Avatar of PatientBean


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Current Leveled Up Today. Level 33 :D
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It has been purchased and is downloading. Godspeed nerds
2 mos ago
So show of hands, do I buy Dragon's Dogma 2? Keeping in mind idgaf about the microtransactions as I don't intend to purchase them anyway
2 mos ago
I don't know about you all, but I kinda wanna join these Cricket RPs sprouting up. They say trusted, after all.
3 mos ago
Whoever names the wars dropped the ball on that one


Well now that I got the customary "post once" requirement out of the way....


Welcome to my safe space. Well, about as safe as one space can be, I guess. If you are here looking for something, I am very sorry to disappoint you, but I made fresh cookies! Come sit a spell.

I guess I'll do some more in-depth stuff about myself. My name is Nick and I am 33 years old living in Illinois. I am a therapist and clinical responder (which is a fancy way of saying I go out on police calls to provide mental health assistance). Been doing therapy for a few years now and I absolutely love it!

I am a gay, cisgender man. I came out last year in January (smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. Timing was always my downfall). There is still much I am learning, but I am proud and happy to be who I really am and not have to hide it anymore!

I am an avid gamer, especially roleplaying games (cue surprised and shock noises). I also enjoy writing and reading, especially mysteries. I am not new to roleplay, I promise. I have been doing it for years now in different formats. I am experienced, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I use humor as a coping mechanism for sure, but I also like laughing and enjoying myself. Life can be pretty sad and upsetting for the most part and I don't want to add to it.

Whew! That got deep!

I will be poking my nose around in spaces and hoping to jump headfirst into this. Some interests I have in terms of roleplay settings include superheroes, DnD, science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror stuffs, apocolypse, and espionage. And I am a fan of most things pop culture. If you have any suggestions or possible roleplays you think I would love, please let me know.

Otherwise, stick around! This is gonna get wild!

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Well, I didn't intend for this discussion to go that way, so thank you mods for stepping in where needed.

<Snipped quote by Crazytrini85>

>Well I can't speak for the OP, but so far as I'm concerned it's just like experiencing a different life, or just because I felt like doing it on a whim. But given how vivid and close to lucid my dreams are at times, and the amount of lives and perspectives I've had within them that are not my own thanks to the enforced plot/narratives said dreams have had, I think I'm more accustomed to exploring perspectives that are not my own or not human than most. Or at least more influenced to do so anyway. Although again, I don't write these things exclusively. I do have a preference towards writing characters of my own gender by default, but again to me that's like swapping out parts on a Lego. In the end whatever perspectives or views there are might as well be tools for me to use to further a character's development or the overall story.

Hi! OP here. I've always tended to pick female characters or create ones when applicable and I never really figured out why. I enjoy it. For roleplay purposes, it was interesting creating characters and experiencing things through their eyes, often far different than my real-life experiences, so maybe that's it. Thankfully when roleplaying I haven't had many people take issue with this, though there have been some people that have either made assumptions about me (whether correct or not) or have expressed a dislike of it, those have been few and far between. I was mainly roleplaying on MMOs in the early 2010s so maybe we have become more understanding as the years went on. I'm sure there's still little trolls and haters out there, but I haven't met any on here or in my roleplay groups.
@SleepingSilence I never thought of that but you're right. There have been games I've played where a class I liked was locked to only female characters. And the customization and armor choices for females tend to be better than the male options.
I'm glad people here (thus far) are less judging than what I've come across. As I stated, our experiences are different.
I think some healthy banter plus a clue would be nice.
@Gunther I may be poking you soon for a collab. Joe seems like a treat.
The reason why I am creating this thread and hoping to facilitate discussion is due to a recent conversation with a friend of mine. We were talking about video games and they asked me what my favorite game was. When I told them it was Dragon Age: Origins, they said they liked games where you got to create whatever character you wanted. I proceeded to say I loved games that did that and games that limit you on character type usually turned me off (unless it was super fun and interesting). When he asked me what I usually play as, I gave it some thought and said I like playing magic users and female characters. The look they gave me made me feel awkward. "You play as girls?" When given the choice, yes, I said. The conversation continued, but that look still bothers me.

Before we get into it, I want this to be a discussion, but be civil. You can disagree with someone and still be kind. Obviously we cannot control what other people say or do so if this does delve into turmoil I am happy to ask a mod to close the topic, but I would love it if we can have a nice chat about this.

I think the first time I ever felt weird about liking to play as female characters was when I played Mario kart 64 and always chose Princess Toadstool. I don't know why, I just liked her as a character. I tended to always pick her in games where she was an option. I played the other Mario games, as well as other games where you played as certain characters, but my favorites always tended to be ones where you got to choose who you wanted or, better yet, create your own character.

I mentioned that I am often turned off by games that limit your choice in character. One such example I can think of recently is Final Fantasy 15. What looks like a fantastic game turned me off as you only played as one character. Having played some of the other FF games where you played as multiple characters, this seemed odd to me. I never played it and don't intend to due to this.

Now, let's get into writing and roleplay.

I got started roleplaying in MMOs. Notably, City of Heroes, Guild Wars 2, and Tera. In these games, I played female characters. When I got into roleplay, many people assumed that, because of the character I played, I was female in real life. When I revealed I wasn't, I was met with a mix of people that didn't care and others that thought it was odd and seemed "uncomfortable" roleplaying with a guy who was playing as a girl.

I've delved into the reason why I prefer roleplaying and playing as female characters in video games or tabletop, and now in writing. One conversation I had was with someone who asked me if I was trans or wanted to be a trans woman. The answer was no. I was set in my gender identity. Another reaction was asking if I was gay. Now, obviously, I am (surprise!) but that was also a stereotype. Stereotypes are grounded on some truth for the most part, but I never felt like I preferred playing female characters because I was gay. It was just a happy accident.

Now that I am more comfortable with my sense of self, I am not bothered to let people know I prefer playing female characters (a Vampire the Masquerade game I am in assumed I was creating a male character, but when I told them I wanted to play as a female, they were super cool and inviting and I have been loving it ever since).

So what do others think? I invite people to share stories and opinions. Are people able to play who they want when creating characters for roleplays or are there some things out of bounds (a White person roleplaying another race, a straight individual roleplaying as someone gay, etc.)

Again, please be kind!

The Captain and the Companion Pt. 3

There was something about her candor that matched that pristine, angular face of hers. "Alright, I'll choose my words good and careful, then," Cal said, turning to face her from his spot leaning against the railing. Now was his chance to learn if there were any mines to be tread on.

"What does a woman like you do for a living?" Her presence aboard the China Doll told him that she worked indeed; otherwise if money weren't an object, a cargo ship mightn't live up to upper-class expectations, no matter how pretty the Firefly was.

It was the question she had been expecting. She had intended to hide what she did at first. But he had only asked what she did for work, not why she did it, not what she was hoping to find in Pelorum. So what did it hurt to open up a bit?

“I’m a Companion, though I’m sure a smart man like yourself could have put two and two together on that. Heading to Pelorum for some work, as it turns out.” She left it at that. If he wanted to know why she sought a Firefly cruiser instead of her own ship or a luxury liner, he would have to wait until his next question.

"A Companion? Now that makes more sense," he said, pulling out his silver flip case and plucking a cigarette. Mind at ease, the Captain lit his smoke as Quill asked her question. Least now the woman's demeanor made sense; a high class prostitute like her was trained to be sharp and keen, least that's what he'd heard, a workin' man like hisself never havin' met one in the flesh.

“Okay, my turn again. Let’s get into some nitty gritty stuff. You got a sweetheart? Flying can get lonely and there’s no shame in spending time with many people. But you strike me as a “lock ‘em down when you find ‘em” type.”

"Man's got needs, but I'm all set for the moment, darlin'. If I need a whore, I'll be sure to let you know."

Quill bit back a quick retort. It was not uncommon that many people assumed that those in her profession were nothing more than prostitutes. She shouldn’t expect a Firefly captain to be any different. “You made several mistakes there, Captain. First, I was not propositioning you. You couldn’t afford my services. Second, you made the brash assumption that the profession I hold is merely that of a prostitute, or whore, as you so eloquently put it. Not uncommon an opinion, I’ll grant you, but I advise you keep your mind open to other possibilities. They may surprise you. And lastly, you dodged the question with a non-answer. I’ll let it slide if it’s a touchy subject.”

"My mistake. So, why's a Companion slummin' it on a cargo ship like mine--a question I feel completely justified in asking now that I've taken your money, by the way." Cal took a drag on his cigarette, exhaling as Quill considered her answer.

“Since you asked so nicely, I’ll tell you. I’m not going to Pelorum to be a Companion. I am going for my own reasons. I trust you to accept that answer since you have not been as open with me. You took my money, as you stated, and that should be all that is required.”

The game suddenly turned less fun. “I have no further questions for you Captain. Would you mind showing me to where I will be sleeping so i can get settled and make some calls to get the rest of my stuff sorted?”

Cal chuckled, he'd struck a nerve, though which one exactly he was unsure. He'd ruffled the feathers of the beautiful woman before him with his pronouncement, but given her graceful recovery, he doubted she'd hold a grudge. His amusement reached his eyes as he tucked his hat back around his ears and continued the tour.

He showed her to the infirmary, the galley and pantry, and finally the shared showers and toilets before terminating their tour at her double bunk secured by a pocket door with a lock. Inside, there was enough space for two single beds, a bulkhead dresser, and a night stand shared between the bunks.

"This is your stop. If you need anything, let one of the crew know and we'll get your sorted. Any cargo you got coming in can be stored, and supper's at nineteen-hundred if you're keen. Welcome aboard Cassidy Quill Shao Jeh." Knowing that Quill wouldn't be taking clients while aboard, Cal bit his tongue on any further mentions of her profession, though his eye did linger on those cheek bones while he bid his farewell.

It's all good!

As for HQ, I think it would be hilarious if we were the team that were just thrown on an abandoned floor and forgotten about. But that means we can more or less make it our own. I would imagine each person added their own flourish to the space. Fynn has his gadgets and experiments, Primrose probably decked out the space with an espresso machine and accent furniture, and so on. All blended together in organized chaos.
Well I can only speak for me, but since I posted that the big clue was the fact there were witnesses, I was leaving it for someone else to wrap that up, but when no one did I figured we'd tackle it later. Plus, the actual cops might not like us poking around there just yet.

Could be we can stand to be better at communication rather than just assume stuff, I'll admit. And maybe not make passive-aggressive comments either. We all want to work together to make a good story.

The Captain and the Companion Pt. 2

Quill studied the Captain. All-in-all, he appeared exactly as written. Quill could see his gaze, stern and observing, glance over her. He was reading her like she was reading him. Two people faced with uncertainty in front of them, unsure if the other could be fully trusted or not. He said he hated secrets, but didn’t everyone have a breaking point? Did he wear his heart on his sleeve or did he conceal it in his chest for better protection?

“I don’t want to push unnecessarily, Captain, as I am thankful for you allowing me passage to where I need to go. I’m sure a man like yourself, with apparent years of experience, can understand the need to have at least some of the cards on the table. After all, how would you know when to call, raise, or fold?”

She placed her hands on her hip as the tour paused. Anyone else might have felt awkward at having caused this brief intermission, she did not. “Secrets are a necessary evil, Captain. A way of protecting yourself and others. We can wax eternal about how honesty is the best policy, but,” she gestured towards the cargo hold, the room he said she should not enter without a crew member, “I’m sure even you can appreciate the need to not let it all out in the open.”

She tilted her head to the side a bit, catching the Captain’s eyes since he made it easier now without his hat, “How about a game then? I ask you a question and you answer honestly. Then, you can ask me one and I’ll answer honestly. This is, of course, assuming the both of us are honest people.” she grinned wickedly. “Sound fair Mr. Open Book?”

Cal considered her words concerning secrets being a necessary evil. Talk like that was a sure-fire signpost for the modus operandi of a person. She weren't wrong. Ship like the China Doll had all sorts of nooks and crannies for smuggling things, and Cal found it less complicated to keep payin' passengers with pryin' eyes out of spittin' distance. "Well now, we may have a misunderstandin', darlin'. Cargo bay's a dangerous place. Lots of things could shift in transit--crush'n and maimin' if one strap snaps. It's my job to get you to Pelorum in one piece, best I can."

“Whatever you say, Captain,” Quill said with a hint of humor on her lips. While there was most likely some truth to that, she also figured it meant keeping nosy passengers out of places he didn’t want them. “As I said, no going in the cargo hold for me. Don’t see the need anyway.”

There were visible changes in the way Quill Cassidy held herself, almost like water flowing over an obstacle, she shifted her weight here, or narrowed her gaze there. The woman before him was, by all indicators in his gut, a master negotiator. In the past, when Cal had matched wits with someone like what he felt here, he'd often walked away with the short straw. When information was currency, Cal wagered, the opponents ought to match up...

He tilted his head to copy Quill. The beautiful woman before him was shoutin' all sorts of subtext through those eyes of hers. Yeah, he thought, let's dance. Way she was actin', he could stand to learn whether there was hornswogglin' on display that might bring danger to his crew. 'Course he could just send her packin' but if nothin' else, she were nice to look at while she stood there like a statue.

Cal leaned against the catwalk railing, "What's your question?" he said, considering the breadth of the term 'honest people.'

Quill knew she was playing with fire. The Captain could see this tête-à-tête as hostile and send her packing. But, if she read him right, the Captain was no pushover. He most likely had a long history of working on a Firefly and dealing with all sorts. That meant he dealt with the good, the bad, and the ugly. And if she had to put her money on anything, it was that he saw a lot more of the ugly than the good.

So she hoped he saw this as more entertainment than anything else. She meant no ill-will after all. They had kindly offered her passage.

She pretended to give it some thought, but she knew the first question she wanted to ask. “How long have you been a Captain, Captain?”

When the question finally came, Cal's eyes blinked wide. His posture relaxed, but his eye still glinted as he watched her.

"Long as I can remember," Strand parleyed. The nature of the question, though seemingly benign, pulled at the thread of a much larger lie that spanned not one, but two life spans. Captain Strand had always been at the helm of the China Doll, so it seemed, almost in perpetuity, if the length of his contracts and standing indicated anything. Having taken his namesake from the dying hands of his previous captain, Cal knew when to parry this line of questioning. "I'm older than I look," he added with a wink, which probably wasn't true, given his penchant for smoking.

Quill let the “half-answer” slide. She truly didn’t expect full honesty from a man she just met. “Well, you look good for your age. Who does your work? Would love their number when we are done here.” Her voice lilted with humor. Hopefully, the Captain was taking this conversation in stride.

“Well, your turn. Make it a good one and know I am judging harshly on what you choose to ask.”
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