Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
1 yr ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
4 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: Asgardian Magic, Darkness Manipulation and Telepathy (Mind Switch)

Guin's ears were ringing slightly from the explosion that took out the wall. What Strange had proposed terrified the hell out of her - she didn't want to be corrupted by whatever Stockholm Syndrome Poster Girl version of her existed in this world. Everything that she had seen so far indicated that this world's Guin Stark was probably better off dead than alive; and that her choices were seriously fucked up. She had gotten Lance killed here after all. And apparently was with Pietro, despite him being a sadistic murderer.

Bizarrely, the entrance of the Dracula Queens or whoever they were somehow helped with Guin's panic attack. Seeing horrifying people like Pyro, who had criminally bad fashion taste for a gay man, and incredibly tall and capable women like Frenzy, who Guin noted stood at about seven feet tall with interest, was helpful. (She didn't like the way Phantazia was talking to Pietro, though. You two never dated or anything, right? she asked). The slight distraction though wasn't as helpful, as Guin ended up getting knocked to the ground by a piece of rubble.

"Okay, that was so fucking rude!" Guin complained, hopping back up to her feet, and deciding to do something potentially very stupid. She had read about Frenzy in SHIELD files before. She basically had all of the good fighting powers in one. Guin charged at Frenzy. Frenzy, somehow, didn't move out of the way. Guin made contact and body-hopped, putting Frenzy in her body, and then taking over Frenzy's for herself. "Woah, I feel like Wonder Woman..." Guin said, before instantly grabbing Nekra and flinging her around like a ragdoll, marveling in her own strength. She then let go, sending Nekra flying into Pyro. Pyro fell over like a bowling pin, although it seemed he wasn't as hurt as she would have liked.

Guin was on a roll though, so she didn't stop. She used her native power of telepathy, focusing for a moment, and managing to pinpoint where Phantazia was. She then kicked at Phantazia, grazing her rather than hitting her dead-on, but enough to make the weird woman at least stumble some.

Meanwhile, Runa was not feeling better after all of this. She was feeling more stressed. They had a limited amount of time to return home, before risking permanent alterations to personalities. She didn't want to have her Lance mixed with the Lance from this reality. If things didn't get better soon, then she figured it would be time to play her Hail Mary - something she wasn't even certain would really work, but it would be worth a shot... If her grandmother could get them home, then she had to at least try to reach out to her, see if that multiversal being was available... "Hold still," Runa told Pietro, before attempting to vanish his handcuffs. It took her two tries, basically because he kept moving around and dodging the Hulk, but she managed to make them disappear, restoring his speed to him. "Don't kill anyone on our side," she cautioned him.

She then focused on the next problem. They had an invisible opponent. Something weird was going on with Guin, Runa figured someone else could deal with that, she hadn't been paying attention to see that Guin had swapped bodies. Runa then concentrated on her magics again, before pulling a rune and casting, forcing Phantazia to become visible once again. Once she could see her opponent, Runa then blasted her with darkness, injuring her somewhat. "Strange, if you could send them to the Mirror Dimension, that would be much appreciated!"

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan knew that she was being somewhat nasty to Guinevere. She didn't mean to be harsh with her - but she didn't know how else to express what she was feeling. She didn't know these people. They didn't know her, despite them apparently believing the contrary. And they couldn't answer questions for her, when the big questions Megan had were ones she needed to decide for herself, ones she had never entertained before in her life as she had never searched for her biological parents, she had never been interested in a relationship with them. The only reason she ever would have looked for them would have been in order to get her family medical history.

She didn't want to answer Guinevere's question about what growing up was like for her. But Megan decided to do so anyways. She didn't know why she decided to share - it didn't make any sense to her, there was no logical reason for her to want to share anything with these people, these strangers. But she did anyways. "I was adopted by a pair of doctors, along with my brother, Jack. They were nice. They got me all sorts of private tutors and lessons, mostly science and fencing and the like. Rather pushy though. Enough to make a person snap. Unfortunately, I never did end up having the full mental breakdown that gets you immortalized in the overactive imaginations of kids around a campfire at summer camp as a bloodthirsty witch, telling stories about the chaos and destruction you caused... But that's life, I s'pose."

The guard talked with Sierra briefly, before telling them to wait. Megan sighed a little bit. So much of this was just waiting.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 11:40 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

The Green Lagoon / the Astral Plane...

"If someone does try talking to us, one of the others will prooobably step in and take over," David mused. "They don't come with me to the astral plane. But I'm not worried about what they're going to do. I just want to spend this time here with you," he admitted, blushing slightly as he leaned forward, pressing his nose against Harry's. "You have the most beautiful soul that I've ever seen," he whispered.

At Harry's mention of his twin, David tilted his head. "Why are you nervous?" he asked, a little confused. He didn't have a ton of dating experience. And David didn't really talk to most of his family.

The Green Lagoon...

Veil couldn't help but groan when Callie reminded her who ran the New Orleans branch - Jamie Madrox, the Multiple Man. She had met him on a few occasions and didn't much care for him. He seemed to think that he was god's gift to women, despite being painfully average looking - and for whatever reason, he managed to repeatedly get girls who were waaay out of his league. None of it made sense to her. "Are we sure we want to go to New Orleans now?" Veil joked, shaking her head slightly. "Madrox has to be the most insufferable of the cell leaders."

"Sure thing," Blob said, cracking open a beer and sliding it across the counter to Callie.

"I'll take a whiskey, neat, thanks," Veil ordered.

Blob nodded, pouring a special Genoshan whiskey vintage - all the whiskey made on Genosha was artificially aged by mutants with time-manipulation powers, allowing the perfect whiskey to be made within minutes, and taste like it had been aged for centuries. "How are you two doing?" Blob asked. "Things have been real fucked up lately."

Veil nodded. "No shit," she sighed, pushing her hair out of her face again.


Pixie's wings fluttered extra fast for a moment, as her eyes darted around, before locking in on Max down below. She almost dropped the wooden beams she had been carrying. "One sec!" Pixie shouted down to him, before putting the beams into place. She whispered a word of power and hammers began nailing the beams down, one little bit of the frame of the Akademos restored. Pixie then flew down, landing gracefully on her feet in front of him. She was wearing a pink and black version of a classic school girl's outfit - the same pink of her hair and black of her eyes.

"What's up?" Pixie asked Max. "I didn't take you as the good at construction type," Pixie then admitted, giggling a bit at him. "But if you're here to help, this place could use some style stat."

En route to the Hospital...

Casper was instantly a bit nervous as James asked if he wanted to hold their son. He couldn't even hold a cup without there being at least a fifty percent chance he would drop it and break it within seconds of picking it up. Growing up, his mother had always joked that Casper's fine motor control was exclusively for applying makeup - anything else it was a random roll of the dice as to whether or not he could do it. "Um, yeah, sure!" Casper said, as his heart was pounding. "Uh, just wondering, how, like, bad is it if you drop the baby? Not that I'm planning on dropping him, but I drop things all the time when I'm cleaning them in the sink, and a baby is heavy and wiggly and I'm just worried that I might... well, might be me and mess it up," Casper admitted.

He did, though, take little baby Daniel from James. Casper was immediately struck by how much heavier Daniel was than he had expected - he had always thought babies would be super light, like tiny little pillows, but Daniel felt more like holding a well fed cat. It took Casper a moment to get the hold correctly, but he mostly was just mimicking what James had done, hoping that it was right. "Is this good?" he asked James tentatively.

The Rebuilt House of M...

Magneto was a little bit speechless as Valkyrie summoned what appeared to be a genuine pegasus. He was used to his daughter, Wanda, bending reality to make odd things happen - but he hadn't expected this from Valkyrie at all. From what he knew, Valkyrie was a technopath with a strong sense of Norse theming. "...After we conclude this exercise, we are going to have a conversation about that, young lady."

He narrowed his eyes slightly at what Andy did - he was annoyed by it. But at the same time, proud. She must have had an excellent grasp on the science of how her powers worked to create this sort of effect. He hesitated, thinking through what to do. He didn't want them to get seriously hurt from a discharging electric field. But he needed to get this zone out of the way. "Impressive - yet potentially harmful to you and your allies," Magneto warned. He focused on the furniture the electricity was arcing between, forcing them to stay still as fixed points. The electric zone was still up, but not in danger of discharging. Simultaneously, Magneto shot the former-spoon behind him, and raised up a small swirling storm of other small metal objects, setting those whipping around in a cyclone around the spoon - his own zone of fuck you.


Blackstone was more or less on the opposite end of the island, making up part of Hellfire Bay. Selene had changed the style of the building somewhat during the rebuilding process. It was made entirely of stone now, the majority of which - at least on the outside - seemed to be obsidian. Much like Magneto had rebuilt the House of M by himself due to his control of magnetism, Selene had managed to reconstruct Blackstone due to her ability to control inorganic matter.

There didn't appear to be anyone outside, but Jack would notice that there were sigils carved into the stone - the sort of sigils that witches might use. That in itself wasn't alarming - Selene had never exactly been subtle when it came to her witchcraft, starting her own Coven here on Genosha. In his mind, Jack would be able to tell that Selene wasn't alone in there, but he wouldn't know who was with her - just that there was someone else there.

Hellfire Bay...

Renegade glanced up from her work, sweat dripping down her forehead. A lot of important things had sunk to the bottom of the waters of Hellfire Bay, and Renegade was working with a team of telekinetics to retrieve them all. Renegade was using her special power over kinetic energy to slow the water molecules to a halt, allowing the telekinetics to part the water more easily, and then simply lift up the remains (largely inorganic) from the bottom of the bay.

"Salut, cherie," Renegade greeted. She raised an eyebrow, her hands trembling as she focused on keeping the water molecules slow, but she was mainly looking at the little kid with Miranda - who seemed far more interested in what the telekinetics were up to than meeting Renegade. "C'est qui? Who is this little dear?"

"I'm Mongoose!" Mongoose blurted. "Can I go play down there?" she asked, trying to get a good look at the bottom of the bay, where water had once been - the very water Ellie and the others were working to hold back.


EARTH 257 - 8:10 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Blue

Angel's Aerie

"I don't want to hurt you, dear, but I can't allow you to do whatever it is you're all up to here. It's right shady stuff," Mr. Knight said. He had a rather posh British accent - but it strangely sounded like the British actors in old soaps, rather than someone you would actually meet going down the street in London today. "And oi, mate, wait your turn will ya?" he asked Matt, turning his head to look at him for a moment. Unlike the others present, who continued to attack and attack, Mr. Knight was holding back, waiting for Cass to either surrender or catch her breath before doing more. It was chivalrous of him - but also perhaps stupid, giving Cass an opening to try to attack.

"Hey, I'm not a damsel in distress!" Darcy complained, as Maria told her to go somewhere safe to hide. Her eyes then widened as Maria let a volley of explosive arrows fly, one of them colliding into the chunky demigod. Hercules was hit but still standing, like some sort of mythical colossus. "Uh... On the second thought, I'm going to go hide now!" Darcy said, before running off towards the back of the Aerie.

Captain America's eyes widened, looking almost morose as Oliver (accidentally) exploded his shield. Any pensive sorrow vanished though, as Oliver slashed him across the chest. He was a super soldier, but a few good hits like that could still take him down - he wasn't bulletproof or anything like that. "Son, you're going to regret that you did that," Captain America warned. Captain America shifted into a boxing stance and ran at Oliver, and threw a punch - despite Oliver's speed, Oliver wouldn't be able to dodge it (maybe he was distracted?), getting decked across the jaw. The punch must have stunned Oliver's senses, as Cap then threw an uppercut, hitting Oliver in the stomach. And then finally, Cap swung a mean cross punch, hitting Oliver in the face and actually knocking out one of Oliver's teeth.

Niah's leg seemed to understand that she was a rather vulnerable squishy nerd at the moment, and the Kree technology adapted to protect her. Niah would find herself wearing Kree battle armor, which looked suspiciously like Carol Danvers' hero suit, just in a different color scheme.

Hercules had already been bombed by Maria and then set on fire by Flynn, so he wasn't having a fantastic day. It would have been worse for others though, as Hercules had supped from Hera's magical breasts as a baby, granting him godlike strength and invulnerability. The flames wouldn't kill him like they would kill someone else. But that didn't stop the pain. Hercules choked back a scream, transforming it into merely a super loud grunt, before dropping to the ground. Even for a demigod, the best way to put out a fire was to stop, drop, and roll. He managed to put the flames on himself out (GM note - this took up his entire action for his turn, so Herc wasn't able to attack).

"You attacked us first," Luminous said, appearing right next to Sparky in a flash. Luminous put her hands around Sparky's head and her eyes glowed silver - a moment later, Sparky's eyes glowed silver as well. "Attack your friends," Luminous whispered in Sparky's mind. Sparky would feel compelled to follow this command (GM note - each round, you can roll to break free from control. DC is a 16).

"Get away from her, witch!" Raynor shouted, throwing his dagger at Luminous. Luminous' image became a blur and the next moment, she was standing behind Raynor. She grabbed his head by the hair, her eyes glowing silver again. "It'll take more than just your magic to get inside of my--" Raynor said, before his eyes turned silver and he fell still.

Inside his mind, Raynor was trapped inside of his worst memory. He stood on the burning hills of Asgard, looking up towards the sky as what looked like falling stars were on a collision course with the planet. The fields were littered with the dead, with no Valkyries to attend to them. Tears welled up in Raynor's eyes as he fell down to his knees. And he screamed in pain - he screamed for his father and his mother. He screamed for his home, for his planet, for his people.

In the real world, meanwhile, Gambit and Rogue were locked in a 2-on-1 match with the Scarlet Scarab. Rogue and the Scarab were flying around, as the Scarab managed to evade Rogue's touch and dodge Gambit's cards, all while using some fierce blades of her own. They seemed evenly matched.

Aero and Amelia were in a fight of the doppelgangers. Amelia had no idea what was going on, but Aero had attacked her first, attempting to create an air vacuum around Amelia's head to suffocate her. And Amelia wasn't going to let someone with her face take her out without a fight. The two of them were giving Avatar the Last Airbender a run for its money, fighting with creative airbending techniques, using the air to slice and cut and blow away. Of all the fights, at least theirs didn't do as much structural damage.

"I'm the real Amelia! You're not me!" Amelia insisted, charging towards Aero on an air scooter.

Aero kicked herself up into the air, gliding effortlessly right above Amelia, and then kicking her double in the back. "Liar!" Aero shouted. "I don't know what the bloody hell you think you'll accomplish here, but you aren't fooling no one, mate!"

"I could say the same to you!"

Lastly, Bonnie had used her magical transformation necklace and transformed into Greek battle armor. In her hand, she held a shield embossed with the face of the gorgon Medusa. In the back of her mind, she could hear a woman's voice. It was distant, out of focus, and Bonnie didn't know if she wanted to strain to listen to it - if that was just another effect of whatever had happened to them here. But she had heard what Hercules had called her - Pallas' avatar.

"Pallas is one of my names, yes," the voice whispered. "I took it to honor a friend."

"... Athena?" Bonnie murmured. But now wasn't the time for a lengthy conversation. She set her mind to the task of beating Luminous. She seemed to be doing classic Scarlet Witch style attacks - a difference from their world, where she preferred to lean on her speedster skill set. So, Bonnie asked herself - how would one go about beating the Scarlet Witch?

"Flynn, how did you deal with witches?" Bonnie whisper-hissed, rushing over to her husband. Are there wards we can use? Or runes?"

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: Asgardian Magic and Telepathy

Runa was beginning to feel mildly stressed, largely triggered by Lance having apparently a strong craving for narcotics and Pietro attempting to kill Annie; mostly the that, if she was being honest. Runa swirled her hand, whispering a word of power, and special enchanted handcuffs appeared on Pietro. "These should temper his speed, keep him easier to manage," Runa cautioned, stepping in front of Annie in a protective position.

She was trying to remember any stories she could recall of multiversal travel, but few came to mind. Those that did, she only knew the ailments to be sickness and the like - perhaps a few whispered rumors of alterations made to the mind and soul to closer align to the correct version of reality, but nothing proven. In every case she could think of, it was a minor inconvenience and resolved itself. However, she didn't want to just brush this off. Pietro had already tried to kill Annie. She didn't want to let her guard down and allow her friends to be hurt. "If the issue is this universe, perhaps we should relocate us to a parallel dimension - do you think the mirror dimension would be suitable?" Runa asked. "Creating distance between us and this reality, even if only slight, could be the trick to keeping the speedster from his murderous inclinations."

Meanwhile, Guin's panic attack had not been helped by what Pietro had done. "Pietro, what the fuck!!!" Guin screamed, her eyes wide as she rushed over towards him and Annie, only to not be the first person to get there to deal with the problem. Her head was pounding ever so slightly, probably from the amount of screaming Banner was doing, and her adrenaline was beginning to rise. "Annie's our friend, you can't just kill her! You're not a killer! Not here, at least - well not you you, other you sure, and House of M you, you only mercy killed before... I think. It's all getting scrambled," Guin admitted. She was having painful flashbacks to House of M, where Pietro had killed - and it was making it hard for her to think clearly.

The panic attack also wasn't helping.

But Doctor Strange suggested something was happening to their minds, and that was (supposedly) what Guin's mutant gift was perfect for dealing with. So she shut her eyes and used the telepathic link between her and Pietro, diving into his mind. She hadn't been able to tell just by looking at him if he was still going to kill. But inside his mind, Guin found it beginning to fracture, as if his violent other self was bleeding over. She bit her lip. What would Baldy do... she murmured, thinking of her mentor, Professor X, and then Guin got to work. She figured the best she could do would be to split off the murderous alter Pietro had forming, in order to keep it from influencing his personality.

And somehow, it more or less worked - Guin was able to keep the changes from happening to Pietro. She opened her eyes in the real world, her palms sweaty and clammy with fear. "I-I-I think that should do it. It was like someone else was trying to rewrite him," she explained. "Could you all stop yelling? That or give me some of whatever he's having, I feel like my heart's going to explode out of my chest..." she asked, gesturing towards the other Lance.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach
Skills: N/A

Nancy liked to think that she was pretty good at keeping her outbursts to private settings - but that really wasn't the case. She regularly lost her shit in front of the Senate when it came to Leandra; when she got angry, it was like rules and decorum just vanished. It was just her and her rage, burning with the intensity of the sun, blinding anyone who dared to look into her eyes. (Un?)fortunately, Zeke was able to match her energy and rage. Greek or Roman, they really were their father's children. "I don't give a shit about the son of Jupiter right now!" Nancy snapped. "I'm sorry if me not bending over backwards to congratulate you on leaving the closet behind offended you to your fucking core, but it's not about you and your love life right now! And my calling to be a hunter? What about your calling to be a royal kiss ass to Diana?!"

As he turned away from her, Nancy narrowed her eyes. Her heart was pounding thunderously. She honestly hadn't meant to dismiss or belittle the son of Jupiter, but now she was feeling defensive, she wasn't going to back down on this. She had drawn the line in the sand by accident and Nancy was too proud to admit otherwise. Nancy flinched as he turned back around and took her hands, and she yanked her hands out of his grip. She wasn't a touch-y feel-y sort of person on a good day. "You wanna know how to survive the Lotus Hotel?" Nancy laughed, the sort of laugh that a person who had snapped from anger or fear made. "You wanna burn the place down? It'll probably just pop back up like any other grody ass monster." She didn't think of Mads until after she had said that and she regretted it, hoping her friend wasn't listening.

"You don't survive the Lotus Hotel. It chews you up and spits you out," Nancy warned. "And by the gods, no one will ever get me to go back to that waking nightmare." She didn't acknowledge his apology. She was thinking about how she had "survived" there - that after the assault, it had been like she was wide awake but trapped, painfully aware of where she was but unable to escape. "They take over your mind. Make you think you're fucking happy, that you never want to leave. The only thing that broke that was... well... It..." Nancy was opening her mouth now, but no sound was coming out. She couldn't bring herself to say the words - to say what had happened to her - to say what had allowed her to "survive."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: the Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda shrugged slightly at Cassian's complaints about a distant parent. Most demigods didn't really have a close relationship with their parents. Leda's godly mother and her hadn't ever really spoken, just a few brief interactions - Iris was too busy, rushing from place to place. And despite Leda enjoying tending to shrines of all of the gods, she never really went out of her way to try to speak to her mother. "You see more of your Olympian parent than most do, kid," Leda said, even though there wasn't much of an age difference between the two of them. "Or you will, I s'pose. He'll come 'round again. No way Zeus is ending his punishment early."

Zeus wasn't that sort of parent.

Leda shifted her weight to her other foot. She was beginning to get a bit bored. Not many people realized this about her, but she could be a bit two-faced at times - caring on the outside, bored on the inside. This conversation just wasn't interesting to her and she wasn't really invested in how Cassian felt. "I should probably go see if they're done blathering on about things, see if my mates are ready to leave for our quest. I'll see ya when I come back - dead or alive." Leda said, before waving goodbye to Cassian and rushing off.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan didn't want to be mean to Queen Guinevere - she knew that she didn't have the easiest personality type to get along with, but she was beginning to feel annoyed rather than anxious. "No, there really isn't anything else you can answer for me. I don't know you and you don't know me. Whatever you think I mean to you, I do not - I am not the same little girl that you sent away for safety. I appreciate that you did what was best for me, but this," Megan paused, gesturing between herself and Guinevere and Arthur, "I don't remember. I don't recall my life in Camelot beyond just bits and flashes."

How could Guinevere answer anything for her, Megan pondered as she waited for the elevator to return for them. The questions Megan had left were more philosophical than factual. Were these people really her parents or were they simply DNA providers? Did she owe them anything - and did they owe her anything? Did she want to build a relationship with them - did she even want to befriend King Arthur and Queen Guinevere? Megan didn't know. She could determine the cause of death, solve a murder, but this? This she was inexperienced in.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 11:30 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

The Green Lagoon / the Astral Plane...

David giggled as Echo messed with his hair - the instant Echo tried to fix it, David's hair popped back up, refusing to do anything except stand straight up. "I love having my hair like this - I need to grow it out longer in the real world so I can do this," Legion confessed. He returned Echo's kiss, pouting ever so slightly as Echo paused for another question. He couldn't blame him though. The astral plane was exciting - the first fifty or so trips.

"In the real world, just sitting there, heads empty," David explained. "Hopefully no one's trying to talk to us.... Might be a bit weird."

The Green Lagoon...

Veil nodded - Callie was right, New Orleans wasn't a very safe place for mutants. She thought for a moment, thinking back to the Mutant Underground and trying to remember who ran the New Orleans Cell. They could be useful in this scenario, having a good idea of the local attitude towards mutants, and also knowing how to best sneak around the city without drawing too much attention. "I don't suppose you remember who was in charge of the New Orleans Underground?" Veil asked.

The name was eluding her. However, she could already see some potential candidates for this mission here at the Green Lagoon. Sunshine and Marrow were drinking together, looking rather cute; and Veil's twin brother, Echo, was sitting shockingly still with Legion. It was a little strange to see Legion here, mostly due to his reputation - an incredibly powerful yet unstable mutant. The prodigal son of Professor Xavier (aside from Casper). "A drink could be good," she then answered.

Outside the Green Lagoon...

Max had left the Green Lagoon, muttering to himself, in hopes that Ben would be there to hear him. Instead, he would notice that Jack was nearby, looking like something was going on with him. As to where Pixie might be, Max would guess that Pixie might be up at the Akademos. She tended to run with the slightly younger crowd of mutants, being roughly school age herself, so it was as safe a bet as any. He could also check the Carousel or Blackstone for her, maybe she was hanging out with people or talking with Selene about magical things.

Hellfire Manor...

Casper beamed when James said that he liked the name Elliot for a middle name for the kid - Daniel Elliot Kingston was, in Casper's opinion, an adorable name. He turned his head to tell Ben as much, only for his face to fall slightly as he remembered his friend wasn't there. For whatever reason, Ben had gone to hang out with Max, someone who couldn't even talk to him. "Ben, you thirsty slut," Casper murmured, as if his friend could hear him, wherever he and Max were.

"Okay, so hospital time, weee - you know, most movies they take the baby from the hospital, they don't bring the baby to the hospital, kinda ironic right?" Casper observed. He grinned a bit at little baby Daniel, booping the baby delicately on the nose. "He's so fucking cute - shit, sorry, agh, my bad, this not swearing thing is going to be really hard... Which way is the hospital again? I kinda never went back after I got un-Captain Popsicle-d. No idea how Captain America dealt with that for soooo long."

The Rebuilt House of M...

"Excellent form," Magneto praised. Andy's electricity had stunned him (literally), and he had managed to recover after her swift punch. He noted that she wasn't going easy on him ever, actually trying to demonstrate everything she knew. For a moment, he saw his favorite child standing there in front of him, with her long dark hair - his precious daughter, Wanda. And that would then make Zarina his other daughter, Polaris... or his least favorite child, his son Pietro.

Magneto then twitched his fingers slightly, and a spoon turned into a smooth, circular object. "This match will conclude once the two of you manage to steal this from me," he declared. The metallic sphere then shot up into the air above him, orbiting in a circular pattern about 15 feet into the air.


EARTH 257 - 8:00 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Blue

Angel's Aerie

Cass would be unable to calm Amelia down, but she would be able to fortify her mind; the desire to plot the downfall of Genosha has disappeared, for now at least. Meanwhile, Darcy was thinking more on the problem. "Maybe it has to do with the rate of the file transfer - like how you can sync locally or over a network. Maybe the local sync is faster, since we're now in the Blue where her counterpart is from... But that would mean.... Oh shit... Oh shit oh shit oh shit!" Darcy exclaimed.

"... Amelia's counterpart has to be here," Bonnie finished Darcy's thought. The same country wasn't a good enough of an explanation. She didn't have a good reason as to why Cass hadn't been completely impacted earlier, when facing her own double, besides the notion that maybe they just hadn't been in this reality long enough. But the only thing that made sense to Bonnie was that Amelia's variant had to be there, at the Aerie, somewhere they just couldn't see.


The front entrance's door was kicked down. Bonnie recognized some of the people in the group - she saw Amelia, wearing a smart white and black costume with swirling wind motifs. With her was Captain America, equipped with a jetpack, and a man Bonnie didn't recognize in a white formal suit with a moon symbol on the mask. Next to the Moon-Suit-Man was a woman with gigantic curly hair and golden wings, her costume evocative of Egyptian pharaohs. There was a man next to her, clad in what looked like Greek armor, with gigantic muscles - the jetpack strapped to his back looked almost tiny in comparison.

And lastly, someone who Bonnie had no trouble recognizing at all; someone who they had been sent here to look for - Luminous. She wore a blue and silver version of the classic Scarlet Witch costume, swirling blue orbs of energy in each of her hands. Bonnie couldn't tell if that was their world's Luminous or this world's - it was too hard to say. Physically, the two of them looked identical. And with Luminous' reality warping powers, a costume change was hardly out of the question. She could have stolen her double's place and joined... the Avengers, for some reason. Probably to hide, to trick them, Bonnie decided.

"Just like I said - abnormal energies," Luminous said, gesturing at the assembled group. "I've never seen such a singularly perfect golem replicate - much less a small army of them."

"My hair does look great, doesn't it?" Aero, the Amelia doppleganger, said, staring at her counterpart.

"Oi, mates, I have no bloody idea what's going on here, but I found myself with this lot and they started nattering on about alternate worlds and some asswipe named Doom. Think they're Genoshan spies," Amelia said, walking confidently over towards the newcomers - the Avengers, Guardians of the Blue.

"The clone talks like me, too - this is fucking nuts," Aero complained, sweeping her hand and creating a temporary wind barrier that prevented Amelia from getting much closer.

"Who the bloody hell are you calling the clone, clone?!"

"Any of your gods have insights?" Captain America asked, looking at the Egyptian woman (Scarlet Scarab), the man in the white suit (Mr Knight), and the beefcake (Hercules).

Darcy was about to turn to talk to Destiny, only to notice that Destiny and Mystique were nowhere to be seen. Folly had vanished as well. "Fucking great, cowards!" she whisper-hissed. At least Gambit and Rogue hadn't abandoned them all.

"Those two," Mr. Knight answered Captain America, gesturing at Raynor and Flynn, "are right rotten bastards and could be taught a lesson or two."

"One of them is Pallas' avatar," Hercules said.

"Look, we aren't here to fight you fucking Avengers, we're from another world, our friend is clearly losing her mind, no one is a clone, well, except you, Luminous - you are a clone," Raynor said, annoyed and stressed out of his mind. He knew that nothing was happening to him. But he couldn't deny that it seemed to be happening to everyone around them. And he was beginning to wonder about the Luminous they were facing too - was that the Luminous they had been sent to retrieve? Or just the double from this world?

"We know all about you, son. Those lies aren't going to work on us," Captain America warned, picking up his shield. "I'll ask you all to get on the ground with your hands behind your head just once."

"Ah hell nah, we ain't gonna go down without a fight!" Rogue shouted, before flying straight at Captain America and punching him in the head, knocking him backwards.

Then all hell broke loose.
In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

Jade raised an eyebrow, listening into this conversation. It felt like someone was reading off the script for a YouTube video mocking Magneto's forces. These people were almost comical to her. They were listing everything but at the same time just bickering like school children. She couldn't even tell if the emotions in their voice were real or not. It was frustratingly hard to pick up much more on them via deduction, as they just weren't giving her anything. At least, she knew that the information leak was pretty much more or less still as expected. It was hard to be totally secure when there were a million telepaths around - the only way to safely store information with telepaths was to give it to people the telepaths would never bother to psychically frisk.

She looked around the area though, trying to focus on finding a path forward. She had a feeling they were getting pretty much everything they would from these random goons - it felt like they were about to devolve into some sort of pointless argument about things. Besides, they wanted to scout a path to Magneto's base for the assault later and they still hadn't managed to fully do that.

Guinevere Stark

Guin winced slightly, as they came (well, almost) face to face with Sabretooth. He was arguably the worst of the worst left in New York City - not only a mutant supremacist, but a rapist and a murderer as well. He was irredeemable in every sense of the word. As of such, the hairs on the back of Guin's neck stood up slightly and she darted across the street to the next alley with Edus, praying to whoever was out there (Asgard, maybe?) that Sabretooth hadn't picked up their scent. There wasn't much she could do against him - a fight with Sabretooth for her was just a race against the clock, an attempt to stay alive until someone with a better power could do something. And she had no idea how her new squishy wizard friend would do.

At least the wizard had the good sense to hide behind a trash can - hopefully the scent of the garbage would keep them from being seen, er, smelled. Guin crouched down back there with Edus, making herself small. It helped that she had lost a fair bit of weight and was naturally rather petite, barely 5'3" tall. "If he catches us, we have to split up," Guin whispered to Edus. "I'll get him to follow me and you go on." Even if she didn't know what his powers were exactly capable of, his powers had more uses than hers did. And maybe she'd get lucky and manage to body hop as Sabretooth killed her, taking him down with her.

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