Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
1 yr ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
4 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Outside Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

"...But how could someone be invisible like that?" Runa asked Klara quietly. She wasn't too familiar with the rules of magic yet. She didn't know if invisibility was relatively easy for anyone to achieve - or if it was something only a select few would be able to do. Maybe it was something really hard to pull off, allowing them to narrow down the list of people who could've been responsible. She bit her lip though, as she saw someone coming their way - her father, Balder, the God of Love. She felt a deep sense of shame, from her toes all the way up to her forehead. The idea of him being disappointed in her bothered her - something she had never thought about.

She had always worried about being a disappointment to the universe... Being worried about disappointing her father was something new. Runa hesitantly stepped forward, keeping her mouth firmly shut. She didn't have that burst of confidence she had when Heimdall came along. And if the others were right and it was somehow some love based power... Well, she doubted it would work on the God of Love. Instead, Runa elected to look down at her feet, feeling a swirl of anxiety go through her as the others started confessing.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Camp Store
Skills: N/A

Leda smiled, returning Kiera's kiss. She honestly didn't feel like she had helped that much - and she was pretty certain that they'd lose all of their supplies on the trip anyways. That tended to be how things went for demigods. Whatever they had on day one they rarely returned with - returning alive at all was an accomplishment on its own and asking for more than that was really pushing things. Leda didn't want to think about it, but there was a nonzero chance that one or both of them could die on this quest - that this would be the twilight of their romance. Greeks weren't as longed lived as Romans. Most of them didn't make it to their college years.

"Nah, 'm all set," Leda answered, shaking her head at Tammy. She was just going to grab some stuff from her cabin and call it good. Leda didn't really believe in being over prepared for anything - she barely believed in being prepared as it was. She was just going to take her trusty backpack, a change of clothes or two, and throw in the supplies that she felt she'd need. She had ambrosia and nectar anyways on hand already and didn't feel a need to pay for it. "Unless you've got some cash you're willing to part with?" Leda asked. Cash was always helpful - mortal or otherwise.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Roman Side of Camp
Skills: N/A

Nancy never actively routed for her friends to fail, but she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed with Leandra being freed from possession. She would've preferred for Leandra to somehow get free, that way she could beat her up again without looking like a sadist. She sighed as Leandra woke up, feeling a migraine coming on from her presence. "You're fucking welcome, by the way," Nancy told Leandra, before turning to look at Niah and Mads.

She also hoped that Bacchus wouldn't return for a while. He freaked her out, majorly. Every time Nancy saw him it felt like her skin was crawling. However, as Mads asked Niah if she was alright, Nancy instantly fully turned her attention to Niah. "Did that bitch do something to you? I'll stab her eyes out myself if she did," Nancy swore, instantly fiercely protective over her extremely close friend.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: a River
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa nodded slightly at Mary's question. "My mother isn't a violent goddess - she holds sway over joy and peace," she explained. She didn't think that her mother would be outraged at Mary healing a flower she had wounded. If anything, that would likely be the exact sort of penance that her mother would demand from anyone who hurt her flowers. The only person Runa had ever seen do that before was her Uncle Loki however - she had never seen her mother get so angry when he replaced some of her vibrant wildflowers with plastic ones from Midgard. She smiled slightly at the memory. Most people made the mistake of underestimating her mother.

Runa frowned though, noticing a sweeping red haze pouring into the meadow. It was barely perceptible and she wondered briefly if a Midgardian would even be able to see it at all. She reached into her bag and grabbed algiz, the protection rune and cast it. The first time, nothing happened and her eye twitched slightly. Her powers had been working fine again and now this?! Not allowing herself to give up, Runa tried again and managed to cast the protection spell over them. "I don't know if this protection spell will hold up but... We ought to try to avoid this fog, as best as we can," Runa warned her fragile Midgardian companion.

Guin Stark

Location: the Palace
Skills: Telepathy

"Yeah, probably, don't suppose SnapChat's location services work here," Guin quipped, answering Annie's question as to whether or not they should look for the others. Guin was mostly concerned at the moment with getting Pietro un-mind controlled - he unfortunately seemed to be rather susceptible to it. She turned her head, about to answer Lance's question, when Pietro blitzed on in and explained (or really, didn't explain) what had happened to him. Guin tilted her head, briefly checking his mind. "You seem fine, telepathically at least. Can't do much about your insane belief that Star Trek is better than Star Wars, but eh."

It was really too bad that they didn't have Cerebro. Unless everyone was just in the adjacent room, Guin wouldn't be able to telepathically sweep for them. Pietro was the only long distance telepathy option she had, thanks to the mental link. She frowned, hearing that Pietro didn't know where Klara was. Guin wouldn't have been shocked to find out that Klara was mind controlled too - she also seemed to be easily susceptible to it. Maybe what everyone needed was a quick seminar on how to avoid being mind controlled.

"Oh, chill, it's nice to meet you, Frigga. Do you by any chance have a way of finding people really quickly in Asgard? Like, say, the Goddess of Shipping? And the rest of our companions?" Guin asked. "We came here to save the universe, if that helps credentials wise. Also, we know Thor, obviously."

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 4:20 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Rooftop
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

"...I don't know," Veil murmured, uncertain as to what was happening. It didn't make sense to her how Stareyes' eye beam could just be stopped like that, the way it seemed to vanish. Her eyes flickered to what Tic Tac was doing (Merbavon), the way he was liquifying the roof. The roof hadn't collapsed yet, but it was sagging and probably near the breaking point. Veil threw a force field at Mebavon, hoping to knock him off the roof and break his concentration - but the force field just seemed to dissipate as soon as it touched him. "What the fuck?" Veil murmured.

The next thing she knew, gravity was pressing down on her, feeling like someone had dropped the sky on her shoulders. Veil was forced down to the ground, panting and sweating from extreme pressure, as if some invisible force was crushing her. She tried to make a force field to stop whatever it was, but she couldn't do it, she couldn't focus. She could hardly even breathe.

More asteroids then hit the roof. The asteroids missed Jack entirely. One hit Stareyes, knocking her off the roof and into a freefall towards the ground. The other crashed directly into Veil, making a gigantic hole as it pushed her down, down, and down through the several levels of the building.


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing
Skills: Mediumship

"Didn't Magneto just gift us space rocks? Maybe it's his evil twin?" Casper suggested, pretty much as useful as a wet noodle as he let James drag him along. There were more impacts coming by the second, as asteroids continued to careen towards Genosha. Casper turned his head, glancing outside a window they passed, catching a brief glimpse of some of the fighting. There seemed to be a flying person who he couldn't make out - the asteroid chucker in question. And two others?

"You could be helping! I could be helping!" Ben shouted, an odd mixture between scolding and pleading. "For once in your life, think about someone other than yourself!"

"Ben, you're making it hard to concentrate!" Casper complained, as an asteroid hit just a few feet away from the staircase he and James had been about to descend. James' reactive adaption gave him vibranium skin for the moment, allowing him to withstand the impact, but Casper the noodle was thrown backwards, going over the staircase railing. By pure dumb luck (a natural twenty, in fact), Casper managed to grab onto the railing with his hands, dangling now. The drop to the ground floor wouldn't kill him, but it would shatter several bones in his body.

"Ahhh, Ben, help!"

"Sorry, Ben's sleeping right now," Ben snapped.

"Seriously Ben? You have one job! James! Heeeeeelp!"


Location: Hellfire Bay - the Marauder
Skills: Disease Manipulation, Enhanced Accuracy

Sangre, the aquatic combatant in question, had his body temperature rapidly lowered. The villain frantically created a host of bubbles, surrounding himself with them in the hopes that they might keep his temperature from falling further and even warm him. Unfortunately, the air temperature was in the low 20 degrees Celsius, not incredibly higher than the temperature Echo had lowered Sangre down to (near freezing), so the bubble buddy strategy was mostly unsuccessful.

Sunshine gasped for air. "Thanks, dude," she told Echo, rubbing her neck slightly. She had liked bubbles before this - she never imagined that bubbles could kill. At least Echo seemed to have Bubble Boy (Sangre) under control for the moment.

Reeva Payge's voice telepathically echoed in Waverley's mind and Waverley's mind alone: "Feedback, listen carefully. If you're right, then these are the Children of the Vault. They're from an artificially accelerated temporal vault and they believe they should inherit the Earth. We'd encountered a sleeper a while back named Desiree. These things aren't mutants or humans. They will do anything they can to kill every last one of us."

"Now that's more like it!" Marrow praised, seeing the cracks in Piedra Dura that Feedback had made. She grew longer bone marrow spikes on her elbow and swung her elbow up against his stone body, just narrowly missing the cracks. Piedra swung a punch at her, but he went so wide that Marrow was able to duck easily under it. She grew bone spikes out of her knuckles, looking like Wolverine really, and punched, hitting the cracks dead on. Piedra Dura stumbled backwards, gravel gushing from the wound, but the rock-man wasn't down yet.

The first set of bombs detonated, blowing holes in the ship's hull, causing the Marauder to begin to take on water. "We need to get the little flatscan shit with the bombs!" Sunshine shouted, seeing Horadar flicker into view out of the corner of her eye. She created the most powerful disease she could think of and flung it, hitting Horadar dead on. Even though Horadar wasn't human, the effects were nauseating, and he dropped dead in moments.

"...Okay, never mind, got him!" Sunshine called out, right as Martillo went to take a swing at her with his giant hammer to avenge Horadar.


Cadena, the person wearing the electric spacesuit, raised an eyebrow at Valkyrie and her question. She seemed to debate for a moment whether or not to answer, but that changed when Zarina slashed at her, slicing through her suit. Cadena's eyes flashed with anger. This was personal now. Lightning continued to spark off of her suit and she shaped it with her hands, crafting what looked like a long chain. Cadena threw the chain at Zarina and the chain wrapped around the half Asgardian mutant, electrifying her without stopping. Any ordinary mutant would've died - it was only Zarina's Asgardian heritage that saved her.

Some of the kids who studied at the Akademos were cowering in fear - especially Rain Boy, who did NOT want to go anywhere near Cadena.

And Cadena wasn't alone. There was another girl with her, Aguja, who appeared to be some sort of energy manipulator, using her mind to throw trees and whatnot at the screaming students.

House of M...

"I hate toads," Magneto grumbled, putting on the mask that Miranda had tossed to him without argument. He figured as much as she did - his powers would help them survive. His eyes flashed with rage as he swung his arm around rapidly, metal from the collapsed House of M flying at his command. The metal encased the toad looking person, Veneno, and Magneto then clenched his fist, killing the person instantly. Veneno popped like a squashed balloon - or toad.

There was no sign of Polaris.

Terramoto went to shake the ground again, reaching down to slap the earth, but Magneto was faster. He sent metal shards flying into Terramoto's arm and Terramoto screamed in pain. Magneto threw metal shards at the last one, Olvido, only for Olvido to more or less pull an Uno reverse card - and send the metal flying at Magneto and Miranda!


Pixie, unfortunately, did not speak Latin - so she didn't know what spell they were casting. All she knew was that they were going to help protect Genosha, so she didn't seem to have any nerves or anxiety of worries about what was going on as Max glanced at her. Selene, however, frowned deeply. "Why isn't this working?" she murmured. She could feel the energy they were putting off, the way their magic was pulsing like sonar, but... It wasn't doing anything. The attackers were still there. They were still on Genosha.

The spell should've targeted all humans... So what was wrong?

"Max, any ideas?" Selene asked, since he was actually her most experienced student when it came to combative and defensive magic.

The Geneva Convention.: 10:20 A.M.

Inside the Presidential Suite...

"....Mother?" Anelle cried out, her eyes wide. She gulped slightly and tried to compose herself, but she couldn't. Empress Veranke was a monster, but she was still her mother. Almost everything the humans had done had been cruel and violent. She hadn't known that they were going to kill the Empress - she had been imagining that the Empress would be imprisoned.

"It's okay," Mar-Vell murmured, pulling Anelle into a hug. "It was the logical thing to do. She wasn't going to stop."

"You can end the war now," Captain Marvel added gently. "The throne's yours... Empress Anelle."

Raynor wasn't against the Empress having been killed - in fact, he probably would've killed the Empress himself for the way she had attacked his pregnant lover. He had the feeling that Anelle wouldn't be helped by anything he had to say, so he just remained quiet. Bonnie was wondering whether or not they had really done the right thing - if they'd really be able to end the war. Anelle seemed so fragile and naive... A part of her was worried that Anelle would simply declare war on Earth for the death of her mother. Amelia, meanwhile, was just so happy that they had completed their mission objectives - that it was over! And she got to meet loads of cool people and fly Air Force One. She was already planning on asking Jakobsen if he ever wanted to race planes together or something.

"Will you end the war, Empress?" Hill asked, perhaps having the same uncertainty Bonnie did.

"... Of course," Anelle said. "I gave you my word."

Bonnie glanced at Cass. She had a bad feeling about this.

"Well then, great job everyone, can't wait for the commemorative t-shirt," Tony said. "Let's get the hell out of here. I need a fucking cheeseburger."


"You did WHAT?!" Tony Stark screamed, flinging the door open.

It was a nice, upscale restaurant in upstate New York. For whatever reason, Professor X always insisted on this place, claiming that he could never find handicapped parking elsewhere. Everyone else suspected this was a load of bullshit, of course, as Professor X took the Blackbird to these meetings and there was no such thing as handicapped stealth jet parking. Seated at a corner booth were members of the mysterious group called the Illuminati: Doctor Stephen Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts; Professor Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men; Brian Braddock, Captain Britain; Doctor Reed Richards, Mister Fantastic; King T'Challa of Wakanda, the Black Panther. T'Challa glanced up from a bite of caviar, whereas Strange didn't even bother lifting his eyes from his tea.

"I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific, Anthony," Professor X replied pedantically. "We all do many things. For instance, this morning I brushed my teeth, although I doubt you're much interested in that."

"I performed heart surgery on a mountain troll," Strange mused.

Tony shot Strange a look. "Don't play dumb with me, I know what you all did, it's kind of hard to not notice the Hulk in the room - or the lack of one!"

Captain Britain averted his eyes. He wished that he could've excused himself to the restroom, but he was sitting in between T'Challa and Professor X, and he didn't want to squeeze on past someone in a wheelchair. It'd be a huge hassle and even more awkward than Tony confronting them over what they had done - what they had all been complicit in. The only ones who didn't look mildly uneasy with the situation were Doctor Strange, Mister Fantastic, and Professor X - all three of them bonafide assholes.

"You need to think about this logically, Tony. Banner was a risk to every person on this planet. It's for the greater good that we--" Mister Fantastic started to explain.

"That you shot him off into space?! Like he was fucking Sputnik?!" Tony interjected.

"He had plenty of opportunities to get the Hulk under control. The Hulk had already killed innocent people and no prison here could hold him. Frankly, if we were capable of it, he ought've been killed," Professor X said harshly. "I know that Banner was your friend, Tony - but if he were here, I'm sure he would understand."

"You could've asked him!" Tony snapped. "And we agreed we were NOT going to shoot him off into space! Yes, the Hulk is a monster but he's a helpful monster. Also, what's the point in having this secret boy band if you listen to the fucking cowbell player instead of the lead singer/guitarist?"

Strange glanced up from his tea. "If you're so upset, Stark, why don't you go get him instead of whining to us about it?" he asked bluntly.

"Actually, he won't be able to," Professor Xavier interjected. He put a hand to the side of his head. "Did you remember to wear your psionic dampeners today, Anthony?" he asked, before smiling ever so slightly. There was a flash of red and violet in his eyes. "It would appear not. You're going to forget all about this. Like the rest of the world, you'll assume the Hulk has wandered off and does not wish to be found. It's for the best... And you will forget you were ever a part of the Illuminati. If you try to recall the existence of this group, it will slip through your mind like water running through your fingers."

"Lastly, Anthony... If you should get between us and our interests... I am your daughter's tutor. You'd do best to remember that."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Camp Store
Skills: N/A

Leda smirked slightly as Kiera asked how they'd keep warm. It was a perfect question - and a perfect set up. "Some people bring sleeping bags anyways. But for us... We could always, I dunno, snuggle to keep warm," Leda said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders a bit. "In the name of survival and keeping hot, of course." She then winked slightly. If Kiera wanted to bring a sleeping bag, that was fine by her - she just felt like it'd probably end up being torn to pieces. There was usually something they could take shelter in anyways and worst case scenario, cuddling was always an option.

"Your backpack is rather ratty," Leda agreed, thinking for a moment. "Erm, maybe a toothbrush and toothpaste? Although I assume you have those already. I like to have them since I get super annoyed by bad breath, even if it's my own. Just makes the air taste bad, y'know?" she confessed. "Water bottle?" she then suggested. It was getting to the point where Leda felt they had the essentials and anything else now was just little extras that Kiera might find nice to have. Leda was a bit utilitarian in her attitudes about packing, not wanting to carry dead weight - but maybe Kiera wouldn't mind a little extra weight in her backpack if it meant she had more supplies.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Roman Side of Camp
Skills: N/A

"Maybe the Greek enchantments aren't as great as they claim," Nancy suggested somewhat bitterly. The Greek Camp was poorly organized and run by the god of madness, so it was pretty much emblematic of chaos and disorder - the very opposite of what Camp Jupiter and New Rome had been. It almost was like adding salt to the fresh wound, knowing that the Greek Camp was still alive and thriving, whereas New Rome had fallen. It didn't matter how much they had prepared and trained. It had all been meaningless. Apparently all they had needed to do was sing campfire songs and make S'mores. Nancy took a forceful, deep breath. She didn't need to start going into a rant about what was and wasn't fair.

Nancy's eyes flashed with anger, as she was about to give Leandra another punch - only for Madalyne to tell her to stop and even little Joanie nuzzled her. "Fine," she practically growled - again, her anger was directed at 'Leandra' not at her friends. She took a few breaths, but they didn't do anything to stop the fire inside of her. It was like trying to take a few deep breaths to extinguish the sun - it didn't work. She could dim the light slightly, but the flames continued. Her anger kept on threatening to boil over. "Aren't there some children of Pluto? We could ask one of them to come take a look at her - but I also feel like any time we spend on Leandra is wasted," Nancy confessed.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Outside Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded slightly, taking Klara's hand and getting off of the ground. She was incredibly bewildered as to what had just happened. Someone had been invisible and hiding inside of Helgi's office? Had someone else been investigating? Or was it the culprit returning to the scene of the crime? Her cheeks flushed slightly as Arnora asked, too, if she was alright - Runa had just hit the ground, she hadn't received a real injury. "I'm fine, really," she said softly. She wasn't a very loud person - her natural speaking volume was somewhere between a whisper at the library and a quiet conversation with friends late at night. Arnora then walked off and Runa glanced in her direction, seeing that Arnora was going near the elevators - and a group of people had gathered.

Runa's stomach did somersaults, seeing all of those people. She didn't like crowds before this. Now all she was thinking about was how any person in that crowd could be responsible - or even then, just dumb enough to kill someone before the magic in Valhalla was fixed. "What was that?" she asked Klara, as most of the others had gone off over to the elevators, and Runa didn't really want to go join in the crowd.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, seeing that Hansel had already gotten himself thrown out of the bar. Her estimation of his competency was rapidly decreasing with each passing minute. Wasn't he supposed to be their guide in this little adventure? And now, their other guide, Gretel, was occupied with trying to get her brother out of trouble. Megan huffed slightly. Her fingers were itching a little bit at all of this inaction. Sierra must've been feeling antsy too - that or very bold, as she had gone up to the two conspicuous figures and offered them money for passage to Atlantica.

"How much?" Megan asked, joining Sierra's conversation. "We can pay on arrival." She didn't imagine Hansel and Gretel had much money. However, she was pretty sure that one of the royals hiding in Atlantica would be able to pay. She didn't know if King Arthur and Queen Guinevere would be interested in having a relationship with her - Megan was neutral about the idea at best - but at the very least they could pay whatever bill they accumulated.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Towards Breiðablik -> a River??
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa was a little embarrassed by Edus' reassurances, her face flushing bright red. He really was supremely kind - and was quickly becoming her best friend, even though she was several years his senior. He had been consistently trying to cheer her up, even when her boyfriend didn't (from what she had gathered from watching some films on Midgard, boyfriends were notoriously bad at that, so she figured Lance was above average). "Thank you - I appreciate your counsel," she whispered back to him earnestly. He did make her feel better, embarrassment aside.

Lance then tried to reassure her as well and Runa smiled ever so slightly. She wasn't used to people on Asgard being kind to her. As much as she loved her home and was fiercely protective of it, the people here broke her heart. On Midgard, they didn't do that. It was one reason among many that she spent so much time with the X-Men. However, out of nowhere there then was a large gust of wind and the next thing she knew, she was standing near a river. She heard Mary exclaiming something nearby, but Runa's eyes were trained on the water. She had nearly drowned in this river as a child. Her brother had been so upset when he found out what had happened, when Klara had been babysitting her...

Runa knelt down for a second, scooping up some of the water with her hands and letting it escape through her fingers. She then shook her head slightly. "We're an hour's walk away from my home," she told Mary softly. "Be careful not to tread on any of my mother's flowers - they're her pride and joy," she then added. She got up from the ground and reached into her bag of runes, pulling out the one she desired by feel alone. She had a deep connection with the raidō rune - it stood for journey or ride. Runa threw the rune down at the ground and a ring of black magic emanated from it, and then stepping out of the waters were two unicorns.

Runa mounted her unicorn, before glancing at Mary. "I'm assuming you've ridden something before?"

Guin Stark

Location: Towards Breiðablik -> the Palace??
Skills: Telepathy

It's called what?? Breaklick? Guin asked, not able to understand what Pietro was saying. Yes, Thor had been around for most of her life and she did teasingly call him Uncle Thor at times, but her knowledge of Asgardian words and how to pronounce them was limited. She pretty much knew the basics - Asgard, Mjolnir, Bifrost... and that was it. She couldn't think of another important one off the top of her head. Ask your doctor about if breakellick is right for you - side affects may include dressing like a bad Shakespearean actor, she then joked. It was good to know though that she wouldn't be able to go into Runa's shiny home - Guin was pretty sure her purity had left the station a long time ago.

What's what? Guin asked, before a second later she blinked and she had been whisked off to what looked like a palace. She had read enough Percy Jackson books to know basically every god had a palace, so Guin couldn't even guess who the palace belonged to. There was one thing she could guess though - who had done this. You have five seconds to explain why you whisked me off away from the action, babe.

Uh what? came the response, actually he sounded a bit dazed when he spoke.

Why'd you run me to some random palace with Lance and Annie? Guin asked again, a pit of dread forming in her stomach. She was going to kill Edus.

I... I don't know, what just happened?

Guin's anxiety was getting worse. She didn't even answer, just closing her eyes and trying to switch places with Pietro through the mental link, but nothing happened. She could practically see Professor X out of the corner of her eye, informing her that she needed to train more. Ugh. Babe, I don't think you're in control of your body. Can you fight it?

"I think Pietro's being mind controlled - not sure by who. Guessing the same asshole who's eating realities like a Hungry Hungry Hippo."

Wait when could that have happened? And just what?

Guin forced herself to focus, pacing back and forth slightly. Come here, she said strongly, doing her best to give Pietro a forceful suggestion and hijack his brain. She had no idea if it worked or not though. She had tried more new things with her telepathy in the last 24 hours or so than she had... well, ever.

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 4:10 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Rooftop
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

Veil yawned slightly, even with the adrenaline pumping through her veins. "I wish there was coffee," she told Kristina with a slight smile, before throwing up a force field. An asteroid collided with the force field and burst into a million tiny pieces, but the impact caused Veil to slide backwards across the rooftop for a few feet. She shook her wrists out, feeling a bit overwhelmed as more asteroids just kept on coming. She could see the person throwing them - although they looked less like a person and more like a man made out of fire.

Veil threw up force fields again, trying to block the next round of asteroids - these ones were smaller, crashing harmlessly against the shield. However, in the blink of an eye, two others suddenly appeared on the rooftop, likely having been teleported to the location by someone. One looked vaguely ape like with ash grey skin and the other was bright orange, like a Tic Tac, and hardly two feet tall. The Tic Tac slapped the ground and suddenly, the structure started to go from a solid to a liquid - he was going to destroy the entire building if no one stopped him. And the other, the grey one, extended his hands and suddenly, each asteroid was hitting with increased forced, as if gravity itself had been modified.


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Mutant Underground Apartment
Skills: Mediumship

Casper had some heroic tendencies - but mostly, he had selfish tendencies. Yes, he liked this extended rent-free beach vacation and he was very amused by how everyone claimed to hate capitalism, despite the Quiet Council being comprised of die hard capitalists. But above all else, the things he loved most about Genosha were James and his family. He wasn't under any illusions that his mother needed protecting and Jackie had been avoiding him slightly, so that meant James was the last one standing.

"I'm going with you, babes," Casper said, as if it were a no-brainer. "Ben's sleeping anyways, so I can't really do anything."

"CASPER!" Ben shouted.

"Oh look at that, it's the wind," Casper mused, before falling to the ground from another sudden quake. "Really hope no one left their fine china out last night, because yikes those are becoming more frequent," Casper observed. "So which way is it to this Hellfire Manor? I can hide with all of you squishy people and tell everyone about how my boyfriend is the hottest omega level mutant around. That's your real mutation, by the way - high level sexiness."

The glass of their window then shattered, as a small fragment (roughly the size of a baseball) of an asteroid crashed on through, hitting the ground in front of them. That got Casper moving. "Let's go, babe! Before god kills us!"


Location: Hellfire Bay - the Marauder
Skills: Disease Manipulation

"Oi, I think that's your friend Veil," Marrow pointed out, nudging Sunshine in the ribs and gesturing over at Waverley. "Not sure about the others." Marrow had only met the younger mutants of the Mutant Underground - the New Mutants, if you would. She hadn't properly met the older ones yet, not due to anything malicious or anything, it just hadn't happened. They'd been busy living their best lives on the island - that and getting married.

"What? Oh, yes," Sunshine said with a giggle. She knew Marrow knew Feedback's name. Sunshine waved at the group that had portal-ed in, before continuing her sprint towards the Marauder. The Marauder was more or less a pirate ship, used by the Marauders to ferry mutants home to Genosha. There were a few other ships bringing mutants from the mainland to Genosha, but the Marauder was the most well known ship. It also happened to be the one the attackers had targeted, likely knowing that without it, Genosha would struggle to remain accessible for more mutants fleeing their countries in search of a better life.

"Hola, mutantes," a man with long black hair made entirely out of stone said. He wasn't alone. There was a fifteen foot orange giant carrying a hammer the size of Thor, a mischievous looking kid who was the spitting image of Leo Valdez from Heroes of Olympus, and a teenager who looked like he was made entirely out of water.

"Get off of my pirate ship," Marrow told the stone man, flexing her muscles and more bone spikes grew out of her body, as she charged forward. She didn't care that he was made out of stone. She figured he had a squishy spot somewhere, even if it was just in the eyes. Sunshine twisted her hands, conjuring glowing green smoke orbs of disease, and went to fling them towards the attackers - only for the aquatic man to create a bubble around her head, cutting her off from oxygen and suffocating her.

The impish boy then started popping in and out of view, teleporting all over the ship and leaving tiny devices behind - bombs. The giant with the hammer took a more simplified approach, swinging his hammer up against the mast, cracking it into two.

House of M...

The structural damage to the House of M was worse than anyone could've expected it to be - as if the earthquake was purposefully targeting the structure. Magneto was able to hold the room he was in with Moneta together through the sheer force of will. Polaris woke up to find that her room had collapsed around her and she let out a slight scream, as she threw all of the metal away from herself, only to reveal that she was more or less completely caved in. She took a few deep breaths, trying to get a sense of the damage, only to feel that all of the House of M had collapsed. And since she knew that her father's new replacement daughters were in the building, any shift to the metal could kill them.

Zarina and Andy were relatively lucky. Yes, their room would collapse around them, but they would end up being flung into the hallway together. There was light coming from the end of the hall, so as long as nothing shifted and fell on them, they'd be able to get out and go to the Akademos... hopefully.

In his room with Miranda, Magneto's face was covered in shadow by his helmet. "Whoever is responsible for this... They'll burn," he swore. He didn't ask Miranda if she was alright. He threw his hand out in front of him, as if shoving an invisible door, and metal cleared out of their way. Magneto had made a path through an outer wall, meaning Miranda and himself would be able to get outside of the structure, and hopefully find whoever was doing this.

He then started giggling like mad.

Poisonous smoke damage - everyone in the House of M will start laughing uncontrollably.


Blackstone looked more like a Roman imperial palace than it did a home. Max's portal would allow him to emerge into the central courtyard, an open green space. Various statues were scattered throughout the courtyard, some of the visages twisted in horrified expressions. The most noticeable one would be a massive statue of Medusa, her snakes frozen in a deep hiss. "Oh good, you made it!" Pixie cheered, her pink wings fluttering either from nervousness, relief, or excitement.

"Is this everyone? Good," Selene said. "Come, gather into a circle and clasp hands. I'll be guiding this spell more than I usually do in our sessions, your experience levels just aren't there yet," Selene added rather matter of factly. She took her own spot in the middle of the circle and Pixie reached out, grabbing Max's hand with her right, before grabbing the hand of someone else with her left. Everyone was circling up.

Selene didn't even wait to see if the circle had closed, just assuming that it had. "Nemo in hac insula ingredietur. Nullus homo locum hunc polluet. Locus sacer, arbor sacra, terra sacra. Solum mutant pedes in solo Genosha calcare. Maledictum est sanguini omni homini qui audeat venire. Mortis sententia in omnem hominem nocet," Selene chanted, speaking fluent Latin.

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