5 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Most Recent Posts

@tobiax@Fish of Oblivion@Psyker Landshark

Hello, it's been a while, I know.

I realize that a considerable number of the old gang are gone from the site, Vincanity hasn't been online for 2 years and Vocalia for over half a year, but I have found myself missing this old RP.

I do want to apologize for being such a colossal fucking prick the last time I was on. Life was going no-where fast, fell into what I didn't realize at the time was a depressive state, no job, no social circle except on this site (Hense the absolutely beyond autistic freakout when you guys decided to split S5 and S11 into 2.) I realize this does not make any of the shitty things I did any better, but I just wanted you to know that I was not OK then, but I now actually have fixed those problems. I'm still a sarcastic ass, but now a far more stable sarcastic ass.

Apologies out of the way, I wanted to let you guys know that I'm going to be putting up an interest check for a second attempt at this soon. It's going to be a soft-reboot in the sense that it'll be an almost entirely new cast of player characters, taking place 11 years after that planned end of the old RP.

Naturally, I'm giving you guys priority seating, seeing how the supporting cast is gonna be made up of some of your guys old characters. If you are interested, do let me know and I will leave an @ in the Interest check, if indont hear from you, I'll assume you're not interested. I got some ideas for some fun storyline, most of them trying to fix the autistic-as-fuck edgelord-shit that I decided would be really cool a decade ago.
See, i'd love to join a Digimon RP, but i REALLY cannot GM another RP right now.
Green Lantern

Hal came to, it felt like he had fallen asleep in the shower, laying in the street with a man stood over him, his clothes soaked through from the, now pouring, rain. "Green Lantern you alright?" He asked, reaching down towards Hal's mask. Hal rolled over and gasped heavily, the rain running down the back of his head and dribbling off of his chin, he sneezed as a few water droplets had gone up into his sinuses.

"What the hell...?" He slowly struggled to his feet, the man helping him. He turned to see the man was actually John with an umbrella. "I..." There were police around, bright red and blue lights flashing through the downpour as he looked around. He shook his head.

"It's ok, take it easy and tell me everything."

"She was using weird constructs that looked like people. She was kidnapping children. Why the hell would she be doing that?" He asked. He thought back to what Sinestro had taught him about the ring colours. "Indigo is... Love?" He wracked his brain. "No, it's... Con... Com... Compassion! that's it. Why the hell would she be kidnapping children if she's now ruled by her compassion?"

"I've been asking around the victims. She's nabbed 6 more since you left me at the first ones house and we're trying to confirm a few more reports." He said. Hal stumbled a little as everything seemed so unreal right now. Like he had awoken from the most real dream he had ever had. "But i have a theory." Hal looked at him. "I know these people. They are all Holly's clients. All of them are single parents of young children." Hal nodded.

"So, she's convinced that these children would be better in her care than of their parents. So we just follow her cl-" At that point, Hal jumped in the air and rocketted away in a flash. John watched for a few seconds. Then immediately ran for his car, getting in and speeding away. Speeding through the pouring rain, Green Lantern's face was determined, he was one of Holly's clients, meaning that she would get to his house soon, if Sinestro was unprepared, he didn't want to think about what might happen. Floating high over his street, he saw the soft glow of the Indigo and a glow of gold near it. "Sinestro..." He gasped, the pouring rain pounding against him, but luckily, the green light seemed to keep him comfortable. Diving to the door, he rushed up the stairs to see Holly in the living room, with Sinestro sobbing uncontrollably as the beautiful woman he had seen in his first confrontation with her was holding Sinstro's head in her lap.

"I'M SORRY!" He sobbed. "I COULDN'T PROTECT YOU AND I COULDN'T SAVE ABIN!!!" Hal tried to rush forwards, but ran straight into a wall of Indigo energy.

"HOLD ON, GOLD, I'M COMING!!!" He yelled. a Pneumatic drill appeared and he started to drill into the wall. "I don't care who you are, my will is stronger than your compassion." He grunted. Holly approached Sinestro, her rod turning into a spear as she raised it. "GOOOOOOLD!!! SHE'S ABOUT TO KILL YOU!!!" Hal screamed. He looked around, desperately trying to figure something out. Then it hit him. he pulled the ring off and his green costume and aura disappeared. "HOLLY!!! ITS ME!!!" He screamed, waving his arms. "IM HERE!!!" He beat his fists against the wall. She turned around, the spear disappearing. "Alright... I'll go with you... But you've got to let him go..." Hal blurted out. He was visibly shaking. Holly cocked her head to the side.

"Ge Hal, decastu iesta srernt fe Arin yu Abin umtak." She said.

"I don't know what the hell you are trying to say..." Hal seethed. The Indigo wall disappeared and Holly began to approach him. A pair of constructs of beautiful, identical women that he didn't recognize began to approached him. This felt warm... Good... He was feeling sleepy...

"HOLLY!!!" Came a yell as John rushed through the door, pistol raised. "You've got to stop this."

"Nok, John Stewart. Hal tubtak shumi aha?" She waved to him.

"I don't know what the hell you have done with her, but if i have to pry that damn ring off of your fingers, i will to get her back. You are forcing her to do things she would never do." He said.

"Calanact caliou, Indigo 1 currish shmee bugraan." She stated. Indigo energy began to seep towards John, he shot at the energies, firing two rounds, before pointing it back at her.

"I can't stop you... I know i can't, but i am not going to just let you take every child you want." He said. Holly floated towards him.

"Tor lorek san, bor nakka mur,
Natromo faan tornek wot ur.
Ter Lantern ker lo Abin Sur,
Taan lek lek nok--Formorrow Sur."

She said as she approached. She smiled at him before she floated through the door, Hal now cocooned in a pod of indigo energy. Holly floated into the air and sped away. John stared at her, he wiped his nose, before running over to Sinestro.

"Come on, Gold Lantern, you need to get up." He wrapped his arms around Sinestro's chest and pulled him to his feet. Sinestro panted heavily, before staring at John.

"Did... Did Hal defeat her?" He asked.

"No, Hal's been caught. She's taking him to god-knows where. You need to help me track them down, because i've no idea what the hell is going on and you might." Sinestro wiped his nose, before looking at John.

"Alright..." Sinestro whispered. "Come with me... I'll track the Indigo energy to find where she's keeping them..." He slowly moved towards the cupboard under the stairs. Sinestro and Stewart made their way down to the lair. Stewart looked around in total awe.

"How the hell did you get all of this down here?" He asked. Sinestro looked back at him with an eyebrow raised to question if John had even looked at him. "Right... Alien..." He nodded. Sinestro walked over to the computer and sat down, beginning to punch in commands, a map of the city appeared, showing different energies that had been active.

"How long has she been at this?" He asked.

"First kidnapping was about 12:15. It's been 4 hours now." He replied.

"The sensor's are showing a hell of a lot of Indigo energy all over the city, it's a smoke screen, there's no way to track it to its source right now... This doesn't make sense. The Rings that latch onto the unworthy let go quickly. I've never seen them hold onto a host for more than 2-3 hours, but she doesn't show any sign of slowing down." Sinestro continued to type away, trying different filters to see if he could narrow down where she has been from where she is heading.

"So... What did she make you see that broke you?" John asked.

"Don't ask a question you don't want to know the answer to." He replied. Sinestro placed his face into his palms and sighed heavily.

"What?" John asked, looking at the screen, not seeing any difference.

"There's nothing i can do from here..." He groaned. "Just prepare for when she strikes next. Go after her then... I won't be fooled by those constructs again..." He seethed. John looked over to the console to see the red ring.

"You're going to need backup on this." He said, walking over to the ring.

"Don't touch that ring..." Sinestro said, raising his own and pointing it at John.

"We don't have time for this, Hal and all of those other children are in danger and this," he pointed to his gun "Isn't going to be able to cut it. I'll need something to give me a chance against her." Sinestro stared at him, before walking over to the red ring and taking it out of the containment tube. He dropped it into Johns hand. It sat there.

"It hasn't chosen you. Your heart has too little rage in it." He said. He picked up the ring and put it back in the tube. "The rings choose their wielder, not the other way around." He then turned his attention back to the computer.

Green Lantern


Everything was purple... A deep, soothing purple. That was all that existed. Hal floated in this sea of calm. "What is... Going on?" He asked no-one in particular.

"You are safe." A voice that sounded almost like Holly's said, but there was something wrong with the voice... Distorted a little. But Hal was finding it hard to assosiate the voice...

"Oh... Good..." He muttered, trying to concentrate. Everything was difficult to focus.

"Yes, safe. Now, let's rejoin the others." She said. Hal smiled as everything became clear, he walked into a wide open field, the other children were running around, screaming and laughing as they chased each other. It looked so nice here. It was nice to be with his family. He walked into the field. Little Mary ran past him, followed by Joseph.

"Wow, slow down or you'll hurt yourself." He laughed, calling after her. Hal looked around, something seemed... Off... It was probably nothing. He continued to walked through the field. He then saw Janie sat crying. That was strange, he had known this little girl his entire life and she had never cried before. He walked over to her. "Janie, what's wrong?" He asked. She sniffled back a tear.

"I miss my daddy..." She cried. Hal put an arm around her. Her daddy... What did she mean by... Hal grabbed his head as something began to hurt. "DADDY!!!!" She cried. Hal stared around,

"This... This is wrong..." He got to his feet, just in time to see Indigo energy swarm around Janie, before she was pulled to her feet. She then laughed and began to run back to the fun, as though she had never been crying to begin with. She turned back to him.

"Hal, come join us!" She called, waving. Hal looked around. at everything... This wasn't real.

"No... You go ahead." He said. He then looked down at his hand. "HOLLY!!!" He called out. "It's time to end this!" Balling his hand into a fist, he tried to summon the ring.

"I wouldn't do that if i were you..." Said the voice

"Of course you wouldn't. Because you never want to leave this fantasy..." He grunted, desperately calling to the ring. "Come on..." Indigo energy surrounded him. "COME ON!!! I WILL NOT GO DOWN WITHOUT A DAMN FIGHT!!!"

"Your will is strong, Hal... But you're not in a world where your ring can reach you... Maybe you need to feel more at home." Everything started to change.

"DON'T!!! NO!!!!!" He screamed as everything went black.

Sinestro was sat at the computer in the lair, scanning the internet for mentions of the rings. Suddenly, an light started flashing as it showed that the door bell was being rung. A camera-feed popped up showing Detective Stewart at the door. He rolled his eyes, before heading up the stairs and re-adopting his disguise. He walked over to the door and opened it. "Hello... Can i help you?" He asked. Stewart flashed his badge.

"Detective Stewart, CCPD Special Victims unit. Is Hal here?" He asked. Sinestro stared at him.

"No he's at school, but i'm his new fos-"

"The gold one..." Stewart responded. Sinestro stared at him. "Hal finds a magic ring, gets adopted by someone, doesn't run away from them and then shows up with a partner?" Sinestro looked into Stewart's eyes, seeing that there was absolutely no way to bluff his way past this.

"You're a very sharp person, come in." He said, turning around. "Of course, now that you know who i am, i can't let you live." Stewart followed him in, regardless of whether Thomas was lying or not, power like that meant that if he wanted him dead, then there was nothing John could do to stop him. They went to the living room and sat down. "Can i offer you some refreshment?" He asked.

"I'm fine, thank you. What i do need is for you to keep Hal out of this Superhero business." He said, bluntly. They locked eyes again.

"That's not possible." Sinestro responded. "He wields the Green Ring of Will. It chose him and he has accepted it. There is nothing that i can do."

"Don't give me that destiny bullshit." Stewart responded. "I don't know who you are or what planet you come from, i don't know how you treat children there, but on this planet, we keep them out of war." Sinestro looked him up and down.

"You have seen the horrors of war... I know the look of a man concerned about his child." He got up and walked to the window, staring out at the street. "My daughter is currently fighting in a war on my homeworld. Trying to keep a despot called "Arkillo" from taking my people to war against the rest of the universe." He turned to Stewart. "I understand exactly how you feel, but i accepted the fact that she was going to fight that war and there wasn't a damn thing i could do to stop her. You need to accept that about Hal. I have never seen someone so eagerly take to the ring as Hal. He's had a taste of glory and he likes it." He leaned against the window and crossed his arms. "There are two kinds of people who take to the rings. There are people like you and me, the soldiers, the ones who know how to fight and know how to kill. Men like us make great lanterns... But then there are people like Hal. The young ones, the impressionable ones with all of the imagination in the universe and a need to do what is right... Those men become legends." Stewart looked down. "I wouldn't take that ring away from him, even if i wanted to. Because he is never going to stop fighting for what he believes in. If i take that ring away, then the only difference is that he's just going to be fighting without any means of winning."

"You... You seem to have figured him out quickly." John said.

"He reminds me of my little daughter..."

"Was she also stubborn, bull-headed, completely overconfident and always right, no matter how wrong they are?" Sinestro smiled.

"It's like you've known her all her life... And she still is all of those things." They sat for a minute.

"Can you promise me you'll keep him safe?" John asked, breaking the silence. Sinestro looked up.

"If i can't, then everything i have worked for will be for nothing and none of us will live long enough to mourn him. And by the way... Call me Sinestro..."

Green Lantern


It was lunch time, Hal had come close to blowing his brains out during Math class. He found it hard to concentrate in school before, but now... It didn't even seem to matter. He was a Superhero, his job security was absolute. Maybe he should just skip out, do a little hero work. After all, he needed to act normal, and always used to skip out on school... As he was headed for the cafeteria, he slowed and then stopped, before turning around and heading for the front door. As he was about to push open, he felt himself stop and getting pulled back by his backpack.

"Wooow there squirt." Said a familiar womans voice. "Is someone planning on skipping out on lunch with his favourite girl?" She asked as she held him in place.

"Carol! Look, i was just heading out to-"

"Skip out on school? Bad boy." She grinned. At that point, the door opened and John walked through. "Uh oh, it's the po-po." Carol laughed. "Got him right here, officer." She called. Stewart approached them.

"Hal, just the man i was coming to see. Come with me, i'm going to take you for a ride." Carol starred at Hal for a second.

"Oh, wasn't being serious, but ok." She threw him into John's arms. John caught him and the two walked out together, to the squad-car.

"Get in." He called to Hal, before getting in the driver's seat. The car pulled away. "You want to get some MacDonald's?" He asked. "I mean, Horace went nuts because they were screwing him around..." They continued to drive for 5 minutes, Hal didn't say anything. "I said that we were going to talk later." There was more silence. "I talked with "Sinestro"" He said.

"So he told you?" Hal asked.

"Everything... But i want to tell you now, i'm not happy with you fighting bad guys."

"Hey, i've only faught 2 bad guys so far." He replied. They continued to drive.

"Look, i know i'm-" He started, before the radio began to chatter.

"All units, be advised, we have a 207 in progress at 29 Salsibury place. Code P."

"Need some back up?" Hal asked. Without missing a step, he pulled over.

"Not from you, get out and go back to school." He ordered. He then grabbed the radio "Detective Stewart, responding." He turned on the lights and sirens and drove away at breakneck speed. Running a few red lights and almost crashing twice, he finally reached Salsibury place and pulled his gun out and began to approach the door. He pushed it open, he could hear crying inside. He then saw a purple light flash and something ripped through the roof and shot away. He moved in, still hearing the crying of a man inside. The man rushed towards Stewart. "HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE 'EM!" He ordered. The man stopped.


"Is the assailant still here?" John asked.

"NO, SHE'S GONE!!! THAT CRAZY BITCH TOOK HER!" The man broke down onto his knee's sobbing. John grunted, holstering his gun, before pulling the radio to his lips.

"This is Stewart. Perp is 135. Send forensics and backup." He said.

"Can i be of assistance, citizen?" Asked a voice, descending through the hole in the ceiling. John looked up with fuming anger to see The Green Lantern descending. The man fell over onto his backside and began shuffling back against the wall, terrified out of his mind. "Do not be afraid, i'm The Green Lantern, protector of the innocent, champion of will." He said. John looked at the man.

"He's a superhero." The man slowly got to his feet.

"Th-th-thanks..." He gulped hard. He then looked at Hal's chest. "Is... Is Holly related to you?" He asked. Hal stopped dead. Holly was the name of his social worker. How the hell did this guy know who he was?

"Who's Holly? Did you know the perp?" John asked.

"Y... Yes, she's our social worker... My wife is in jail for drug dealing... She was just checking up on us..." He took a big snort to get rid of the snot oozing from his nose. "She was staring at... Little Mary and..." He burst into tears again. "She started speaking in tongue's, some fucking mexican shit or something... Then she started glowing purple and had... That kind of costume." Hal looked down at his own costume. He flashed his ring around the room, a green light emanating.

"Where did this happen?" He asked. The man pointed through to another room. Hal floated into the room, flashing the ring everywhere. "You say it was Purple?" He asked. The man nodded. He then floated back and motioned John to come over. He whispered in his ear "This is weird, it says there is purple energy in there... But there is no purple ring... Just Red, Green, Blue, Gold, Indigo, Star Sapphire and Orange" He looked puzzled as John stared at him.

"Indigo is purple..."

"Oh... OH SHIT!" He threw his hands over his head. "I've gotta... No..." He straightened himself as he turned back to the father. "Have no fear, i'll search out this villain. Stay sharp, Detective, i will be in touch." He then flew out through the hole in the roof, following the energy trail that the Indigo had left as it escaped. He followed it down-town to see another apartment with a woman crying inside, with a hole in the roof. Floating down, he looked at the woman. "Did a woman in purple just fly through and steal your child?" He asked. The woman nodded. "Fret not, i'll return your child, i promise!" He called. This time the trail was much fresher. He followed it to another part of the city, this time to an apartment block. He arrived just in time to see Holly floating out of 4th story of an appartment building, 3 pods of purple energy following her. "STOP!!!" He called. Holly was carrying what looked like a sleeping child in her arms. A pair of green Gattling guns appeared next to him. "DROP THE KIDS AND WALK AWAY!!!" He yelled. Holly looked at him. Her eyes were glassy and glowing purple.

"Nok, Abin Sur..." She said, her arms raised as the child floated out of her hands and a construct of a beautiful woman surrounded her before forming into a pod. Behind Holly, a man ran to the hole in the apartment with a shotgun in his hands.

"GIVE MY BABY BACK YOU BITCH!!!" He pointed it at her. Holly's head cocked to the side.

"Murkasha ivitha esticos" She said, As he pumped the shotgun, A whisp of Indigo energy floated over to him and took the form of the same beautiful woman.

"K...Katie?" He asked. The woman kissed him on the forehead and he fell asleep, the gun went off as he dropped to the floor, shattering the construct, Hal seethed as he watched this, he couldn't shoot, if he did, then she might lose concentration and then the children would fall several stories.

"GOD DAMMIT, HOLLY, LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE!!!" He yelled, before rushing forward. She cocked her head again.

"Tibellu, Abin Sur? Imshaski dostach?" She asked. Several alien women appeared to him, he constructed a large sword, slashing them as they approached him, destroying them as he rushed forwards. Finally making it to Holly, the sword changed to a baseball bat with the words "Goodnight Irene!" running down the shaft, he swung it at her, when suddenly a Staff appeared in her hands and she blocked it. "Shakshaka, Abin sur!" She seemed to be getting frustrated now, ""Tubtak shumi aha Arin?" she asked.

"LOOK, LADY, I'VE NO CLUE WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" He yelled, trying to swing the bat again and again, each swing getting easily parried by the bat.

"Hal..." A voice Hal had never heard before, but seemed oddly familiar. "Hal, don't fight it... These children are better off with the Tribe..."

"I'LL STOP FIGHTING WHEN YOU GIVE THE KIDS BACK!!!" He yelled. He summoned a boomerang and threw it off into the distance. He then summoned a second bat to keep swinging, he kept swinging, keeping her distracted, the boomerang came around the other side of the building, before Holly raised a hand and a construct dog jumped up and grabbed the boomerang in its mouth. Suddenly, a warm hand was placed on his shoulder, he turned and swung, but the bats went straight through the construct. It was a face he hadn't seen outside of his dreams. He hesitated as he tried to contemplate the face, before getting the staff to the back of his head and the world went black.

"Nok, Abin Sur"
Oh boy, i was about half way through my opening post, when i fell asleep at my computer and i don't know what i pressed during that time, but i managed to get rid of the entirety of it...
Green Lantern

Smashing their way to the control center of the weather machine, a yellow drill punched through the door and Sinestro stood, having ripped the door apart "Even with all of the damage, it still flies, can't say i'm not impressed." appoaching a control pannel, he pressed some buttons, running a diagnostic on the system. "Interesting, this machine is designed to be mostly autonomous, it would be able to stay airborn and still effecting the weather, even minimally, with 80% of it rendered inoppreable. I might hesitate to call this Weather Wizard a genius, except i'm in the room." he smiled.

"So, let's just smash 81% of it." Hal grinned, his ring glowing as a large claw appeared over his hand.

"I commend you using your ring the way it was meant to be, but i dislike your overeagerness to destroy everything in your path. Sometimes you need to slowly take thins apart piece by piece. Interesting, several have gone down already. London, Beijing, Tokyo, Metropolis... One in Gotham is going dark..." He slowed his words as he continued to type. "Hmmm, he's trying to kick me out of his systems... But now i know that he has a direct connection... And all it takes is a few little spikes... Got his location... Oh, he's in Gotham."

"Cool, let's get over there and take him out personally. First proper Supervillain fight." Hal pumped his fists.

"As tempted as i am to throw you into the deep end of this Superhero business, we do have allies around the world and we don't wish to step on their toes. So, let's give some help to our allies in Gotham..." He pressed a few more buttons. "Alright, let's get this thing shut off and go back home. You've got school tomorrow." The weather around Coast City began to go back to normal, the clouds parting and a normal California spring day appearing, the snow beginning to melt, the thunder disappearing. The only thing in the sky was the sun and a green and yellow speck shooting across the city.

Above Gotham

The ring outside of the weather machine had stopped with Superman pushing it over the Ocean, clearly getting ready to destroy it. As he did so, the machine managed to cough to life for one last push, a powerful spotlight shining over to a large building on the waterfront, as the machine was pushed, the light continued to follow that warehouse with Sinestro hoping that the Gotham heroes would figure out that Weather Wizard was hiding there.
Recently just started jonesing for a Digimon RP, but i'm already running 2 other RP's.

First World problems T.T
@nitemare shape Finished my CS.
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