Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Cassandra Reed

Location: Pym Technologies - San Fransisco
Skills: Combat First-Aide

Cassandra looked towards Bonnie once she told her what to do and nodded quickly towards her friend. "Sure thing, on it." She said as she quickly started to look around, but she wasn't able to find an inhibitor for Novikova as she opened up the various drawers in the room. She eventually found the Keppra that Bonnie had mentioned, and quickly went over towards the chair that Novikova was seizing on as she quickly started to administer the medicine. Cassandra then started to try and hold Novikova's head still, she looked over towards her friend.

"I cant find an inhibitor for her, see if you can find one." Cassandra told her, as she occasionally looked around the room as the various metal tools started to shake as well. She was worried that the tools would start flying around the room and hurt some of the people in the room. Doing her best to try and keep Novikova as still as possible.

Maria Smith

Location: Pym Technologies - San Francisco
Skills: Power Absorption

Maria continued to hold Novikova's hand as she could hear the pieces of metal starting to rattle as Novikova's powers were going haywire, Cassandra was searching around for whatever medical thing that Bonnie had told her to find. Maria didn't have any clue what she could do right now other than watch her girlfriend in a lot of pain right now as well. Then Cassandra brought the medicine that she needed and administered it to Novi.

She took off her glove she knew that it was related to her powers, and seeing the pieces of metal rattling everywhere she didn't want to hurt Novikova right now. And Cass couldn't find an inhibitor around either as well, she held Novikova's hand and closed her eyes as she felt Novi's power going through her. When she stopped Maria noticed that Novikova had stopped breathing and looked over towards Bonnie. "She isn't breathing!" Maria yelled loudly.

Harry McCormick

Location: Pym Technologies - San Francisco
Skills: N/A

Harry looked at the girl for a moment as she mentioned fighting someone, he wasn't really sure who she meant as Harry looked around at those in the room again. "You got a name?" Harry asked her, as everything that was metal in the room started to shake as well, and started to worry him a little bit. Before Vision answered his question turning to look at the android for a moment, he wasn't to sure about Vision all that much yet anyway.

"Yes it's totally a joke." Harry said as he rolled his eyes a little bit before looking over at those who were in the medical area that was set up. Raynor looked like he was in the worse condition out of all of them, though he did hope that everyone would make a full medical recovery as well.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, L5 (Mess Hall)-> K5 (street)

Riley watched as people went about their evening as some were getting ready to head over to the beach for last minute prep work by the looks of it. She turned to look over at Amelia and gave her a friendly smile and nodded towards her, she didn't really have any plans right now. and she was pretty sure that their roommate wouldn't be in their apartment until most likely later in the evening after the beach party. "I wonder if they will have some kind of games over there." Riley said towards Amelia as she reached over and gently held onto her hand and gave her a slight smile.

Riley started to get quiet for a moment as she started to think about her sister, and how she was doing wherever she was right now, she had her sister's necklace around her neck which was the only thing she managed to get before Chloe died. Though she wasn't religious at all or anything Riley started to really miss everyone else she knew from Newnan and from before as well, letting out a slight sigh as she looked up at the sky for a moment as well.

Erica Monroe

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, L5 (Mess Hall) -> M6 (Outside Education Center)

"If you ever were a cheerleader I bet you'd look good wearing a skirt and holding pompoms around." Erica said jokingly towards Nigel as she watched the residents going on about their evening. She noticed that some were heading over towards the beach area, she figured that they were doing some last minute work for the party. Erica turned to look over at Nigel and gave him a slight smile and nodded towards him, she didn't mind going, they had sometime to still walk around until the party started. "Sure, why not?" Erica said as she started to follow shortly behind Nigel towards the Education Center that they had set up.

"So, would you rather teach kids or high schoolers again?" Erica asked him while looking over towards him for a moment, knowing that much about him. She stuffed her hands into her pockets as she looked around the area some more, so far this place seemed to have just about everything. She wasn't really thinking of taking any kind of classes there unless she had to do it or anything like that. "I guess you would teach Roman history or something?" Erica asked him teasingly.
@Kirah Good to move him over now. :)
@Kirah Just add a little more to the if they remember anything section, theme song, and extra info and then tag me again once it's edited. :)

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground DC Station -> On The Road
Skills: Empathy

Callie leaned herself up against the van once she had gotten it started up, seeing that the group was starting to gather now she climbed herself up into the driver's seat as Veil called shotgun. She closed the car door, she waited until everyone was in and once they were Callie started up the van and drove out from the Underground's garage and then eventually onto the main road. She looked at those within the car as they started to ask questions and turned to look at Veil as she spoke. The kid asking about killing Nazis was a little bit troubling, as she tried to use her power to get a feeling on her and try to calm her down. But it didn't happen sadly when Havok spoke up and nodded towards him.

"Sounds good to me then i'll park us in an alleyway once we are a few blocks away." She said while looking at those in the car with her and thought for a moment on the pairings. "I can take the trigger happy Nazi killer, and Magic Mike with me into the bar if you'd like." Callie suggested, they were probably the more loose canons in the group and could try and calm them both down if things ended up getting a little to dicey.

Evelyn Holder

Location: Serval Industries, Training Area
Skills: N/A

Evelyn watched Watts for a moment before he attempted to speed off, but only to fall over onto his face smirking a little bit to herself and shook her head slightly. Karma was a bitch sometimes maybe he should treat his teammates better, someone might end up tying his shoes together if he wasn't looking for a prank or payback. Watts then left the room, as Evelyn turned to look over at Bobbi who asked a pretty good question and shrugged slightly. "No one really knows, whether she put them there on purpose or not. But it's our job to take down her operation. Or at some point send us on a mission that's questionable at best and we are the scape goats. Or she runs the company into the ground and everything Snow built would be for nothing." Evelyn said. She turned to look over at Belladonna when she spoke up and nodded slightly, they would need a good plan once they get there.

"We can look over the building plans more in-depth on our way there see where they have the security planted in there." Once Watts came back and dropped off both Rogue and Gambit, Sapphire briefed them pretty much, Evelyn didn't want to stay here any longer than she really wanted to. "Take whatever weapons you need and we head out to the parking lot i'm sure they have a few company cars parked there." Evelyn said before leaving the room and started to make her way towards the parking lot to find a car to take them to the location.
@BlueSky44 He's good to move on over. :)
@Zoey White Good to move her over, and sent you 2 important things as well via PM. :)
@Zoey White Just add a small little thing Do They Remember Anything? section, they have some memories but not a whole lot however. Also missing something within the rules still for the Extra Information section. Just tag me again and i'll look her over once more.
@BleedingLover Coolio. :) Let me know if you have any questions.

@Zoey White Hi there, thanks for showing interest. :) Though on the King Arthur bit the fairytale/legend around him for the RP has been changed around a bit, taking inspiration from the show Merlin and the movie Excalibur mainly. I cant really say what is the status of all the parents, without going into details that will spoil the RP. Though being a half sibling of @Morose's character I shall leave that to the two of you to discuss.
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